rebirth of change

Chapter 463 Ad Replacement

Just as Chen Kangjie and Zhao returned to the living room from the kitchen, Zhao Gang's wife, Min Fang, came back with the nanny, Aunt Lan.After being introduced by Zhao Gang, Min Fang was quite enthusiastic about Chen Kangjie, and took Aunt Lan to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Chen Kangjie. Anyway, Zhao Gang didn’t need to go to work in the afternoon, so lunch could be later. Before Chen Kangjie came, he went to the hotel to have breakfast , I don't feel hungry yet.

At the lunch table, Zhao Han didn't say a word. A girl who was very confident at first was beaten into a gourd by Zhao Gang's few words.Chen Kangjie was still a little surprised. When he first entered the door, why did this lively and beautiful girl come back from carrying the mutton by herself, so she didn't say a word.

Chen Kangjie didn't stay at Zhao Gang's house for long, and left after lunch. Their personal friendship has only reached this level so far, anyway, the future will last forever.The meal at Zhao Gang's family did not quite suit Chen Kangjie's taste. Zhao Gang's family is from the north, and Aunt Lan, the nanny, is from Dongshan. The whole taste is mainly light, and Chen Kangjie's appetite cannot be whetted.

In the afternoon, Chen Kangjie had to go to the home of Director Li of CCTV.

Director Li's original name was Li Kunlun, maybe it was because he was born in Kunlun Mountain, or his parents wanted him to be as majestic as Kunlun Mountain, but no matter what the reason is, it is unknown.

Li Kunlun was formerly the deputy director of CCTV. After Zhao Gang was promoted to the Propaganda Department, he was replaced by him.It's a bit unconventional to say that Li Kunlun was in charge of logistics and advertising promotion at CCTV before, and should be taken over by the deputy director in charge of work and business, but under Zhao Gang's recommendation, deputy director Li was able to rectify the situation.

Although it is not in compliance with the rules, it also reflects the actual situation. CCTV is paying more and more attention to economic benefits.Although it is a national TV station, under the impact of the economic tide, all units have raised the pursuit of economic benefits to a new height, which broke the tradition of being replaced by the deputy head of the news business for the first time.

Li Kunlun knew that Chen Kangjie was at Zhao Gang's house, so he offered to send a car to pick him up, but Zhao Gang didn't let him go, but asked the driver to take Chen Kangjie there in his own car. Anyway, Chen Kangjie didn't know where Li Kunlun's house was, so he didn't want someone to pick him up If you want someone to send you off, you have to choose one. Finally, under Zhao Gang's insistence, Chen Kangjie took his Audi car to Li Kunlun's house.

In comparison, Li Kunlun has more contacts with Chen Kangjie than Zhao Gang, and his promotion is really due to the contract agreement with Chen Kangjie. Before that, their CCTV advertising tasks were almost completed every year. , It was not until the long-term agreement was signed with Chen Kangjie that the amount of the advertising task could be completed every year, and Li Kunlun also benefited from this. Although Zhao Gang was promoted, he was still in charge of CCTV, so he recommended Li Kunlun to take over from him.

As soon as he met Chen Kangjie, Li Kunlun seemed very enthusiastic. The two recalled the scene of their cooperation a few years ago. They haven't seen each other for a few years. They were a little immature children before, but now they are much more mature, like a young man.

Li Kunlun is the only one at home, his wife is still at work, and the children have gone back to their hometown to visit their grandparents.

Li Kunlun told Chen Kangjie that CCTV is preparing to send a film crew to Qianzhou to shoot two feature films, one reflecting the three-year changes in the province, and the other reflecting the construction achievements of Liushuipan. In the words, Li Kunlun also told Chen Kangjie, An exclusive interview will be arranged for Chen Qigang, which can be regarded as publicity of political achievements and personal brand promotion. At that time, these two promotional videos will be broadcast on CCTV during prime time.

Of course, Chen Kangjie wanted to express his gratitude. Chen Kangjie never had any reason to refuse this kind of good deed that came to his door. It was just that there was a request that Chen Kangjie refused without thinking.

"Can you, as a representative of a company or a public, also accept an interview?" Li Kunlun asked Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie said without hesitation, "That's unnecessary. I appreciate your kindness. Besides, I can't represent the company. I don't have any actual job position. There are many people who can represent the company. You can interview the presidents of those companies at will. As for the masses, That's even worse, my father accepted the interview, and I will come to sing praises, what is this?"

The most important thing about Chen Kangjie is that he still doesn't want to appear in public.

"Okay, then I respect your opinion." Chen Kangjie refused, and it was naturally impossible for Li Kunlun to continue to force others to make things difficult for him.

Chen Kangjie talked with Li Kunlun at his home for an afternoon. Chen Kangjie gave him some suggestions for increasing income, including adding channels, which can not only enrich the demand for programs, but also buy more advertisements.Chen Kangjie also suggested to him that an advertisement auction could also be conducted, through which the advertisement price could be increased.

However, the most valuable prime-time advertisements of Channel [-] were all occupied by Hongyuan. Even if it was auctioned, it would be difficult to bid high prices, and it would not be able to achieve national influence.

"Unless you can give up part of the prime time, even if we auction it, the actual profit will not be large." Li Kunlun just made an "unreasonable" request to Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, we have an agreement. I kindly gave you advice, but you exploited our interests instead. Am I acting like Lu Dongbin?" Chen Kangjie scolded Li Kunlun secretly in disguise.

"Xiaojie, there is no such thing as you. I am discussing with you. How can you call me a dog?" Li Kunlun expressed his dissatisfaction with a fake gloomy face.

"Haha, I didn't say anything. The point is that Uncle Li, your suggestion is too outrageous. You can't just cut off our interests without any compensation. We also bought it with real money at that time. Not only did we not default on it every year, Your advertising fee should be paid in advance throughout the year." How could Chen Kangjie spit out all the fat that came into his mouth for no reason.

"I know that's a bit unreasonable, and I can't let you suffer, right? I plan to accept your suggestion, first start a movie channel, and we use twice the advertising time of the movie channel in exchange, how about it?" Li Kunlun proposed made a plan.

"Twice?" Chen Kangjie stretched out two fingers, "Uncle Li, this is not right, the time has doubled, but the value has not increased. Now our country promotes a commodity economy, and this advertising period is also Commodities, commodities must be measured by price, twice is absolutely unacceptable, and it cannot be compared to a set of prime time." Chen Kangjie is definitely not a benevolent negotiator, especially in business negotiations.

"Then what do you want to do?" Li Kunlun's own proposal was not accepted by the opponent, so he had no choice but to kick the ball to Chen Kangjie, which meant that the initiative was handed over to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie stretched out another ring finger behind the outstretched index finger and middle finger, "Three times, there is no time for three times, we will not change, this is for the sake of our old friends, so I can give you some advice." Otherwise, don’t even think about replacing it with someone else, we abide by the contract and keep our promise,” Chen Kangjie said obediently when he got a bargain.

"Isn't it three times more?", 1 minute for 3 minutes, Li Kunlun felt a bit too much.

"It's not much at all. It's you being the director. If someone else is the director, it's four times."

"Well, I think you are the most difficult to deal with, kid, do you think twice and a half is enough?" Li Kunlun is used to being an official, and he is not very experienced in business.

Li Kunlun himself has increased to two and a half times, and there is no need for Chen Kangjie to give in, but he still needs to say a few more words to increase his confidence, "Uncle Li, others don't know much about your new channel, do you know?" How many companies are willing to advertise, I do this entirely out of support for your work, besides, as long as you auction well the advertisements on Channel [-], at least the price will be multiplied several times, it is not you who are asking for companies, but companies I beg you, no matter what you say, it’s all worth it, and we’ll still suffer a bit in three times the time.”

What Chen Kangjie said was all the truth, but in fact there was another part of the truth that he did not tell.It is true that the auction price of a set of prime-time advertisements will be multiplied several times. It has been proved by all the bidders in history. Besides, Chen Kangjie will only give up a small part. In the case of scarce resources, the price will only increase. higher.It is also true that advertisers will wait and see for newly launched channels. They will not rush to sell so quickly, and are all waiting for the effect of ratings.

The part of the truth that Chen Kangjie didn’t say was that in 93, when entertainment resources were scarce, if a movie channel was really opened, it would definitely be very popular with the common people. Chen Kangjie remembered that when CCTV just launched a movie channel, their family Except for the news network that will be switched to one set, the TV almost stays on the movie channel for the rest of the time.

So as long as he has three times the time, Chen Kangjie will definitely not suffer a loss, and he can spread the advertisement across various time periods and adapt to different groups of people.

There is another important reason. Chen Kangjie does not want his companies to rely too much on the importance of advertising.Advertising is necessary, but enterprise management, product quality, marketing strategy and strategy, customer experience, and after-sales service, etc. will be more important.In history, many CCTV's bidders have fallen on their belief in advertising, while ignoring these soft core aspects.

What's more, advertisements should be diversified and should not be all on TV. In the future, as Ye Tangsen said, magazines, newspapers, buses, building advertisements, etc., and even in two years, there will be online advertisements, and then there will be advertisements on the Internet. Then there are mobile ads.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie chose to give favors and take benefits at this time, after careful consideration.

"Okay, three times is three times, but can you do it well?" Chen Kangjie said that he was only a consultant, and Li Kunlun was a little skeptical.

"If I can talk to you, then I can make the decision. Didn't I participate in the discussion last time?" Chen Kangjie replied evasively.

"Well, don't you have three or ten minutes? I don't want more, just give me ten minutes." Li Kunlun readily agreed.

"Don't even think about it, at most 5 minutes, 5 minutes of CCTV Channel 15 is exchanged for [-] minutes of Movie Channel, let me tell you, you have invested too much time, it is worthless, and rare things are expensive!", Chen Kangjie only retreated a little.

Li Kunlun had no choice. Although he was the head of the station, he had nothing to do with Chen Kangjie. In this way, a new advertising agreement was reached. For the rest, Ouyang Zhenhua only needed to send someone to sign.

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