rebirth of change

Chapter 401 Motivation by Example

Chapter [-] Inspiration from role models

Seeing Zhang San on the podium, seeing the five-star red flag rising, and listening to the passionate "March of the Volunteers" played in a foreign country, all the people in the country were very excited and excited, not to mention He Wanrong at the scene, Two lines of clear tears had already slid down the soft cheeks.

"I am really happy and proud that I am a Chinese at this moment," He Wanrong said with her index finger gently wiping away her tears, choked up.

"I have always been proud of being Chinese, forever." Chen Kangjie stared at the national flag fluttering in the breeze, which was a response to He Wanrong's words, and it was also an expression of his heart.

"In fact, every Olympic Games is a patriotic education for every country, especially for countries that can win awards. It can well stimulate the national pride and sense of identity with the country," Ouyang Zhenhua said. , also expressed a special opinion.

"That's right, but speaking of it, the Olympic Games, like other international organizations, is still basically a game of great powers. Whether it's a gold medal or a medal, the previous few countries will get more than half of their wealth," Tan Meiyun sang 'Woman' Sui.

"Dignity always belongs only to big countries and powerful countries. No matter when and where, strength determines everything. The same is true in the stadium. The previous gold medal champions basically competed between the United States and the Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Union is no longer Besides, it was changed to the Commonwealth of Independent States, but the basic strength comparison has not changed at all." Chen Kangjie said another angle.

"I believe that with the rapid development of our country's economy, we will be able to achieve No.1 in the near future." Ouyang Zhenhua is estimated to be the first batch of Hong Kong citizens who have a high sense of identity with the country.

Because of Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua does not regard himself as British or Hong Kong people like millions of other Hong Kong people. Therefore, before the return of Hong Kong, a large number of Hong Kong residents chose to immigrate overseas, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Wait for these western countries.

Even ten years after the return of Hong Kong, there are still Hong Kong people who lack the identity of the country. This is a long process and many things need to be done. The accumulation of hundreds of years cannot be completely melted away by a simple handover ceremony.So every time after the Olympic Games, the country will send Olympic champions to Hong Kong to promote Mandarin, give Hong Kong economic benefits, and so on.

"It is often easier for a socialist country to become No.1," Chen Kangjie added.

This is from the perspective of the system. In terms of sports, it well embodies the advantages of concentrating on big things. Athletes are selected layer by layer and receive rigorous training at an early age. Of course, it is easy to discover top talents, so even if it is North Korea, whose economic situation is relatively poor, has achieved good results in the Olympic Games.

Western countries are a bit different. Although they also have national teams, most of them are amateur athletes. Maybe a cyclist representing Finland is a bank clerk by profession, just because he likes cycling.Perhaps the usual occupation of an Olympic shooter is a teacher.

The purpose of sports is to enhance the physical fitness of the whole people, and the results of the Olympic Games do not represent the national physical fitness of the host country.In this regard, we have to admit that Western countries have done better. In our country, except for several sports such as table tennis and basketball, which can be promoted fairly well, many other sports are the sports of a small number of people.

In this Olympic Games, there is another person who left a deep impression on Chen Kangjie, Cuba's Zaon.The guy was so good as a boxer that he fought five fights and won them all.Chen Kangjie did not go to watch his performance live, but watched the TV broadcast in his room.

Players from other countries who fought against Sa Weng all left the stage with profoundly bruised noses and swollen faces, but Sa Weng himself hardly left any marks on his face.After all the competitions, he told reporters that what he lacked the most was his opponents. In order to show his arrogance, when receiving the award, other athletes went through the middle of the rope, and only this guy went directly from above. step over.As an amateur athlete, Savon participated in a total of 146 games, and as a result, he won 137 games and only lost 9 times. Such results are indeed very rare.

In the stadium in Barcelona, ​​Chen Kangjie and the others witnessed the raising of the national flag 16 times in total, listened to the playing of the national anthem 16 times, and their hearts were agitated 16 times. Those award-winning athletes wore the national flag to accept the cheers of the crowd. Some of them look like heroes, in fact, they are indeed heroes.

All these deeply stimulated Chen Kangjie and made his blood boil. From this, he came up with the idea of ​​becoming an athlete and representing the country in the Olympic Games.No matter how much the two physical education teachers at the school tried to tease him before, Chen Kangjie didn't let go, and he really didn't want to be an athlete so early, but after watching an Olympic Games, Chen Kangjie's views changed and he was stimulated.That's why when watching a basketball game, Chen Kangjie would blurt out that he might be a track and field athlete.

The power of role models is infinite, especially the role models at the scene. These athletes gave Chen Kangjie infinite encouragement and courage. Listening to the melodious national anthem with your head held high, the feeling of wearing the national flag and feeling the light emitted by the five stars will really make people intoxicated and ecstatic.

After all the competitions had ended, Chen Kangjie did not wait for the closing ceremony to appear.They have another journey that has already begun.

On the return trip, Chen Kangjie and the others did not choose to fly from Barcelona to Hong Kong, but chose to take a cruise, which was a temporary change.

The cruise ship that Chen Kangjie and the others boarded is called "Queen Elizabeth", which is currently the most luxurious cruise ship in Europe. It can accommodate more than 3000 passengers and is longer than the famous "Titanic" in history.There are fifteen floors up and down, and Chen Kangjie and the others booked the first-class cabin, which is located on the twelfth floor.There are all kinds of facilities in the room, and each room has more than 12 square meters.

"Wow, the mirror frames of the dressing table are all made of silver. Do you think this oil painting is authentic?" He Wanrong happily circled in the living room where the Persian carpet was laid.

"I think the Titanic was nothing more than that!" Tan Meiyun, who chose to travel by cruise for the first time, said in admiration.

"These oil paintings should be imitations. You must know that this is Monet's "Sunrise". How could it be placed in such a room? Among other things, the value alone is tens of millions of dollars!", Chen Kangjie Went to the oil painting Qian admired it, and opened his mouth to explain He Wanrong's question.

"I read in the English introduction of the cruise ship that the lifeboats of this ship are fully equipped, and there will be no accidents. Besides, today's technology is much more advanced than that of more than half a century ago. Even if it encounters a glacier, it will be fine." Ouyang Zhen Hua sat on a classical rocking chair, holding an exquisite booklet.

"Don't blindly believe in technology. It is impossible for us to encounter glaciers on this journey. We will not pass through the North Atlantic Ocean at all. Instead, we will pass through the Mediterranean Sea, pass through the Suez Canal, pass through the Red Sea, turn to the Indian Ocean, and then go to the destination through the Strait of Malacca. Land - Hong Kong. It is impossible to encounter glaciers, but it does not mean that you will not encounter hidden reefs." Chen Kangjie seriously sounded the alarm. This world is a world where everything is possible.

Not to mention wanting to be there, even ten years later, Chen Kangjie still remembers that a cruise ship hit the rocks, and the casualties were not too shocking, only a dozen tourists died, but the cruise ship still tilted and half sank.In the face of nature, all strong ships, sharp guns, and iron walls will be as fragile as paper, and they will be vulnerable to a single blow.

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