rebirth of change

Chapter 528 The Chaotic Press Conference

On August [-]th, in the small conference room on the third floor of the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles, a small press conference held by Miramax for the start of filming of the movie "True Lies" was held immediately. Only ten people were invited. A few media outlets turned out to have five more, most of them aimed at Schwarzenegger. **

A total of five people participated in this press conference, namely Kang Jie, Fan Wenxuan, Jon Gordon, Schwarzenegger and Curtis.

The identities of the five representatives are all different. Chen Kangjie represents the crew, Fan Wenxuan represents Feiyang Entertainment, the holding company of Miramax, Jon Gordon represents the management of Miramax, and Schwarzenegger and Curtis represent the actors.

As a lady, Fan Wenxuan is also the top leader on the bright side, so she sits in the middle of the "chairman" podium, Chen Kangjie and Siwarzenegger sit on her left, Jon Gordon and Curtis sit on her right, and the background is There is only a huge curtain block designed temporarily, with only the movie name "truelies" on it, and no other patterns. The press conference was hosted by Jon Gordon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Jon Gordon, the president of Miramax. Welcome to this press conference of Miramax. The purpose of this press conference is mainly to introduce Let’s take a look at our company’s first big-budget film "True Lies". This film will cost 94 million U.S. dollars and star Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jimmy Lee Curtis. It is expected to be released early next year. Meet the audience, this is a movie that combines urgent action, gunfights, comedy and love. It is also the most important show produced by our company in 528. We hope that this movie will achieve good box office results in the North American market next year. Hope you all Thank you for your help with the publicity, let me introduce the ladies and gentlemen who attended the press conference," Jon Gordon said into the microphone, and then stretched out his left hand to Fan Wenxuan.Rebirth: Changing the World [-]

"The one next to me is Ms. Monica, the president of Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company, and the one next to me is Mr. Long, the director and producer of our film..." Jon Gordon first introduced the unfamiliar Fan Wen Xuan and Chen Kangjie, of course, he did not mention their Chinese names, only their English names.However, when Chen Kangjie was introduced, his words were interrupted by the buzzing of the reporters below.

Although Chen Kangjie is wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, he still can't hide his youth. Now that Jon Gordon introduced that this young man is the director and producer of such a big-budget movie, how can he not be surprised? This has never been a similar phenomenon in the history of Hollywood. No company dares to give so much money to such young people to make a movie.

"Please be quiet, everyone. If you have any questions, we will wait for time for everyone to ask questions. The long past man must not need to be introduced. He is the familiar 'Terminator' Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger." Jon Gordon raised his voice and continued Introduced.

When Jon Gordon introduced Fan Wenxuan and Chen Kangjie, the two Orientals just nodded implicitly, but Schwarzenegger was different. He raised his right hand and waved downward, as if meeting his fans.

The reporters below who are accustomed to seeing celebrities did not scream or whistle at him like ordinary fans, but just applauded him. This kind of treatment is already much higher than that of Fan Wenxuan. This is fame, and fame is influence. Power, influence is power.

After the applause dwindled, Jon Gordon continued to introduce Jamie Lee Curtis, "The one on my right is probably recognized by everyone. This is Jamie Lee Curtis, the heroine of "Moonlight Panic". Adams, he will play the role of Helen, the heroine of our movie, and Arnold Schwarzenegger will play a couple."

"Okay, everyone here already knows each other, so friends in the media, if you have any interesting questions, you can ask us." After speaking, Jon Gordon pressed the microphone.

The first one to raise her hand was the long-haired lady.

"Hello, I'm Jessica, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times. I would like to ask Mr. Jon Gordon, did Feiyang Entertainment acquire Miramax? Because your company's bid ended without a problem last time, we don't know. Do you know the result, and if so, can you release some details? Another question, we want to know where the Weinstein brothers are, we contacted them to interview them, but we just couldn’t contact anyone.”

At the time of the bidding, the Weinstein brothers had arranged for three news media to interview, and the Los Angeles local media "Los Angeles Times", which ranked third in the newspaper category in the United States, was one of them, but the reporter who went there last time Not this Jessica.

Jon Gordon lifted the microphone he had pressed down, glanced at Fan Wenxuan, and began to answer the lady's question, "Miss Jessica, thank you for your question, let me answer it, first of all, what you said That's right, Miramax is now a subsidiary of Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company, and the entire merger and acquisition has only been completed for a few days. Because they are doing some handover and transition work, so I haven't had time to inform friends from the media about the situation. What I can tell you now is that the entire merger cost 8000 million US dollars, and all the shares were acquired. As for the Weinstein brothers you asked, because they are not currently working in our company, we don’t know where they went. , Sorry, I can't answer your question."

For many answers, Jon Gordon and Fan Wenxuan have communicated with each other, so it is not difficult to answer. Besides, there is no need to hide this question, after all, they have filed with the "government" part of the United States Yes, it is well documented, but Jon Gordon did not state that it was a cash acquisition, and the purpose was to try to keep a low profile.

"Hello, monica, I'm Thomas Wang, a reporter from the Chinese-language media "International Daily News". My question is, as a Hong Kong company, how would you think of buying a Hollywood film company? And it still costs more than 5o The high price of HK$[-] million", the Chinese man in black-rimmed glasses and a gray casual suit raised his notebook to ask his own question.

In the United States, there are many Chinese-language newspapers, discourse radio and television stations, and Los Angeles, as a gathering place for Chinese, is at the forefront of the United States in this regard.

"Mr. Wang, thank you for your attention to us. The United States is the largest in the world, whether it is in the traditional commodity market or the entertainment market. Relatively speaking, the Hong Kong market is much smaller, with a small population, a narrow hell, and an economic aggregate. The volume is not large enough, since you are a Chinese-language media, you should understand the Chinese saying "people go to high places, water flows to low places". Entering the US market is a very normal business "sex" behavior", Fan Wenxuan replied, but avoided the topic of the acquisition amount.

Fan Wenxuan avoided it, but it doesn't mean that people will acquiesce. This Thomas Wang added as soon as Fan Wenxuan finished speaking: "Can you tell me about the source of funds? As far as I know, it is very difficult for entertainment organizations in Hong Kong to have Such a powerful force."

"Sorry, this is a commercial secret, I have no words to tell you." Fan Wenxuan didn't want to get involved in this issue too much, which was what Chen Kangjie meant.

"I'm George Alma, the Los Angeles correspondent for Fox Broadcasting Corporation, and I have a question that I don't understand. Why is this big-budget movie with an investment of [-] million US dollars handed over to someone we don't even know... Young director? This is a bit unbelievable. As a big star who has been famous for many years, how could Mr. Schwarzenegger be willing to accept such absurd behavior?" George Elma thought he was a reporter from a big news organization, so he asked The question is a bit arrogant, even "hello" was omitted, if he hadn't seen Chen Kangjie staring at him through the sunglasses, he would have changed "young director" to "yellow boy". Singer is still polite, but he still characterizes this behavior as 'ridiculous'.

"This... What's up with George...? Oh, Alma... I don't know who you want to answer this question, but since you mentioned the director, it's me, so I'll answer it, He answered the question about Schwarzenegger himself. I don’t know where you learned this kind of thinking? You actually equated youth with ability. I am a Chinese. In the history of our country, it has been more than 2000 years Before, there was a man named Gan Luo who became a prime minister at the age of 13. More recently, there was a very famous emperor in the Qing Dynasty named Aixinjueluo Xuanye, also known as Emperor Kangxi. He boarded the plane at the age of eight. , At the age of 14, he took control of the entire country and managed a population of hundreds of millions. Do you think it is more difficult to be a director than to manage a big country? I always thought that American culture is very inclusive. Now I listen to you After these words, I realized that it was actually nothing more than that..." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie's memory not to remember the name of this Fox Broadcasting Company reporter, but because of the other party's arrogance, he deliberately did not give him face. The content of the answer is also contemptuous.Rebirth: Changing the World 528

Perhaps because he couldn't stand Chen Kangjie's words, the white reporter in a suit and tie stood up and interrupted Chen Kangjie: "What you said is all about your country, and it happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, who knows Is it true, I don’t believe you can act as a director, don’t think that you Chinese can fool the American people by buying this film company... ".

He was rude, and Chen Kangjie didn't need to be polite, so he interjected directly: "OK, you are so ignorant and narrow-minded, I don't blame you, if you want to blame, you can only blame Fox Corporation, then I will tell you an example from the United States , but...according to your level of knowledge, I guess you don’t know. There is a young man named Gray, who is only 14 years old this year. He is not far from here in Las Vegas. He started his business at the age of 6 Selling stones, he set up a business association of "Urban Neighborhood Economic Enterprise Association" at the age of 8. He has been a host in Las Vegas since two years ago. If I don't tell you the name of the program he hosts, I guess you will You'll say I'm nonsense, this show is called "Backstage Live", he should be a millionaire this year, tsk tsk tsk... I think you should be seventeen or eighteen years older than him? What were you doing when you were 14 years old? ? Riding a bicycle? Delivering newspapers for a dollar pocket money? Or stealing fruit from neighbors? Anyway, I don’t believe you were a millionaire at the time, no wonder, you believe that age is proportional to ability, so... you may It may take another 50 years to become a millionaire, sorry, I told the truth."

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