rebirth of change

Chapter 338 Returning to the Homeland

Chapter 330 Returning to the old place

Chen Kangjie was brought into the carriage. The old chief's family was there. The old chief's wife, Chen Kangjie, had met before, so it was natural to say hello. The other second-generation juniors on the ground, Chen Kangjie, all called uncles and aunts. For the three generations, most of them are not very different in age, so it is easier to get along with each other.

After making friends for a while, Chen Kangjie knew that the old chief's family was very easy to get along with. They didn't have that sense of privilege and were not much different from ordinary people. This may have a lot to do with the rough experience of the old chief's life.

As Chen Kangjie's range of activities in the car expanded, he gradually understood that this humble special train was actually a mobile presidential suite, bedroom, meeting room, activity room, toilet, dining room, reception room, guard room, entourage room, The luggage compartment is fully equipped, and the entire compartment is equipped with handrails in consideration of the old chief's age.

The conversation between the old head of the Jiangkou Railway Station and two senior cadres was quickly compiled into a speech by the two and uploaded to the central government. Afterwards, the central government issued a series of notices and regulations, requiring unnecessary meetings to be reduced and meeting time shortened. , requiring cadres to change their style of work, further close ties with the masses, and unswervingly implement the party's principles and policies. The ribbon-cutting, premiere, foundation-laying, and first-off ceremonies should be as streamlined as possible, and the central leaders' attendance at ordinary meetings and Activities, generally do not report, do not take leaders' attendance at activities as a report or a standard for whether to report.

At 1:19 noon on January 70, the special train arrived at Shorta, the capital of Shonan Province.Shonan is the hometown of the 'Chairman'. The Shortsha Railway Station was built in the [-]s. The platform is grand and spacious. It is the second largest passenger station in the country after the Capital Railway Station at that time.

As soon as the train came to a stop, the secretary of Shonan Province stepped on the train quickly. He was not like the secretary and governor in Jiangcheng, who waited obediently in the VIP room.

Inside the carriage, the greetings between the guests and the host were very enthusiastic and the atmosphere was very intimate. The old chief also specially introduced Chen Kangjie and mentioned the little guy's "work" status.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie is a consultant of Hongyuan and Genesis Group, the secretary took Chen Kangjie's hand and thanked him persistently, which made the old chief a little confused.

"Old chief, go out for a walk, and I will report to you slowly," the secretary suggested.

The old chief readily accepted, and then got out of the car briskly, followed by Chen Kangjie.

The old chief was in high spirits, chatting while walking.The secretary of Shonan Province reported the work of Shonan to the old chief. In 1991, the climate in southern Hunan was abnormal, and many disasters occurred concurrently. There were cold springs in spring, severe freezes in winter, floods in the north and severe droughts in the south. In addition, locust plagues ravaged and windstorms struck, causing great economic losses.However, under the leadership of the central government, more than 0 people across the province participated in emergency rescue and disaster relief, and party members stood at the forefront at critical moments. As a result, they still achieved a bumper harvest in the year of the disaster. The output value exceeded [-] billion yuan for the first time.

At this time, the secretary of Shonan Province glanced at Chen Kangjie who was following behind, and specifically mentioned the 2 million yuan donated by the Huatang Foundation for this purpose, which solved a major problem for the local people.

After hearing this, the old chief said with satisfaction: "Not bad! Not only the third world countries, but also the developed countries can't bear such a big disaster. Only we, relying on the strong leadership of the party and relying on the superiority of the socialist system ', in order to overcome such a big disaster."

Immediately, the old chief recruited Chen Kangjie, "Little guy, you did a good job."

"Old Chief, I should, I should. I mainly have no money. If I have money, I can be more beautiful. I am now a pauper," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

"You have no money? You... Where is your money?" Chen Kangjie himself said that there are tens of billions of dollars. Even if he invests a lot, it is impossible to reach the point where he has no money, so the old chief That's why it's so strange.

"Didn't I go to Japan, I lost all the money there," Chen Kangjie said embarrassingly.

"Oh, I see, there are going and returning", the old chief said with a rare 'treacherous' smile, and Chen Kangjie also smiled and nodded in response.

The secretary of the Shonan Province looked at the chat between the old and the young, and couldn't understand it. He knew that the Chen Kangjie Huatang Foundation was donated by Hongyuan and several companies under the Genesis Group, but he didn't know what it had to do with Chen Kangjie.Just now the old chief introduced Chen Kangjie as the consultant of those two companies, he was surprised enough, now the two people are talking about money, he is very confused.

"Let me tell you, the money donated to you was donated by this rich man. Others just came forward to mention him to handle affairs." The old chief asked the secretary of Shonan, and he could only say so, and it was hard to say in detail up.

"This is real?".

"It's absolutely true," the old chief replied with a smile.

I don’t understand the other circumstances of this secretary, but the old chief has said so, so it must not be false. When he looked at Chen Kangjie at this time, he felt that his body was covered with golden light and money. He hoped that Chen Kangjie could donate more , It's a pity that people just said that they have no money.

Bypassing the issue of Chen Kangjie's donation, the secretary briefly introduced the strategy, ideas and goals of the reform and opening up of Shonan Province to the old chief.

The old chief was very interested and attached great importance to it. He said happily, "The idea is very good. Seek truth from facts, and proceed from the reality of southern Shonan, that's fine!" "To seize the opportunity, now is a good opportunity." In the case of late opening up and slow pace, it is solemnly pointed out: the reform and opening up must be bolder, the economic development must be faster, and we must always strive to reach a higher level every few years.There was a hint of a smile in that serious gaze.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to drive.The secretary of Shonan Province begged the old chief to stay in Shonan for a while when he returned, and the old chief smiled and said, "No trouble." The comrades who sent him off on the platform wished him health and longevity, and he replied cheerfully: "Everyone live long. "He waved to everyone happily: "Come on, let's take a picture together."

The afternoon sun on the Xiangjiang River is very soft, and the special train is like a young man who has just had a haircut, galloping out of the short sand station and heading south. In the early 90s, the reform and opening up was at a low point...

The important destination of the old chief's trip is Eastern Guangdong Province, especially Pengcheng, which is the forefront of reform and opening up.

Before the old head arrived in Eastern Guangdong Province, the advance staff had already communicated with the Eastern Guangdong Province for the reception work. The old head made a rule before leaving, no meetings, no meals, no inscriptions, no reporters, no photos, no reports, For the sake of precious historical memory, Eastern Guangdong Province arranged for reporters to take pictures.

The special train arrived in Pengcheng on the evening of January 1, and the leaders of Guangdong Province and Pengcheng came to the station to greet them. When saying hello, the daughter of the old chief was worried that the old chief could not hear clearly, so she repeated it to him repeatedly.

The old chief once had one ear hurt in the past, which affected his hearing, so in places with many people, someone needs someone to speak louder in the middle.After a group of people got out of the car in a file, they took five minibuses, and their luggage was also placed on them. After the police car cleared the way, a convoy left the train station. The crowd beside them laughed, maintaining order and traffic. The police laughed, they haven't seen what a big leader travels in such a crude convoy.

The old chief himself is a thrifty person who doesn't pay much attention to ostentation and luxury. He is very satisfied with the reception work arranged here.

The place where Chen Kangjie and the others stayed was South Park, where many central leaders lived here when they inspected or came to investigate.

When they entered, the staff who lined up to welcome them never thought that the guest they were going to greet today would be the old chief. They were almost stunned. It was the head of the reception office who quickly reminded everyone to applaud, and then greeted the smiling old man Say, "Sir, this is where you lived when you came in 1984".

"Oh, I forgot," replied the old chief.

"This room is a bit small after renovation," said the head of the reception.

"It's better to have a smaller room," the old chief answered immediately.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie himself was assigned a separate room. He was a double guest, a guest of the old chief's house and a guest of Pengcheng.

After dinner, Chen Kangjie lay on the big soft bed, his mind surging with thoughts. He never imagined that one day he would be able to return to this city with such an identity and method.Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie had lived and worked here for several years, and he was both familiar and unfamiliar with this place.On the way to the hotel just now, Chen Kangjie has been observing the buildings and scenery on the side of the road. Except for a few buildings he can recognize, he has no impression of the others. Perhaps when he graduated from university and came to this city, these have already been Pulled down and rebuilt.

In addition to the changes in architecture and scenery, what Chen Kangjie feels most is the smallness. Compared with Pengcheng more than ten years later, the area of ​​Pengcheng in 92 is much smaller. Many places in the pass have not yet been developed, let alone a large area. is out of the gate.

It stands to reason that this place is full of gold, especially the land. If a few large pieces of land can be obtained, the price will be at least ten times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times in ten years, but Chen Kangjie has no interest in this investment at all.The housing prices in Pengcheng will reach tens of thousands of yuan per square meter in more than ten years, making it impossible for many young people to afford a house here. They have worked hard for many years, but they still cannot integrate into this city.The biggest reason for this is not only the rapid economic development, but also the explosion of land prices. Chen Kangjie is unwilling to be such an upstart. Of course, even if he wants to do it at this time, he does not have sufficient funds.

Some things are often very strange, the things you don't want to do the more you find out that you have to do them later, or you can only turn bad things into good things as much as possible.

After two or three days on the train, no matter how complete the facilities are, it is still not ideal compared with a hotel room. The bed is not big enough, the air is not good enough, and there are rattling noises from the wheels and rails.Chen Kangjie got up from the bed and took a good hot shower. He planned to go to bed early tonight, and there will be visits tomorrow.

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