rebirth of change

Chapter 365 He Wanrong's Movie Debut

Chapter 360 He Wanrong's Film Debut

What Chen Kangjie has to do is to combine his own situation and learn from the experience of Sweden and Switzerland to develop. What's more, he also needs to help Huang Zhenhua achieve the goal of improving environmental protection control standards.

The functional departments of the central government, such as the Planning Commission, did not know whether to approve such an unimaginable plan. In the end, it was the old man and Wei Zhonghua, two heads who knew Chen Kangjie's details, who made the final decision. It is set according to the deputy department level. If the so-called economic miracle is really realized in the future, it will be upgraded.

The calculations of the two chiefs are very precise. They know that Chen Kangjie already has tens of billions of dollars, which is hundreds of billions of RMB. In addition, Chen Kangjie has told the old man that the money is used to engage in small Japan. The old man believes that Chen Kangjie can still do it. If you return a larger amount, then what Hongyuan promised (00 billion investment is no problem, and the annual scientific research subsidy of 130 billion is not a big problem. With these two investments, it is not a problem to stimulate more than twice the social investment .

At the end of the plan, there is only one requirement for the infrastructure of the 'government'. Improve the railway environment as soon as possible. It is best to invest in the construction of high-speed rail as soon as possible to ensure the flow of goods and passengers. As for the airport, the province is already considering the transformation of the provincial capital airport from 4D into 4e.

In this way, on May 1992, 5, the sign of Zhucheng High-tech City was hung up. The Prime Minister personally participated. Xiang, the director of the Zhucheng High-tech City Management Committee, and an additional member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, which is almost equivalent to two consecutive promotions.

At the same time as the provincial capital High-tech City was established, the declaration of the six flats in the economic development zone also began. It is estimated that it will not be approved until the second half of the year after the party congress, and Chen Qigang's position will be determined accordingly. Make appropriate adjustments.

"Ah Gui, do you want to try it?" Qian Degui always wanted to drive in Hong Kong, and Chen Kangjie teased Ouyang Zhenhua's new Bentley today.

"Jie Shao, I've never driven this car before. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it." In the parking lot of the airport, Qian Degui gently stroked the silver Bentley luxury car and turned halfway around. Circle, laughed at himself.

Qian Degui was not thinking about the route. In order to drive to Hong Kong for Chen Kangjie, he almost memorized the map of Hong Kong. It was Ouyang Zhenhua, a Bentley he had never seen before, that shocked him. From the appearance quality of this car, it can be seen that it is not cheap, and he can't afford to pay for it if it is touched or scratched. Besides, through the glass, you can see that there are some more buttons and indicators in the cab that I don't know what they mean.

"Okay, let's drive after a while after getting familiar with it." Chen Kangjie smiled indifferently. He hadn't even familiarized himself with the environment when he got off the plane. If something unexpected happened, it would be bad.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua got into his Bentley, and the others got into two commercial vehicles one behind the other. Samidov and the others were about to start working again.

"Your car is not bad. Why don't you get a Rolls-Royce?" In the car, Chen Kangjie admired Ouyang Zhenhua's new car.

"I wanted to mess with Les Royces, but I'm still so young now, the car feels like a middle-aged and elderly person, it looks old-fashioned, I'll change it later."

"How much?".

"I ordered it at the end of last year, 670 million Hong Kong dollars, the latest model, do you like it? I will also order one for you," Ouyang Zhenhua joked.

"I think your car is old-fashioned too!" Chen Kangjie teased him in turn.

"Yes, yes, you are suitable for that kind of sports car, isn't your BMW going to come back?".

"It doesn't matter. I don't drive at all now. Why do you want to come here? Let it get rusty. Lin Ling helped my old sister, so it's my reward for her." Chen Kangjie picked up the "World Daily" in front of him and started to read it.

"Jie Shao, you don't know how to wait for an old cow, do you?" Ouyang Zhenhua joked.

"Who are you talking about? Lin Ling? How could it be? He's more than ten years older than me. You can figure it out." Lin Ling's beautiful face flashed for a moment.

"What's the matter, Xiaolongnu is Yang Guo's aunt?" Ouyang Zhenhua said with a smile.

"Nonsense, what's wrong with you today, I'm making such a joke, believe it or not, I'll deduct your salary," Chen Kangjie casually opened the newspaper and threatened.

"Hahaha, I didn't have a salary in the first place. By the way, "The Judge" is about to be released." Ouyang Zhenhua didn't take Chen Kangjie's threat to heart at all. The two of them are now friends, hired, partners, and Some kinship.

"Then I really have to go and see it, to join in the show, when is the release date?".

"Just this month, the specific time, you can ask Wan Rong later."

As soon as she walked into He Wanrong's villa, she saw He Wanrong walking out of the kitchen with an apron tied on her chest.

"I was going to pick you up, but I made some soup here. Anyway, Brother Ouyang was going to pick you up, so I didn't go."

"Sister Wanrong, it seems that you have adapted to the life here, and you can make soup by yourself. You can't help me, right?" Chen Kangjie teased.

"Wanrong made this pot of soup herself early in the morning," Situ Yu said with help.

"Wow, what a blessing," Chen Kangjie pretended to be a greedy cat.

"You have good food, so I can enjoy it too," Ouyang Zhenhua echoed.

He Wanrong's villa security servants are all equipped, and they don't need to cook by themselves at all. Usually, she will only let go of her identity to cook when Chen Kangjie comes. She is now a big star. In the past, Zhao Yuexiang was basically doing housework at home. Therefore, He Wanrong's chances to cook are extremely rare.

"Sit down, I'll go and have a look, it will be ready soon", He Wanrong left a sentence, and ran back to the kitchen a little embarrassed.

Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie and the others were sitting and resting in the large living room of the villa, Xiong Ziqiang and Qian Degui were smoking in the garden outside, and Samidov and the others went to inspect the security around the villa.

"Brother Qiang, that one just now is the hometown star He Wanrong? This is her villa? It's so big and luxurious, how much does it cost!" Qian Degui, who came to Hong Kong for the first time, was very excited. Lived in such a luxurious villa.

"Yes, hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars," Xiong Ziqiang said in a very ordinary way.

Xiong Ziqiang knew some news, but he didn't need to say so much. It should be clear, and it would become clear gradually.

After a while, He Wanrong brought a large pot of soup to the long Indonesian nanmu dining table in the dining room, calling everyone to come and drink the soup.

He Wanrong stewed this pot of soup, which he just learned, and he was waiting for Chen Kangjie, his younger brother, to show off. It is made of mutton, scorpion, snake, lychee, chestnut, etc., plus Lingnan tofu and many seasonings.The fragrance has a little sweetness, which is very suitable for replenishing moisture and relieving fatigue in summer.

Because of the large number of people, except for Chen Kangjie who had a big bowl, everyone else only had a small bowl, "The craftsmanship is pretty good, it's delicious, Sister Wanrong, if you don't sing anymore, go open a restaurant, I believe the business will not be bad." .

"If she goes to open a restaurant, she won't have to wait in line!" Ouyang Zhenhua joked after finishing the remaining half bowl of soup in one gulp.

"It makes sense, the stewed soup with beautiful women is a must in China. If you want to taste it, please stand in line," Chen Kangjie added.

"You two guys will make fun of me, it's not for you next time," He Wanrong scratched her hair and said coquettishly, looking charming and charming.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, whoever wants to marry his cheap sister is really lucky, it depends on who can have such good luck. At the same time, Chen Kangjie also thought, whoever dares to deceive his sister's feelings will never let He had a better time.

After everyone finishes drinking the soup, He Wanrong doesn't need to clean up the dishes. There will be servants to take care of it. He Wanrong sits down and chats with him.

"Sister Wanrong, when will your first movie premiere?" Chen Kangjie asked He Wanrong directly.

"On this month's issue, I was worried that my grades would be unsatisfactory. This is my first time making a movie," He Wanrong said with some confidence.

"How could it not be ideal? I'm sure that your movie will be the box office champion this year, but I can't participate in the premiere of your movie. I won't be back from Europe until the end of the month. I can only go back when I come back." Watch in the cinema".

This year is the year of Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing's three films this year are all the most popular movies in Hong Kong. With Zhou Xingxing's popularity and He Wanrong's fame and clean image, Chen Kangjie has the confidence to believe that this He Wanrong's debut will definitely be shine.

Later facts proved that Chen Kangjie's judgment was not wrong. This movie achieved a box office revenue of 5000 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, firmly occupying the position of box office champion. With her outstanding performance in this movie, He Wanrong also won He won the two nominations of 'Best Actress' and 'Best Newcomer' at the Academy Awards. Chen Kangjie did not use his own strength to exert influence. It was entirely He Wanrong's own efforts. This greatly enhanced He Wanrong's confidence.

"Thank you for your good words, the album we collaborated on sold well, and I'm preparing for this year's album now, do you want to join again?".

"Your albums are indeed classics. I bought two of them. Meiyun likes them better than me. I listen to them almost every day," Ouyang Zhenhua interjected.

"It depends on the situation. You get your part first. If I have time, of course it's fine. I can buy it too. Tell Sister Wenxuan to quickly give me my share. I don't have any pocket money." Already," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

Chen Kangjie's album is very popular at home, even Ma Fangqin and Zhao Yuexiang, who usually don't like pop music, listen to it every day, and the part sung by Chen Kangjie is more popular with the two old people than He Wanrong's.

Of course, the identity of Chen Kangjie Dayangyu is only known to family members, and other people do not know, otherwise Chen Kangjie would not be able to live a normal life.So whenever Fan Xuexi and Deng Min approached Chen Kangjie and asked him to find "Day Potato" through He Wanrong for a signed photo, Chen Kangjie's face twitched and he didn't know how to reply, so he could only be vague, he didn't want to lie , let alone take out a photo and sign it to them.

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