Amid the worries and fears of everyone, after climbing to a height of more than ten meters, Xiong Ziqiang finally drove the helicopter forward, and the state became more and more stable, until he made a maneuver by the sea and flew away along the coastline , When Chen Kangjie and the others could only see a small dot, he turned around and flew back, landing safely on the roof of the building. 【 】

"How do you feel?" Chen Kangjie and the others covered their foreheads and walked in against the wind brought by the unstopped propellers. At this time, Xiong Ziqiang had already opened the cockpit door and got off the plane.

"The new aircraft is flexible to operate. Sitting in the cabin, it is indeed not as noisy as ordinary helicopters. Because there is no tail rotor, I am not very used to it at the beginning. The aircraft we learned before are all the ones with tail rotors. Soviet-style transport aircraft," Xiong Ziqiang replied while bending over.

"Come on, let's go around, who else will go?" Because there are six seats, Chen Kangjie doesn't mind one or two more people.

When Chen Kangjie asked this question, everyone wanted to go. In the end, Dong Mingshu sat in the co-pilot position, and he had to follow suit. Pang Hui, Qian Degui, Samidov, and Basyev sat in the back cabin with Chen Kangjie. .

This time, Xiong Ziqiang didn't make it so mysterious, he pulled up smoothly and flew forward.

They are still flying along the coastline. Miami Beach in the early morning is really beautiful. A wave of white waves washes the beach and the coastline. There are few people on the beach. Only some people who live nearby are exercising or walking in the morning. In the urban area full of high-rise buildings, on one side is the endless sea with the same color of sea and sky. Everyone on the plane is very happy. At this time, the only thing everyone feels is that this is a city of vacation and recuperation, not a city of crime.

After more than 20 minutes, Xiong Ziqiang sent Chen Kangjie and the others back to the roof of the hotel. Everyone had to go downstairs to have breakfast and prepare for today's work.

"Master Jie, do you want me to accompany you here?" Bob followed Chen Kangjie down the stairs.

"No need, I've had breakfast, go do your own thing, I'll contact you if something happens", it's useless for Bob to stay by his side, Chen Kangjie only needs him to send the plane over, he's here to make a movie, not Come to play.

"Well, I'll go to Detroit this afternoon."

Chen Kangjie went back to his room and changed his clothes. After going downstairs to have breakfast with everyone, he took Cameron, Jedica, Roffman, Curtis, and Schwarzenegger to board McDouble 600n. Xiong Ziqiang and Dong Mingshu served as the pilot and bodyguard. Since it was in the air, the plane could only carry so many people, and other entourage could not be brought along. It was regarded as a half-day vacation for them.

It only took nearly half an hour for Chen Kangjie and the others to reach the sky above the sea at Qili Bridge.

"Look, there are cars coming and going on the highway below, you have to apply for traffic control and road closure tomorrow," Cameron said loudly, pointing to the long bridge across the sea below.

Although the MD 600n cancels the tail rotor, the noise is greatly reduced, but the propeller on the top of the machine still rotates "woo woo woo woo" and transmits a lot of noise.So if Cameron wants others to hear him, he still has to let go of his voice a little bit.

"I don't think it's necessary, this way it looks real. You only need to close it briefly in the last shot, at least I don't think it's necessary to shoot the truck and car," Chen Kangjie put forward his opinion.

In the original drama directed by James Cameron, the entire bridge was closed for filming in this section. The audience only saw the gangster's vehicles in the movie, and the rest of the vehicles were all gone.

Chen Kangjie thinks there is something wrong here, maybe the audience will not pay attention to it, but in terms of completeness, it is a bit of a pity, because after the Harrier fighter jets and helicopters stop behind, there is a "vehicle stop" sign at the intersection, if If there were no other vehicles on the bridge, it would be unnecessary for the subsequent vehicles to stop. Besides, it stands to reason that Harry had just withdrawn from the road, and it was too late to block the bridge. Whether it was a fighter jet or a helicopter, they were faster than cars. You just need to stop the gangster's car.

"Well, when shooting, three helicopters are needed. The cameraman and the camera must be bound outside the cabin. One is in charge of the car, one is in charge of the fighter jet, and the other is in charge of both. If one camera shoots alone, it would be a waste It will be bigger, of course, the scene inside the car is shot separately, it is impossible to shoot at the same time, it can’t take care of it,” James Cameron continued to analyze.

"You have the experience to listen to you," Chen Kangjie agreed.

"Then do you have so many photographers?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, you have one, Carpenter has one, Jedica and Roffman have experience, and they can have one person in charge of one."

"Then what are you doing?" Cameron asked Chen Kangjie.

"Me?" Chen Kangjie pointed at himself, then looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on Cameron's face again, "I'm directing, I can still follow you on a helicopter and learn from you to shoot."

"You're the director, don't you just want to shoot from the top down instead of the bottom up?" Cameron teased Chen Kangjie.

"Fuck...that doesn't matter, Jedika and Luo Fuman can still separate out one person." Chen Kangjie really didn't think about that, and only thought about going from top to bottom, but he also had a way to resolve it.

"After working for a long time, there is still nothing wrong with you."

"Yes, why not? I'll still follow you, and I'll see how you film Harry dragging Helen into the air."

"Hehe, it's easy for you to be a director, and let others do the work." Cameron shook his head and laughed.

"That can't be said that way, I still need to spend a lot of energy on the final review and appraisal," Chen Kangjie replied brazenly, but what he said was also true.

"Wait, wait, am I really going to fly in the air?" Curtis answered, patting his chest, looking a little scared.

"Yeah, do you think this was also done in the studio?" Chen Kangjie gave her an affirmative answer.

"I'm afraid of heights, I'm flying in the air, so what are you doing?" Curtis said with a frown.

"I shot you outside the cabin, and I didn't sit comfortably in the cabin," Cameron glanced at Curtis.

"I...I...I'll encourage you at the cabin door," Chen Kangjie said hesitantly. Cameron's phrase "sit comfortably in the cabin" was referring to Chen Kangjie, so Chen Kangjie was somewhat ashamed.

"Okay, I'll go all out, Arnold, aren't you afraid?" Curtis said nonchalantly, and then turned to Schwarzenegger.

"I'm not afraid. Although it's the first time to catch people on a plane, the difficulty has not increased much compared to some previous movies. The only thing that makes me difficult is to drive a Harrier fighter jet. I have never played that guy before." Schwarzenegger answered Curtis's words.

"Didn't you go to the training base of the Marine Corps in Georgia for a week? Hey, the company paid $7 for this." Chen Kangjie stared blankly at Schwarzenegger.

"Long, that's a fighter jet, not a bicycle. You want to learn how to fly a fighter jet in a week? You think highly of me too. One week is only enough for me to know those instruments."

In order to make Schwarzenegger behave more like a trained agent during the filming process, Miramax contacted the Marine Corps training base in Georgia at a high price of $10000 a day last month. Wassinger spent a week studying on simulated fighter jets.

"That's enough, that's enough, anyway, what you're driving is a model, and it's in a studio, it's almost there, hehe." Chen Kangjie also felt that he was a bit too demanding of Schwarzenegger, and he was a little embarrassed .

"Okay, communicate with the pilot before shooting, make sure the flight trajectory, and don't fly in disorder at that time," Cameron made the last suggestion. <Only after that,” Chen Kangjie said.

Sugar Loaf Shores Airport is a very small airport. It is located on an island west of Jon Island. It is not suitable for parking large aircraft and ski-jump fighter jets, but it is not suitable for Harrier fighter jets that take off and land vertically. , it happened to be a good base, and the direction of flight was smooth, which couldn't be better.

"Pilot, lower the altitude of the plane, let's take another look." Cameron stood in the cabin, bowing his waist.

Xiong Ziqiang's English has improved a lot now. After listening to Cameron's words, he lowered the plane's altitude by more than ten meters and flew along the top of the road.

When Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the hotel from the aerial investigation, they did not expect that people from the Black Wolf Gang came to the door.

"Long, I have something to tell you." As soon as Chen Kangjie entered the hall, Samidov leaned forward and whispered.

"What's the matter?" Chen Kangjie asked casually.

"Let's talk about it in your room," Samidov reminded in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go to my room", Chen Kangjie didn't forget to say hello to the others before returning to the room, "I'm back, you can move freely".

. . . . . .

"What's the matter?" Chen Kangjie took out a cigarette case from the bedside drawer in his own room, took out the cigarettes and threw one to Xiong Ziqiang and one to Samidov. At this time there were only the three of them in the room.

"Someone from the Black Wolf gang sent a message, asking us to go to a warehouse in Miami Springs tonight," Samidov said, taking Chen Kangjie's cigarette in his mouth.

"Black Wolf Gang? Where did the Black Wolf Gang come from?" Chen Kangjie and the others fucked someone else last night, but he hasn't figured out the other party's situation yet.

"It's the people who were injured by John Jimmy last night," Samidov explained.

"Hehe, the son of a turtle is quite fast, he came to the door in just one day."

"Jie Shao, maybe our car was exposed, but why didn't they just pass on the word and come to the door directly?" Xiong Ziqiang guessed part of it, and he didn't know the reason for the other part.

"I know why", Chen Kangjie protruded a smoke ring.


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