Next, Chen Kangjie wanted to shoot the gun battle scenes and shots on the island, but Chen Kangjie couldn't go there, so he had to entrust James Cameron to do it for him. 【 】

Maybe it's because the tomato scrambled eggs he ate on the island were unhygienic, and he slept with the air conditioner turned on after returning home. Chen Kangjie fell ill for the first time in a long time, and it wasn't a serious illness. He just had diarrhea many times. It made him lose all energy.

Anyway, the real director was by his side, so Chen Kangjie planned to be lazy for a while, and sent Cameron to replace him, and lay down in the hotel to take a good rest.

James Cameron is already a well-known director in the industry. If he replaces Chen Kangjie, no one will complain or doubt.

Chen Kangjie thought that Cameron would bring the staff back at two o'clock in the evening, but he didn't know that he didn't come back until 04:30 in the morning.

"Why was it so late last night?", Chen Kangjie caught Cameron and asked him when he was having lunch in the restaurant at noon.

"Ah..." Cameron yawned first, "You think I think, if you are really a rookie, then I will be able to take pictures, but I saw your previous pictures, if I If you don’t take a better picture, I’m afraid I won’t be able to lose that person.”

"Haha, what about it?" Chen Kangjie felt that the little old man Cameron was quite cute.

"You said it's not possible, I have lost a lot this time. Not only do I have to be your photographer, but I also have to be your director. Oh my god, why is my life so hard?" After finishing speaking, Cameron said: Black bread stuffed into his mouth.

"It's right for friends to help out. What's more, in the future, Miramax will provide you with a little more money, and you can make up for it." Looking at Cameron, who is not very elegant, Chen Kangjie picked up a glass I took a sip of the Italian coffee with milk and no sugar.

"I hope." Cameron probably was hungry, or he didn't fully believe that he could really get enough funds, so he casually replied to Chen Kangjie and "worked hard."

Regarding Cameron's attitude and tone, Chen Kangjie just smiled and did not answer. It is better to let him "listen to his words and watch his actions".

. . . . . .

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Chen Kangjie finally saw the most expensive props in his first movie at the sugar loaf shores airport, three Harrier vertical take-off and landing fighters numbered AV-8A leased from the US Marine Corps. The fighter is single-seat and single-engine, using the 'Pegasus' 102 engine.

The ex-factory price of this aircraft in 1991 was 1959 million U.S. dollars, and the three planes already cost almost 6000 million U.S. dollars. In order to use these three planes for two days, Miramax has to pay a total of 50 U.S. dollars in rent to the U.S. government. Aviation fuel costs are borne by the military itself, but the pilot's salary is calculated separately, which is standard, $2410 per hour.In other words, if three fighter planes took off at the same time, Chen Kangjie would have to pay the pilot more than $7000 per hour.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Chen Kangjie, who was wearing a T-shirt and sunglasses, was bending over to look at the four jet ports at the bottom of the fighter jet that could support the plane in parallel. A pilot in a flight suit and with a crew cut was holding A cup of Coke trotted over from the entrance of the simple store at the airport, drinking loudly to stop Chen Kangjie.

"I just want to admire this sexy fighter jet, what's the problem?" Chen Kangjie straightened up and stared at the American pilot who had already run in front of him.

"Of course there is a problem. This involves military secrets. You are not an American, so you can't get close," the pilot said confidently.

"An old aircraft that was in service in 69, what military secrets can I be interested in? Besides, man, if you can understand it by looking at it this way, then it is not a military secret, and it will be known to everyone." , Chen Kangjie said in a disdainful and condescending tone.


"Dude, he is our director. In other words, he is the user of these three planes. It doesn't matter if you look at it. The approval document I got has made it very clear. As long as you don't board the plane or disassemble the plane, there is no problem." What's wrong?" Jon Gordon said half softly and half hard, holding the pilot's shoulder.

"Then I know, but the approach of unrelated personnel to the plane may affect flight safety."

"No wonder this plane is called the 'Widow Maker'. It turns out that if you get close to it, it will affect the flight safety. Hey, it's a bit sad," Chen Kangjie said.


"Forget about me, comrade pilot, get ready to start work, I paid the money, here, you have to listen to me," Chen Kangjie used the American way of thinking to tease the pilot.

The United States is a society where money is paramount. Those who take money should do things for those who pay, because Americans think that the U.S. government and the president of the United States should serve the people, but they also know that they are actually making political contributions. Group and individual services, so they often say the word "taxpayer".

"Mike, what's the matter?" At this time, two other pilots wearing the same light green flight suits and holding Coke came over, and one of them asked.

"Sir, this oriental guy studies our girl, I will stop him," the pilot named Mike who had just talked with Chen Kangjie turned around and replied.

Many pilots regard their fighter plane as another woman, and they seem very intimate, so they sometimes call their planes Cheng Niu.

"Just follow the usage documents. Hello, my name is Toby McClellan, and this is Alimi." Toby said something to Mike first, and then extended his hand to Chen Kangjie to introduce himself and introduce another pilot .

"Hello, Mr. McClellan, thank you." Chen Kangjie is polite to others, and he will not be rude.

"You're welcome, can we start work?"

"We have to try it out first, and it can be regarded as the start of work." Before the official shooting, Chen Kangjie felt that he should rehearse first to find out his feelings.

. . . . . .

While Chen Kangjie and the others were chatting here, other staff members were also busy on several helicopters not far away, mainly installing equipment and taking protective measures.

Chen Kangjie is not interested in studying that fighter jet anymore, so he walked to the helicopter, got to know the helicopter pilots of the Coast Guard briefly, and then boarded the McDonnell Douglas 600n with Cameron.

"Everyone, everyone, let me try the communication equipment first. Please call back when you hear my voice." A fleet of helicopters and fighter jets flew over Qisi Island. To the headset.

"Number One, McClellan, can you hear me?".

"I can hear it, very clearly," replied McClellan, who was flying a fighter jet past Chen Kangjie.

"Number two, Amiri, can you hear me?".

"It's also very clear." Alimi's fighter plane was flying behind McClellan's left, and Mike's fighter plane was flying at the right rear, almost parallel to Chen Kangjie's height.

"Three, Mike, can you hear me?".

. . . . . .No reply.

"No. [-], Mike, please answer, answer." Chen Kangjie thought it was a communication failure, and called again, but still did not hear an answer.

"Fuck, what happened to the real fuck?" Chen Kangjie was a little annoyed.

"Mike, what's the matter? I'm McClellan, answer immediately when I hear it." McClellan's voice came from Chen Kangjie's earphones.

"Oh, oh, I heard, there was a communication failure just now," this guy Mike replied pretentiously, but Chen Kangjie seemed to be able to hear his chuckle.

"Report to the host, No. [-] communication has returned to normal," McClellan then reported to Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you, No. [-]..." Chen Kangjie verified all the communication equipment in the sky and underground, and did not start to adjust the flight formation during the shooting until they were all connected.

Because the number of helicopters used by Chen Kangjie is more than that in Cameron's original movie, there must be a sorting problem. There are four helicopters and three fighters in the camera at the same time, plus the trucks on the ground. And cars, the lineup is still quite strong.

According to the needs of the movie, we adjusted the sequence of interspersions and flew over the Qili Bridge, everyone returned to the sugar loaf shores to make adjustments, and then took off again for the official shooting.

Regarding Mike's difficulty just now, Chen Kangjie didn't say anything. The key task he faces now is to complete the shooting, and put aside other small things in advance.

"Everyone, get ready, the first shooting of No. 30 of "true lies" No. 600 is officially started. A reminder, the actors need to find the correct camera position, and don't let the camera not find your face!", Chen Kangjie sat On the MD [-]n, the channel is directed by radio.

Cameron was tied to a safety rope, wearing goggles, and leaning out of the helicopter, with earphones stuck in his ears. He also heard Chen Kangjie's instructions at the same time.

"Please tell that idiot that this is an emergency," Schwarzenegger's voice came. The communication device on his head was connected to that of Chen Kangjie and the others. On the ground, someone was doing recording work.

Behind Schwarzenegger and the others, there was a Black Hawk on which Carpenter was filming, and his body was also outside the cabin.

"Repeat, emergency, this is not acting, do you understand?" Schwarzenegger was speaking with a marine phone.

On Chen Kangjie's side, Cameron was leaning on the camera to shoot Schwarzenegger and Tom. The distance between the two helicopters was eleven or twelve meters, which was very close.

The wind poured in from the open hatch, and Chen Kangjie, wearing sunglasses, felt a little unbearable. This was over the sea, and the speed of the helicopter was relatively fast, so it was no wonder that the wind was not strong.

Suddenly, Cameron stretched out his right hand and spun around Chen Kangjie.

"Cut, suspend everything", Chen Kangjie understood what Cameron meant, so he issued instructions.

"The wind is too strong, the helicopter on the opposite side is not flying smoothly, and the pictures taken flicker." Cameron retracted his body into the cabin and said to Chen Kangjie.


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