rebirth of change

Chapter 50 Ten Thousand Annual Salary

Chapter 50 million annual salary

One sentence stunned Sun Yangwen, it seems that this person really pays?He thought it was a joke.

"Hehe, of course not. This is to make money with wisdom. Besides, you are a big company in Hong Kong. You don't need to bribe a schoolboy for bribes. Secretary Sun, do you think so?" Seeing that Sun Yang was stunned and did not answer, Huang Zhenhua spoke out to help out.

"Oh, of course not. Governor Huang is right. Earn money with wisdom. President Ouyang, how much salary do you plan to give our Xiaojie?" After Sun Yang recovered, he also said what Ouyang Zhenhua asked him just now. Putting the question back, let's see how this Hong Kong boss calculates the wages of a child.

"Since Secretary Sun and Governor Huang both said so, then Hongyuan International will hire Mr. Chen as our consultant. The annual salary is just 100 million." Ouyang Zhenhua thought of an excuse, but he didn't know how much to give. If I gave too much, I was afraid that Chen Kangjie would not be happy, and if I gave too little, I felt that I was not worthy of the status of the big boss. When I saw Chen Kangjie secretly stretched out a finger, I thought it meant 100 million, so I just said it.

Hearing Ouyang Zhenhua say 100 million, the first person who fainted was not others, but our Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie wanted to say that the monthly salary was 100, and 100 is already very high. At this time, most people have more than [-] talents. The guy got it wrong and said an annual salary of [-] million.

Hearing the annual salary of 100 million, all the leaders were sweating. Is it really that easy to make money?We usually want to receive 100 yuan, but we are all afraid. We are worried that the Discipline Inspection Commission will invite you to drink tea.

Looking at Chen Kangjie's expression, Ouyang Zhenhua thought that he would not be happy if he said less, so he added:

"If it's not enough, we can add more."

I really met an alien today. Before he spoke, the big boss said that he wanted a salary increase. Rich people are really rich, but they didn’t take the initiative to push it out.

Chen Kangjie really wanted to beat up Ouyang Zhenhua, he wanted to fuck a pig's head, what the hell was going on.

There was no other way, the words had already been said, and Chen Kangjie could only curse inwardly.The expression of dissatisfaction was only fleeting, and he looked at Sun Yang and Huang Zhenhua pretending to be embarrassed, and then at Chen Qigang, like looking at flowers.

"Little guy, I don't see how valuable you are. Since President Ouyang is willing to hire you, it's up to you to accept it or not." Huang Zhenhua was the first to recover from the shock.

"It's a fool not to accept money. Why don't I, I accepted the offer." Anyway, I take my own money, so what are you afraid of? Besides, with this reason, I can go to Hong Kong in the future. Chen Kangjie also Think about the benefits of this.

A few Hong Kong employees who followed Ouyang Zhenhua were also very surprised. The highest salary among them was not so high, and it was even quite a bit short. They were very conflicted, but the boss was willing to hire him, but he could do nothing.

Seeing Ouyang Zhenhua being scolded as a fool by a child, he was not angry, and even smiled cheerfully. The officials attending the meeting couldn't understand.Ouyang Zhenhua himself knew that if the boss accepted it, it meant there was no problem.He also saw from Chen Kangjie's final expression just now that he had misunderstood, but the deal was done, and there was no way to change it if he wanted to.

This matter was finally settled in this way. Chen Kangjie was hired by Hongyuan International Investment Co., Ltd. as a consultant with an annual salary of 100 million yuan, which is currently the highest salary in Qianzhou Province.

During this period, Hongyuan International has brought over a dozen more people. There is too much work to be done, and the factory land has been obtained at a very low price. This is a preferential measure in the district.There are many local young people who are unemployed. I heard that they are entering foreign-funded enterprises, and their wages are 50.00% higher than that of local workers.

Although it was invested by Hongyuan International, when it was registered locally, it still used the newly applied trademark, and the company name was changed to "Master Kong Food Co., Ltd.", and the instant noodle factory and bottled water factory are both subordinate factories.In addition to a factory building, four dormitory buildings, a cafeteria and a 12-story office building have to be repaired, which has solved the employment problem of thousands of people, and the construction site is very busy.Hongyuan International imported cars from Hong Kong, including 12 vans, four Ford commercial vehicles, two Buicks, a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW.

The large trucks are used to pull goods to the train station, the four commercial vehicles are used by the middle-level employees of the company, and the two Buicks are used by the directors of the bottled water factory and the instant noodle factory. Both of them were brought by Ouyang Zhenhua from Hong Kong. It came here, Chen Kangjie has seen it before, and its ability is quite high. The Mercedes-Benz was Ouyang Zhenhua's special car during his stay in Qianzhou, and the remaining small BMW belonged to Chen Kangjie himself. Chen Kangjie doesn't like Mercedes-Benz, so Ouyang Zhenhua ordered a car. A BMW 'mini' sports car was placed in the industrial park, and Chen Kangjie wanted to take it by himself. Chen Kangjie objected at first, but later accepted. Anyway, he had to learn to drive himself, at worst, he would give it to his third brother Chen Yuchang.

The city also took good care of Hongyuan Group and gave it a good number plate.However, Chen Kangjie let him choose a discreet number plate qb312514, while Ouyang Zhenhua’s number plate was very arrogant, qb888888, and the two Buicks were also good, qb666666 and qb555555, and the numbers of the four commercial vehicles were qb111111, qb222222 , qb333333, qb777777, everyone doesn't like four, so I didn't ask for the consecutive 4 number.

No one else understood why Chen Kangjie chose such an unattractive number. Only Chen Kangjie understood the meaning of 312514. The last three digits were his birthday, and the first three digits were another person's birthday.In addition to this implication, it is that Chen Kangjie hopes to keep a low profile. The car is a good car, so the license plate can no longer be flamboyant.

The deposits for instant noodle production lines and mineral water production lines in Japan and Italy have already been paid, and the goods can be received within two months.After handing over the rest of the work to the two deputies, Ouyang Zhenhua went back to Hong Kong.Chen Kangjie also resumed his life.

During the busy period before, Chen Kangjie missed a lot of work, and Li Wendong still urged the manuscript the next day. Fortunately, he didn't use a pager, otherwise he would have been bored to death.No way, since the factory is almost busy, hurry up and write.

"Dong dong dong", Chen Kangjie was sitting in front of the window with his head buried in a book, when the glass of the window was knocked suddenly, Chen Kangjie looked up and saw Li Ying standing outside with a smile.

"Yu Lan, what can I do for you?" Chen Kangjie opened the door and asked.

"Didn't you promise to invite us to eat on the street last week?"

When school first started, Chen Kangjie had promised to invite his group of friends to eat in the street, but he was busy and forgot some time ago. Now that Yu Lan came to knock on the window, it seemed that someone was already waiting, maybe it was another time. My old sister Chen Jing's idea.Now that he agreed, he must do it, Chen Kangjie smiled apologetically, put down the pen and paper and went out with her.

Li Kangjie's annual salary of one million is only known to a small number of people except his family members. Chen Kangjie's elder sister Chen Jing is one of them who knows about it. Today is her organization's campaign against local tyrants.

Seeing Chen Kangjie coming, a group of people giggled. Almost all the boys and girls who played well came. The happiest thing for them was to go to the street with Chen Kangjie. Not only did their parents not stop them, they ate whatever they wanted, and they never had to pay .So there is no reason to be unhappy when I heard Chen Jing calling for the big family to eat his younger brother today.

"Let's go, where do you want to go?" Chen Kangjie smiled indifferently, as long as everyone is happy.

"I'm not going skating or eating today, I'm going to ride a bumper car," Chen Jing said with her mouth raised, as if she was born with the look of being determined by her younger brother.

Naturally, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to mind. With a wave of his little hand, everyone laughed and followed to open the way.

This bumper car venue seems to have just opened, and the floors are still very new. It was opened next to the District No. 3 Primary School. When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, there were not many people playing.One is that it has just started, and people don’t know how to play it yet, and the other is that it is expensive, as high as one yuan for [-] minutes.

There were ten cars inside, and there were exactly ten people in their small team. Chen Kangjie suspected that they knew in advance the coincidental number of people.When the time for the two people playing in the car was up, Chen Kangjie gave the boss 100 yuan and tuned each car for half an hour. The boss was naturally overjoyed when he saw the big client.There were two people playing just now, and there was no atmosphere. Now ten people are bumping into each other non-stop, laughing and laughing constantly. Boys want to bump into girls, and vice versa for girls.More and more people are watching from outside the fence.

When Chen Kangjie was laughing and about to sneak up on Geng Guiying from behind, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes, which made him a little uncomfortable, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, he stopped in a daze, and did not move.

The two little girls were lying outside the fence, holding a shoe-shine toolbox in their hands. Their hair was disheveled and their faces were dark, but their eyes were bright, and they looked melancholy at them who were having fun inside. .This shot reminded Chen Kangjie of a photo that later became a publicity photo of the Hope Project. Those eyes gave people a feeling of being stabbed in the heart.

They should come to shine shoes because they cannot go to school. Maybe their parents are busy at Chen Kangjie’s construction site, maybe they set up a small stall on the side of the road, or maybe they are in a small coal mine. Anyway, the conditions at home cannot be good. If it is at Chen Kangjie’s construction site , It is estimated that it will be much better, and the treatment there is very good.From their eyes, it can be clearly seen that they also want to live a carefree life, and they also want to put down the leather shoe box and go in to have fun, or even want to go back to the classroom and smell the books that smell of ink.

Chen Kangjie felt that something should be done.

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