rebirth of change

Chapter 456 Profiteering

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Zhao Zhibang gave a thumbs up and said the truth in two words, "profiteer".

"Haha, rape is a kind of wisdom, you are complimenting me, you know, where we praise a person for being smart, we say that person is "tranny", and a child is clever, which is called "tranny", so I But when you say that I am a smart businessman," Chen Kangjie said boldly.

However, in Qianzhou, this is indeed how people are praised. When "treacherous" is used to evaluate people, especially children, it means wisdom and cleverness. Chen Kangjie just picked it up and resolved it. Zhao Zhibang's "satire".

"It seems that today's negotiations did not start well. You guys, well, smart businessman, just tell me what good suggestions you have." Zhao Zhibang smiled helplessly.

"The request is actually very simple. Can you think of a way to pass a policy that allows Qianzhou to use foreign capital, or my capital, to build a 4500-kilometer expressway that runs through all counties in the province?" Chen Kangjie calmly said. He spit out his request word by word.

Zhao Zhibang listened to Chen Kangjie's request and was blindsided. What kind of request is this?Other people's request is to gain benefits in their own pockets, and his request is the opposite of giving benefits to others.

"Just this request? No supplement?" Zhao Zhibang was a little worried, and asked again.

"For this requirement, there is only one high-grade highway in Qianzhou so far, which was built when you were in charge of Qianzhou, and there are two real highways under construction, but these two are in Liushuipan , as a reform pilot area, the temporary policy is allowed, and I believe it can be passed after the end of the festival, but other cities and prefectures are not so convenient. You know what is the bottleneck facing the development of Qianzhou, and transportation is definitely the first One, if this problem is not solved, the others are useless, but we can't just focus on the provincial capital and two or three other cities. If the economy wants to advance to a higher level, it is necessary to have a high-level transportation network in the whole province, and then connect these networks with the main roads outside the province, so that it can enter the river and the sea. I remember this issue, we discussed it when we were in the provincial capital Pass".

When Zhao Zhibang was the secretary of Qianzhou, Chen Kangjie and him met for the first time to discuss this. At that time, Huang Zhenhua was only the deputy governor, and he also participated.It is also for this reason that Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, Sima Kuo and other major provincial leaders are discussing whether such a huge network is needed in the province, and whether they have the strength to build such a large-scale transportation infrastructure.

In fact, whether there is strength building or not, Huang Zhenhua hopes to make such a long-term strategic plan during his term of office, leaving a direction for future successors, and giving the people of the whole province a hope and a hope.As long as there is a sound and feasible plan, it will be realized sooner or later.This is not only Zhao Zhibang's dream, but also Zhao Zhibang's hope.Chen Kangjie is now going to put all these into action step by step.

"What about funds? For 5000 kilometers, at least [-] billion investment is required, and the country's annual tax revenue is only that much." After all, everything is a matter of money.

"I have a way to solve the funds. Don't you know that I still have money in Japan? It will be almost enough to withdraw it when the time comes. Our country does not want other people's war indemnities, so I will get it myself. The money should be taken back and used domestically." , Chen Kangjie said indignantly.

Chen Kangjie refers to the fact that our country waived their World War II war indemnity in order to maintain diplomatic relations with the devils. China waived a large amount of war indemnity from its former enemies out of consideration for the interests of all parties, and also out of the mind and face of the Celestial Dynasty.Many young people can't understand this. Perhaps the complicated international situation at that time was affected, but they still didn't consider the problem from a pragmatic perspective, which is still the main reason.

"Don't look at this issue with emotions. Now we are close neighbors and friendly countries. We need a stable and peaceful international environment to develop ourselves. That's why the old chief proposed the foreign thinking of "keeping a low profile". This is correct," Zhao Zhibang told Chen Kangjie Chunchun taught that he didn't want Chen Kangjie to be filled with hatred.

"I can understand this, but I can't generalize it all. Friendly relations need to be developed, but we have to take precautions. The past is the teacher of the future. Some ethnic groups, if you are not sincere to them, they will be sincere to you. , The geopolitics of our country is very special, and there are many big countries around it. "Sima Law" says: Although a country is large, it will perish if it is warlike; .Didn’t you leaders always teach our younger generation not to forget the history? I remember it in my heart and never dare to forget it,” Chen Kangjie said in a low voice with a sullen face.

"It's a good thing not to forget history, but it's not a good thing to carry psychological burdens." Zhao Zhibang could feel Chen Kangjie's inner excitement, so his persuasive tone was quite peaceful and kind.

"Hehe, I'm a rational person. Let's get back to business. This kind of exchange is good for the country and the people. I believe you can do it, right?" Chen Kangjie calmed down and brought the topic back to the right track.

"Then how do you protect your interests? Don't tell me that so much is also a donation." Since it is a matter of business, there must always be personal interests, otherwise it is not a negotiation.

"My interests? It's very well guaranteed. Take oil reserves as an example. I will build the storage facilities and pay for the imported oil. When the country needs oil, it can be purchased from me at a [-]% discount on the market price. Here we can explain the vernacular , I will not lose money, I am very confident that the oil price will rise, so even if I sell at a "loss" price of [-]% off, I can make a lot of money, of course, don't expect to buy me as soon as the oil price is high Yes, if the country earns, I will lose money. I will choose the right price and time period to sell, and don’t use the method of forced buying and selling on me. If it is in an emergency, such as a war, then I will I will supply oil products to the government unconditionally and without restrictions. In terms of expressways, I don’t expect to make money, as long as I am given a certain number of years to recover the investment cost and maintain a certain profit, it is very simple, right?” Chen Kangjie said that he would withdraw way of economic gain.

"Are you really sure that you can recover the investment through road tolls? That's hundreds of billions. According to the current car ownership, I'm afraid you won't be able to get back the cost in a few hundred years." Zhao Zhibang had doubted this before. Question, now doubt it again.

National leaders are not gods, just like the whole world, including the old chief himself, could not predict the earth-shaking changes in the country after 30 years of reform and opening up. There are too many economists, professors and scholars who predict the economic growth rate of China every year. , But it fails every time. Too many domestic experts study and judge domestic housing prices every year, but they fail almost every time.So there is a saying in the West, "You can predict the development of anything, but the development of China is unpredictable."

The development and progress of China is a special case, a magical special case, a special case that is difficult to figure out and grasp.

"You don't have to worry about this. I had confidence in this a few years ago. Now I have more information. In the past three years, the number of cars in Qianzhou has increased by 30.00%. If the roads are good and the economy develops, cars will There will be more, I can collect money if there are more cars, this is a chicken-and-egg problem, I just get the eggs first, and when the eggs become chickens, I will have more eggs,” said Chen Kangjie Out of a logic and thinking that has been troubling many people.

"Okay, since you have confidence, then I will try my best to make this matter happen no matter what, but..." Although Zhao Zhibang has great ambitions, it does not mean that he has no worries.

"It's just that you are worried about gossip, right? Because you served as the secretary of Qianzhou, you do this for Qianzhou. You are worried that someone will say that you are protecting your weaknesses? Worried that someone will say that you are selfish? Worried that someone will say that you are a small gang?", Chen Kangjie Take what Zhao Zhibang didn't finish.

"You have a melon in your head... I really doubt if you are an alien, or a roundworm in my stomach?" Zhao Zhibang didn't think that Chen Kangjie would have such an imagination. understand categories.

"I'm nothing, and I know it by reading history. In fact, your idea is not wrong, but as long as you have no guilt in your heart, as long as you are frank, you don't have to be afraid of gossip. History and the people will give an objective and fair evaluation." , Chen Kangjie in turn persuaded Zhao Zhibang.

"You, you really think I can't see it. I'm worried about your father and the others. You control the traffic lifeline of a province like this. We are a socialist country and they are government officials. What will others think? I'm worried that it will affect their upward path," Zhao Zhibang revises Chen Kangjie's guess earnestly.

Indeed, at Zhao Zhibang's level, those extra influences are no longer within their scope of thinking, and those who make big things don't care about small things, how can such gossip be taken to heart by them, or they don't care about people who can say such gossip, People they care about will not act like this.

"Hehe, it seems that I have a villain's heart and a gentleman's belly, hehe, thank you chief for your concern." Chen Kangjie scratched his head and giggled.

Chen Kangjie was very moved that a leader as big as Zhao Zhibang actually took his father into consideration when thinking about problems.

"However, I don't think the impact will be too great. As long as you understand it, and the heads of the central government understand it, that's enough. If you want to benefit the country, you can't avoid it because of misfortune or good fortune." Chen Kangjie's words sounded high-sounding. The meaning is clear.

The rise of Chen Qigang's position is in the hands of the leaders above, not in the hands of those jealous villains. As long as these leaders understand, there will be no bad influence, and perhaps unexpected results.

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