Chapter 30 Second sister's skating rink

Within a few days, with the help of Chen Yuqiong, Chen Yufen found a place under Peach Blossom Mountain.It was the place where the furniture factory used to pile up wood. Later, the furniture factory became less and less profitable, and this place was abandoned. It has more than 1000 square meters, which is suitable for an ice skating rink.

After several contacts, the furniture factory agreed to rent out the site. Since it is not directly on the roadside, the rent is not expensive, only [-] a year.In fact, it's not bad, [-] is almost enough to pay half a year's wages for more than [-] people in the furniture factory.In order to ensure income, and to prevent the furniture factory from raising prices indiscriminately in the future and taking the opportunity to take back the site, Chen Kangjie asked to sign a five-year fixed contract.Under the temptation of paying two years' rent in advance for one sex, the furniture factory agreed.

The next step is the interior decoration. Regarding the interior decoration style and precautions, Chen Kangjie drew a simple hypermap according to the memory in his mind, but explained it in detail.Give it to Chen Yuqiong, and ask the eldest sister to accompany him to the provincial capital to find a capable decoration company to implement it. After all, Chen Yuqiong has already run around a few times outside, so she is more experienced. Chen Yufen just graduated and doesn't have much social experience.

Xu Guoqiang will take care of the supermarket affairs for the time being. Since the supermarket’s business has stabilized, Xu Guoqiang has not continued to work in the mine. After all, his supermarket can give the security guard a salary of [-] yuan, and he earns about [-] yuan instead. Salary, not suitable.

Chen Kangjie also called Ouyang Zhenhua to help find that new style of roller skates. Ouyang Zhenhua found them within two days. They cost 40 yuan a pair, and Chen Kangjie ordered [-] pairs.Delivery in half a month.

After Chen Yuqiong and Chen Yufen went to the provincial capital, Xu Guoqiang found some people in the local area, leveled the newly rented site, and found someone to build a shelf and build the roof according to Chen Kangjie's statement.The surroundings are supported by steel pipes, and then sealed with plywood. The roof is made of steel bars as suspension beams, and then covered with asbestos tiles.I also built a house of nearly 150 square meters with red bricks next to it, and divided it into three rooms. The big one is used as a storage place for skates, the small one in the middle is a small shop, and there is a small room on the far side. It can also accommodate two people and can be used as a dormitory for duty personnel.

A few days later, Chen Yuqiong and Chen Yufen brought a decoration team from the provincial capital, more than a dozen people, and a complete set of high-end stereos, six of which could not be bought locally, so Chen Kangjie asked them to buy them from the provincial capital.

This decoration team was sent by Zhucheng Decoration Company after Chen Yuqiong and the others negotiated with a large Zhucheng Decoration Company in the provincial capital.The whole site was contracted to them, with [-] yuan in labor and materials, and all the high-quality coffee-colored solid wood boards were used.

With enough money, these people are really not slow in their work efficiency, and all the work was completed in a week.The rest is up to you.

The people invited by Xu Guoqiang used steel pipes as guardrails around the perimeter, so that those skaters have a place to hold their hands, also for safety.The audio and spotlights are all installed in place under the operation of professionals.

Just having a venue is not enough, there is still a lack of skates, and Chen Yufen can't manage such a big skating rink by herself, so she has to find someone to help.As a result, Chen Yufen brought Chen Yuqiang from his uncle's house.

Chen Yuqiang is about the same age as Chen Yufen. After graduating from junior high school, he worked outside for two years. He came back after failing to achieve anything. He had nothing to do in the countryside. Originally, Chen Qigang wanted to get him to work as a contract worker in the mine, but before he even went, he was pulled by Chen Yufen. coming.

In addition to Chen Yuqiang, four people were recruited.The two girls are children of the mine, and they heard that Chen Yufen planned to ask for someone. They hadn't been able to enter Chen Yuqiong's supermarket before, so Mao recommended himself to work in Chen Yufen's skating rink.There are two other boys who were introduced by Xiao Wenxing. They used to hang out on the street and grew up with Xiao Wenxing. Xiao Wenxing's income from Chen Yuqiong's place was good, and the work was not tiring. It's just that the supermarket doesn't need so many security guards. The two young talents failed to work with him.Now Chen Yufen also wants to recruit two security guards, so he strongly recommends these two security guards.Opening an ice skating rink on the side of the street, all kinds of people will come, and some gangsters may cause trouble. With these two guys who have been on the street for many years, they can also shock many people.

Chen Kangjie's philosophy is that the problems that can be solved with money are not big problems. As long as they are useful, no matter what they used to do, they can be raised with high salaries.Besides, if we can provide an employment opportunity and let them have a normal way of working, it will also reduce the unstable factors for the society.

The opening time was set on August [-]th, and the [-] pairs of skates that Chen Kangjie ordered arrived on August [-]th.The skating rink is named Xinxing skating rink, which is Chen Yufen's own name, which may imply that the skating rink is a new type and the business will be very prosperous.

According to Chen Yuqiong's previous habit and experience of opening a supermarket, Chen Kangjie wrote more than ten big-character posters: The price of Xinxing Skating Rink is set at [-] cents an hour. Send an ice cream.Moreover, Chen Kangjie also described the special features of the emerging skating rink in tempting language, so that many people came to watch the venue on August [-]th. The supporting package is full of praise.

In fact, if the skating rink created by Chen Kangjie is placed six or seven years later, it will be very ordinary. Because of the time difference, it will look very different, fashionable and outstanding.

August NO.14, the plan is to open at 09:30, but since it is the summer vacation, students are not in class, and there are no cram schools that are "messy" in later generations, so many people will start to line up at [-]:[-] Yes, after all, there are only two hundred pairs of skates, and they are still half price. It is a great deal, and I am afraid that it will not be my turn if it is too late.There is no way, these people can't be surrounded, Chen Yufen can only advance the business hours to [-]:[-].

As soon as 09:30 arrived, the most popular and dynamic disco music was played in the Xinxing Ice Rink, and the two big laser lights on the roof also flickered, and those in the front line cheered and ran to change their shoes Quickly choose a pair of skates in your own size. The outer shoulders of the skates are still made of leather, and the colors are red, yellow, blue, and green, which makes people feel very fashionable and cool.

When we got to the venue, we had more fun. Everyone seemed to be not afraid of falling. Not only would the pants not be torn or dirty, but it didn’t hurt much.Soon someone discovered that there were grooves and slopes next to the field. At the beginning, everyone was afraid to try it. After all, they had never skied on such a strange field. It’s undeniable that soon some people with mediocre skills will also try to “have a good time”. These uneven grooves and slopes give everyone a feeling of “show”. For those with good skills, it will bring a little Psychological satisfaction is also a direction for people with ordinary skills.

It was only ten past ten, and all the [-] pairs of skates were rented out. There were [-] pairs that were rented for more than two hours, and some of them were not rented for two hours.As a result, more than half of the two hundred ice creams in the freezer were lost, so Chen Yuqiong had to quickly find a tricycle to go to the popsicle factory to pull ice cream.

After 10:30, there was a large circle of people around the skating rink, and most of them were waiting. Once someone finished, someone would replace them immediately, and the supply was in short supply.Chen Yufen also wanted to buy more skates, but Chen Kangjie refused without hesitation. It would be too crowded to add skates to such a large venue, which would be counterproductive.And it was so popular on the first day, it was due to the half-price promotion in addition to the freshness, and the ice cream was also given as a gift, who wouldn't want to try it, and the popularity will drop a lot after the reply of [-] cents for an hour.

On the first day of opening, from 09:30 in the morning to 10:30 in the evening, at half price, the income exceeded 600 yuan.According to this momentum, after returning to the price of [-] cents for an hour, even if the flow of people is reduced by half, the cost can be recovered in almost half a year.Chen Yufen sighed: "Hey, it's really profitable to do a novel unique business, and this younger brother is indeed a boy who spreads money."

The most depressing person on this day is probably the owner of the ice skating rink on Taohuashan. It is said that he didn’t have any customers on August 14 there. During the summer vacation, it is estimated that it would be difficult for him not to be depressed.

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