"No, Young Master Jie, how could you take such a risk?" Xiong Ziqiang was the first to stand up and object. 【 】

"Yes, Young Master Jie, I don't need you to go deep into the tiger's den." Samidov also objected.

"Long, we can go in, you better not go." John Jimmy followed closely behind.

"I am firmly against it," Tan Jun said in a very simple sentence.

"Have you finished talking? Your objections are all invalid, because we are not really going to wipe out this gangster. Although we have made a lot of preparations, we are not really going to fight, but to negotiate. Understand? ? If I don’t go in personally, who will go?” Chen Kangjie stood up from the sofa.

"Let's not talk about anything else, you can't win if you just speak a foreign language. If it's English, then maybe it's okay, but just now Samidov said that the other party's boss is from Haiti, and French is also a popular language in Haiti. If the other party Speaking French, or even Latin, what do you do? Draw your guns and do it? Even if you are powerful, well-trained, and able to win, won't there be casualties? I can tell you that although you are my bodyguards, But I don't want you to sacrifice, especially unnecessary sacrifices, so it's best to resolve it peacefully, after all, we still have to shoot movies in this city. Since we are going to negotiate, we must speak eloquently. I boast that none of you People's eloquence can surpass me," Chen Kangjie took two steps, then turned back and continued.

Chen Kangjie's words made all the bodyguards under him speechless. Apart from being moved, they really couldn't deal with it, because what Chen Kangjie said was the truth.

"So, what is to be discussed is not whether I will go or not, but who will go with me." Chen Kangjie made the final decision.

"It doesn't matter whether others go or not, anyway, I must go," Xiong Ziqiang stared at Chen Kangjie and said.

"Okay, Brother Qiang counts as one." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to object to Xiong Ziqiang, anyway, he can't object, he knows that Xiong Ziqiang treats him almost like his own brother.

"Wang Wei and I are going too, we can't be on the periphery," Tan Jun argued.

"Okay, you two are counted too." Chen Kangjie blocked Tan Jun's words just now, but he could only accept Tan Jun's request at this time.

"Jie Shao, I will go with you, Alyosha and the others stay on the periphery," Samidov put forward his suggestion.

"Well, Lovsky and Basyev are more suitable to be snipers. Let them be the two snipers. Come in with me. Alyosha is responsible for the safety of the car." Chen Kangjie understood that Sa Why did Midov suggest that Alyosha and the others stay on the periphery? The two of them were the snipers in Hong Kong last time, so they directly assigned positions to Alyosha and the others.

"Long, there's another spot left, just me and Pillard." John Jimmy also volunteered.

"If your body is fine, I don't mind." Chen Kangjie walked up to John Jimmy and beat his chest with his fist.

"There is no problem at all." After finishing speaking, John Jimmy beat his body vigorously, showing that everything was as usual.

"Well, just the six of you and me, and you have to arrange for someone to fly a helicopter around and evacuate from the roof if necessary."

"It's no problem, this kind of American helicopter, we all know it, I think, let Chris take charge, he is a very cautious person," John Jimmy arranged.

Chen Kangjie didn't know who Chris was. Among the six seals, he only knew the names of John Jimmy and Pillard, and he hadn't asked the names of the other four, so for John Jimmy's proposal, Chen Kangjie No comments.

"Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu, and Michael Rath Jobbury are responsible for suppressing the firepower of the two alleys in a team of four. Chris can't fly the helicopter alone, and needs a gunner. In case of a fight, Basyev and The two snipers of Lovsky didn't have time to deal with the gangsters on the roof, so one person was needed to help Chris by vacating the roof to make an apron. As for Qian Degui, he and Alyosha took the driver to protect the car. "Xiong Ziqiang, as Chen Kangjie's security captain, naturally knows everyone below, so he continued to assign tasks.

"Okay, I think it's ok, do you have anything to add?" Chen Kangjie went back to the sofa and sat down. Later, he felt that the pistol was uncomfortable to hold, so he pulled it out and put it beside him.

"I have to add, others don't care, but you must have a body armor, this is a must." Tan Jun stood up again.

"Where can I find bulletproof vests now? Besides, everyone doesn't have one, so why should I?"

"Long, it's really hard to find bulletproof vests for a while, but when we go to pick up the weapons later, we can ask the seller," John Jimmy interjected.

"Okay, let's go to dinner and leave in an hour." Chen Kangjie glanced at Vacheron Constantin in his left hand.

When he was at home, Chen Kangjie wore a Jinling brand domestic watch, which was given to him by his elder sister. Only when he was out of the house would he change into the international brand Vacheron Constantin.

At eight o'clock in the evening, after packing up, Chen Kangjie and the others set off. Jon Gordon and Cameron both asked Chen Kangjie where he was going, but Chen Kangjie just lied and said he was going out for a walk.

It was already 67:08 in the evening when Chen Kangjie and the others turned along NW30th Street to a small tin house in the east section of Bluebird Street near Lake Louise.

"John, you are here. It's not safe to put so many ammunition here." After knocking on the door and entering, a middle-aged fat man in a vest with a huge Desert Eagle stuck in the holster on his back turned to John. said Jimmy.

"Thank you, buddy." John Jimmy stepped forward to hold the opponent's right hand together, and patted the opponent's shoulder with his left hand.

"It's not easy to get so many guns in such a short time, thank you," Chen Kangjie walked to the front of several wooden boxes, raised his head and said to the arms dealer.

Others also rushed in after Chen Kangjie.

"John, this is...?".

"My boss, don't worry."

"Then check the goods quickly, and take them away if there is no problem. You are the one who puts so much ammunition in your hands, and it is hot to your hands. If you are caught, I will not do it."

Basyev, Pang Hui and others used a screwdriver to pry open those wooden boxes, and brand new guns that still smelled of oil were displayed in front of everyone. Check the gun, pull the sleeve, bolt, etc. "snap" again. As a soldier, checking your own gun before the battle is a necessary step.

"The bullets and grenades are over there. If you are interested, you can open it yourself." After everyone checked the guns, they all nodded. The arms dealer pointed to several flat rectangular boxes in the corner and said.

"Don't look at it, just move it away." Chen Kangjie felt that the guns are fine, and the bullets are even less of a problem. What's more, he doesn't worry about delivering the goods by himself, so why should he worry about it?

"Dude, do you have bulletproof vests? Police or military ones will do." Just as everyone was moving guns and ammunition, John Jimmy asked the arms dealer.

"Bulletproof vest?... this... I don't have a bulletproof vest now, only three bulletproof vests, but they were ordered by someone else, so I can't give them to you."

"The bulletproof vest is also fine. No matter who ordered it, you can give it up now. We need it urgently." Since there is a bulletproof vest, John Jimmy will not let it go.

"This is against the rules," the arms dealer seemed embarrassed.

"There is only one rule for businessmen, that is profit, and I will give you three times the price." Chen Kangjie walked over to replace John Jimmy to negotiate with the other party.

Chen Kangjie had acted righteously and cared for his subordinates before, but that didn't mean he didn't cherish his own life. After all, he wasn't Rambo, so if he could wear a bulletproof vest on his body to increase his survival rate, he would still strive for.

"Three times the price?" The arms dealer's eyes lit up.

"Yes, three times," Chen Kangjie nodded firmly with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, then I'll go all out, bulletproof vests are harder to get than guns." After speaking, the arms dealer opened the side door and walked out to the dark outside. Within a minute, he came in with three sets of white bulletproof vests.

"There are steel and titanium padding inside, and ceramic and polyethylene plates are added to the chest to increase protection, which can effectively withstand the shooting of all pistols and some rifles." The boss spread the bulletproof vests one by one, casually Do a little more explaining.

"Jimmy, give him the money, there are only three sets." Chen Kangjie picked up one set and tried it on himself. At this time, Chen Kangjie would not be polite, anyway, he would be tied up if he didn't wear it.

There were only two other sets left, but there were six people who followed him, and it became a problem who would wear them and who would not. No one else took two sets of bulletproof vests with their hands.

Chen Kangjie picked up two sets of bulletproof vests, threw one to Tan Jun and the other to Wang Wei, "This bulletproof vest is not very big, the rest of you are too strong, wearing it on your body will affect your flexibility Spend".

The boss has said so, and he has done so, and Chen Kangjie's closest friend, Xiong Ziqiang, has not been obtained, so it is even harder for others to say anything.

. . . . . .

All dressed up, and after reassigning their respective tasks again, Chen Kangjie and the others pedaled southward from hammond.dr Street to the appointment place, and the others also performed their own duties and went about their own.

Along the way, the street lights are dim, and there are few pedestrians on this narrow road. Abandoned and garbage can be seen everywhere on the roadside, and sometimes one or two big mice can be seen scurrying out of the garbage.

At a quarter past nine, Chen Kangjie and the others came to the gate of the yard outside the four-story abandoned factory next to Swan Avenue.

There were twenty or thirty gangsters in different clothes standing on both sides of the gate. They didn't talk to each other, and they didn't stop Chen Kangjie and the others. They just stood there maliciously, some with cigarettes in their mouths.


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