Chapter 39 Meeting a Big Person by Coincidence

Now Chen Kangjie is not in the mood to care about the popularity of Twilight. Anyway, he knows that this book will definitely sell a good amount. As for how much it will sell, he doesn't know. Chen Kangjie is out of his trust in the original author.

Chen Kangjie is shopping in the provincial capital at the moment.After school started on September [-]st, the province organized a province-wide calligraphy competition for primary and secondary schools. At the instigation of the class teacher Chen Hongmei, Chen Kangjie also participated.After more than two years of practice, Chen Kangjie's calligraphy has also matured day by day. This time he won the first prize in a primary school group, and he followed the school's leading teacher to participate in the provincial award ceremony.

Chen Kangjie and the others were arranged to live in the Education Hotel, and it was rather boring in the room, so Chen Kangjie went out for a walk by himself.Chen Kangjie in the provincial capital is relatively familiar. Before his rebirth, Chen Kangjie went to university in the provincial capital. There is a second-hand book market next to the Education Hotel.In today's boring situation, Chen Kangjie came here again, which can be regarded as a revisit of the old place.

Chen Kangjie wandered around the book stalls. At this time, there were not many kinds of old books, and there were few magazines. They were all textbooks or novels published in the 80s. Of course, "Das Kapital", "Anthology of Marx and Engels", and "Selected Works of Leaders" were indispensable among them. Such a special 'character' book.

But at this time, Chen Kangjie saw a copy of "Regional Economy and Resource Endowment" on a stall in front of a middle-aged bookseller. I don't know who wrote it, and half a page was torn off by the author.Chen Kangjie picked it up and flipped through it, and thought it was well written.Chen Kangjie studied economics before. From this book, I can see that some viewpoints and ideas are still in use after 20 years.

At this time, a middle-aged man also walked beside Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie only knew that there was someone around him from the corner of his eye. However, there are usually a lot of people in this second-hand book market, so Chen Kangjie did not turn his head, but continued to read through it attentively. .I thought this book could be bought back and read, so I asked the boss how much it was.

"Three cents", the boss replied, prices had risen a bit in the early 90s, so many things were more expensive, but three cents was still very cheap for Chen Kangjie. At this time, Chen Kangjie felt that When the person next to him reached out to buy the book, he turned his head and looked at it.

"General Secretary", Chen Kangjie took a breath and almost shouted.

A middle-aged man standing next to him was wearing a blue tunic suit with a pen in his coat pocket and a pair of glasses.This is actually Zhao Zhibang, the current secretary of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee, and the future supreme leader of the Republic of China.Even though Chen Kangjie had seen and learned a lot, he couldn't help becoming nervous and didn't know what to say.

"Little friend, can you give me this book? I'll buy some comic books for you to exchange." Zhao Zhibang is a 'government' official who is more concerned about economic construction. He just opened the title of the book and wanted to get it. Who Knowing that Chen Kangjie had quick eyesight and quick hands, he took the lead.When Chen Kangjie was flipping through the book, he also stood at the side and browsed it. He thought it was a good book, so he reached out to ask the boss how much it was. Who knew that Chen Kangjie was ahead of him again.Seeing Chen Kangjie staring blankly at him now, he was a little embarrassed to ask.

Zhao Zhibang is also a lover of books, and in his spare time, he would casually wander the streets to learn about the people's sentiments.I didn't expect to be met by Chen Kangjie during my walk today.At that time, the information was not yet developed, and the penetration rate of television was also very low, so many ordinary people could not recognize the secretary of the provincial party committee.

"Ah? No need, no need, I'll give it to you if you like it," Chen Kangjie was awakened by Zhao Zhibang's words, and quickly refused.

Jokes, comic strips?What kind of comics should I still read, Chen Kangjie murmured to himself, besides, how could Chen Kangjie not take advantage of the opportunity to get in touch with the future general secretary?

Zhao Zhibang thought that children like comic books or comic books, so he made such a proposal.Who knew that Chen Kangjie not only didn't want it, but planned to give it to himself.

"Give it to me? Hehe, kid, don't you like comic strips?" Zhao Zhibang didn't believe it.

"Hehe, Uncle, I stopped reading comic books and comic books when I got up a few years earlier," Chen Kangjie said cutely scratching his head.Chen Kangjie can only pretend not to know Zhao Zhibang now, and it is impossible for him to ask for a comic book.

Zhao Zhibang was also a little confused, how old is this kid, and he didn't read comics a few years ago, and then looked at the "Regional Economy and Resource Endowment" that Chen Kangjie was still holding in his hand, he seemed to understand something, thinking about it , Have you met a genius?

"Hehe, what kind of book do you like? Uncle, I will buy it for you. A gentleman doesn't just steal people's love." Seeing that this child is very cute and stable, Zhao Zhibang also likes it a little bit.Next to him are a few "slugs" who are about the same age as Chen Kangjie, squatting on the ground and reading comic books. This comparison makes them stand out.

"As the so-called sword matches a hero, I think my uncle should be a 'government' employee. This book may play a more important role with you and make Qianzhou rich as soon as possible, so I am willing to give it to my uncle," Chen Kangjie In his previous life, he had always respected this leader who helped Qianzhou develop greatly, but now he feels that he is still so amiable and has a much deeper affection, so he said.

Zhao Zhibang was also taken aback by Chen Kangjie's old-fashioned words. If these words came from a university teacher, it would be normal, but if they came from a kid who didn't look more than ten years old, Zhao Zhibang would certainly find it unusual.

"Well, since you sent me off, I will be disrespectful, but ah, I don't take advantage of you, I treat you to dinner, how about it?", probably facing a child, so Zhao Zhibang also showed Playful side.

Of course, Chen Kangjie couldn't wish for this exchange condition, how could he refuse it? It is always beneficial to have more contact with this big boss.

"Then thank you uncle first, I just haven't eaten yet, hehe", Chen Kangjie bowed slightly to express his thanks, and then naughty deep tongue, making Zhao Zhibang laugh.

The middle-aged bookseller took the [-] cents from Chen Kangjie, and the book was handed over to Zhao Zhibang.

The two walked and chatted all the way, not like they just met.Through a simple chat, Zhao Zhibang also admired Chen Kangjie's knowledge level and talent. After knowing that he came to the provincial capital to participate in the award ceremony of the calligraphy competition, he wondered if he would also attend it?

Chen Kangjie thought that Zhao Zhibang was going to take him to a small restaurant for dinner, but Zhao Zhibang didn't mention it after walking for a while, but soon Chen Kangjie knew that Zhao Zhibang should take him to eat at home, because they walked back to the provincial committee along the road The direction of the family area.

The family area of ​​the Provincial Party Committee is by the Mingnan River, with green trees and a good environment. There are some red brick buildings and villas inside.At this time, getting inside is not as difficult as in the later generations. I saw someone at the door showing their ID to enter and exit easily. If it was a later generation, it would take a long time to check.

Following Zhao Zhibang, of course he would not be investigated. Seeing the secretary holding a child, the guard thought it was a relative of the secretary, so he saluted and didn't even ask.Zhao Zhibang just smiled and nodded at the guard, and he could see the guard's face flushed with excitement.Chen Kangjie was also very happy, he pretended not to know everything, and today he treated himself like a child.

Zhao Zhibang's home is a small courtyard, a two-story building with red bricks and green tiles. Four or five trees are planted in the small courtyard, as well as a round stone table and six stone benches.

After entering the door, a [-]-year-old girl came out to greet her. Seeing that she was still wearing an apron, she should be a babysitter or an arranged service staff.Zhao Zhibang whispered some instructions to her, and then took Chen Kangjie to the study on the second floor.

"Although Uncle Zhao promised to treat you to dinner, I still have a few books here. Do you think there are any you like?" Zhao Zhibang brought Chen Kangjie to the study and before he sat down, he pointed to the two rows of bookcases against the wall and said to Chen Kangjie .Although we haven't known each other for a long time, Zhao Zhibang likes the kid in front of him. When he introduced himself, he only introduced his surname Zhao and didn't mention his position.Although he himself has two children, they are both grown up, and they all go to school outside, and they are not around all year round.

His wife is not here today, and he has gone back to the capital for business.

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