rebirth of change

Chapter 414 Will You Always Protect Me?

Chapter 410 Will You Always Protect Me?

As for Zhang Jingbo's cousin, he is a related household. It was entirely his father who got into the *** department. Many state-owned companies' *** departments have some personnel who are worthy of grabbing. Before Chong Kangjie was reborn, his family building There used to be a member of the *** department who lived in the hospital for a while, and sometimes he would bring a gun home. After only staying for more than half a year, he was transferred away due to work reasons.

Zhang Jingbo asked his cousin to help him, and his cousin would definitely help, but whether he dared to use a gun was another matter.

When I went back that afternoon, Chen Jing didn't complain about Chen Kangjie's fight. She was usually domineering to Chen Kangjie, but when it was time to make a wise decision, she was still not confused.

That afternoon Chen Kangjie went home with Chen Jing. Although he could guess the general idea, he didn't have a chance to ask what was going on. It wasn't until the next morning that he figured out the whole situation.

"I harassed you the afternoon before yesterday, why didn't you tell me?" Chen Kangjie complained to Fan Xuexi who turned around.

"How did I know that they would come again the next day? It's really shameless. After being repaired by you once, they shouldn't dare to come again?" Fan Xuexi asked like that, but he himself could foresee that they would not let it go.

"Where is it so easy? You really think that people are made of mud, even if they are made of mud, you still have a three-point temper. If you lose such a big face, no one will just let it go, but don't worry, everything I'll handle it, if you encounter any problems in the future, remember to tell me as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie will not be so naive. Chen Kangjie understands this kind of self-righteous gangster students. He pays attention to face. They are not like adults. They will investigate clearly. If you encounter someone you shouldn't provoke, you will swallow your teeth with blood. These guys are masters who don't hit the south wall and don't look back, and don't cry when they don't see the coffin.

"Can you do it?" Fan Xuexi was moved, but still somewhat worried for Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, this kind of rookie is a piece of cake," Chen Kangjie said with a smile without hesitation.

"Boss, what is a rookie?" Zhang Qiang, who had been listening intently, asked. Of course, Chu Xiang and Yang Cong didn't understand, and Zhang Qiang asked them to help them.

"This... this...", this question really caught Chen Kangjie. This title became popular with the rise of the Internet a few years later. How can he explain it now? He can't say he doesn't know, right?Chen Kangjie, who was thinking about it, is worthy of being a smart person, "Rookie refers to a bird that only eats vegetables. Birds should eat insects. Think about it, people who should eat meat are actually vegetarians. Such a bird can have a future. This is a stupid bird, a bird with no future, they are like this bird."

Chen Kangjie's explanation is too far-fetched, it can only be said to be barely smooth.

"That's how it is. Fortunately, we eat meat, not rookies." Fortunately, Chen Kangjie didn't drink water at this time, otherwise, he must have been provoked by Chu Xiang's words.

"Brother, can you stop being so cute? You can't describe it casually. If you don't know anything, you're a rookie." Chen Kangjie laughed until tears came out.

"It's the first time I've heard this word, and I don't know how to use it, hehe," Chu Xiang said embarrassingly, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay, but let me tell you, if you meet a girl who is being bullied in the future, you must stand up and don't be a coward to me. I remember that Zhang Qiang fought for Deng Min before. Keep it up and be me. Friends, at least you can’t be too cowardly and timid!” Chen Kangjie stopped smiling, and said seriously to Zhang Qiang and the three of them.

"Mmm, um, um, I remember," the three of them solemnly nodded in agreement.

"Good job, don't worry, as long as you don't flinch, I will take care of what happens." Chen Kangjie clapped his hands on their shoulders.

"Chen Kangjie, I don't encourage you to fight. The teacher said it's not good." Fan Xuexi is the class monitor, but one of my good friends encourages the other three good friends to fight. Although it is for them, I still feel bad. Well, it goes against what she's been taught all along.

"What the teacher said may not be correct. You are talking about boys' problems, and I am talking about men's problems. You are men. It is a boy's duty to protect girls. No matter when and where, you say you are boys. Or a man?" Chen Kangjie adopted the aggressive method.

In Chen Kangjie's consciousness, many of what the teachers said were indeed not necessarily correct, just like a common saying in the literary and art circles, "In serious historical monographs, except for the names of people, everything else is false, while novels Inside, except for the fake names, everything else is true.”

For a long time, the teachers have taught the students to learn from Lai Ning and to risk their lives for the country and the collective property, but to be honest, those things are really not what primary school and middle school students should do. In such a situation, the only thing they can do is The most important thing to do is to call for help from an adult, or even call the police.This may be the characteristic of our country's education.

There is a story that Chen Kangjie remembers very well. A Chinese student studied in a famous university in the United States. Because of his excellent studies, he got a position as an assistant researcher and could enter and leave the laboratory at any time.One night, he was doing experiments alone in the laboratory. It happened that a thief broke into the laboratory and planned to steal it. When he found out, he showed the fearless spirit of the Chinese and fought with the thief, but the thief was not caught. Hold on, I was injured.

If this happened in China, the assistant researcher would be commended and promoted as a positive example, and the school leaders would even encourage teachers and students to learn from him.But on the contrary, it was in the United States. Not only was he not praised, he was also criticized by the police for not being reckless and making decisions on his own, because catching thieves is the job of the police, not his job. The first thing he should do is call the police .If he had called the police immediately, the thief would have been caught.

Almost all American blockbusters promote individual heroism, but in actual education, they may not necessarily do that. This is the difference in culture and education.Chen Kangjie is not a person who admires foreigners, but he has to admit that it is correct. He often hears about children who bravely rescued children who fell into the water, but others failed to save them, and instead took their own life.It would be better if there were fewer such tragedies.

However, in terms of protecting women, Chen Kangjie believes that the whole world is the same. As a man, he should have the courage to shoulder such responsibilities.

"Men, of course we are men, men just like you." Chu Xiang's chest slapped loudly, forming a huge contrast with his previous image.

This is the one who is close to Zhu Chi and the one who is close to ink is black. After following Chen Kangjie for a long time, the people around him are gradually influenced by him in a subtle way.

"We are also men", Zhang Qiang and Yang Cong were half a beat behind, and they also learned from Chu Xiang almost at the same time.

"It's about the same. Sit down, class is about to start." When the class bell rang, Chen Kangjie was very pleased with their answers. Even though they would answer like that, but hearing them say it with his own ears, he still felt a little uncomfortable. Same.

This class is a Chinese class. Everyone else took out their Chinese textbooks. Only Chen Kangjie took out the Russian version of "The Gulag Archipelago" written by Solzhenitsyn. This is a book that reflects the political atmosphere and consciousness of the former Soviet Union. The novel describes Gorky's inspection of the prison above the Gulag Islands. In order to cover up the darkness here, the prison party actually used "cutting" wheat to beautify the environment, which is a great irony.

Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for Literature for this novel, but he was pressured to refuse to accept the award until after he emigrated abroad.Chen Kangjie had read the Chinese version of this novel before he was reborn, but reading the original Russian version gave him a different feeling. Chen Kangjie planned to read this novel as what he wanted to learn in his Chinese class.

Not long after class started, Chen Kangjie's reading was interrupted by a note from Fan Xuexi, who was usually very well-behaved in class, and there was only one sentence in the note: "Will you always protect me?".

Seeing this note, Chen Kangjie smiled.

"Boss, show me what you are posting." The gossip Zhang Qiang was full of curiosity about Fan Xuexi's actions.

"Go away and go to class obediently. If you lose one point in Chinese in the monthly test, you will sit somewhere else next month." Of course, Chen Kangjie couldn't show Zhang Qiang this note, and even threatened him in order to dismiss him.

Sure enough, Zhang Qiang took this trick, stuck out his tongue, reluctantly held up his textbook and sat up straight, pretending to be listening carefully.

After dismissing Zhang Qiang, Chen Kangjie should think about how to answer this interesting note. The simplest answer can be done with one word, "Yes" is enough, but Chen Kangjie doesn't want to be so bland and direct.

"No matter when, you are my best friend, the closest friend, I will always cherish it very much, so as long as I know, as long as you need, no matter how far, no matter how difficult, no matter what the situation will be , I will show up at the first time to help you and protect you. This is my duty, and it is my promise. I will do my best to keep you from getting hurt. Let's pull the hook, pull the hook, hang yourself, it will remain unchanged for 100 years ", Chen Kangjie actually came with such naughty two sentences at the end.

After finishing writing, Chen Kangjie folded the note, tapped Fan Xuexi's back lightly, and passed the note to her.

Fan Xuexi passed the note to Chen Kangjie far more generously than she accepted the note sent back by Chen Kangjie. She blushed and quickly grabbed the note and handed it into the desk box as if she were a thief or having an affair. Those who dare to secretly 'touch' and 'touch' take it out to see.

Seeing what Chen Kangjie replied, she smiled knowingly, it was sweet, silly, and brilliant.

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