rebirth of change

Chapter 350 Became National

Chapter 350 Became National

Today is the most stressful day since Chen Qigang started working. Not only him, but also Liang Minkuan and He Baoguo who rushed to the six from the city are equally nervous. After the old man stayed in Shun'an for a day, he will visit the six today. It is also the last stop of his old man's trip to the south. The original plan was to go to the city, but this year the weather is a bit colder. There will be freezing in the city in the next few days, and the temperature will be very low. Considering this situation, it is recommended that the old man cut off at six.

The altitude in Liushuipan City is several hundred meters higher than that of Liuzhi, and the temperature is often several degrees lower. Freezing occurs every year. The damp cold is not very suitable for the elderly. If the resistance is not good, it is easy to catch a cold.

"Old Chen, Secretary Longmaoshan said at your house last year that he envied you for having a good son. Today I have to say the same thing. I envy you too." Liang Minkuan sat in the office of the stationmaster of the six railway stations with a look of envy on his face. 'Color' said to Chen Qigang.

The six railway stations can only be regarded as medium-sized stations, not as big as the city railway station, so there is no VIP lounge. The reception staff such as Liang Minkuan, He Baoguo, and Chen Qigang can only shelter from the cold in the station master's office until the specific time is notified. Then go to the platform to meet.

The six lacked relevant peripheral protection forces, and the Public Security Bureau alone was not enough. The province had sent some personnel from the Public Security Bureau and the local garrison in advance.The six public security bureaus were carrying out a crackdown operation a few days ago to clear up the law and order environment in advance. It was not the first time that the crackdown campaign was carried out before the Chinese New Year. Director Gao of the Public Security Bureau was also a staunch supporter of Chen Qigang, so he naturally fully supported it.It's just that crackdown is crackdown, and protection is protection. This can't be sloppy. After receiving the notice for a while, the train station will be under martial law. Since the day before yesterday, surveillance and patrols have begun around the train station.

"Secretary Liang, why are you making such a joke like Secretary Long?" In the same sentence, no matter how satisfied or proud Chen Qigang was, he couldn't show it.

"Old Chen, you are so insincere, don't you feel satisfied?" Secretary Ni of the district committee joked, "Your child, I don't know how many times stronger than my Ni Hu, hey, people are more angry than people."

"Comrade Ni Kuang, don't compare. The kid in his family is not comparable to ordinary people. Can other people's children accompany the old man around? That's not enough. They can even take the old man to our mountain. , It’s amazing, it’s amazing,” Liang Minkuan said half-truthfully.

Judging from Liang Minkuan's address for Ni Kuang and Chen Qigang, it can be seen that the relationship is close. He and Chen Qigang are like friends, and Ni Kuang is completely a comrade in work. All of this has an indissoluble relationship with Chen Kangjie.

Liang Minkuan realized that Chen Qigang and He Baoguo knew in advance that the old man would come. He only learned of the news four days ago. However, from the fact that He Baoguo and Chen Qigang started to frequently call subordinates for meetings and crack down almost simultaneously, it can be deduced that they had already After hearing the news, even if I deduce it myself, there is no other way. I can only remember the credit of others. Who would let them have such a capable son?Liang Minkuan also believed that Chen Kangjie was responsible for the old man's coming to Liuzhou.

"Stop teasing Old Chen, he doesn't even know how to respond to your words." He Baoguo helped Chen Qigang smooth things over.

Chen Qigang really didn't know how to continue to show his humility, it was a bit unnatural.

"Baoguo, you, you are a good boy even if you get cheap, you are Chen Kangjie's godfather, aren't you proud?" Seeing Chen Qigang like that, Liang Minkuan stopped joking with him, and turned to make fun of He Baoguo.

"Of course I'm proud. I've always been proud. Secretary Liang, it's useless for you to be envious. This is called preemptive action, haha." There is no doubt that it has all been revealed.

"Yeah, as long as you are quick, otherwise I will grab it with you," Liang Minkuan said with a hearty smile.

Liang Minkuan might not be telling lies. If Chen Kangjie didn't have a godfather, Liang Minkuan would definitely try to identify Chen Kangjie.

Their jokes failed to continue. The station master has received a notice from the front. The railway station is under martial law. All passengers can only stay in the waiting hall. No matter whether it is a passenger car or a truck, they cannot enter the station within an hour. With so many armed police soldiers and policemen coming out, the tourists who planned to go out to pay New Year's greetings before the Lantern Festival were shocked, and they didn't know what happened.

These garrisons also have a task. There are no garages for the six such small stations, so they will be responsible for protecting the special train for a few days when it stops here.

Maybe it was a few jokes in the station master's office. The leaders who were still nervous now relaxed a little. In addition to their four urban and two-level party and government officials, there were also two other teams of people who greeted them. Director Gao of the Public Security Bureau was able to participate. He didn't know until today that it was the old chief who was coming to inspect. Four days ago, he only knew that a leader was coming to inspect and asked to cooperate with the officials from above. Comrades, do a good job of security.

At [-]:[-], the special train entered the six stations. This time the accompanying team was the same as in Shun'an, Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie, and the rest were family members and staff.

When the old man appeared, these department-level cadres were so excited that they kept bowing and shaking hands to say hello. Chen Kangjie could also see the spark in their hearts from the eyes of the soldiers standing guard next to them. Will come up close to get a good look at their former chief executive.

"Comrade Qigang, congratulations!", after the old man and Liang Minkuan exchanged greetings, they said while holding Chen Qigang's hand.

Chen Qigang was very puzzled, I have nothing to congratulate myself, and it is not a happy event to catch up, "Thank you, chief, welcome."

Just because Chen Qigang didn't understand the situation didn't mean he could go over casually in terms of language. No matter what the old man congratulated, thank you first.

The old man saw Chen Qigang's bewilderment, and explained, "You gave birth to a good son, and you gave birth to a good son for the country."

"Thanks to the chief's praise, he is a bit smart, but this kid is very hardworking." Chen Qigang did not say that Chen Kangjie was naughty this time, but a neutral affirmation.

"You should educate and take good care of him, this boy is not only your family's, but also the country's," the old man encouraged.

The old man's words are a bit serious, what is the country? Chen Kangjie who heard it next to him looked a little sideways. Could it be that I will not be my own in the future?

"We must follow the chief's instruction carefully," Chen Qigang bent down and replied, he was also surprised.

These people's level of praise for Chen Kangjie is getting higher and higher, and the words of praise are getting bigger and bigger. How can Chen Qigang not be surprised, now that his son has become a member of the country, he seems to really have no other choice but to follow the teachings.

. . . . . .

A convoy of seven cars took the old man and his family directly to the guest house of the Mining Bureau in the southern suburb of the city, which is currently the only place where the six can receive them.It is reasonable to say that the guest house is also acceptable, but that place is located in the center of the city, with traffic and people coming and going, and it is very noisy. If the main road is sealed off, it will obviously be criticized. If it is not controlled, it will affect the rest of the old man.

"This place is nice and quiet. It looks like the building has just been built." The team entered the guest house and stopped in front of the main building. The old man stood on the stairs and said.

The guest house of the Mining Bureau is an independent small courtyard surrounded by walls. There is a main building and a small auxiliary building. There is a small garden in front of the building and an old fountain in the middle of the garden. It has been closed for almost two years. There is no water spray, this time it has been overhauled, and the white water column is happily sprayed again.

"Boss, this is an old building. It has been repaired for [-] or [-] years, but it has just been renovated and the exterior walls have been painted," Chen Qigang explained cautiously.

"Oh, this is the place where the kid paid me to entertain me?" the old man and the others asked as they walked in.

"The conditions here are still a bit difficult, so..." Chen Qigang didn't know how to continue.

"A man, if you say what you say, it's hard to follow. I can keep what I say, and I'll treat everyone to dinner tonight." Chen Kangjie patted his chest bravely and got out.

Chen Qigang put on a straight face, and stretched out his hand, wanting to hit his ignorant son, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, I just like you like this, so let's not be polite, and fight the local tyrants tonight." The old man stopped Chen Qigang. The old man likes children to be energetic. The more Chen Kangjie looks like this, the more ignorant he is, the more he likes him.

Chen Kangjie gave his father a blank look, which means, you don't understand this, you have to come to this way, you can behave well, but I don't need to be strict.

Chen Qigang had no choice but to knock Chen Kangjie for real?Now that his son is more popular than Lao Tzu, it is impossible for him to succeed.

After entering the main building, it immediately became warmer. Generally, there is no heating in the south, but the two buildings of the Guest House of the Mining Bureau have newly installed heating facilities. This is due to consideration of the living habits of the old man and the others in the north, rather than air conditioning.

More than [-] rooms in the main building have been redecorated according to the standards of three-star or above. Two rooms have even been opened up into a suite as the master bedroom of the old man. The previous beds and sofas have been replaced with newer ones. The big one, the bathroom has also been treated for the convenience of the elderly, a few pots of flowers and plants have been specially planted on the window sill, handrails have been installed on both sides of the corridor, and even the lighting has been treated so that it will not look as dark as before, and it will also Not too harsh.It's too luxurious, I guess the old man won't like it, it's too simple, obviously not in line with his status, so he chose such a mid-range grade, this is Chen Kangjie's opinion.

The old man sat and rested in the room for a few minutes, and then went to the restaurant downstairs to eat. The old man lives on the second floor, the humidity will not be too heavy, and the floor is too high to be inconvenient to climb. The Lou restaurant has prepared several tables of food and drink. In order to provide the old man with delicious meals, the guest house specially hired two first-level chefs, of course Chen Kangjie paid for it.

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