rebirth of change

Chapter 418 Who Will Be the District Chief

Chapter 410 Who Will Be the District Chief

Afterwards, Zhang Jingbo originally wanted to seek out his cousin, but after carefully recalling the look in Chen Kangjie's eyes, he gave up.

Chen Kangjie's previous series of actions and words were threats and intimidation, but the last paragraph was real. If he dared to 'harass' Fan Xuexi or Deng Min again, or ask himself to play tricks again, then Chen Kangjie would definitely let him His healthy life ended there.

Opportunities can be given once or twice, but absolutely not for the third time. As the saying goes, one can do two but not three, that's what it means.

This incident also left a deep impression on his little friends, making their understanding of Chen Kangjie even deeper.

After wasting an extra week, Chen Kangjie finally came to the city to plead guilty to his godmother Zhao Yuexiang.

Opening the door and walking into the room, I saw Zhao Yuexiang again, but received a different treatment than usual, Zhao Yuexiang did not hug him lovingly like before, but pretended to ignore him with a stern face.

"Godmother, who made you so angry? Tell me, and I'll fix him for you," Chen Kangjie said in a flattering manner.

"Hmph, then you kid should fix yourself first," Zhao Yuexiang said angrily as she walked to open the refrigerator.

Zhao Yuexiang's inadvertent move had already betrayed his heart, and Chen Kangjie stood behind him pursing his lips and giggling.

When Zhao Yuexiang took out half of the frozen red watermelon and turned around, Chen Kangjie quickly stopped his smile and turned into a face humbly begging for redemption. Why do you want to fix yourself?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Yuexiang tacitly agreed that he would just pull, neither smiling nor refusing.

"Let me think about it, is it because my godfather is busy all day and I don't help persuade him?" Chen Kangjie said mischievously, pretending to be crazy.

"You're slick, you're talking nonsense, aren't you?" Zhao Yuexiang put the watermelon on the tea table with a little gravity, turned around, and put her hands on her hips.

"I surrender, I surrender, this is not to make you happy godmother, I know, I did not come to see you during the holidays, I am guilty, I am sorry, I am here to apologize", Chen Kangjie raised his hand cutely, for To show sincerity, even Wang Baochang's catchphrase came out.

Fortunately, the Sichuan dialect version of "Wang Baochang's Crooked Biography" has not yet started filming, so Zhao Yuexiang naturally has not watched it, otherwise, he will definitely be amused.

"Look, you don't look like you're pleading guilty." Zhao Yuexiang didn't just let Chen Kangjie off with just a few words.

"Godmother, don't you really plan to beat me up?" Chen Kangjie said sternly, anyway, this trick is the most effective when dealing with women.

"Hit you? Hitting you is light. Hurry up and sit down and eat watermelon. What are you doing standing up?" Zhao Yuexiang was simply duplicity. She was obviously very distressed that Chen Kangjie came here in the hot weather, but she still had to pretend to be angry.

"Hey, I promise to complete the task." Chen Kangjie raised his hand in salute, sat down, picked up the watermelon and gnawed it.

"Slow down, there are watermelon seeds, and no one will grab them from you." Seeing Chen Kangjie like this, Zhao Yuexiang finally smiled reluctantly, and quickly handed Chen Kangjie a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Hey, why don't you eat it while it's cold?" Chen Kangjie smirked and wiped a tissue on his mouth indiscriminately, and started to gobble it up again.

"Stupid boy", Zhao Yuexiang cursed affectionately, and sat down beside her.

It wasn't until Chen Kangjie wiped out most of the half of the watermelon that he washed his hands, wiped his mouth and chatted with Zhao Yuexiang.

"Before you go to Spain, why don't you come and see me and your godfather?".

"Godmother, I actually want to come, but it's just a last resort. I have a lot of friends, and I don't usually have much time to play with them. There are only holidays, and I often go out. Why don't I spend more time with them?" Chen Kangjie explained simply .

"So that's the case, then you should make more calls."

"Godmother, I remember I call you every week."

"Can't you fight once every three days?" Zhao Yuexiang negotiated with Chen Kangjie on this matter like a child.

Zhao Yuexiang really regarded Chen Kangjie as her son, and it was obvious from this that she loved him deeply.

"Godmother, why don't I move in with you?" Chen Kangjie seemed to be serious.

"Okay! Okay! That's a good idea...but, your parents won't agree to it! Hey, you little guy is playing tricks on me!" Zhao Yuexiang immediately heard Chen Kangjie's suggestion. Both hands agree, but looking back, how could Ma Fangqin agree?It was only then that I realized that I had been fooled, and lightly punched Chen Kangjie a few times, and then just scratched it.

"Hahaha, haha, godmother, I was wrong, I will definitely come here often in the future", Chen Kangjie won't hurt when he is beaten, and he can get nothing if he is scratched, but since he is here to plead guilty, he must cooperate Watching the play well, laughing and rolling on the sofa.

"Let's see if you dare to play tricks on me next time, hum, you dare to play tricks on me, you are getting more and more courageous", that's what Zhao Yuexiang said, but on the contrary, the movements of her hands stopped.

"Absolutely not, absolutely not, hehe." After Chen Kangjie got up, he smiled and begged for mercy.

Chen Kangjie's simple joke diverted Zhao Yuexiang's attention and made their negotiation indifferent.

Chen Kangjie drove in Qian Degui at noon, and Xiong Ziqiang and his escort went to the city. He Baoguo had something to do on the weekend and went to a meeting, and he didn't return home until after five o'clock.

In fact, Zhao Yuexiang and He Baoguo knew that Chen Kangjie was coming today, otherwise Zhao Yuexiang would not have prepared frozen watermelons for him. He Baoguo also hadn't seen Chen Kangjie for a long time, and he missed him very much. Chen Kangjie and Zhao Yuexiang called each other more often than he did. Many, but this meeting is more important, so I can't refuse.

"Xiaojie, why did you come here? Your godmother misses you so much and keeps talking about you all day long." He Baoguo just entered the door, without putting down his briefcase, and said impatiently.

He Baoguo is a big man no matter what, he is not as cautious as Zhao Yuexiang, so the words he said with a smile are very kind.

"Don't you want to? Don't you read it? Just talk about me", Zhao Yuexiang took his briefcase and scolded.

"Hehe, we, we, blame you for causing me to be criticized." He Baoguo quickly changed his words and shifted the responsibility to Chen Kangjie.

"Godfather, I've already commented on ***, you don't need to criticize anymore," Chen Kangjie flattered.

"I went to Europe again and didn't bring us anything?" He Baoguo just sat down and planned to blackmail him.

"How could I not bring it? Sister Wanrong bought it, a big bag, razors, clothes, books, newspapers, handicrafts, everything," Chen Kangjie confessed honestly.

"It's a big bag, I screwed it into the room." After Zhao Yuexiang hung up He Baoguo's briefcase at the living room door, she turned around and took up the conversation.

"Have you spent a lot of money again?" He Baoguo asked with concern.

"This time they are all cheap and expensive, and all are paid by Sister Wanrong," Chen Kangjie replied.

He Wanrong can be regarded as a little rich woman now, if she wanted to do some filial piety to her parents, of course Chen Kangjie would not rob her, anyway the money was paid by herself.Anyway, going back to the source, He Wanrong's salary was all paid by Chen Kangjie.

Chatting with He Baoguo, there are definitely very few short stories with the parents, and more of them are about work. No, Zhao Yuexiang just went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, and He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie began to "touch" secretly again.

"Godfather, why is your meeting so important that it's held on Saturday?" Chen Kangjie asked with interest.

"A meeting related to your father," He Baoguo took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Is it related to my father? What meeting will be related to him?" Chen Kangjie didn't know why, so he became more interested.

"Because the six will be promoted, your father's work position will also have to make new arrangements. Today's municipal committee meeting is dedicated to discussing this," He Baoguo explained briefly.

"Tell me in detail", Chen Kangjie moved his buttocks, sat upright, and put on a neat appearance of a primary school student attending a class.

"The six special zones have been upgraded from the department to the deputy department level. Basically, there is no big problem. The situation briefing on Wednesday has been answered. Then we must make personnel arrangements in advance in our city and province. According to the provincial party committee meeting According to Mr. Huang's comments and Mr. Huang's instructions, your father will serve as the vice president of the municipal party committee and concurrently serve as the secretary general of the six special zone committees. , this has already been fixed, and we have a meeting to discuss and implement this situation." When He Baoguo talked about work, he would basically not treat Chen Kangjie as a child, which has always been the practice.

"What about the current Mrs. Ni?" Chen Kangjie asked about Ni Kuang's father.

"According to the intention of the province, he is to be transferred from our city, and he should go to Yixing to become the deputy mayor." As for the transferred cadres, it is not He Baoguo who can control and affirm them, so the words are vague Both.

"Who will take up the vacated post of district chief? Did you mention it?" Every question Chen Kangjie asked was quite critical.

"As for the district chief, this is where the biggest controversy is. Most of the meeting time is spent here. The province only clarified your father's position. As for the candidate for the district chief, we need to report to the city and be approved by the province. Now Sixth, as long as he is promoted to deputy department, then the district chief at the deputy department level is very sought-after. Many people want to go to serve, and it is difficult to unify opinions for a while." He Baoguo touched his forehead, and he could see that for this problem , he also had a headache.

"What's Mrs. Liang's opinion?" It was difficult to unify the general opinions. It is very likely that Mrs. Liang should have a disagreement with the first and second leaders, otherwise common sense would not be like this, so Chen Kangjie asked this question.

"Mr. Liang prefers to reassign the mayor of Shuishan Special Zone, and my suggestion is to either promote Luo Zirong or level out Zhou Yi." He Baoguo glanced at Chen Kangjie, and then not only said the opinion of Liang Minkuan, the chairman of the municipal party committee, He also expressed his thoughts.

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