rebirth of change

Chapter 375 Be the Uncrowned King

Chapter 370: Be the Uncrowned King

It will take two days of rest before the Danish team will meet the German team in the final. During this period, Qi Junwu, 'Mao' Maochang, and Koenigsegg have completed the relevant legal documents, and Ouyang Zhenhua can only sign it. can take effect.Ouyang Zhenhua took advantage of these two days to fully implement this matter.

Koenigsegg has already resigned, and the other four still have a few days left until the end of the month. After their discussions and calculations, the car company plans to settle in an unknown town near Angleholm in southern Sweden. It is because this place is quiet and there is not too much hustle and bustle, they feel that it is more suitable to make this kind of finely crafted car art.

After Ouyang Zhenhua signed several documents, he informed them that they would not attend their founding ceremony and had to rush back to China to deal with matters. In fact, Ouyang Zhenhua was also worried that he would appear in front of the media, especially if the two Swedish News Agency reporters saw it. It's not good.

So far, Ouyang Zhenhua has not received an exclusive interview with the news media, and only appeared in the media a few times when he was in China. Foreign media have not interviewed him yet.It’s not that those media are unwilling to interview him. Just like asking for an interview, many media, especially Hong Kong media and Southeast Asian media have made many interview requests, but they have all been rejected by the secretary and staff. Ouyang Zhenhua is also afraid Being too famous can have a bad impact on your life.

"Are there always paparazzi around your house?" Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua sat on the balcony on the third floor of this classic apartment drinking coffee and watching the street view. Of course Chen Kangjie knew that Ouyang Zhenhua was unwilling to attend Koenigsegg The reason for the inauguration ceremony.

"Whether that's true or not, Hong Kong's paparazzi can secretly photograph who or not, it depends on the person." Ouyang Zhenhua crossed his legs and took a sip of the freshly brewed Nanshan coffee.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Chen Kangjie heard that the paparazzi in Hong Kong are very powerful. Hearing Ouyang Zhenhua's words, he immediately became interested and wanted to hear Ouyang Zhenhua's opinion with a smile.

"If they are entertainment stars, the paparazzi will generally keep an eye on them. First, there is a market, second, the risk is low, and third, the stars need to be exposed. Ordinary people are not as interested in high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen as entertainment stars. Especially for young people, what the media shoots and what they don’t shoot are all based on the market. As for celebrities who need to be exposed, it’s easy to understand. No matter how popular a star is, if they don’t appear in the media for a period of time It is easy to be forgotten by the audience and listeners. In the entertainment circle, there are talents from generation to generation, and there will never be a shortage of young handsome men and beautiful women. Therefore, in order not to be squeezed out by the younger generations, the seniors need to appear in front of the media from time to time. On the other hand, as for risks, this is also in line with market principles. Media bosses are first and foremost businessmen. If they offend rich and powerful bigwigs, it is easy to be retaliated by business. Maybe the company is acquired, maybe the stock price plummets, Maybe the operating cost has risen sharply, etc. The boss of the media generally does not take the initiative to provoke people like me for his own benefit. Once he provokes me, he may go bankrupt, hehe, so the risk is very high. Besides, we live The area is full of high-end villas, it is difficult for reporters to interview there, and we have security guards and bodyguards to prevent them from approaching," Ouyang Zhenhua said proudly.

"So that's the case, no wonder I haven't encountered paparazzi much," Chen Kangjie said with some contradictions.

"Look at Xiangyan, Mr. Huo, Li Chaoren and the others, they rarely appear in gossip magazines and newspapers. Unless they attend formal events and special interviews, the paparazzi generally dare not report them casually. If the paparazzi has news, their boss may not dare to post it indiscriminately." Ouyang Zhenhua cited three people Chen Kangjie knew as examples.

"The Hong Kong media dare not publish it, but that doesn't mean the foreign media also dare not. You people can still go to New Zealand, but the United States can't make trouble." Chen Kangjie thought of a loophole.

"We dare not, but they are not familiar with Hong Kong. Besides, their people may not be interested in the people and events in Hong Kong. Anyway, their local news is not small. If readers are not interested, That is something that has no market and no benefit, who would do it?" Ouyang Zhenhua said with a smile, he felt that Master Jie became stupid once in a while.

"That's really the case, so you plan to hide it like this all the time? It seems that you are becoming more and more irresistible, and the western media is starting to pay attention to you."

On the plane to Sweden this time, Chen Kangjie read an English magazine and guessed that Ouyang Zhenhua is the real richest Chinese in the world. They counted the investment of Hongyuan and Chuangshiji Group in the mainland, and the figure was 1000. More than 300 million RMB, or almost [-] billion U.S. dollars, which is already invested. If you add the upcoming investment and the global headquarters building to be built in Hong Kong, even if the Hongyuan Group led by Ouyang Zhenhua in the Genesis Group does not reach more than half shares, Ouyang Zhenhua's wealth should far exceed that of Li Chaoren, the current richest Chinese man. He is the real richest Chinese man.

Although all of this is speculation and far from the actual situation, it shows that the western media is already paying attention to him, a fast-rising rich man.

"It doesn't matter, they can guess whatever they like. You think you are the only one who can hide, and I can do it too. I really can't hide." Ouyang Zhenhua smiled slyly.

"That's right, anyway, we don't need publicity." As an investment company, we don't need much publicity, and the business we do is often out of the sight of ordinary people. That's what Chen Kangjie said.

"However, those companies below us really need publicity. Master Kong's company is already very famous, and the advertising is very strong. Liu Kai and Pan Guiren have also been interviewed several times, and the promotional videos of Master Kong's company will be broadcast from time to time. It turns out that even Qiantong Logistics has already started to publicize. That guy Lu Xiang also appeared on CCTV once. They are shooting a promotional video. In the next stage, I think Qi Junwu and the others can do more publicity, and start cultivating the brand now. "Image", there is no need for publicity at the top, but it doesn't mean that the bottom doesn't need it either. The agreement signed with CCTV originally included this aspect.

"Look at the arrangement." Chen Kangjie should not pay close attention to these specific matters. Besides, there is nothing wrong with Ouyang Zhenhua's arrangement.

In fact, even if there is no arrangement, some domestic media that have become active have begun to pay attention to them. After the rise of the Internet, the media will become more active. The current media is still strictly controlled by the "government". With the reform of the cultural system In-depth, the media will be corporatized, and they will search for news more actively for profit and to win audiences and readers.

"When you step into the entertainment circle in the future, you will become the focus of media attention." Ouyang Zhenhua gloated a little.

Ouyang Zhenhua knew that Chen Kangjie was going to enter the entertainment circle, or he had already stepped into it now.If you enter the entertainment circle, you will inevitably be 'harassed' by the media and get all kinds of news, including gossip news.

"Are you scaring me? I already knew this, but everything has pros and cons, and the pros and cons can be transformed," Chen Kangjie said meaningfully.

Now no one understands the meaning of Chen Kangjie's words, including Ouyang Zhenhua. This is what Chen Kangjie only wanted to understand recently.

High popularity, high popularity, if it is a little star, it will be a bit annoying, it will bring nothing more than some economic benefits and vanity, but if a kind of super popularity appears in a person who can control his own destiny It is completely different for the super rich who can perceive the future.

In ancient times, if a general or minister had too high a person's reputation, it would bring about a disaster of killing, because they could not control their own destiny at all. Their destiny was in the hands of the emperor. It was different for the emperor to have a person's reputation. .

Chen Kangjie cannot be an emperor, and there is no emperor now, but Chen Kangjie can become an uncrowned king. If he can have tens of millions of people all over the world, then this is the umbrella.

All laws are carried out within a certain framework, there is no absolute fairness, a person is not enough just to have money, but also to be powerful and popular. In that case, he can do many things that others think cannot be done. Do.Money will become hard power, and popularity will become soft power. Only with both hard and soft power can we be invincible.

Before Chen Kangjie wanted to enter the entertainment circle, it was obvious that he was interested in playing tickets, but recently he has been thinking about this issue, especially after the Swedish News Agency issued a criticism of the Japanese, he is thinking about how to use the media Power, in other words, is the power of the people.

There are still many, many things that I have to do in the future, especially my real first pot of gold is a bit disgraceful. Although it is understandable, it is not without criticism.Once I can control the power of the media, influence the thoughts of tens of millions of people, and become their idol, then I will have a protective umbrella. As long as what I do is not something that angers others, no one will dare to do anything to him. Because the mouth of the people, the votes in the hands of the people, are also those people who can't afford to mess with them.

"How do you plan to transform?"

"Hehe, I can't make it clear for a while. The fate of those stars is beyond their control, including MJ. They all have contract companies and agents. They need to make money, but what about me? Who controls me? I still need Do you make money from the entertainment industry?" Chen Kangjie said that he couldn't make it clear, but he still pointed out a few words.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this? Those so-called Uranus superstars are all fake Uranus, but you are a real Uranus, haha." Ouyang Zhenhua understood some superficial meanings, and the deep ones will take many years to come. really understand.

"Let's not talk, let's go back as soon as the finals are over tomorrow. I can wait to go back and watch Sister Wanrong's movie." Chen Kangjie stood up and stretched himself, and went back to his room after speaking.

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