rebirth of change

Chapter 422 Fulfilling the Promise

Chapter 420 Fulfillment of Promises

In fact, Hongyuan Investment has no official background at all, and Ouyang Zhenhua does not have any official status. The reason why Li Chaoren thinks so is because of the key figure Chen Kangjie.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie's father, Chen Qigang, is only a district mayor, even his godfather is a mayor. Such a low-level political position makes it difficult to connect with the official background.But Li Chaoren, who has been in the business world for decades, is also very well-informed. He can detect Chen Kangjie's difficulty from some side clues.

He is well aware that Chen Kangjie has a very good relationship with many high-level central officials, among which Chen Kangjie accompanied the old chief executive on his southern tour more than half a year ago, which attracted the most attention. Others do not know Chen Kangjie, but Li Chaoren does. Chen Kangjie did not 'show' in the media , but according to Li Chaoren's relationship in eastern Guangdong Province, it is not difficult to understand.

Li Chaoren wanted to cooperate, and Chen Kangjie didn't think it was impossible. Ouyang Zhenhua would discuss with him about the specific cooperation matters, and Chen Kangjie completely let go.After the two parties have negotiated, they will come to the same city to discuss specific project matters.

As for environmental protection requirements and investment, Chen Kangjie had explained to Ouyang Zhenhua on the phone that the pollution should be reduced to the lowest possible level.They even came up with a solution, which is to use those fly ash and coal gangue to make building materials, and use desulfurization technology to make sulfuric acid.

After Chen Kangjie came back from the city, he returned to his normal life. There was only one thing that annoyed him.

That was the school sports meeting. In the school sports meeting one month after the start of school, Chen Kangjie still maintained a record of winning all games. Now he is a well-known sports star in the whole school. Everyone knows that his sports performance is very good.

But last year at the school sports meeting when he entered the first year of junior high school, Deng Min asked Chen Kangjie, if he fell to the ground in the [-]-meter race, would Chen Kangjie hug Fan Xuexi like he hugged her? At that time, Chen Kangjie replied without thinking: "Yes." .

It was such a simple answer that brought him trouble and made him a little annoyed.

Last year, Fan Xuexi, as the squad leader, took the lead in signing up for the competition, and reported for the [-]-meter long-distance race, and achieved good results. This year, of course, she must do her part and still apply for this event.

As for Deng Min, who didn't take part in the competition last year, because of Chen Kangjie's promise, he also applied for this difficult event this year, and Chen Kangjie's troubles began.

The women's 1.5-meter long-distance race was arranged on the afternoon of the last day of the school sports meeting. On the previous day and the morning, Chen Kangjie had already won six first places. Most of the audience in the school watched all his games as cheerleaders, so they were well received. With the intense stimulation, coupled with the fact that he was one year older, Chen Kangjie's grades generally improved a bit.For example, in the high jump, last time his score was 1.5 meters, this time he improved his score to 1500 meters five in the school sports meeting. In the 12-meter running, Chen Kangjie's last score was 50 seconds. This time he improved it by one second and became 11 in 50 seconds.

Of course, he didn't have any high-level challengers when he was in the first grade of junior high school last year. She is in the second grade of junior high school this year, and she is in the same group as the first grade of junior high school. Under these circumstances, Chen Kangjie would not be able to perform at his full level, otherwise, his achievements would be far more than this.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min both participated in the [-]-meter race at the same time, and they both approached him before the race and asked him to run with him. What can Chen Kangjie do?Naturally, they can only agree. The only hope is that their grades will not be too different. Otherwise, one will be ahead and the other will be left behind. How can he take care of it?He is not Sun Wukong who knows how to avatar.

At the beginning of the race, both of them followed Chen Kangjie's instructions in advance, to suppress the speed, save energy, and just run along. There is no need to overtake the lead in the 8000 meters ahead.

With this kind of cooperation, both of them maintained the fifth and sixth rankings, which were regarded as intermediate ranks, and they helped Chen Kangjie a lot, but there was still a little bit of confusion, that is, he had to carry Two bottles of water, one for each person. From time to time, they have to pass them over to rehydrate and cool down. It's not easy to mess up.

Chen Kangjie's actions created a lot of discussion among the cheering audience.

"Are those two beauties Chen Kangjie's girlfriend?" A gossip girl asked the male classmate standing beside him.

"How do I know this, but it looks like it should be, otherwise why would I have to work so hard to run off the track!" The boy stretched his head to look at the track, and then turned around to answer the female classmate's question.

"Hmph, the two of them are not worthy of him at all." Women seem to have a natural ability to be jealous, and they will always find ways to suppress the same kind.

"Aren't they good enough? You know, those two are the belles of our junior high school, they are very beautiful." The boy was full of unrealistic longings as he talked.

"Is it beautiful? No matter how you look at it, you don't think so," another girl who heard the discussion interjected.

"At least much prettier than you." For this slightly fat girl with small spots all over her face, the boy didn't seem to have much affection. Maybe it was because the other party insulted the beauty in his heart, so his words were not so nice.

"What did you say?" The girl wanted to get angry at first, but maybe she felt that the lethality of getting angry was not strong, so she immediately changed her tone and said with a smile: "Hey, no matter how beautiful she is, she is also Chen Kangjie's girlfriend. She has some limbs. People who are not complete can only stare blankly."

"Silly girl, I'm too lazy to talk to you, come on, come on!" The boy didn't bother to argue with her, and turned around to continue to cheer for the players he supported.

Seeing that the other party ignored her, this silly girl felt angry and had nowhere to go, so she could only stomp her feet, thinking to herself, adding water would be about the same, and it would be best if both of them came to the last place.

Such speculations and arguments occurred not only in one place, but among many people. On the contrary, students in Chen Kangjie and his class seldom discussed this topic. No matter what the situation was, everyone tacitly knew it. Seriously discussing this topic will definitely offend Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie was running around the field doing what he should do, but he couldn't hear anyone's comments.

"Keep at the current pace, it's already 5000 meters, don't worry, as long as you have physical strength, you can catch up." Chen Kangjie ran beside Fan Xuexi and Deng Min with a mineral water bottle in one hand, saying encouragement if.

Someone in front had already started sprinting, and Chen Kangjie was worried that the two of them would not be able to hold their breath, so he quickly slowed down their progress and paralleled them, doing ideological work for them, and reassuring them.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, the two sweaty beauties with their hair tied up nodded repeatedly, expressing that they understood what Chen Kangjie meant.

Sweat can excrete human odor from the body. Running beside two beauties in sportswear, Chen Kangjie, who has a keen sense of smell, seems to be able to smell a quiet virgin body fragrance. Intoxicated.

"Follow me!" Chen Kangjie shook his head, fearing that he would have some disgusting thoughts while running, so he quickened his pace and ran to the front to be their leader.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min looked at each other, and this look had complicated meanings, including encouragement, guard, and scrutiny.The two who are good friends don't want each other to lag behind, but they also don't want each other to surpass themselves, otherwise, it will be each other who throws themselves into Chen Kangjie's arms, so they are both examining each other to see how strong the other party is.

Love is a bean seed. Once it germinates, its power will be stronger than our imagination, and no boulder can stop its power from erupting.

Fan Xuexi has run [-] meters once, and she is well aware of the hardships and tortures involved. Deng Min has never run before, but he does not lag behind at all. His feet, which are as heavy as lead, cannot stop her wishes. Their goal It is consistent, but it is not necessary to win the championship, but to be the first.

Under this kind of competition between you and me, at the time of 8000 meters, the rankings of the two have risen instead. Fan Xuexi is in the fourth place, and Deng Min is in the fifth place. Bitten to death.

The three people in front of them wanted to sprint after 8000 meters, but the strength of the three who had already led the 8000 meters seemed a bit lacking in stamina. Every step was suffering, and they could only maintain the current speed and pace, then this left room and opportunity for Fan Xuexi and Deng Min to overtake.

"Hold on, don't worry, I will give a signal when you sprint." Chen Kangjie comforted the two of them again. He planned to start sprinting when there was still 1000 meters left, and there were two laps in the 1000 meters Half, with such a long distance to surpass, it is more than enough.

"Mmm...mmmm...we will try our best to keep up with you." After running almost 1000 meters, Chen Kangjie showed no signs of panting, while Fan Xuexi and Deng Min were already so tired that their feet were weak and they were about to speak. Big mouth, anyway, after [-] meters, they have big mouths, which is convenient for breathing oxygen.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the female runner running in front knew that someone was chasing after him shaking his buttocks, and looked back from time to time. The more this happened, the more it affected the pace and speed.

Running 9000 meters, at this time, what is fighting is a tenacity. Whoever can concentrate and persist with a clear goal will be able to win. At least he can persist until the end. Those who cannot do this are already halfway Trembling, he withdrew from the competition, and was helped down by his classmates to rest and replenish water.Originally eleven girls participated in the competition, but at [-] meters, there were only eight people on the field, and the three unprepared girls chose to give up halfway.

"Sprint slowly, don't increase the speed all of a sudden, pay attention to my pace." After 9 meters, Chen Kangjie brought up the speed of the two of them.

No need for Chen Kangjie to say, at this moment, only Chen Kangjie was in the eyes of the two of them, even if he was two meters away in front, they didn't stop, otherwise, maybe they would become one who gave up, Today's weather is too dry, even after adding water, their throats are still hot, as if there are no water molecules in their bodies.

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