rebirth of change

Chapter 618 Try Rap

For a while, the relationship between Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong was a bit awkward, neither could they be too distant, nor could they quickly return to the casualness of the past. Everyone sat together, a little stiff, and everyone felt unnatural and uncomfortable. 【 】

"Wen Xuan, I heard you say that your American boyfriend is coming to Hong Kong two days ago, when will he come?" In order to enliven the atmosphere, He Wanrong could only find an attractive topic to distract everyone.

"This weekend, he came here after dealing with the affairs in the United States... He mainly came to find... Ouyang", Fan Wenxuan said in a low voice with her head lowered, and then raised her head to look at Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie, The expression is very melancholy.

"Looking for me? What... why are you looking for me?" Ouyang Zhenhua first reacted instinctively, and then looked at Chen Kangjie and asked hesitantly.

"At the asked him to find you through me." Fan Wenxuan spoke very slowly. <To come, Chen Kangjie's interest has indeed been raised.

"I don't know yet, but judging from his tone, he seems to want to develop here." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was willing to talk to her normally, Fan Wenxuan's mood recovered a lot.

"Well, I didn't expect your relationship to develop so quickly, and you have become boyfriends." Although Chen Kangjie had no expression on his face, his tone softened a lot.

"Tch, Wenxuan is not young anymore, is this fast? She should find a boyfriend," He Wanrong said helping Fan Wenxuan.

"I didn't say anything, I was just a little bit surprised, congratulations," Chen Kangjie's tone warmed up again.

"What's there to congratulate, it's not marriage," Fan Wenxuan said with some embarrassment.

"Then get married quickly!" Ouyang Zhenhua said forcefully.

"You think getting married is so easy. For women, getting married is a major event. You must think about it and understand it clearly. Didn't you and Mei Yun get married after talking for many years? Oh, if it's someone else, let's hurry up." Huh?" He Wanrong, also a woman, stood up to complain.

"I... why didn't I just say that, why did it fall on me, Wanrong, look, everyone around is in love, shouldn't you... also think about it", Ouyang Zhenhua is treating his own body in his own way.

"Me? When I meet the right one, I will consider it. However, I don't think it will happen so soon. People in the entertainment industry seem to get married relatively late." He Wanrong said indifferently. It is true that dating and getting married are still It's not in her consideration.

"In today's world, it's really hard to find a man who is worthy of Miss Wanrong. Take your time, don't worry, you only look 21 or [-] now anyway."

"Are you praising me? Are you making fun of me? Why do my ears feel a little hot?" He Wanrong said to Chen Kangjie.

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I absolutely praise you, I praise you honestly, I dare not make fun of you even if I make fun of you, do you think so?" Chen Kangjie hurriedly raised his hand to clarify.

"You're smart, or I'll twist your ears," He Wanrong threatened with her two small fists raised.

"Xiaojie, look at today's recording..." Chen Kangjie ran out halfway angrily, Ouyang Zhenhua asked tentatively.

"Forget it, I won't go back today, I will go to record tomorrow and tell them about it." Now that he ran back, Chen Kangjie felt that there was no need to go back.

"I'll go, I'll call them and tell them," Chen Kangjie was willing to say, and Fan Wenxuan felt a little more comfortable, and stood up to do things on his own initiative.


"You're welcome," Fan Wenxuan, who had taken two steps, looked back and replied with a smile.

After such a simple conversation, the misunderstanding and estrangement between the two parties were basically eliminated. The matter was not too big. Coupled with Fan Wenxuan's candid attitude, Chen Kangjie's unhappiness was eliminated. Of course, Ouyang Zhenhua said he would handle it. The fluid needs nothing to do with it.

"Actually, I think you should really leave some historical pictures and materials. Even if it's nothing else, it's a very meaningful commemoration for yourself." After Fan Wenxuan left, He Wanrong slowly returned to the topic superior.

"I didn't say no, it's just that I have to know," Chen Kangjie said, stroking his chin.

"Don't you know now."

"Yes, um,... I know,...then record it, but you can't record it like this, what is it, now it can only be regarded as **, the effect will not be good, this... hit me more Your image," Chen Kangjie continued to twiddle his chin, thinking while saying.

At this time, Fan Wenxuan went to call and returned, and He Wanrong told her the good news as soon as she sat down.

"Wenxuan, Xiaojie has agreed to videotape, and is looking for a dedicated photographer to record."

"That's right, good." Fan Wenxuan was not overly excited, he seemed much calmer after experiencing such a thing just now.

Fan Wenxuan is calm, but Jeff Casey and the others are not so calm. Since Chen Kangjie is willing to let professional photographers videotape, then there is a possibility of making an MV in the future. They are very excited. There will be a tape award in the music awards. After a few years , Chen Kangjie has indeed won several video awards for the MV produced with the current video materials.

"Remember to keep it secret, only one tape can be kept," Chen Kangjie added.

"I know that the company has a special safe, and I will keep it safe," Fan Wenxuan said firmly. <day”, what is different from the day before is that a six-member team from Feiyang Entertainment, which specializes in filming MVs for singers, has already set up three cameras in the recording studio, one fixed inside the recording studio and one outside , and another one is carried by people. In other words, it is not only Chen Kangjie who enters the camera, but also the staff outside will be recorded. Even the photographer can faithfully record the conversations and conversations between Chen Kangjie and the staff. discuss.

Perhaps it is because his own image will be recorded and stimulated Chen Kangjie's potential. No one wants to perform too poorly in the tangible record. It was so vivid that it drew a burst of applause.

Since he wanted to record the video, Ouyang Zhenhua would not come. He also had other matters to deal with. The Hong Kong headquarters had already started construction, and he was going to inspect it.He Wanrong didn't come either. She was going to prepare for a concert at the Red Hall. He had only released records for several years and had never held a live concert. After Fan Wenxuan's persuasion and fans' appeal, he finally agreed to hold a concert at the Red Hall. There are five concerts, and there are too many places to prepare for each concert. At the same time, she has to record a new album, so she is very busy.

Neither Ouyang Zhenhua nor He Wanrong came to see, so it was even more inconvenient for Tan Meiyun to come. She stayed at home to take care of the children, and only Fan Wenxuan was present to direct and arrange. < day" was faster, so Chen Kangjie just took a short break and started to enter the third song "gangsta's paradise" (gang paradise).

"gangsta's paradise" is one of the representative works of black American singer coolio. It was selected as the theme song of the movie "Dangerous Game" and won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Song. It is a very nice rap song.And it appeared as an episode in the Hollywood movie "The Green Hornet" in 11.

This is a realistic song, mainly based on rap. There is a line in it that Chen Kangjie likes more, "," (I'm 23 this year, I don't know if I will live to get 24, I don't know how the world will change, tell me, why We can't see clearly that we are actually hurting ourselves? Power in money, money in power, every minute, every hour, everyone is busy, but half of the people are not paying attention).

Chen Kangjie had never sung this kind of rap song. Before he was reborn, he only listened to it, and the people around him only listened to it. Almost no one sang it, so this song challenged him more than the previous two songs.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's English is very good, which helped him a lot to a certain extent.

After Chen Kangjie sang three times, Jeff Casey called a timeout.

"Long, your effect is already good, but your rhythm can be stronger, maybe a little hand movement can help you better." Jeff Casey is an American, a rapper with black people as the backbone American music is the most prosperous, so he has a lot to say.

"Rap songs are really strenuous," Chen Kangjie complained in a self-deprecating way.

"Long, this is a song you wrote yourself."

"Oh, ah!", Chen Kangjie froze for a moment, he forgot all about it, "After listening to some similar songs, this is the first time I try this, I didn't expect it to be so difficult", Chen Kangjie arranged it casually A reason to defuse your own predicament.

"I really don't know how to describe you. The first time you write a song, you have such quality, but your singing skills seem rusty and unbelievable. Maybe you are really a genius, which makes me a bit of a genius for no reason, haha", jeff casey He said with a cheerful smile, giving the impression that there are more jokes in his words, and Americans like this way of speaking.

"I hope with your help, I will improve quickly," Chen Kangjie said with a smile after taking a sip of pure water.

"It's my honor, come on," Jeff Casey stretched out his palm and patted Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie threw the water bottle to Xiong Ziqiang who was on the side, and walked into the recording studio. His series of actions and words were faithfully recorded by the cameras that kept turning around. ~

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