rebirth of change

Chapter 354 Development is the last word

Chapter 350 Development is the last word

"We do as we please, and we cannot break other people's rules," the old man settled down with one sentence.

No matter men, women or children, they all followed Liu Kai to the cleaning room to get shoe covers, coats, and hats, and each was given a pair of white gloves.

There is a female worker on duty in the cleaning room. She didn't know that there would be so many leaders visiting today. When everyone entered, he was checking the item files on his desk. When he saw Mr. Liu walking in with so many people, and The leader was the old man. The female worker had a big mouth. She stood still for ten seconds without moving, and her brain was completely short-circuited.It wasn't until Liu Kai woke him up to exchange things for the leaders that she shook her head and half woke up.

Out of training and professional instinct, she quickly took out different types of protective equipment from the disinfection cabinet and put them on everyone without saying hello. Everyone else put them on after getting them from the female worker, only the old man and the old man The "milk" is helped by female workers.

"The little girl works very neatly," the dressed old man praised the female worker.

In fact, how old are they who are mothers, and they are not little girls at all, but in the eyes of the old man, they are still little girls at their age.

"Thank should be...the company asked for it." The female worker was so nervous that she couldn't speak clearly.

"Don't be nervous, didn't you work very quickly just now, do you know that I am coming to visit today?" the old man said kindly.

The old man obviously misunderstood the female worker's sentence "required by the company".

"That's what I'm used to, hehe, we didn't know you were coming, this is what the company requested, and it's the same for everyone," the female worker said with an embarrassed smile, explaining the old man's misunderstanding.

"How does it feel to work here?" The old man asked with concern. It is better to listen to the front-line workers than to look at the data. This is the best way to evaluate a unit.

"Very good. Many people envy me. We have a good environment, good benefits, and high wages. Those who are entrusted by neighbors to join the Mining Bureau are not as affordable as I am." What.

"That's good, work hard, thank you for your hard work." The old man was noncommittal to the little girl's entrusted relationship to enter a state-owned unit. This is almost an open secret, and everyone knows it. This is the most likely thing to happen in acquaintance society.

He Baoguo used to be the director of the Mining Bureau. When the little girl said it just now, he couldn't bear it at first. It's normal to rely on connections to go through the back door. He thought that the old man would say a few words of criticism, but who would have thought that the old man would not mention that at all. The old man understands that at this stage, no one can change it. Since it can't be changed, then why mention it.

Visitors are not allowed to enter next to the production machines, which will affect production safety. They can only watch the production scene inside in the corridor separated by glass. The protection is stricter than these visitors. Except for the eyes that are 'exposed', the rest of the body is covered by sterile clothing, and there are special masks on the face.

"The production equipment here is all imported from Japan. The workers divide the work according to the process, and the efficiency is very high. In this glass, there is a requirement for the air, which must not be lower than 30 grades. On the walls on both sides, there are monitoring The equipment is tested constantly. There are more than 200 people in such a workshop every day. Under normal circumstances, it can produce 15 packs of instant noodles. In peak seasons, if there are two shifts, the production capacity can be increased a lot.” Liu Kai walked in the front and took the lead. guide.

"Can they all be sold?" the old man asked.

"Sales are not a problem. Our advertising efforts are very strong, and our country has a large population. After more than ten years of reform and opening up, the income of ordinary people has greatly improved. It is impossible to eat it every day, but it is still possible to eat it once in a while. No problem, especially for those travelers who go out, just buy a bowl, soak it in boiling water, and it will be solved. It is convenient. If the Chinese people eat one pack a year, we will be busy. In order to meet the needs of people with different tastes , we have developed a variety of varieties, spicy, mushroom, hot and sour, chicken, beef, seafood, and even vegetarian. The No. [-] workshop we are visiting now mainly produces spicy and spicy. Kai continued to explain.

"What is your greatest difficulty?".

"Under the current circumstances, our biggest problem lies in transportation. Usually, it is better. If the railway transportation is not enough, we have a logistics company. The markets in several surrounding provinces can be replaced by automobile transportation. But now In winter, there are some troubles. The railway capacity is tight, and the supply of electricity and coal must be ensured, and the roads will be affected by freezing. It would be good to change from a single track to a double track. In that case, the transportation capacity will at least be doubled, and it is best to transform it into an electrified railway. We invest in expanding factories outside the province. In addition to meeting the needs of the local surrounding market, we also need to solve the transportation problem, " said Liu. Kai talked about this difficulty that the company has always faced. This is also the only difficulty that Master Kong is facing. It is just that there is no way to fundamentally solve it for a while, so it has not been mentioned. The only thing that can be done is to coordinate more cars. Xia Qiu The season allows the logistics company to increase the transportation volume and make a certain reserve in the local market to meet the demand in case of poor transportation.

"In the western region, if there is no improvement in transportation, it is unrealistic to talk about economic development. The crops and products produced cannot be sold. We hope that the state can give greater support to the development of transportation in the west." Huang Zhenhua added.

"Our financial resources are limited and we can't develop so much for a while. That's why we want to encourage some people to get rich first. In fact, other people have to make appropriate sacrifices. However, I think we can do it first. Liushuipan, Shun'an, and Zhucheng are all on this railway line. In order to promote the development of these places first, an electrified railway is indeed needed. Otherwise, the cars, computers, and mobile phones that you will produce later Not suitable for mobile phones) and wait until these products can’t be sold”, after the old man complained helplessly, he finally supported the renovation and construction of an electrified railway first.

This is quite consistent with Chen Kangjie's memory. The first double-track railway in Qianzhou is from the terminal to Liushuipan, and it is fully electrified.Today, the old man said that the time is estimated to be a few years earlier, and there is no need to wait until the turn of the century to be completed.

"That would be great. Our province has been worrying about this issue. In that case, the railway capacity of this line can be increased from 1000 million tons to 3000 million tons, and passenger transportation can also be doubled. To a certain extent Meet the current needs," Tan Changguo said happily.

Hongyuan and Genesis Group's investment in Qianzhou is currently mainly in four places, Liushuipan, Zhucheng, Shun'an, and Huicheng. Three of them are on this line, and they are extremely dependent on railway transportation. If there is no road transportation The high-speed connection can only be used as a supplement. The project invested by Huicheng is an aircraft company, which takes a long time. It will be at least five or six years before the small batch production of the product, and ten years after the mass production. The products are directly flown out without relying on land transportation, so Huicheng's urgency for land transportation is far less than that of the other three places.

"As for the road traffic, it must not be able to take care of it at the moment. Aren't you building two expressways in Liushuipan? By the way, Mr. Ouyang and the others invested in it. This can be regarded as a pilot project. If it is possible, you can implement it in the whole province. Ah, as long as you have the ability to find investors, you can do something bold. Remember, development is the last word. As long as it develops, other things are secondary. Only when people's lives are improved, will they support it. We, on the contrary, we will be defeated sooner or later, this is a historical necessity," said the old man, waving his hands.

The last few words the old man said during his visit to Master Kong Food Company later became classic conclusions.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream sounded.

It turned out that a worker who came back from the bathroom found them as a group of uninvited guests. The workers wore masks, but the visitors did not wear them. He couldn't help calling out.

This scream was very crisp and penetrating. In addition, it is impossible to have such a scream in the workshop. The workers who were working hard were interrupted, and they looked up to see what happened. What's up.

This is unbelievable, everyone is a big shot, most of Master Kong's employees have TV sets, they are no strangers to Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo, He Baoguo and Liang Minkuan have also been recognized by some people, and Shenlong sees Not to mention the boss Ouyang who can't see the end, let alone the old man, he is simply a god.

If the workers hadn't been under the control of the usual training and system, they would have immediately pulled off their masks and cheered, but they still just stopped what they were doing and applauded. They all wear gloves.Although the applause was not loud, it could be seen from the way they swung their arms that they exerted a lot of force. Some workers were even so excited that they shed tears.

Now the production cannot continue, Liu Kai is quite clever, and quickly arranged for an executive to notify the machine to be turned off, so that the workers would not hear what the old man said, and at the same time reduce defective products and waste.

"Hello, comrades workers." After the machine was turned off, Liu Kai took a microphone from somewhere and handed it to the old man.

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