rebirth of change

Chapter 340 Requests from the Chapter

Chapter 340 Dialogue Request

On January 1th, the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, Chen Kangjie followed the old chief to take the train from the provincial capital of Guangdong Province to Mingzhu City. In Mingzhu City, the old chief put forward clear requirements and expectations for the development of Mingzhu, and visited many places. , one of which is still fresh in Chen Kangjie's memory.

One evening, the old man wanted to go shopping in a department store. He was usually busy with work, and because of his status, it was rare for him to go into the shopping mall for consumption. In order to meet his request, the leaders of Mingzhu City chose to have the least number of customers in the evening. When it was time to get off work, I went to one of the most famous department stores in the area.

The department store was not notified in advance. When the old chief entered the mall, there were still many customers who did not leave. The sudden visitor gave everyone a great surprise. For this important guest, a celebrity salesperson was specially selected to provide service.

The old chief asked about the sales status of many products. The star salesperson was as good as he was solid, and answered one by one fluently. Finally, the old chief wanted to buy some stationery for the children. The products were all selected, including erasers, rulers, pencils, and pencil cases. As a result, the old chief 'felt' all over his body and couldn't find any money. The other big leaders basically didn't carry cash with them. In the end, it was Chen Kangjie who rescued him. This little rich man never lacked small money.

Early the next morning, Chen Kangjie accompanied the old chief for a walk in the garden of the hotel where he lived.

"Little guy, how do you feel about going out together this time?" The old chief asked Chen Kangjie who was interested in the school.

"The one thing I feel the most is what you said, if you don't take the road of opening up and reform, you will be dead," Chen Kangjie replied seriously.

"Then tell me why?" The old man didn't intend to let Chen Kangjie go so easily.

"Because the whole world is now in a period of great change and development, and the world economic structure is also undergoing major adjustment and integration. This is our greatest opportunity at present. By opening the country and reversing the functions of 'government', we can introduce a large number of Capital and technology, advanced management experience, fresh thinking, these things will improve our infrastructure, solve employment, increase industrialization and urbanization, enhance our economic strength and comprehensive national strength, and improve people's living standards. If you miss this Opportunity, once the adjustment of the world economic structure is completed, there will be nothing for us. It will be even more difficult to catch up with the developed countries. Our country has a large population, which is our pressure, and it is also an advantage. It can make good use of the population dividends, and enterprises can reduce production costs, and they can kill two birds with one stone," Chen Kangjie said while walking with his hands behind his back.

"I see it very clearly. It would be great if other people could see it as clearly as you do now." The old chief sighed.

"I will. You traveled thousands of kilometers, inspected so many places, and talked so much. Isn't that just for this?" Chen Kangjie said mischievously, basically hitting the point.

"It's not easy, little guy, I really wonder if you are really 13 years old, are you 13 years old this year?".

"Of course I'm 13 years old. I haven't got my ID card yet. It's like a fake." When Chen Kangjie heard that his age was doubted, he immediately became anxious. This is his weakness. White rats are in trouble.

"Hahaha, how else can you change?" The old man was amused by Chen Kangjie's words, but immediately changed his tone, "It would be great if you could be in politics in the future, I believe you will be a good cadre and leader."

Chen Kangjie has always been afraid to accept this question, at least not now. Politics is a bit strict for him, and it is still a bit far away. In Nigu, Zhao Zhibang and Chen Kangjie talked about his future direction. Chen Kangjie talked about sports, entertainment Wait, but I dare not talk about politics, it is a big dye vat, I am afraid that I will not be able to handle it.

"Anyway, I'm still young, and I still have many years to go before I can work. For now, let's learn the skills first," Chen Kangjie said modestly, trying to bypass this problem.

"You are very capable, haha, just like Monkey King, but sometimes you are also very mischievous. The things you did in Hong Kong and Macau are really not very good." After the old chief laughed, his expression sank. Criticized Chen Kangjie.

As soon as the old man said the words, Chen Kangjie almost broke out in a cold sweat. He thought he kept it a secret, and no one would have guessed that it would have been known by others.However, after careful consideration, Chen Kangjie understood that they were in Xiangyan's villa that day, and snipers provided help. It seemed that those people were sent by the superiors, otherwise, how could Chen Kangjie's whereabouts be so naked.

"Old man, that's because..." Chen Kangjie pitifully wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know how to say it.

"I know, be careful in the future, those people will only protect you secretly, and will not hinder your affairs. Besides, they will only act at critical moments. It's okay in the country or a similar area. If you are in a western country , they may not be able to keep up in time." The old man didn't mean to be angry, but just reminded him out of concern.

When the old man said so, Chen Kangjie's heart was completely relaxed. When Chen Kangjie relaxed, his heart was filled with infinite touch and happiness.

"Well, I see," Chen Kangjie agreed obediently.

"Are you interested in telling me about your time in Japan?" The old man sat down on the wooden stool next to the flower bed, tightened the collar of the windbreaker, and said gently.

"You are interested to hear, of course I am willing to speak".

Some of the things Chen Kangjie did in Japan were not in line with the rules. If he could say something in advance and get the old man's understanding and support, it would be a bad thing, so Chen Kangjie did not object to this.After a little thought, he explained his arrangements and actions in Japan, and reduced the amount of investment to a certain extent. Of course, he couldn't say anything about the activities he arranged for his subordinates in Sapporo.

"A few years ago, I visited Japan. Their productivity level is much higher than ours. One worker can produce 74 cars a year, while our workers can only produce one car a year. The gap is huge. As for Japan Right-wingers in China also exist, and their power is not small. If you do something like that, it may not be a good thing, but if this is the case, you have to pay more attention to your safety, especially when going abroad. After all, there is no airtight Wall", the old man said slowly, his voice felt very heavy.

"So we can't let Little Japan become too powerful. We have to reduce their development speed. It is better to be as 'chaotic' as possible. This is the purpose of investing so much money in Japan. As for the productivity problem you mentioned, I think We will catch up, but the road is relatively long, our investment and ratio in science and education and research and development are too low, and productivity needs strong technical support," Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"So you set up several high-tech companies in Qianzhou? I heard that you even set up a high-tech city?"

"Yes, many of those are cutting-edge technologies. In terms of traditional industries, it is almost impossible for us to catch up with the West in the short term. We can only develop by leaps and bounds, and choose the most cutting-edge and most promising fields to make breakthroughs. Future economic changes will revolve around information. This is my prediction, so I plan to catch up in this area. Our Chinese nation has many excellent talents who are scattered all over the world for others to use. We only need to use some of them Utilizing it is a remarkable achievement," Chen Kangjie expressed his understanding and judgment in advance.

"It's a great leap forward. This idea is very good and wonderful. Your little brain is really good. This is a good way to catch up. It's just that we are still poor and there are too many places to spend money. The country To ensure the stomachs of the people, there is not so much money to invest in research and development for the time being. The disarmament of our troops has already begun. We just hope to save some money to develop technology. Boy, you have a heavy burden. You are the blessing of the country, the nation Fortunately," the old man patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder, and said earnestly, the big hat in the last two sentences made Chen Kangjie a little out of breath.

"I am duty-bound. For the great rejuvenation of the nation, I am willing to devote myself to death." Although the big hat is big, Chen Kangjie is still very excited to be able to say it from the old man's mouth. After being so excited, he immediately patted his chest and said rhetoric.

"Ambient, I really didn't misunderstand you. If you need any help in the future, just tell my old man directly. If I can't help you, it's okay to give you a few cheers." Chen Kangjie's immature and crisp words let The old man is very happy.

The old man knew that Chen Kangjie would definitely encounter difficulties of one kind or another in his development, otherwise he would not have needed to travel to the south. Seeing the weak shoulders of a teenager carrying such a heavy burden, the old man felt that It's a bit unjustifiable if I don't help share some of it.

"Hehe, it will be easy with your words. With your words, I will ask for help first." The master's voice may not be very loud, and the influence is definitely not small. This is not a simple shouting and cheering. , since there is such a good opportunity, why doesn't a smart person like Chen Kangjie ride a donkey uphill quickly.

"Oh, tell me, you didn't plan ahead, did you?" The old man immediately became interested.

"How dare I, this is the case. I want to integrate domestic rare earth resources. You said that the West has oil, and we have rare earths. However, our rare earths are sold at the price of cabbage. Not to mention damaging the environment, we still can't get them." What economic benefits, the strategic position of rare earth resources will become more and more important in the future, we have to make good use of it.” Chen Kangjie raised a question that he had really thought about for a long time but had no time to raise it.

Chen Kangjie finished speaking, but the old man didn't give him an answer immediately, but looked at the dead tree in the distance and meditated.This move involves hundreds of domestic enterprises and hundreds of thousands of enterprise employees, so the old man has to be cautious. Besides, those with large production quantities are basically state-owned enterprises. It is difficult to entrust all this business to private individuals. It is not ordinary small.

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