rebirth of change

Chapter 302 He is higher level than me

Chapter [-] His level is higher than mine

Ever since Chen Kangjie called to stop Fan Xuexi, the group of classmates stopped chattering, but watched how Chen Kangjie "spotted" this unsociable little beauty. The boys admired Chen Kangjie, and the girls fought for Deng Min. They felt that Chen Kangjie was too carefree. , I just hugged Deng Min in the morning, and now I'm going to have sex with Fan Xuexi again.

In fact, they wronged Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie just felt that he came to school alone and had no friends, so it was entirely out of the friendship between classmates and friends. In addition, he was run over and cried by his classmates in class just now, so he extended his friendship. hand.

When Chen Kangjie was coaxing Fan Xuexi on the playground, he asked Fan Xuexi if he just came here. From her sentence "Don't worry about it", combined with Fan Xuexi's Mandarin and cultivated temperament, Chen Kangjie boldly judged that this female doll is his subordinate With this kind of relationship, Chen Kangjie can't let the children of his subordinates have an unhappy life here and affect his career progress.

Although Fan Xuexi said that she was not very willing on the surface, but under Chen Kangjie's support and push, she followed along halfway.

She has been here for six and a half months, and has never met a child of the same age. Her mother, Han Yumeng, was away on a business trip a week ago, and her father is very busy, so Fan Xuexi spends most of her time at home reading and watching TV. There is a child of the same age. If she is willing to talk to her, she is still very willing in her heart, even a child can't hold back.


Just as Chen Kangjie walked over to talk to Fan Xuexi, Fan Mark's imported Buick just happened to drive over.

"That's my daughter," Fan Wentai said to Fan Mark, pointing to Fan Xuexi who was facing them, and then he planned to open the door and get out of the car.

"Wait a minute", Fan Ma Ke hurriedly pulled Fan Wentai back, "Is that girl who is talking to...that girl in suspenders and a backpack your daughter?" Fan Ma Ke originally wanted to say, "The one who is talking to Consultant Chen is Your daughter?", but then realized that Fan Wentai didn't know Chen Kangjie, so he stopped the car.

"President Fan, that's my daughter, what's the matter?" Fan Wentai turned his head and asked strangely, but when he turned to look at his daughter again, he found something different, "Hey, when did this girl meet friends? ".

"I see, you should stop picking her up and let her communicate more with her classmates," Mark Fan suggested with a smile.

"Mr. Fan, do you know that boy? He looks very mature and refined." Fan Wentai said that he is a talent with a high IQ, and he immediately heard the implication of Fan Mark's words.

"Let's go, I'll tell you later that your daughter will be fine playing with them. In Liuzhi, in Qianzhou, he is here to ensure that your daughter is safe and sound." Fan Mark patted Fan Wentai on the shoulder and said, the driver will also The car starts.

Fan Mark's words made Fan Wentai confused. It was because Fan Mark joined the company a little longer than Fan Wentai, and his rank was higher than him, so he got more information.

Mark Fan had dealt with Chen Kangjie before, and had eaten at the same table, and some of what happened to Chen Kangjie in Huicheng also reached Fan Mark's ears.Mark Fan didn't think it was a rumor, he believed it must be true, just because Chen Kangjie could sit down with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Governor, and the Secretary of the Provincial and Urban Party Committee, he believed it to be true.

"Mr. Fan, what's going on? What's so mysterious?" After the driver drove the car out, Fan Wentai glanced at his daughter and asked Fan Mark.

"Accompany me to see District Chief Chen first. The boy talking to your daughter is District Chief Chen's child. I will trust you later and tell you the rest." Mark Fan also looked back at Chen Kangjie and said with a smile .

Since Fan Wentai is suggested not to pick up his daughter, then take him to see Chen Qigang. Although Fan Wentai and Chen Qigang have met before, the meaning may be different in the future.

Fan Wentai heard that the boy chatting with his daughter was the child of District Chief Chen, but he was slightly taken aback, not feeling too surprised. For his current level, a district chief is not too big a deal, and he is Dr. Sea Turtle, District Chief Chen is very polite every time he goes to the district to do business, so he thinks it is normal.

But after seeing Chen Qigang, Fan Ma Ke only said one word, and Fan Wentai was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"That Chen Kangjie, his level is higher than mine."

"Mr. Fan, you are not joking with me, how is this possible?" Fan Mark walked down the stairs in front of the district 'government', and Fan Wentai reacted and chased down and asked eagerly.

"Why am I joking with you, do you know? He is a consultant to Genesis Group, the parent company of Free Semiconductor, and a consultant to Hongyuan Investment, an upstream company of Genesis. In other words, he is at least half a level higher than me, just Even President Ouyang respected him, when I joined the company, he even participated in the interview with me." After getting into the car, Fan Ma Ke said to Fan Wentai in detail.

"This is too unbelievable." Fan Wentai's face was full of astonishment. He felt that this was a bit too unexpected, like a myth.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Mark Fan joked.

"No, no, I didn't mean Mr. Fan, you talk about it, you tell me in detail." Fan Wentai quickly denied his own doubts, and became very interested in Chen Kangjie.

"At the beginning of the year, they went to Huicheng to investigate the matter of Tengfei Automobile Company. They only went there for two days. I heard that he hired a standing committee member, a police chief, and a police station chief. That's why I said If your daughter is with them, there will be no problem in the whole Qianzhou. The secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor have invited him as a guest. And there is one thing I have always been a little skeptical about. President Ouyang gave us three tasks, you know , President Ouyang has a way of managing, and he has nothing to say about his life, but there is one thing that President Ouyang lacks, that is, he does not have a deep understanding of technology, but the three tasks are very detailed, especially the technical part. Data, although the company has many experts as consultants, you and I should be confident that we are already very familiar with the semiconductor industry in China, so I suspect that the task that President Ouyang entrusted to us came from Consultant Chen hands," Fan Mark said slowly.

"No way? He understands all these?" After Fan Wentai asked, he felt a little impolite. Didn't he doubt his boss again, but after asking all the questions, it was too late to take it back.

"Hehe, he knows a lot more than you think. You will know after dealing with him in the future. Mr. Liu at Master Kong's side has more contact with him than we do." Mark Fan didn't care about Fan Wentai's skeptical question. , just smiled and said a few more words and stopped talking.

In fact, he has already said almost the same thing about Chen Kangjie. Mark Fan and Liu Kai are both bosses of Hongyuan Investment’s subsidiary companies. The free semiconductor company managed by Mark Fan is established in six companies. Liu Kai has to provide some assistance as much as possible. .So the two of them had dealt with each other several times, and some of the information about Chen Kangjie was heard from Liu Kai. From Liu Kai's tone, Mark Fan knew that Liu Kai admired Chen Kangjie very much.

"Well, I understand," Fan Wentai said thoughtfully. As for what he understands, no one else can understand.

"Fan Xuexi, let me introduce you. This chubby guy is Yang Cong, nicknamed Little Pangdun." After Chen Kangjie pulled Fan Xuexi over, he began to introduce those classmates to him.

Yang Cong was a little embarrassed when he was introduced by Chen Kangjie. In class, this guy would stare at others in a daze for a while, and talk to others for a while. Now he can only scratch his head and say two words with a shy smile. ,"Hello".

Fan Xuexi just looked up at Yang Cong, still a little shy, playing with the gusset on the overalls with both hands, and nodded her head as a greeting.

"This is Zhang Qiang, this is Pang Yanli, this is Zhang Zhihui, this is Sun Xiaolei, this is Zhou Zhixing, this is Ma Xiaohong..." Chen Kangjie counted these old classmates to Fan Xuexi one by one.

At the beginning, Fan Xuexi was still shy as if greeting Yang Cong. As Chen Kangjie introduced more and more names, she couldn't lower her head, but gradually let go. Although she still didn't say a word, she didn't appear to be so obvious anymore. Embarrassed, he and several girls nodded with a smile.

These old classmates of Chen Kangjie were not too impressed with this proud "foreign girl" before, but Chen Kangjie had to give face, and they all greeted Fan Xuexi one by one, even a few standing behind jumped up and waved, the atmosphere suddenly Be active a lot.

After Chen Kangjie finished introducing these old classmates, the other classes followed suit.

In fact, when Chen Kangjie introduced these old classmates to Fan Xuexi, several new classmates from their first and third classes passed by, and it was obvious that Chen Kangjie and his group knew each other. It might be a party, but Chen Kangjie didn't know their names, and many Chen Kangjie didn't know each other, so no one got close to him, and he didn't say hello to others.So those students could only watch and walk by curiously, including Liu Mingjian, the deputy monitor of their first and third classes.

After the [-] or so students from Deng Min's class and the first and second classes of junior high school came out, the first thing that attracted them was the extra little beauty Fan Xuexi, especially Deng Min, who saw Fan Xuexi standing next to Chen Kangjie, A pair of doubtful and hostile eyes kept flashing.

When Deng Min hugged Chen Kangjie and cried in the morning, she didn't feel anything by herself, but when she returned to the classroom, her face became extremely hot and she felt embarrassed, especially when three or four girls in the same class drove her away. After the joke, she was even more eager to dig a hole in the ground, she was very sweet in her heart, but that kind of embarrassment and shyness still made her, a young girl in the world, unable to face it calmly.

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