rebirth of change

Chapter 300 You Are the Bad Guy

Chapter [-] You Are the Bad Guy

Fan Xuexi's Mandarin is very standard, and her voice is very crisp and pleasant. Coupled with such a lovely face, it is very sweet and attractive.It's a pity that her voice is too low, and she still can't let go.

Seeing this new beautiful and cute little girl standing on the podium, most of the students really stopped, intending to listen to what she had to say, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, Fan Xuexi didn't say anything, and everyone continued.

In fact, Fan Xuexi had already finished speaking, but except for some students in the two rows on both sides, no one heard clearly at all, and the group of people in the original class behind Chen Kangjie and the others didn't hear anything.

Now Fan Xuexi is embarrassing, quite angry and wronged, these people don't give him face as the former deputy squad leader (the problem is that no one knows that she was once the deputy squad leader except the ghost), but Fan Xuexi is a proud girl , won’t give up easily, how can this group of guys be so presumptuous, so he suddenly mustered up the courage to show the style of being the deputy squad leader before, and slapped loudly three times with his delicate palm on the lecture table .

"Stop making noise, why don't you just be quiet? You're all middle school students, and you're still so unruly," Fan Xuexi yelled loudly with a stern face.

Now all the students heard her voice, but the first reaction of most of them was, "This chick is quite hot", everyone stopped talking and acting, and stared at Fan Xuexi with a look of excitement.

"Hmph, you're only a middle school student on your first day, why are you dragging?" a male student in the front row muttered in a low voice.

"That's right, who do you really think you are, what about Xi Chong?" Another discordant voice followed up, but it was the voice of a girl in the middle, the one whose seat was occupied by Fan Xuexi.

Every time she heard a harsh teasing sound, Fan Xuexi's face became darker, and the sense of grievance in her heart deepened.

"Our boss didn't say a word, you little girl is acting so brave," Yang Cong said to Fan Xuexi who was on the podium.

In fact, Yang Cong didn't really dislike Fan Xuexi at all, the main reason was that he felt that the naughty ghost was too domineering to his boss, and he was too partial to Fan Xuexi, so he loved the house and black.

Yang Cong's words were not particularly loud, but they were not small, anyway, most of the students could hear them.No matter how imposing Fan Xuexi was, no matter how proud she was, she was still a little girl after all, she couldn't stand the pressure from everyone, the crystals in her eyes slowly piled up, and finally overflowed, she turned around, covered her nose with her sleeves and ran out of the classroom.

"You can't talk less, it will suffocate you?" Chen Kangjie stood up, poked Yang Cong's head, and walked out of the classroom.

After Fan Xuexi ran out of the classroom, she leaned against the basketball hoop outside the classroom and began to cry convulsively. She was very sad and hated this place and the people who hated this place. She really wanted to go back to Shengjing. She felt that there was no one here. I like her, but I have no friends...

No matter what Chen Kangjie said, he was a mature man. Seeing such a delicate girl being bullied like this, he couldn't ignore it. If he didn't say anything else, at least he had to bear half of the responsibility if he didn't want to be at the same table with her today. They are classmates again.

Chen Kangjie approached Fan Xuexi slowly, took out a tissue from his body and handed it to her, "Well, Fan...Student Fan Xuexi, I'm sorry, but everyone is not targeting you."

Chen Kangjie comforted this kind of little girl because she really didn't have much experience, and he would definitely be much more comfortable with grown women.

"Go away, I don't care about you." Fan Xuexi cried even louder. He didn't look up, and he didn't see the tissue in Chen Kangjie's hand at all.

Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassing she was, she couldn't just cry in the playground by herself.

"Are you from the north? In fact, we are all very hospitable, children, just a little naughty. After a long time, you will like them, and they will like you. Didn't you just say that you are a middle school student?" Well, you are crying in the 'playground' like this, how much it affects your image!" Chen Kangjie said slowly again, holding the tissue in his hand in front of Fan Xuexi's forehead.

"You're a bad guy." Fan Xuexi didn't know what Chen Kangjie said to stimulate her, she yelled and raised her head, only to see the tissue that Chen Kangjie held up in front of him with a smile.

Hey, a rain falling on the pear blossoms turned a delicate and glamorous little girl into a little cat, this is what Chen Kangjie was thinking at this moment.

"Why am I a bad person? I didn't do anything bad." Chen Kangjie felt that he was wronged, and he defended a few words with a wry smile.

"You don't respect the teacher, you are mischievous, you...why don't you want to sit at the same table with me?" The first two sentences sounded like that, but the latter sentence always felt weird, and Chen Kangjie couldn't help it for a while. I don't know the answer.

"This, this, I didn't disrespect the teacher, and it's not that I didn't want to sit at the same table with you, that, I'm just not used to sitting in front, hey, you don't understand," Chen Kangjie stammered.

"You understand why I don't understand, hum", Fan Xuexi probably stopped crying because someone talked to him, and vigorously pulled the tissue in Chen Kangjie's hand to wipe his face.

Chen Kangjie could only slander, "I don't know why you don't understand. I have graduated from college long ago, and I still have sex with girls. Can you understand you?"

I think I can think that way, but Chen Kangjie can't say that, "We are classmates now, and you will gradually understand in the future. Are you just here at Liuzhi? No friends?" Chen Kangjie comforted her with a wry smile, and finally asked tentatively.

After the construction of the six free semiconductor companies, Chen Kangjie knew that his subordinates would have children who would go to various primary and secondary schools. When chatting with his father Chen Qigang, Chen Qigang mentioned that he did not have these details as to how many people there would be and which school they would go to. Why do you care, so Chen Kangjie judged from Fan Xuexi's clothing and language that she might be the child of one of his subordinates, so he asked.

"I want you to take care of it, hum", Fan Xuexi threw the tissue that wiped away her tears to Chen Kangjie, turned around and walked back to the classroom.

Chen Kangjie paused for a moment, picked up the tissue on the ground with a wry smile, and threw it into the trash can aside.

Fan Xuexi walked back, only to see a few little heads protruding from the door of the classroom to watch the excitement, she blushed a little shyly, those little heads retracted their heads when they saw Fan Xuexi walking back.

Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi had just returned to the classroom and sat down at their respective positions. Gui Nancan came back with four coolie students sweating profusely carrying a few large books, including Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, history, geography and other textbooks.

When distributing new textbooks to the students, Fan Xuexi, who came up to the podium to receive the textbooks, found that she had cried, and immediately became angry.

"Fan Xuexi, whoever bullied you has turned against the sky, tell me, and I will deal with him immediately," Gui Nancan said, looking at Chen Kangjie with his eyes.

Chen Kangjie didn't do anything wrong, so of course he dealt with it calmly.

Fan Xuexi didn't say anything, just shook her head, and returned to her seat with her textbook in her arms.

This made it even more certain that Chen Kangjie, a mischievous kid, bullied Fan Xuexi. He was determined to squeeze Chen Kangjie away, but the charming Fan Xuexi didn't say anything. , All the students sent it out, but Chen Kangjie didn't send it.

Chen Kangjie was dispensable to those textbooks at all, and at most he just took them home and put them away. Anyway, he had a complete set of those textbooks in his mind, so Chen Kangjie didn't think about the little trick about ghosts. disobedient.

It's just that things have developed a bit beyond the expectations of Ghost Nugget.

"Next, let me designate the monitor and deputy monitor of our office. The class representatives of each subject will be determined after the first monthly exam. Student Fan Xuexi will be the monitor of Class [-] and Class [-] of junior high school. , you have to assist Fan Xuexi to manage our class well." After distributing the textbooks, Ghost Difficult quickly appointed the chief officer of Class [-] and Class [-] of junior high school.

Originally, it was planned to have Chen Kangjie as the monitor, Fan Xuexi as the deputy monitor, and Liu Mingjian as a class representative. Now Chen Kangjie is naturally excluded by him, so Fan Xuexi will naturally become the monitor, and that Liu Mingjian will naturally be promoted to be the class representative. Vice monitor.

Liu Mingjian's academic performance is average, and he is even a bit mischievous, but his father is a deputy director of the district finance bureau, and his troublesome wife happens to work in the finance bureau, so Liu Mingjian, who can't be the deputy squad leader, is a matter of course. .

When Liu Mingjian heard that he was the deputy squad leader, he smiled brightly and looked triumphant. This reminded Chen Kangjie of someone, that is, Wang Xueping, the deputy squad leader he had offended on the first day he came back.

"Teacher Gui, I will definitely help Fan Xuexi well," Liu Mingjian said flatteringly.

Hey, this guy can't even speak. As a deputy, why should he say "assist" instead of "help", and the ghost can only nod with a wry smile at this half-baked deputy squad leader.

Fan Xuexi didn't refuse her appointment as class monitor, nor was she happy. She doesn't care about it now. What she thinks about is how to persuade her parents to let her go back to Shengjing to go to school. She doesn't like it very much.

After finishing these matters, Ghost Difficult posted a schedule on the wall near the door of the classroom, and asked the students to copy it down by themselves. Today's class will be over. Everyone will go back to prepare, and tomorrow will be truly complete. In class, if the ghost is difficult, I have to go to Principal Cao to solve Chen Kangjie as soon as possible.

But the result he got was that Chen Kangjie didn't move, but he moved. He was adjusted to be the head teacher of the first class of junior high school, and the head teacher of the first class of junior high school was adjusted to be the head teacher of the third class of junior high school.

"Ms. Gui, Class One is the best class in our school. I have discussed with Principal Ma, Principal Peng, and Director Nie from the Academic Affairs Office, and asked you to be the head teacher of this class. You have to bring us a Excellent classes come out, this is the school's attention and trust in you," Principal Cao said to Gui Nancan.

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