rebirth of change

Chapter 381 Hong Kong Movie Part 2

Chapter 380 One Hong Kong Movie II

Even in terms of culture, it is not that Chinese culture cannot be accepted and understood by the West.Eastern culture is relatively reserved and pays attention to charm, but if it is handled well, it can still be recognized by the West, otherwise the later "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" would not be a great success in the United States.

If the investment is small, big productions cannot be made, and there are still many flaws in the story, then it is basically impossible to conquer Western audiences. This is why only Chen Long's films in Hong Kong have some influence in the West.This has a lot to do with his investment. Compared with Hollywood blockbusters, his investment in "Who Am I", "A Good Man", "Police Story" and "Red Zone" is much less, But in Hong Kong, it is already considered a big production with over ten million Hong Kong dollars.

"In fact, Hong Kong is not completely without big film companies. Golden Harvest is good. It is already considered a top film company in Asia, but most of the films are still maintained at a cost of one million Hong Kong dollars. Some of them should be hundreds of thousands. As for culture , I think this is not a real obstacle. After Marco Polo came to the East, Chinese silk, tea, ceramics, etc. were welcomed in the West. Even today, as long as you play the piano well, you can go to Vienna to play a song " "Jasmine Flower" is expected to win applause, and you can even use the erhu. There are some barriers to understanding and language in art, but as long as it is a classic, it will win popularity." Many of Chen Long's big-budget films have not yet been shot, " Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is still far away, and Chen Kangjie can only find other examples to illustrate his thoughts.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Liu Weiqiang nodded and remained silent. Fan Wenxuan was also savoring Chen Kangjie's words. She was educated in the United States, but in the big dye vat of the Hong Kong entertainment circle, his thinking would inevitably be affected by the environment.

"I don't know if I transfer to Feiyang Entertainment, can I make movies independently?" After Liu Weiqiang was silent, he got into the topic by himself.

It stands to reason that Fan Wenxuan should answer this question by himself, but Liu Weiqiang was introduced by Chen Kangjie. Fan Wenxuan was not sure how to answer, so she stared at Ouyang Zhenhua.

On this issue, Chen Kangjie had not communicated with Ouyang Zhenhua before, but as expected of his old partner, Ouyang Zhenhua had already captured his thoughts from Chen Kangjie's words, so he stepped forward and said: "Of course there is no problem, and Feiyang Entertainment will try our best to No small productions, as long as it is a high-quality script, Feiyang Entertainment will not care about the cost, it can be several million Hong Kong dollars, tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars."

"I would like to add that I suggest that there is no ceiling, I believe that you get what you pay for," Chen Kangjie added on the basis of Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Is there a ceiling? Can't you spend billions to make a movie?" He Wanrong interjected.

"Actually, that's nothing special. An American blockbuster may cost [-] million U.S. dollars. That's more than a billion Hong Kong dollars. Do you think it's a lot? It's really not much." Chen Kangjie didn't think there was any fuss at all.

Liu Weiqiang found it incredible. In Hong Kong, no company has said that it has spent hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars just to shoot a movie. Chen Long's filming of "Flying Eagle Project" was only 3000 million Hong Kong dollars, and very few companies can exceed this investment.Does Feiyang Entertainment really want to make movies according to American standards?Do they have that much money?

If Xiang Yan was here, he wouldn't think it was impossible. Only Feiyang Entertainment had the strength to do entertainment in Hong Kong. One or two hundred million dollars was nothing in their eyes.

"Is this all true?" Liu Weiqiang finally asked.

"Of course, we don't need to lie about such issues. You can completely trust our strength. By the end of the year, we will spend one billion dollars to acquire the American Miramax film company," Ouyang Zhenhua said firmly.

"The key here is the script. Take your script as an example. Naturally, it is impossible to spend so much money. A few million Hong Kong dollars is enough," Chen Kangjie emphasized.

"Xiaojie, that script..." Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to talk about several scripts written by Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie knew that Liu Weiqiang could not independently control the shooting of those scripts at this time.

"The script, I suggest that Feiyang Entertainment set up a department dedicated to writing and researching scripts, the kind of scripts that can be formed in a few days or a week or two. To be honest, it is impossible to be a good script. Unless you meet a genius, but geniuses are very rare in the world. Every good script needs to be deliberated, and every detail and background should be well designed. If he wants to keep the script for himself, he can only rely on Feiyang Entertainment to come up with a new script.

"This suggestion is good, I think it is worth doing, and I will arrange it later," Fan Wenxuan took over the conversation.

"The most important thing here is the system, that is, to ensure the remuneration of screenwriters. We know that in the United States, screenwriters can participate in the share of movie revenue. After a good movie, the screenwriter can get hundreds of thousands. US dollars, millions of US dollars, or even tens of millions of US dollars, but what about Hong Kong? A script film company can easily buy out tens of thousands of dollars, and a screenwriter who can get hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars is already amazing. The gap is so big Great. That’s why people in the United States are willing to spend a lot of energy to craft a script, but in Hong Kong, they can get it done casually. In addition to setting up such a screenwriting team, Feiyang Entertainment can also promise a certain amount of time. The revenue share will really improve the status and treatment of screenwriters," Chen Kangjie said about the key points of the core.

From one side, we can know the importance of American screenwriters. In 09, the Writers Guild of America once led a screenwriters’ strike, demanding higher salaries. As a result, many movies, TV dramas and film and television programs had to stop. Finally, the employer agreed to the request of the Writers Guild.

"I know this, but the entertainment companies in Hong Kong have never done this before, so we haven't moved that system over. Of course, this is also related to our income and current business. The income of Hong Kong entertainment companies is often lower than that of large European and American companies. , The legal market they are facing is very large, and we are very small, which plays a restrictive role at the source. Secondly, we have just been involved in film and television, and there is not much demand for screenwriters." Fan Wenxuan seems to have analyzed it.

"Then why can a star get so much for a movie?" Chen Kangjie only asked one question.

"This...because celebrities are the guarantee of box office", Fan Wenxuan was momentarily at a loss for words.

"This is a deformity, too much emphasis on the role of stars, in fact, as long as the filming is good, even a newcomer can achieve good results. It should be based on the script to choose the right actor, not to accommodate a certain actor. And modify the plot arbitrarily, for example, some actors are obviously not suitable to play the gangster, but he is chosen because he is a star, maybe there is another person who is more suitable for this role, but because he is not well-known, he is rejected. Will a movie made in this way really be a good movie?" It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to express so many opinions on Hong Kong movies.

It’s not that Chen Kangjie doesn’t like Hong Kong movies. He grew up watching Hong Kong movies, and he definitely likes them. But after ten years, Hong Kong movies have gone downhill. It was originally the world’s three major movie capitals, known as the Hollywood of the East. , but was greatly challenged by Korean movies, Japanese movies, and even Indian movies, and it was difficult to go global. In the end, there were no famous stars in the world, no influential big directors, big screenwriters, Those with a little success all went to Hollywood. The most typical ones are Zhou Runfa and Li Lianjie. The great director Wu Yusen also went to Hollywood to develop.

Chen Kangjie is very heartbroken about this. He may not be able to restore the decline of Hong Kong movies, but he is willing to make a little contribution.

Liu Weiqiang still bullied Chen Kangjie when he was young just now, that is to deliberately test Chen Kangjie, now after listening to Chen Kangjie quietly, he feels that he has met a bosom friend, and being able to switch to Feiyang Entertainment is definitely a wise choice.He laments his good fortune.

"I'm going back right now to polish and revise the script, and hand over to Shaw Brothers by the way. I can't just leave without saying a word. I still have to finish the work that needs to be done by myself." Liu Weiqiang After speaking, I wanted to stand up and leave.

"Don't worry, don't worry, don't rush, don't rush, you can't do it alone, filming depends on a team, and now Feiyang Entertainment lacks such a team, you have to build a team yourself, you know" , Chen Kangjie waved to Liu Weiqiang.

Poaching seems to be what Chen Kangjie is most willing to do. He never misses any opportunity to poach people. He knows that Shaw Brothers has many talents, some of whom may not be famous now. If Liu Weiqiang brings a group of people here, then It could not be better.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, everyone said in their hearts "little 'traitor'".

"I understand, I will build a shooting team as soon as possible." Liu Weiqiang is not a pedantic person, and such opportunities do not come often.

"I recommend a male number one, an artist under our company, named Guo Fucheng, I think his image is very suitable for the role in your script." Do not flow outsider fields.

"I've heard his "I Can't End My Love", and the image is not bad, but let's talk about it after I revise the script." Liu Weiqiang will not be too opposed to the person recommended by the boss.

"Investors or producers, don't interfere too much with the director's choice of actors. In a film, the director is the soul. We must respect the director." Chen Kangjie finally said a word from Liu Weiqiang's perspective.

Chen Kangjie's words almost moved him to tears.As a director in Hong Kong, many actors are not decided by the director, but investors. Some bosses like to arrange their lovers to be heroines or other roles. It doesn’t matter whether they are suitable or not. The investor dominates everything. It is very difficult for the director to do so.If you refuse, you will not get investment, and these people are often difficult to manage because of their capital background, and they like to play big names.The director becomes a sandwich biscuit.

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