rebirth of change

Chapter 343 Visit Coy

Chapter 340: Visit Coy

The next day, a small convoy drove into the fortified high-tech city, in front of the Coy Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. building under construction.Ouyang Zhenhua waited here with Mai Chengdong, Mi Qin and other executives and senior researchers.

Coy's production workshop and office building have not been fully built yet, but after working overtime, the research institute is almost completed, a lot of research equipment is being installed, and many test products are being displayed.

"Old chief, you are warmly welcome to visit and guide us." Amid thunderous applause, Ouyang Zhenhua took the lead to shake hands.

"Mr. Ouyang, I didn't expect us to meet again. I don't dare to be a guide. I don't know much about high technology. I'm here to learn how you engage in high technology," the old man said happily.Rebirth: Changing the World 343

After Ouyang Zhenhua exchanged pleasantries with the old man, he began to introduce other executives such as Mai Chengdong and Mi Qin.

Mai Chengdong and Mi Qin didn't expect them to see the old man here at all, and they were inexplicably excited. Before that, Ouyang Zhenhua only ordered that a leader would come to inspect, and all the executives would work overtime and do a good job. At that time, they still had some I don't think so, which big leader can come to inspect during the Chinese New Year, isn't it just looking for trouble, so that I can't even reunite with my family.

Now that they have seen the old man, they feel that no amount of work is worth it.They have all studied and worked abroad for many years. This generation has deep feelings for the old man. Only when they are abroad can they see more clearly how great the work the old man has done over the years is.

The old man was very happy when he learned that both of them were doctors who had returned from prestigious foreign universities. He held Mai Chengdong's hand tightly and said affectionately, "Thank you for coming back to serve the country. If there is a chance, I will persuade you more Foreign students come back from their hometown, as long as they come back, we will try our best to create conditions for them to develop their strengths."

"Definitely, we are doing this, sir. After the next year, we will go to the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries and regions to conduct a new round of talent recruitment. We have first-class scientific research equipment and sufficient research funds here. I believe they will come back," Mai Chengdong introduced coy's overseas recruitment plan.

"Old chief, we actually started doing this work two years ago, and every month the headhunting company will recommend some very good technical personnel to us," Ouyang Zhenhua helped.

"Headhunting company? What kind of company is a headhunting company?" This term is still new in China, and this is obviously the first time the old chief has heard of it.

"Grandpa, this headhunting company is a company that specializes in poaching. If we see some good talents and it's not convenient for us to come forward to talk, give them some money and they will help us find them." Chen Kangjie approached Mischievously explained.

"This...headhunting company, good, good, good, but I hope the West will do more, and we should do less here, lest you all be poached by others."

This kind of humorous praise of "goodness" is really refreshing and interesting.

Knowing that Mi Qin chose to stay in the country because of his filial piety, the old man was also very emotional, "Our nation has a deep and long-standing filial piety to our parents. When you wanderers go home, it is not only a kind of kindness to your elders. Filial piety is also a kind of filial piety to the motherland, very good, send my regards to your mother, she has raised a good daughter."

After listening to the old man's philosophical and sentimental words, Miqin couldn't help crying, "Thank you, I will definitely convey your greetings, you should take care of yourself when you are old."

"From you, we have seen the spirit of 'women hold up half the sky'," the old man added.

After the two leaders passed by, it was the turn of the other people behind, and three of them were foreigners, which made the old man a little unresponsive.

"How come there are foreign friends here?"

"Chief, they are our employees. This is an American, this is a German, and this, a British, used to be an associate professor at Cambridge University. They are the project leaders of the subsystems under our entire system. We hired them," Mai Chengdong explained the three foreigners to the old man one by one.

"You are more courageous than me. I didn't expect that your R&D organization can be so eclectic. Gentlemen, I welcome you to work here."

The Chinese of the three foreigners is not very good. They have not been here for a long time, and they still have problems listening to Mandarin, let alone Chuanyin, which is completely ignorant.

All three of them are Miqin's direct subordinates. She quickly translated what she heard in English, and spent a few sentences to explain the identity and power of the old man, lest they say anything out of the ordinary understand what it means.Rebirth: Changing the World 343

"Dear sir, the working atmosphere here is very good, the income is very high, but the living conditions are a bit difficult, we are willing to work here." The thinking of foreigners is relatively straightforward, and basically they can say what they want.

Mi Qin could only translate the foreigner's English into Mandarin and speak it loudly to the old man.

"The income is very high? How high is it? Your salary... Is the salary a thousand dollars?" The old man is no stranger to foreign countries. He used the new word 'salary'. At this time, there are only dozens of ordinary workers in China. The US dollar, in his mind, would be more than ten times higher for these foreigners.

Mi Qin translated this question, but did not ask them to answer it, but answered it on his own behalf, "Chief, the annual salary of our high-level technical directors starts at [-] US dollars, which is just over [-] US dollars a month. Our salary is completely in line with international standards."

"So high!" The old man was surprised, and the other leaders who accompanied him were also shocked. The gap is hundreds of times, and the gap between rich and poor is too big.

"I don't want my children to be caught by wolves, and my wife can't catch hooligans. If you want to master foreign first-class technology, you must have first-class talents. If you want to stabilize first-class talents, you must give first-class treatment. Otherwise, don't say that foreigners don't want to be here. It is estimated that many international students are not willing to work, otherwise why so many international students are unwilling to return to China.” Chen Kangjie started with a joke. The salary of researchers is in line with international standards. This is the policy set by Chen Kangjie. explanations are more appropriate.

"Well, well, well, only you can afford such a salary, hey, researchers in many of our research institutes are only three or four hundred RMB, this gap..." The old man didn't finish his sentence, but there is no need to say any more Yes, everyone understands.

"We are adhering to the requirement of 'science and technology is the primary productive force', all efforts will eventually be rewarded," Chen Kangjie continued to lean next to the old man and said.

After the old man met everyone at the door, he was invited to visit the research institute. Coy's research site is connected with Warwick Software Company and Anycall Communication Company. They are all in the same building. This is what Chen Kangjie instructed. The large-scale comprehensive research institution built behind the mountain, even Free Semiconductor has an independent research laboratory here, and many R&Ds of these companies can be shared, and group R&D is a good way.

The entire R&D building is a bit like the Pentagon. There are independent areas between them, but they are connected by passages. The most important thing is that they can promote researchers in different fields to communicate with each other.

Only coy's research site looks a bit like that, so I visited here, and the others are still under construction.It doesn't look very special at the door. After everyone walks in, other people who visit for the first time are shocked.

"This area belongs to our coy project area. It covers an area of ​​5000 square meters. There are three upper, middle and lower floors. The floor spacing exceeds 50 meters. After all are completed, there will be more than 16 scientific researchers working here. What we see now Scientific research equipment is worth more than [-] million US dollars, just imported, and [-] million US dollars of equipment is still in transit, our coy registered capital is [-] billion yuan, and this research institute alone costs more than [-] billion." Entering the research building coy In the area, Mai Chengdong acted as the guide with a big speaker prepared in advance.

Coy's entire research area is dominated by white and orange, where white means rigorous and pragmatic, and orange means lively and open.On the wall to the right, a huge banner reading "Science and technology is the primary productive force" is hung horizontally, and under the Chinese characters is a line of English translation.There are slogans such as "pursuit of excellence", "our goal is innovation, innovation, innovation", "all for the first" and other slogans on the wall next to it.

In the middle of the site on the first floor, a lot of equipment is being unsealed, waiting for the installation and debugging of engineers and technicians, and hundreds of scientific researchers in uniform research uniforms are busy.

The entire R&D center is divided into different areas by huge glass. These glasses are all the latest tempered glass, which is very strong and can withstand the impact of cars.After the equipment is installed, different shrinkable curtains will be installed according to different preferences.

The first floor is the research area, the second floor is the unit test area, and the third floor is the machine test area and office area, including multiple conference rooms, which are convenient for multiple research project groups to hold discussions.On each floor, there are two employee coffee areas of more than 150 square meters, and various drinks and desserts will be provided for employees to use for free.

"How many R&D personnel do you have now? Based on this calculation, won't it cost more than 50 billion when your R&D building is fully completed?" The old man asked while watching.

"The budget is 65 billion. At present, there are only 100 technicians in coy. Our recruitment is being strengthened. After the Spring Festival, there will be special recruitment activities at home and abroad. According to the plan, after all are completed, this place can accommodate more than two The R & D building with 15.00 R & D personnel will invest no less than 20 billion in R & D every year. After the production is normalized to create benefits, the investment will increase. The investment in R & D will account for [-]% of the turnover. The R & D of domestic enterprises The investment is about [-]% of the operating income, and we will be [-] times theirs," Mai Chengdong continued to explain.

"According to this calculation, wouldn't the future turnover of your companies be more than 700 billion?".

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