Chen Kangjie would always be vigilant against such approaching strangers, and Xiong Ziqiang, who was standing by the toilet smoking, also stared at these two people walking along the sidewalk. 【 】

So when the two strong black brothers took out the knives from their coats and planned to hold Chen Kangjie in the middle, but their hands were swaying under the street lamp before the steel knives reached Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang and He shot almost at the same time.

These two black brothers are wearing leather pants and small leather vests, showing their arms and belly. The one on Chen Kangjie's left is still smoking a cigarette, while the one on the right is just holding his hands in front of his chest, and the guy on the left just pulled out his knife. Chen Kangjie blocked the man's arm with a hand, and then a side kick hit the man's calf bone, which is one of the weaker parts of the human body. With one kick, the man bent down instinctively, and the sharp knife fell to the ground.

Xiong Ziqiang was completely rude and suddenly attacked. When others didn't pay attention, he threw the cigarette and shot the black man on the right side of Chen Kangjie with a flying kick. The kick was very strong and came suddenly. It slid out and shrank to the ground.

The other bodyguards were at the side of the car first, and only Xiong Ziqiang followed, but after Chen Kangjie made a move, they all quickly surrounded him.

"Captain, what's going on?" Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu held down a black man before he raised his head and asked Xiong Ziqiang.

Xiong Ziqiang was their captain in the army, and he is still their captain now that he has retired.

Xiong Ziqiang took out another cigarette by himself, "Two little hooligans, want to attack Master Jie", then turned on the lighter and lit the cigarette.

Hearing that they were going to attack Chen Kangjie, Pang Hui and the others were furious. They "slapped" several big ears of the two of them, and then squatted down with two fists.

The pedestrians around didn't think there was any fuss at all. They stopped to look at it and went to do what they should do. The passing cars didn't even bother to slow down. It's nothing to do with oneself, so we can know that this kind of thing is common in Miami, and it's not surprising.

"%...¥#@@!*¥%", a black man lying on the ground said a word to his partner, but the others couldn't understand.

"Master Jie, what is this girl talking about?" Knowing that Chen Kangjie is good at foreign languages, Pang Hui raised his head and asked him.

"Hehe, it's in Latin, he said, tell you to wait, they have a boss," Chen Kangjie laughed contemptuously.

"Fuck, you dare to be arrogant at this time." Pang Hui stood up and kicked each of them hard in the stomach, and now both of them were honest.

"Just send them to the police station!", Cameron saw that the two were honest, so he made an immature suggestion.

"Send it to the police station? Don't be ridiculous, it's useless. If sending it to the police station is useful, these guys won't dare to come out at seven or eight o'clock." Chen Kangjie couldn't possibly adopt Cameron's suggestion, thinking that childish.

"Long, there are usually gangsters here, it's better to be careful, I think we'll go back tonight." Jon Gordon, who is relatively familiar with Miami, is still a little worried.

"I don't care, it's up to Mr. Cameron, lest he say I won't treat you, Mr. Cameron, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie threw this question to James Cameron.

"Then... let's go back, I didn't expect Miami to be so bad," Cameron hesitated and said angrily.

"Then let's go home. I'll treat you to a drink when we arrive at the Ritz-Carlton South Beach Hotel. Although the atmosphere is a bit off, something is better than nothing," Chen Kangjie said, patting Cameron on the shoulder.

Since Chen Kangjie said so, what else do other people have to say? Everyone can only come here to enjoy themselves and prepare to return disappointed. Those two guys can only be thrown on the ground by the roadside and let them fend for themselves. Anyway, it is estimated that he will be able to get up and walk around in a while.

Chen Kangjie and the others just got into the car and before it started, they saw a group of young people trotting over from the corner of the street, each of them bare chested and backless, some of them were carrying various weapons, mainly knives, there were 30 of them. There are so many people, showing off their power under the street lights, the target is Chen Kangjie and his group. If there are cars passing by, stop to let them pass, and then start the car to move forward after they pass.

"Mr. Jie, what should I do?" After what happened just now, Xiong Ziqiang would be sitting next to Chen Kangjie.

"This is in the United States." Chen Kangjie glanced at Xiong Ziqiang, then knocked on the front, "Jimmy, it's up to you."

"Sir, no problem." John Jimmy, who was sitting in the front, glanced at him and agreed, and got out of the car with his gun drawn.

"Wait, you plan to use hot weapons to deal with such a small group of people?" Chen Kangjie called to stop John Jimmy.

"Sir...we... are used to killing the enemy as quickly as possible. As for the means, we don't think about it anymore," John Jimmy replied hesitantly.

Although the SEALs are powerful in combat, it has to be said that they are not invincible in any situation. They rely heavily on intelligence, advanced weapons and equipment, and strong logistics support. Without these, the SEALs may not be SEALs.

"Hehe, you're about to solve the question, so what will happen to the result? I'll deal with the aftermath of you leaving dead bodies all over the place under the watchful eye? Dude, put away your guns, as a last resort, you are not allowed to shoot." , the further back, Chen Kangjie's expression became more serious, and in the end, it directly became an order.

John Jimmy paused for a while, still reluctantly put away the gun and stuck it in his back, and then he called his guys to get out of the car, ready to solve the trouble.

"Jie Shao, should we go first? After all, neither we nor Samidov have guns. The fact that so many people come out at once shows that this gang still has some strength. If more people come, maybe It will... be more troublesome," Xiong Ziqiang stared out of the car window and suggested to Chen Kangjie.

Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun, and Samidov are all foreigners, and they are not allowed to enter the United States with weapons unless they re-apply to the US government in the form of protecting important people. In that case, they can be equipped with guns, but Chen Kangjie is not yet He is not a famous person, so he didn't apply for it.

John Jimmy and the others are different, they are Americans, and privately owned guns in the United States are legal, as long as they are registered.

"Don't be afraid, don't you want to witness the strength of your subordinates with your own eyes? If the six of them can't handle this matter, it will be a waste of the more than 100 million salary I give them every month." Chen Kangjie's eyes were also outside.

Cameron and Jon Gordon were also in the same car, but the two of them couldn't understand the Chinese conversation between Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang, but it was clear from their expressions that they had no intention of leaving now.

The group of people came to Chen Kangjie's car and was stopped by five of them, John Jimmy and the others. Only Pillard stood by Chen Kangjie's car door and did not go there, with a gun in his clothes all the time. handle.

Speaking of which, John Jimmy and the others didn't stop them either, but five people stood in a row in front of them.

"You guys injured my little brother? Are you planning to clap your hands and leave after being injured?" A burly white man stood up. From the open leather jacket, you could see that he was covered in tattoos all over his body. He raised his head as if ready to attack at any time. The attacking cobra perched on his chest.

"Boss, that's them, I saw them from behind just now." A skinny monkey-like guy tiptoed behind the boss, poking his head out to report.

"Go to hell!" The boss slapped the skinny monkey on the face and pushed him to the back.

This time the other party spoke English, so John Jimmy and the others could understand, "Yes, but they are robbers, trying to rob," John Jimmy replied.

"Robbery? Robbery? Did you get the money? Haha", the other party seemed to be teasing and teasing.

"That's not important, it's okay that we didn't send them to the police station," John Jimmy said.

"Hahaha, hahaha, the police station, did you hear that? He said the police station?" The other party let go as if he had heard some big joke.

When he asked, the younger brothers behind him all laughed heartily, feeling that they were not afraid of the police at all.

John Jimmy was ridiculed, of course he would feel uncomfortable, but to be honest, he had never encountered such a situation before. They had all received closed military training and management before.

John Jimmy raised his head and glanced in Chen Kangjie's direction. He seemed disappointed when he saw his boss stroking his forehead.

"You'd better get out of here like a dog, don't make me angry," John Jimmy turned back to stare at him with sharp eyes.

The other party's smile stopped abruptly, and the face was full of anger, and a murderous look burst out from his eyes.

Not only the boss is like this, but also those younger brothers who were still laughing just now, because John Jimmy's voice is very loud, and it is obvious that he deliberately let the other party hear him.

"Come on, cut him off for me." The boss swung his leather jacket with his right hand, and the younger brothers rushed up, most of them were black, only a few white.

John Jimmy and the others are not like Xiong Ziqiang and they have learned Chinese martial arts. They are completely Western fighting. Although there are many opponents, they are uneven and chaotic. Although John Jimmy and the others do not have weapons in their hands, they are strong. , tall and well-trained.

The five people first find a target, take half a step back, and attack with one punch and one leg. On the premise of not being injured, each person has an extra knife in his hand, including horn knife, machete, triangular knife, etc. wait.

The five people had too many weapons in their hands, but they were also at the center of the siege of more than [-] people from the other side. The only thing they could do was to fight, and it was a fight that could not cause too much death rate.


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