In Da Nei, Chen Kangjie can't take a walk casually. There are two people following Chen Kangjie from a distance. This is the center of the entire republic, the place with the strictest security measures. It is in a place that Chen Kangjie can't see. stare.

Before Chen Kangjie came to Zhao Zhibang's mansion, Secretary Qin was already waiting at the door.Like Wei Zhonghua's, Zhao Zhibang's mansion is a typical Qing Dynasty courtyard, with gray bricks, mahogany windows, glazed tiles, and sliding lattice wooden doors, which are antique.

"Brother Qin, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be transferred to work in the capital too." Chen Kangjie saw Secretary Qin from a distance, stepped forward quickly, and greeted Secretary Qin warmly first.

"It's been a long time, and you don't want to get closer to Brother Qin. The chief may want to give me more opportunities to study and exercise, so he brought me to the capital." Secretary Qin walked down the steps with a smile.

Because Zhao Zhibang's position has changed, Secretary Qin can no longer call him "Secretary Zhao". At Zhao Zhibang's current level, all the people below are called chiefs.

"Brother Qin, have you raised your rank again?" Chen Kangjie approached Secretary Qin and asked in a low voice.

"Not yet, you know the chief just took office not long ago." Secretary Qin didn't expect this little guy to ask this very personal and very official question.

Logically speaking, the chief's secretary should at least be at the main hall level. Zhao Zhibang has just entered the core. In order to avoid suspicion, he did not give preferential treatment to the staff around him. What level was it before, and what level is it now.Of course, these staff also understand the importance. As long as they follow the chief and do their work and services well, they will have what they should have sooner or later.

Secretary Qin welcomed Chen Kangjie into the living room, Zhao Zhibang was not at home, and only Wu Ruoying was in the room.

"Hello, Aunt Wu." Chen Kangjie greeted Wu Ruoying politely as soon as they met.

Chen Kangjie can't boast that Wu Ruoying is young and beautiful again, such words are not suitable for this atmosphere. If others listen to it and think that Wu Ruoying is happy, young and beautiful because her husband has been promoted, it will be very taboo.

"Xiaojie, come here, come quickly, it's warm here, your Uncle Zhao went to the Prime Minister's to talk about work, and you'll be back in a while," Wu Ruoying happily pulled Chen Kangjie to sit on the heated sofa over there.

"It's normal to be a chief executive, of course you have to take care of everything every day," Chen Kangjie said casually, as if he understood it.

"I'd rather he didn't do it," Wu Ruoying said angrily.

Wu Ruoying's words can't be seen to be true or false. Don't think that all wives expect their husbands to be high-ranking officials. Only those who love vanity think so.Chen Kangjie remembered seeing a biography of Wei Zhonghua written by an American before he was reborn, in which it was written that his wife had no interest in him being the top leader of the country, and she rarely attended public events unless it was really She will reluctantly participate in the unavoidable state affairs that require the first lady to be present.

"As soon as I entered the gate from the Xinhua Gate, there stood a huge red marble plaque inscribed by the chairman of the year "serving the people". Uncle Zhao was inspired every day, how could he not serve the people wholeheartedly?", Chen Kangjie said for Zhao Zhibang.

"You boy, you are not very big, and you are very thoughtful. This time, I will stay for a few more days." Wu Ruoying said coquettishly to Chen Kangjie, who had betrayed him.

Chen Kangjie will always be liked by everyone, whether it is criticism or praise, it is always a drizzle.

"Aunt Wu, I actually want to stay for a few more days, but I don't allow it. I have to rush back to prepare for the New Year. In the capital, there are still a few people who want to visit," Chen Kangjie said honestly.

"Oh, you have a lot of friends, you have friends all over the world," Wu Ruoying joked.

Wu Ruoying's understanding of Chen Kangjie was superficial, and many things were unclear, and Zhao Zhibang didn't tell him, so Wu Ruoying had such a reaction.

"Hey, it's easy to travel if you have more friends. Isn't our country a society of acquaintances?" Chen Kangjie said with a smirk.

"The summary is very incisive. It's true. Our country is really a relationship society of acquaintances. We must talk about relationships in everything, but this is not necessarily a good phenomenon." Wu Ruoying heard this kind of statement for the first time, carefully Thinking about it, it is true, but Wu Ruoying can still have some understanding of herself.

If it is ten years later, this kind of statement will be very common, and many people will know it, but now, few people study and summarize social problems in this area.

. . . . . .

Just when Wu Ruoying and Chen Kangjie were chatting vigorously, Comrade Zhao Zhibang stepped in from the outside wearing a black woolen coat, and handed the briefcase to Secretary Qin outside.

"Xiaojie, here we come." Zhao Zhibang's words were cordial yet majestic.

A superior person always has the bearing of a superior person. Zhao Zhibang's aura at this time has changed considerably since his position as secretary of the provincial party committee.

"Uncle Zhao, you are really busy with work, and you have dedicated yourself to it." Chen Kangjie stood up from the sofa.

"Are your father and your godfather okay?" Zhao Zhibang pulled Chen Kangjie to sit down together, and handed over the coat that he took off to Wu Ruoying.

"Very good, in good health, working smoothly, and in a cheerful mood", Chen Kangjie's simple sentence included all aspects.

"I envy them very much!" Zhao Zhibang sighed with a tired expression, stretching his waist.

Zhao Zhibang really expressed his feelings. For a politician with ideals and aspirations, the higher the position, the greater the pressure, the heavier the responsibility, and the more painstaking efforts he needs.Coupled with Zhao Zhibang's current embarrassing position, he is walking on thin ice, and he must be careful in everything he does. Who told him to be in the center of power? The closer he is to the center of power, the more he is in the political vortex.

Both He Baoguo and Chen Qigang are just middle-level cadres. They don't need to worry so much about what to do and say. Huang Zhenhua and Zhao Zhibang were in charge, and the pressure was much less, not to mention having a capable son to help.

"You envy them, maybe they envy you. They also want to do more for the country and the people, and take more responsibility." Chen Kangjie said the most simple truth, but it is also a very meaningful sentence.

"As long as you do your job well, everything will have a chance, and many things will come naturally." Zhao Zhibang didn't make any promises, but he made the meaning clear. Anyway, he believed that Chen Kangjie would understand.

"That makes sense," Chen Kangjie nodded sensiblely.

"Hehe", Zhao Zhibang didn't say anything, just patted Chen Kangjie on the head with a smile, everything was in silence.

"Uncle Zhao, what were you talking about at the Prime Minister's side just now?" Chen Kangjie took the initiative to care about Zhao Zhibang's government affairs.

"There is nothing specific, let's discuss the issue of energy," Zhao Zhibang, like everyone else, did not treat Chen Kangjie as an ignorant child, and replied casually.

"Discuss energy issues?" Hearing that this was the topic of discussion, Chen Kangjie immediately became interested.

"Yes, at present our country is self-sufficient in energy, and even some of it is exported, but as the economy heats up, the demand for energy will increase, so I made a suggestion to reduce energy exports. During the discussion in the Politburo, some comrades resisted, so I asked the Prime Minister to discuss it alone," Zhao Zhibang explained the whole story.

It stands to reason that Zhao Zhibang is only in charge of the Secretariat and the Party School, and economic issues do not belong to his jurisdiction. However, out of an open sense of responsibility and foresight, he still put forward his own suggestions.

Judging from the suggestion put forward by Zhao Zhibang, Chen Kangjie can see how wise it is that others cannot see it.This kind of forward-looking and open-mindedness that is prepared for a rainy day is very rare at the moment, and this may be the underlying reason why he was selected.

"Then what does the Prime Minister mean?" The Prime Minister is the head of the administration and has a great say on economic issues. If the Prime Minister supports Zhao Zhibang's opinion, then the possibility of passing it will be greatly increased if discussed here.

"The Prime Minister's meaning is not very clear. I support my opinion, but I am also worried that it will affect the current economic situation. After all, we need to export energy in exchange for foreign exchange and some technologies. From the current point of view, our energy is inexhaustible. The prime minister has the prime minister's concerns, which I can understand," Zhao Zhibang said pertinently.

Among the cadres in the country, the most difficult position is probably to be the prime minister. There are too many aspects to pay attention to. Many major issues and personnel matters have to be discussed in the Politburo, so he is subject to more constraints. , Many times I have good ideas, but I can't implement them according to my own ideas. One can imagine the taste.

"The prime minister's scruples are not unreasonable, and it also involves the distribution of domestic interests, but your suggestion can be modified and a compromise solution should be adopted." With such an opportunity in front of Chen Kangjie, how could he not turn the problem to his own needs? Where is it cited?

"What compromise?" Zhao Zhibang knew that Chen Kangjie was not easy since he was in Qianzhou. Hearing that there was a compromise, most of the tiredness disappeared and his interest greatly increased.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Kangjie was about to speak when Wu Ruoying came out from the back room.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, just chatting casually." Zhao Zhibang and He Baoguo have the same characteristics. When they get home, they ask to talk less about work, especially when Chen Kangjie is here.

In fact, it is difficult for Zhao Zhibang to tell whether his work is at home or in the office. Their office is next door, and it is connected with the place where they live.

"It's nothing, wash your hands quickly, I made dessert, Xiaojie, come, try Auntie's cooking", Wu Ruoying's voice became stronger and then weaker, Chen Kangjie and Zhao Zhibang received different treatment.

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