rebirth of change

Chapter 416 Don't talk nonsense

Chapter 410 Six Don't Swear

At noon on Saturday, Chen Kangjie invited all the little brothers who came to cheer for dinner, as a thank you for their support. Anyway, Ma Wei and the others came, and Chen Kangjie was going to invite them to dinner. Four were invited, and seven were invited. , just act together, so as not to wait for one.

What Chen Kangjie invited was western food, but it wasn't strictly western food. It was company sandwiches, french fries, cola or coffee. The place was in the newly opened western restaurant opposite Master Kong's company. This was Ma Wei's first contact with them. Western food.

For the first time, I don’t need to eat hot pot, hot pot, jelly, roll noodles, strange rice, etc. My friends are very excited.Chinese people seem to have a very special hobby for this kind of simple junk foreign fast food, especially children.This is a very puzzling thing. It stands to reason that Chinese cuisine is rich and colorful, and snacks all over the country are even more numerous, but our children are defeated by a hamburger, a bag of French fries, a chicken wing, and a chicken leg.

I remember when Wangfujing opened the first McDonald’s in China, the flow of people surprised the Yankees, and the line was stretched out dozens of meters outside the door. On that day, it created the highest turnover of a single McDonald’s in the world. McDonald's and KFC in large and medium-sized cities in China are basically the restaurants with the best business in the local area. Many people find it incredible. On the contrary, in the United States, many similar stores are empty and the business is mediocre.

Although the prices at this time have just experienced a certain amount of inflation, and it is a relatively expensive western restaurant, compared to later generations, the price is still very low. In addition, the eight people of Chen Kangjie ate more than 100 yuan. After more than ten years, it is estimated that there is no five or six hundred yuan to get it.

"Chen Kangjie, this is the best and most expensive meal I have ever had." Before walking out of the glass door of the western restaurant, Chu Xiang learned how to wipe his oily mouth with a napkin. From the words, he could feel his excitement and happiness.

"It's not a good thing. It's okay to eat it occasionally, but it's not good for your health if you eat it frequently, and you will become very fat," Chen Kangjie responded.

"How is that possible? Haha, talking big." Although Ma Wei has the closest relationship with Chen Kangjie, it is not likely that Ma Wei will agree with Chen Kangjie at this time.

"Is it impossible? If you really don't believe me, I can ask you to eat it every day, just for fear that you will regret it later," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"I don't believe what others say, but I believe what Chen Kangjie said. This thing is still expensive, so it's better to save some money." Chu Xiang is a staunch supporter of Chen Kangjie, and a child like him who has experienced difficulties in life is more expensive than others. He is more aware of the importance of saving. Perhaps, his big reason is to save money for Chen Kangjie.

"Indeed, the meal we ate was already half a month's salary of my father," Mazi nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, we still have business to do, so don't be late, lest people say we lack etiquette." Chen Kangjie saw three cars approaching, and after speaking, he quickened his pace and walked towards the side of the road.

There were so many people going, so Chen Kangjie told Xiong Ziqiang in advance that they would drive three Buicks from the company, and the drivers were Qian Degui, Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui.

Xiong Ziqiang got out of the car in the middle and stood by the door, "Jie Shao, get in the car, it's almost time."

"Brothers, get in the car." Chen Kangjie waved his little hand, as if he was a little general who was about to lead his troops.

Ma Wei and the others didn't care where the car came from, or who was driving it, and they didn't care about these social affairs, so they snatched a car door by themselves, opened it and got in.

With the sound of the car's motor, the small convoy set off mightily, heading for the gate of the technical school.

At the entrance of the technical school, the car was parked on the side of the road.Even though it was the weekend today, there were no people in the technical school, but Chen Kangjie didn't intend to drive the car into the campus, that would be too ostentatious, and there was an old man on duty in the guard room anyway.

Free Semiconductor Company rented the new teacher's dormitory of the technical school and drove the car in. It was not a big problem, but Chen Kangjie didn't want to do that, he wanted to control the impact of the upcoming events to a minimum.

A group of 11 people walked into the campus of the technical school without registration at the gate guard. When they walked through a tree-lined cement road to the square in front of their main teaching building, the other party had already stood there for five or sixty minutes. people here.Zhang Jingbo stood in the middle of the crowd with a long-haired man wearing gray underwear and yellow leather shoes with a stern face, very majestic.

When they saw Chen Kangjie, there were only a dozen or so of them, and eight of them were extremely inconspicuous little hairy heads, and only four of them seemed to be rivals, but with so many dozens of people, they felt that the opponent was alone. Thin.Fangfo feels a little bit of a bully.

Ma Wei and the others saw that the opponent was so many people, strong and strong, with weapons hidden behind them. Compared with their own strength, their calf trembled a little, and their walking pace was a little slower.Relatively speaking, Zhang Qiang, Chu Xiang, and Yang Cong performed better. Xiong Ziqiang and the others have never seen Zhang Qiang's strength. However, no matter what, they have fought side by side with Chen Kangjie, seen blood, and suffered. Injured and hospitalized, you need to be more courageous and walk more steadily.

Only Chen Kangjie behaved the least. The 60 or [-] people standing on the playground seemed like fifty or sixty Chinese cabbages. Not only was it not threatening, but it was also pretty good food.

"You really dare to come, the technical school is our territory, you are not small!" Tu Laosi shook his shoulders, took Zhang Jingbo and the others a few steps forward, and formed a face-to-face posture with Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Is this the Longtan Tiger's Lair? Is this a den of thieves? Is this a concentration camp? I don't see it, why don't I dare to come?" Chen Kangjie said in a mocking tone. Like enjoying the beauty of the campus, there is no tension or fear at all.

"You are very arrogant. I heard that you are a card player from No. [-] High School? It's been a long time since I saw someone like No. [-] ***." Tu Lao Si raised his voice a few degrees, showing that he had a very high status in the world.

"I know how to play cards. I don't know what cards are called. Are you talking about the boss? Big brother? Big brother? Carrying the handle? In fact, I am a dutiful student and don't want to cause trouble." Chen Kangjie's words were ridiculed, with Hard with soft.

"Then why was my brother beaten by you? He was still injured so badly," Tu Lao Si got to the point, with a gloomy face and fierce eyes.

"You're talking about him? Should I lead someone to beat him? Isn't this a joke? You can insult your own intelligence, but don't insult me." Chen Kangjie kept smiling, looking so foolish and indifferent.

"So what about the insult?" Tu Laosi stretched out his right hand, and his index finger almost touched Chen Kangjie's face.

"Hehe, hehe, what do you want? Come on, I don't have time to waste with you." Chen Kangjie didn't follow up because of the other party's overreach, and his demeanor and expression remained the same.

Why is the other party so calm?I put up such a big battle, but I didn't achieve the slightest threat.Tu Laosi muttered psychologically.

"Fourth brother, what are you doing so much with them, fuck them?" Zhang Jingbo interjected.

Tu Laosi didn't speak, he had a feeling of chills, always felt that something was wrong, when he turned his head away, he saw four pairs of sharp eyes shooting at him, three pairs of them were simply It was as uncomfortable to penetrate his body as his heart.Tu Laosi judged from his experience that these people are definitely not simple, and they should be the kid in front of him who can rely on calmly.

Tu Lao Si looked back at his huge group of brothers, and his confidence recovered a lot.That's right, I'm afraid of a bird, I have so many people, can't even four people do it?I can't afford to lose this person, and the other party is empty-handed, and I am still preparing for weapons.

Tu Lao Sizhi's weapons are mop sticks and broom sticks. In order to fight, Tu Lao Si mobilized his younger brothers to dismantle mop sticks and broom sticks from several classes and put them behind the crowd. Once a battle starts, they can quickly pick them up.The reason why they didn't hold each of them in their hands at the beginning was because they were worried that they would scare each other away. Chasing battles were far less fun than gang fights.

Chen Kangjie put aside Tu Laosi and leaned towards his old friend Zhang Jingbo. His action made Zhang Jingbo take half a step back in fright.He had experienced Chen Kangjie's formidable power, his hands and feet were extremely fast, there was no way to defend against it, and his strength was so great that he couldn't bear it at all.

"Your genuine card said that I would lead someone to beat you with this fake card. Now I am the only one coming forward, and you just dodge like this. Do you still need to lead people? You don't cry when you see the coffin, and you don't reach the heart of the Yellow River." Immortal, right?" Chen Kangjie narrowed his eyes and said contemptuously.

That afternoon, Zhang Jingbo once said that he was a card player of the technical school, and Chen Kangjie exposed him nakedly.

"I..." Before Zhang Jingbo finished speaking, he became a flying man for the third time.

In fact, Zhang Jingbo was a little wronged by Chen Kangjie's unexpected kick. He really didn't want to scold Chen Kangjie, but he was used to swearing, and he blurted it out naturally.

Therefore, it is recommended that friends do not talk about dirty words casually, otherwise, at critical moments, it is really possible that people will be killed because of it.

As soon as Chen Kangjie made a move, Xiong Ziqiang and the others unceremoniously followed, like a tiger in a flock of sheep. Basically, those who got caught would fall without the third move, and the first to bear the brunt was Tu Lao Si, the boss.

Xiong Ziqiang leaped forward, a grabbing hand grabbed his right hand that was pointed at Chen Kangjie just now, and pulled it hard, Tu Lao Si was pulled up like a chicken, Xiong Ziqiang turned around again and shot, Tu Lao Si flew out Four meters away, unable to move.

Chen Kangjie and the others were too fast, and their movements were so smooth, it was like watching a martial arts movie. The rear team members on both sides hadn't realized it yet. The five students from the technical school who came forward, Tu Laosi and Zhang Jingbo, were all lying on the ground.

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