rebirth of change

Chapter 59 The Sudden Gunfight

Qingyuan Restaurant is located near the Town God’s Temple in the East District Corridor. It is a two-story mid-range restaurant. The first floor is entirely a lobby, and the second floor is surrounded by boxes except for the middle lobby. The names of the boxes are mostly related to regions, such as Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Shu Zhongge and others, this time Jiang Xiaoyi met them at Lingnan Pavilion.

After Chen Kangjie and Philkopski arrived by taxi, they went straight up to the second floor by the stairs next to it.

"We asked Mr. Jiang to come"

Chen Kangjie and Phil Kopuski were blocked by two big men in black at the door of the Lingnan Pavilion room in the restaurant. Chen Kangjie took a step back and said.

Chen Kangjie took a step back, firstly because he didn't want to cause friction, and secondly, he wanted to take the opportunity to observe.Rebirth: Changing the World 59

Mr. Jiang was in the room of Lingnan Pavilion. Although there were still some people drinking tea or eating pastries in the hall outside, Chen Kangjie could tell that many of them were bodyguards, not ordinary diners. They looked at Lingnan from time to time. Come on.Moreover, looking at their bulging waists, they should also be carrying different weapons.

I heard that it was Mr. Jiang who invited them, and they may have been ordered, so after a brief body search of Philkopski, they were released. Chen Kangjie looked too young, so he was only sized up, not body searched, and, Chen Kangjie's clothes were also very thin, and he didn't look like he was carrying a weapon.

Chen Kangjie opened the door and walked in. Filkopuski followed behind with a bag like a bodyguard. Although he looked strong, he was a civil servant and he was not young. Now he was very nervous and scared. It wasn't to save his wife and daughter, and he probably wouldn't come if he was killed.

When Chen Kangjie entered the door, he saw a thin middle-aged man sitting alone at a round table eating hot pot. He looked very comfortable, and he didn't look like a gangster. He was very different from the Hongxing Mr. Jiang in the movie in Chen Kangjie's mind Far.However, Chen Kangjie would not suspect that he was not Jiang Xiaoyi. From him, Chen Kangjie could feel the evil spirit of the world.

Behind Jiang Xiaoyi stood a young man in his 20s, wearing a black T-shirt and a short-sleeved red shirt. Saw a dragon tattoo.After Chen Kangjie came in, he kept staring at Chen Kangjie and Philkopski coldly without leaving his eyes.

From the fact that he can stay here while others have to stay outside, Chen Kangjie judged that this person should be Jiang Xiaoyi's assistant or general.

"Sit down", Jiang Xiaoyi didn't stop the delicious food in front of him, he held up his chopsticks and said two words lightly as if nothing happened, giving people a dull pressure of Mount Tai.

After all, Chen Kangjie had studied martial arts for many years, so he pulled out a chair and sat down easily, while Philkopski also sat down on a chair in front of the next table trembling a little.

Chen Kangjie raised his head and met the eyes of the standing young man, and said to Jiang Xiaoyi: "Mr. Jiang, we brought the money. I don't know when we can take away my friend's wife and daughter?"

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know what background you have, but if a child comes to talk to me about ransom, doesn't he look down on me?" Jiang Xiaoyi then put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said in a low voice. Said calmly, one can feel his great dissatisfaction from his voice and his captivating eyes.

No wonder when Chen Kangjie and the others came in just now, he didn't even look up. It turned out that he felt that he was not respected. He felt that Philkopski brought a child here, and he clearly despised him.

"Mr. Jiang, ambition is not based on age, and we are here to redeem people. We don't understand other rules of the rivers and lakes. If there is any offense, please forgive me. Adults don't remember villains." Chen Kangjie still spoke so calmly , neither humble nor overbearing.

"Little guy, are you educating me?" Jiang Xiaoyi slammed the table and said.

Philkopski trembled and almost stood up, seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't move, he put his butt back again.

Chen Kangjie bowed slightly with a smile, and said heartily: "Mr. Jiang, how dare I, you are a senior in the rivers and lakes, and I am just a yellow-mouthed kid, and what I said is the truth. We just brought money to redeem people. I am willing to bet Admit defeat, pay back the debt"

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the room fell into a temporary silence. Jiang Xiaoyi's eyes cast a cold light on Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie still greeted him with a smile, without flinching or provoking.After a while, the chill in Jiang Xiaoyi's eyes gradually dissipated.

"Hmph, I, Jiang Xiaoyi, am a man of credibility, Ah Bao, go get the money and see if you have enough money, don't let people say that I bully children." Jiang Xiaoyi didn't seem to calm down, although he ordered the young man standing behind people, but his eyes still did not leave Chen Kangjie.

Jiang Xiaoyi was actually a little angry when he saw a child coming, but what Chen Kangjie said later made him even more uncomfortable, but the one in front of him was another child, no matter how angry he was, he could only bear it. Is it okay to bully a child?Then spread the word, where is the face?

After pulling the handbag in Philkopski's hand and opening it for a look, Ah Bao nodded to Jiang Xiaoyi, but still didn't say a word.Rebirth: Changing the World 59

"It's fine if the amount is right, Abao, you call Xiao Ma and they send him here." Since the amount is correct, Jiang Xiaoyi intends to let him go, so as not to feel unhappy when he sees this kid.

Abao opened the door and went out. Everyone in the room sat opposite each other, waiting for the arrival of Philkopski's wife and daughter.

At this time, there were suddenly clear and intense gunshots and screams of someone being shot outside the door, the faces of the three people in the room changed color at the same time, Jiang Xiaoyi stood up with a "swish", walked around Chen Kangjie and the others, Walking to the door, he wanted to open the door to see what was going on, but Chen Kangjie stepped forward in an instant and grabbed his left hand and pulled it back.Regardless of Chen Kangjie's young age, such a long time of practicing martial arts is not in vain. This pull is very powerful.

Jiang Xiaoyi thought that Chen Kangjie was going to plot against him, so when he lost his balance, he turned his right hand and punched Chen Kangjie on the arm, but Chen Kangjie still did not let go of his left hand.Both of them fell to the ground at the same time, and three bullet holes suddenly appeared on the door.Filkopuski was shocked by the gunshots outside the door, and there was a fight in the room without warning. He was suddenly confused, and wanted to help Chen Kangjie with the ceramic teapot on the table. Jiang Xiaoyi, who was about to fall to the ground, hadn't hit the ground yet, the teapot was shattered by a bullet, and he was so frightened that he quickly shrank to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyi also realized that Chen Kangjie wanted to save him, not attack him, and cast a grateful look at Chen Kangjie, and at the same time admired the kid's ability to respond and feel.In fact, these are all learned from Tuo Zhihan.Chen Kangjie has already learned the eighth form of Dragon Tiger Boxing, and he often practiced against Tuo Zhihan. Of course, his strength and experience are still far behind, and he cannot be Tuo Zhihan's opponent. The application and perception of the battlefield.The moment Jiang Xiaoyi was about to open the door just now, Chen Kangjie suddenly had a dangerous feeling of jealousy in his heart. He couldn't figure out why this feeling came from, but he had no time to think about it, so he rashly Let Jiang Xiaoyi avoid a catastrophe by making a move.

The two got up from the ground, Jiang Xiaoyi raised a chair as a weapon to guard against enemies who might rush into the room.Chen Kangjie shook his arm beside him, and moved a little bit. Jiang Xiaoyi's punch just now was really powerful. He was still falling to the ground in a hurry, and Chen Kangjie who got up already felt his arm go numb.In fact, it's no wonder, Jiang Xiaoyi, as the boss of the underworld, how can he not have some real materials?

Seeing Chen Kangjie's actions, Jiang Xiaoyi could only show an apologetic expression again.

After a while, the gunfire outside the door gradually weakened, but the sound of fierce fighting could still be heard.

A shout came from outside: "Stop pestering, the target is in the room".

Chen Kangjie and Jiang Xiaoyi glanced at each other, then looked sideways at Philkopski.The target is in the room?That is one of the three, who will it be?Chen Kangjie felt that it could not be him. He had only been in Hong Kong for two days, so it was impossible for him to have any enemies. It should be for the two of them.Jiang Xiaoyi guessed that he had a very "possible" possibility, after all, he had a lot of enemies in the Jianghu, but he also guessed that it might be the foreigner in front of him.Although Philkopski didn't know what the shout meant, but seeing the two of them staring at him like this, he knew it was not a good thing, so he quickly shook his hands.

Philkopski's idea is very simple, since it is not a good thing, no matter what it is, let's get rid of it first.But he waved his hand so that Chen Kangjie thought he knew Chinese.

"Lie down in the corner and don't move," Chen Kangjie commanded Phil Kopuski. Since the enemy is about to rush in, let him, who is the least able to fight back, protect himself first.

But after finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie saw that he didn't move, and stared at him stupidly.

"What did you say?" Filkopski asked in English.

It made Chen Kangjie almost faint, and asked in English, "Don't you understand Chinese?"

Philkopski shook his hand and said, "I don't understand Chinese."

Chen Kangjie was defeated and had to repeat the order in English.

After understanding, Philkopski shrank back to the corner with his head in his arms.

At this time, Chen Kangjie and Jiang Xiaoyi decided to open the door to observe the situation, otherwise they would stay in the room and be very passive. If there were no people on their side, they would become shackles, unable to escape. There are fights, it's more chaotic, and maybe you can break out or escape.

Chen Kangjie moved along the wall to the doorknob, put his hand on the doorknob, turned his eyes to Jiang Xiaoyi who was hiding behind the overturned table, Jiang Xiaoyi nodded his head.Chen Kangjie slammed the door open, and at the same time Jiang Xiaoyi threw a chair out of the way, hitting a man in white who was about to kick the door open with a gun in his hand.It is said that he is a man in white, that is, he is wearing white work clothes like a waiter, and his hair is very short.

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