rebirth of change

Chapter 490 Want Mike's Autograph

In another month, after the summer vacation, Chen Kangjie has to go to the United States. Feiyang Entertainment's acquisition of Miramax has reached the last moment. Chen Kangjie will go over to have a look. Of course, this is not his focus, his main task He still has to make his first film. For Chen Kangjie, who is unwilling to be lonely, he always needs to make new attempts and keep exploring. For this reason, he plans to spend the whole summer vacation in Hong Kong and the United States.

It seems that Chen Kangjie will go abroad as soon as the holiday comes, which has become the norm, so when Chen Kangjie proposed to go abroad again, the voice of opposition and doubt has become smaller and smaller.Ma Fangqin once told Chen Yuqiong privately that when the child grows up, some things can't be controlled, and everyone should have their own world and future.

The family is not troublesome anymore, but his children have become a headache.

"You are not here every summer vacation, we are bored." On the first day of summer vacation, when he learned that Chen Kangjie was going out again, Deng Min stood in front of him pitifully and complained.

Today Chen Kangjie invited them to play in the small square, the purpose was to tell them about this matter, he couldn't leave without rest.

"Yeah, why do you love to run out so much? We couldn't find anyone to play with," Fan Xuexi added.

"Aren't you going back to Shengjing to see your grandparents?" Chen Kangjie asked back, changing the subject.

"Don't interrupt, what if I don't go back to Shengjing during the summer vacation?" Fan Xuexi pouted dissatisfied.

"Don't you go back every year?"

"Boss, maybe she won't go back this year?" Zhang Qiang asked in support.

"You, you bastard, step aside, what's your business?" Chen Kangjie was already in a mess, but if Zhang Qiang added more oil and vinegar, wouldn't Chen Kangjie be more troublesome.

"It's none of my business, you are my boss, if I can't find you during the holidays, I will still be bored."

"Hehe, what do you mean I have to stay with you? Go to the countryside to have fun when you are on vacation, wandering among the green mountains and green waters, how nice it is."

"Oh, we go to the countryside when we are on vacation, and you go to the big cities when you are on vacation, that...isn't it fair?" Zhang Qiang was emboldened today, and he can tell the logic of Nian.

"I kicked you to death, believe it or not? Did I stop you? Let me tell you, don't make trouble for me, otherwise you will not have the benefit when the time comes."

"Hehe, don't tell me, Boss, you can't do this. It's okay for me to go back to the country for vacation. Anyway, if I don't go, my dad will drag me there." Zhang Qiang almost mumbled the last sentence to himself.

"I'm on vacation to help my parents with business," Chu Xiang said obediently.

"Boy, you're doing well. I'm optimistic about you. A future business tycoon. It's a good thing to exercise more." Chen Kangjie praised Chu Xiang who didn't cause him any trouble.

"Boss, you just need to bring me a game console when you go out. My current game console is outdated. I can play a holiday game at home." For Yang Cong, a game fan, this is indeed his best way to kill time Way.

"Don't just play games and forget to read and study", Chen Kangjie patted Yang Cong on the shoulder.

"What are you all doing, what are you all doing? Oh, those of you who play games play games, those who go back to their hometowns go back to their hometowns, those who go back to the countryside go back to the countryside, what about me?" Deng Min, who was the first to express his opinion, felt a little lonely, The tone is even more bleak.

"Then why don't you go with me?" Chen Kangjie joked while looking at her with a smile.

"Okay, okay", Chen Kangjie's opinion immediately excited Deng Min.

"What's so good? You really dare to go? I have something to do. Besides, you and I are alone, just follow me, and you are not afraid of any problems? In a few years, ah, in a few years A few years", Chen Kangjie seemed to say the last sentence to himself.

When Chen Kangjie said this, Deng Min's excited face instantly turned red. Needless to say, everyone understood what Chen Kangjie meant.

"Hahaha, some people miss spring," Yang Cong joked.

"You're just thinking about spring, you're a pig." Deng Min jumped up, and punched Yang Cong's shoulder with a fist.

"Xiao Min, sit down, we'll talk about it later, we have to talk about the present first", Fan Xuexi remained sober.

"Then what do you say?" Chen Kangjie spread his hands and threw the question back.

"I... I... How do I know? I know that I still ask you?".

"That's right, if you don't know, maybe I don't know either." Chen Kangjie was really speechless towards this cute little beauty.

"I don't care, you are smart, you must have a way." Fan Xuexi began to learn to be a little savage in front of Chen Kangjie, but fortunately he has not reached Chen Jing's level, otherwise Chen Kangjie would be even more speechless.

"But I really can't help it. You should study hard at home. At worst, I will bring you whatever gift you want." Chen Kangjie's cleverness is not used in this regard.

"You can have".

"I really don't".

"This is really possible."

Chen Kangjie was taken aback, why is this conversation so familiar? "You won't be a relative of Uncle Benshan in Tieling, a big city?".

"Is Tieling a small city? You're talking about the one who played the sketch, right?"


"How could he and I be relatives? We are young, but I like to pretend to be an old man, but I really like his sketches, but what does it matter?" Fan Xuexi really didn't understand why Chen Kangjie asked that, because that The sketch of "Not Bad Money" will not be available for more than ten years.

Fan Xuexi and this uncle are fellow villagers, so their understanding of him is deeper than that of other students except Chen Kangjie. In 1993, this uncle who was only 36 years old and could be called a young uncle at most was indeed of age. It's not too big, but the roles they play are often middle-aged and elderly people, which makes Fan Xuexi say that.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I really have nothing to do, do you want me to stay at home and play with you instead of going anywhere?".

"How about I go with you?"

"Pull it down, you, didn't you hear what I said to Deng Min just now? She can't go, so you can go? If you really want to go, it will take another two years. If your parents don't object, they can take you out Let's play, let's go together", when Chen Kangjie said this, his eyes were fixed on Fan Xuexi's swollen small chest, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking about some dirty pictures in his mind.

"Pervert, I don't want to go with you. I'm just teasing you. I really think of myself as a prince." So say.

"I was originally a prince", Chen Kangjie was shameless, not much thinner than the Great Wall.

"Boss, if they don't go, let's go, Chu Xiang, what do you think?" Yang Cong is very good at inserting needles, but this is obviously not the time to insert needles.

"Why are you going? Why are you going? Do you still think you are not fat enough? Want to go out to eat and drink? When did you lose weight like Chu Xiang, you go and cut it", Chen Kangjie did not give him Easy to deal with.

In terms of weight, Yang Cong is at least a dozen catties heavier than Chu Xiang. If he wants to lose weight to be the same as Chu Xiang, he will do it, and his mouth will not do it. This is basically an impossible task. Task.

"Gender discrimination, valuing sex over friends", Yang Cong complained bitterly.

"'s green, it's can't be gentle." Yang Cong rubbed the arm that Fan Xuexi had just grabbed and bounced away.

"Don't think I didn't hear, what is sexism and sexism? I don't give you a little bit, you won't have a long memory, and you just talk nonsense all day long." Fan Xuexi wanted to pinch him again, Yang Cong knew it I can't afford to run away.

"Haha, okay, okay, everyone, stop making trouble, I'm not here for more than a month, you have to be obedient, do your homework well, and review carefully, next semester will be the third year of junior high school, that's the graduation class, Yang Cong, Zhang Qiang, especially the two of you, I will definitely bring you gifts when I come back," Chen Kangjie urged earnestly like a parent.

"Boss, remember, I want the latest game console." When talking about gifts, Yang Cong's arm stopped hurting, and he hurried in to reinforce his needs.

"I want a Barbie doll", Deng Min also put forward his request.

"You are so old, you still play with Barbie dolls? That's for children," Chen Kangjie joked.

"If you want to care, I want that", it seems that in the hearts of girls, there is a plot of Barbie dolls, and they all hope that they are as beautiful and lovely as the girl in their hands.

"Okay, okay, Barbie, I'll bring you a box, okay?" Chen Kangjie will not be stingy with things that can be solved with gifts.

"I want a helicopter model, the cool one", this is Zhang Qiang's demand.

"No problem, the helicopter model, the remote control can fly, right?".

"Well, Boss, you know me too well, I saw it on TV, it was great", Zhang Qiang didn't forget to flatter me.

"I want a set of dominoes", Fan Xuexi's request was very weird.

"Dominoes? Are there any for sale?" Chen Kangjie asked with his eyes wide open.

"I don't know, I want this."

"All right, all right, I'll make it for you", Chen Kangjie believes that if he has money, he can definitely do it.

In the end, Chu Xiang was the only one who hadn't made a request yet, and he lowered his head, ashamed.

"Chu Xiang, what gift do you want me to bring you?" Chen Kangjie sat down next to Chu Xiang, hooked his shoulder with his right hand, and the others were also paying attention, wanting to see what gift would make him so embarrassed.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Xiang hesitated to speak, raised his head and looked around at Chen Kangjie and the others, but did not express his request.

"Say it, a man, he's squirming like a bitch, yes, say it," Chen Kangjie patted him on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Yeah, go ahead, go ahead," the others echoed.

"Boss, I want Mike's autographed photo." After everyone's encouragement, Chu Xiang plucked up the courage to say something that no one expected in a mosquito-like voice.

"What? You mean you want Michael Jackson's autograph?" Chen Kangjie was afraid that he heard it wrong, so he asked again.

"Well," Chu Xiang's affirmation made everyone faint, especially Chen Kangjie. ?

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