"Let's talk first, I'll prepare coffee and desserts for you." In Schwarzenegger's luxurious yet elegant living room with a fireplace, Maria was about to leave with Jacqueline's novel, "Thank you, In fact, you don't have to be so polite," Ouyang Zhenhua said politely.

"It's okay, you guys talk, see you later."

If it is an ordinary guest, then Maria will let the servant take care of it, and she does not need to do it herself, but Chen Kangjie is different. As a director, the overlapping of the three identities made Maria a rare exception to serve in person.

"Sit wherever you want, you're welcome, by the way, how about the merger of Miramax?" Schwarzenegger asked Chen Kangjie and the others to sit down on the large sofa, and asked with concern.

"It has all been completed, and all the new high-level executives have taken office, which cost us nearly 9 million U.S. dollars," Ouyang Zhenhua replied briefly.Rebirth: Changing the World 524

"Oh, [-] million U.S. dollars, this price is quite appropriate, and there is no loss at all," Schwarzenegger agreed.

Schwarzenegger is different from many actors. He is not only an actor, but sometimes he also acts as a director. He is also a businessman. Many years ago he had his own real estate company and later opened a restaurant.Schwarzenegger has a master's degree in business and economics from the University of Wisconsin, otherwise he would not have successfully run for governor of California in a few years.

"Hehe, it's okay. We came here this time for the movie "True Lies". After the acquisition of the new company, the first major event is this movie. The crew has already started preparations, and now we just want to communicate with you Let’s take a look at some specific situations, we hope to start the film as soon as possible, so that it can appear on the screen as soon as possible,” Ouyang Zhenhua’s representative Chen Kangjie said.

"Oh, you guys are really efficient, but aren't you in a hurry?" Schwarzenegger didn't expect Chen Kangjie and the others to take over Miramax in just a few days, thanks to Chen Kangjie's plan is to draw salary from the bottom of the pot, otherwise it will take at least half a month to a month.

"I have to say that my current role is not suitable for being a director. I am still a middle school student. It is impossible to stay away from school for a long time. Holidays are the time when I have the most time. Even in normal times, I can only ask for short-term leave, so time It's very tight, and we have to race against time," Chen Kangjie said with self-deprecation.

"You still need to go to middle school. If you are in the United States, you can at least study directly at Harvard University." Schwarzenegger is a little puzzled that Chen Kangjie has achieved the current achievements and still honestly attends middle school.

"Hehe, it's one thing whether you need it or not, and it's another thing if you can't get it. The culture and thinking of our two countries are different. I can't be a "scholar". Everyone has a certain life trajectory. To a certain extent, it must be followed.” Chen Kangjie shrugged, expressing that he had to do some things even if he didn’t want to, not to mention that it was something he wanted to do in the first place.

"Okay, even if I don't know much about your culture and traditions, since your time is so tight, let's start! Have you chosen the heroine?" Schwarzenegger seemed to understand Chen Kangjie quite well, and said a few words After that, let's get to the point.

His straightforwardness and his "characteristic" of trying to do things well helped him gain a lot of points in the political campaign. After all, he promised Chen Kangjie to star in this movie, so he must have a responsible attitude , no matter whether Chen Kangjie is a novice or not, as the saying goes, deeds must be done.

"Choosing me is choosing one, but I want to hear your opinion first." Schwarzenegger is now considered a veteran in the Hollywood circle, and it would be no harm to listen to his opinion.

"If you haven't decided yet, then I'd like to recommend you a friend of mine, Jamie Lee Curtis, since you've already chosen, forget it".

"Hahaha, heroes have the same views. I chose Jamie Lee Curtis, but I haven't met her yet, so I don't know if he would like to play the role of Helen." laugh it out.

"Isn't it? It's such a coincidence, it's incredible, as long as you choose her, I will leave the other work to me, and she will agree." Schwarzenegger immediately took over the work of pulling people.

"Thank you so much, you saved me a lot of trouble," Chen Kangjie thanked.

"Maybe I have to thank you. She also wants to try other types of movies. I showed her this script before, and she was very interested. I called her the day before yesterday and said that this script is very likely to be shot. The movie is over, and I told her about the situation and that I will play the role of Harry, and she immediately asked me to recommend her, hehe, it seems that I got this favor for nothing."

"It turns out that's the case, do you live far away?"

"Not far, why, do you want to meet her? If so, then I'll call her right away," Schwarzenegger guessed.

"That would be great, hehe", Chen Kangjie's thoughts were indeed guessed by Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger picked up the antique-shaped phone on the small table beside him, dialed a number, and after connecting, he only said one sentence: "Curtis, come to my house quickly, what you and I said the day before yesterday is settled." , and then hangs up.Rebirth: Changing the World 524

"Arnold, who are you calling?" At this moment, Maria came over with a few cups of freshly brewed Nanshan coffee and a plate of soft purple pancakes.

"Curtis, Long chose her to be the heroine, so I asked her to come over for a meeting." Schwarzenegger helped his wife bring out the coffee on the plate and put it in front of Chen Kangjie and the others, recommending that purple color by the way "Long, Mr. Ouyang, try it, this is my wife's masterpiece".

"Oh, that's good, long, try it, I made it myself, Mr. Ouyang, you're welcome", Maria also recommended her own work.

"You don't say I want to eat it too, I just want to take a bite when I look at it." Chen Kangjie was not polite at all, and after speaking, he alternated coffee and biscuits, and Ouyang Zhenhua did the same.

"Oh, the coffee is delicious, the biscuits are delicious, and the color is pretty, what's in it?" Chen Kangjie praised when he put down the cup.

"There are honey, blueberry jam, a little lemon juice, rose powder, etc." Maria also served a cup of coffee and sat down next to Schwarzenegger.

"Where's the baby?"

"I asked the nanny to take me upstairs to play, so as not to affect your work discussion, and she also wants to accompany her brother Christian."

"Do you still have a child?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"There is also a son, Christian, who is almost three years old," Schwarzenegger replied sweetly, putting his arms around his wife in a white dress.

At this time, Curtis came, and she greeted the host's family before greeting Chen Kangjie and the others.Judging from his reaction to Chen Kangjie, Schwarzenegger probably told him everything he knew.

"Oh, long, I like your novel very much. It's great to hear that you chose me as the heroine of your first film." Curtis, who is already 35 years old, is not ashamed of Chen Kangjie's age. produce an unusual reaction.

Curtis is very casual today, with short hair, ripped jeans, and a casual white T-shirt with "iloveyou" printed on it. He doesn't want the housewife who wears a pair of glasses in the movie, nor the one who dances. "Sexy" young "woman", it seems that actors are actors.

"Curtis, nice to meet you, you are a Hollywood star, thank you very much for being able to participate in this film", Chen Kangjie stood up and shook hands with Curtis.

"Hehe, Arnold is the big star in Hollywood." Curtis moved Schwarzenegger out to block Chen Kangjie's boasting. On the one hand, this shows that she has self-knowledge, and on the other hand, her friendship with Schwarzenegger is not bad.

"He's a superstar. Let me introduce you. This is the boss's boss of Miramax, hehe, Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua." Chen Kangjie introduced Ouyang Zhenhua to Curtis humorously.

If Chen Kangjie introduced another identity of himself, it would be the boss of Miramax company's boss's boss's boss, and it would be quite confusing.

Ouyang Zhenhua's identity completely dispelled Curtis's lingering concerns. It was the first time for them to see the director talking about a movie and even brought the big boss as a follower. With such a relationship, at least the filming funds would not There is a little problem.

When everyone sat down again, Chen Kangjie said seriously: "In addition to being the director and screenwriter of this movie, I am also the producer of this movie, Curtis, I will give you a salary of 1000 million US dollars, and only Arnold Half of it, I don’t know if there is a problem?”.

When it comes to money, Chen Kangjie never hides it, and cuts straight to the point. Although Curtis can be regarded as a star, there is still a gap between him and Schwarzenegger in terms of fame. Besides, Hollywood actresses are often paid more than The male star was a bit inferior, so Chen Kangjie only offered him half of Schwarzenegger's price.

"I have no objection, this price is not bad, I can't compare with Arnold." Curtis is still very satisfied with her salary. In the past, her film was only about 800 million US dollars.

"Can we start work at any time? Our time is very tight," Chen Kangjie asked. The most important thing in the whole film is the hero and heroine. As long as they have enough time, the other supporting roles are not so important, and they can be replaced at any time.Rebirth: Changing the World 524

"Yes, I can start work at any time. My "mother's boys" (mother's boys) has been filmed and is in the post-editing process. I have a lot of time now," Curtis said.

"By the way, who of you knows Atmalik, I want to invite him to play the biggest villain 'role'." Among the main actors, there is also this Chen Kangjie who only knows his name but has never seen him, so I would like to ask the two Ask for advice.

"I don't know each other, and I haven't cooperated before," Schwarzenegger shook his head.

"Are you talking about the Atmalik who looks like a Middle Easterner?" Curtis asked.

"Yes, that's him, do you know him?" Since Curtis said that he looked like a Middle Easterner, Chen Kangjie felt that he should be the one he was looking for.

"Knowledge, although it is not a good relationship, but there is a way to contact each other."

"That's great, today...it doesn't seem to work today, how about you come to Miramax the day after tomorrow, and I'll give you two days to prepare, then Curtis can invite him together, and then If there is no problem, we can finish the contract, and I have to cast other supporting roles tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I will be busy, what do you think?"

(In the past few days, there have been nearly [-] words of updates, but apart from receiving a stamp of "Brother Hao reads novels", everything else is empty, and I haven't seen a single VIP. It's too demoralizing, dears, you Is it just that lack of enthusiasm?? My enthusiasm is almost blown away!!!)

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