rebirth of change

Chapter 620 Sy Network Company

?Until the end of August, when Vincent came to Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie had already recorded "waterfall" and "kiss from a rose". "Scholar"

The song "kiss from a rose" is a very famous song by British veteran singer seal henry samuel (referred to as seal). The important thing is that he won the record of the year (record of the year), song of the year (song of the year) and best male pop singer (best male pop vocal) in the 1995th Grammy Awards in 38. performance) three weighty trophies.

There is a line in "kiss from a rose" that Chen Kangjie likes very much, "the more i get of you, the stranger it feels" (the more I know you, the more strange you are), this line is very realistic And philosophy.

Chen Kangjie thinks this kind of lyrical songs are very suitable for him. Most of the songs in his album are lyrical and light, which are easier to express emotions and easy to grasp. They are very in line with the traditional oriental music aesthetics.

"Brother Plague God, after graduation, will you not go back?" Chen Kangjie asked Vincent who was sitting opposite him very directly.Rebirth: Changing the World 620

After vincent arrived in Hong Kong yesterday, he didn't come to see Chen Kangjie immediately, but stayed in Fan Wenxuan's villa for one night. Yesterday, Chen Kangjie came back from the recording of "kiss from a rose" very late, not to mention the couple who have been together for so long If we haven't met, we always have to give people some time to get together and chat. Today, Chen Kangjie didn't go to the company to record, and stayed here to have a good chat with Vincent.

Vincent was brought by Fan Wenxuan, accompanied by Ouyang Zhenhua and He Wanrong who went to the company to rehearse the dance, and were not in the villa.

"Xiaojie, why is your nickname so ugly? How can I be a plague god?" Vincent first protested against his nickname.

"Your English name sounds like 'God of Plague'. Besides, on the first day I met you, sister Wenxuan almost had an accident. Of course, you are a hero who stepped forward, so you won the beauty." Chen Kangjie joked .

"Oh,'s a coincidence,... I can't tell you clearly", Vincent looked at Fan Wenxuan who was shy at the side, and couldn't explain the eloquent Chen Kangjie at all.

"Still shy? What's there to be shy about? A man, tofu, dare to act boldly. If it's appropriate, please treat us to a wedding bar earlier." Chen Kangjie was completely outspoken.

"Hey, it's not that fast. I just graduated and I haven't achieved anything. My father and the domestic joint venture company have stumbled again, and the progress is not going well," Vincent said with a sigh.

Speaking of this, Chen Kangjie has to be blamed to a certain extent. It was his instructions that allowed Yanwu Electric Company to enjoy the surprise for only two months before being pulled down from the altar by Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.When Sun Yansheng learned that Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. had obtained the global patent of vcd and was already producing it on a large scale, Sun Yansheng and the others regretted it, because they were told that they could not charge their patent fees and allow them to produce. It's just a satire on them.

Originally, I planned to buy back the copyright by cooperating with several video publishing companies, but their cooperation agreement has not yet been signed, and the Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. already has 10 free discs for consumers. Readers, songs and movies are available, all of which are genuine current popular content.

Now they can only hope for the support of the local "government", because the provincial "government" has set up a project to support this industry as a promising high-tech industry, but all historical experience shows that this kind of support is unreliable .

"At the beginning I said to find someone to cooperate with your father, but he just didn't want to. To be honest, your father is really suitable for technology, not for business," Chen Kangjie said embarrassingly.

"I know that, your brother and the others are really fast and efficient." Last night, Vincent already knew from Fan Wenxuan that the big boss of Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is Chen Kangjie's third brother, so this is a bit of a statement Taste.

At this time, Fan Wenxuan was the most uncomfortable, because she provided those free movie and music copyrights to Chen Yuchang for free. On the one hand, she was her future father-in-law, and on the other hand, she was someone who could not afford to offend. She became an accomplice in attacking her future father-in-law, and she looked at Vincent with guilt in her eyes.

"It's like this in the mall. Frankly speaking, I came up with those ideas. The main starting point is not to make trouble with your father and the others, but to not let foreigners take the fruits of victory. In the past, we often did such things to create a It is a new invention, but you don’t know how to keep and use it properly. When foreigners come, they invite them to see the latest achievements for the sake of face. As a result, within two days, their similar products have also come out. What’s more, at present, your father and the others are actually It’s not that there is really no chance, it depends on what they do, because their current cost will be 30 dollars less than that of foreigners.” Chen Kangjie made no secret of it, and he also wanted to resolve this unnecessary misunderstanding.

The reason why he said that Yanwu’s products will cost 30 dollars less than other companies’ products is because Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is negotiating the payment of patent fees with many foreign companies. If those companies produce without paying patent fees, I will receive a lawyer's letter from the lawyer hired by Rising Sun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. immediately. If I don't take back their products, I will be sued in court immediately.

Undoubtedly, this idea is also outstanding by Chen Kang. Chen Kangjie told them that the patent fee is paid on an annual basis, and the price of the patent fee is adjusted every year according to the amount of profit. , There can be some preferential treatment for domestic enterprises, but this is mainly for private enterprises. State-owned enterprises are equal to foreign capital, so why do they have more resources than private enterprises?

Hearing that there is such a good thing if you don't work, Chen Yuchang was so happy from ear to ear. At first, he asked for 60 US dollars, but he was scolded by Chen Kangjie as "crazy about money".Chen Kangjie's reason is simple. If the price is too high, it will affect other people's profits and discourage others from entering the market. Without everyone working together to cultivate the market, the popularization of VCD will be greatly delayed. More importantly, if it is too high The price will prompt those giants to invest more resources in the development of a newer generation of DVDs. As for the technical strength of this aspect, Rising Sun Electronics is not ready yet, and it is too far behind. Once others develop DVDs, and If you don't have the relevant technology, you will suffer a lot.

Chen Kangjie's idea is that with the expansion of market capacity, the patent fee can drop from 30 US dollars year by year, and finally reach a low price of 15 US dollars.Even so, Sunrise Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. can get a profit of more than 100 RMB for every one produced by others, and earn back the money earned by foreigners in the past. The money will be invested in research and development, and strive to be the first to master DVD Technology, in that case, can still make money from foreigners.

Rising Sun Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. actually replaces so many domestic counterparts in the industry to do technology development. The technology and products developed in the end can enjoy a certain degree of convenience for domestic enterprises. Domestic enterprises are actually on the same starting line. To win completely, they can only rely on management, production scale, product quality, and after-sales service in order to reduce their costs as much as possible and establish their brands.Rebirth: Changing the World 620

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, and I won't be able to help if I say it. I don't understand that business at all. What you said makes sense. My father is really not suitable for business. They are too idealistic." It's a fait accompli, Vincent knew it couldn't be changed, so there was no need to entangle him any longer, not to mention that Chen Kangjie had already explained it quite clearly.

"If you want to have a successful career and get married as soon as possible, it's very simple, you can fully realize it in a few years," Chen Kangjie said to Vincent with a smile, no longer bothering.

"You mean the Internet?" Vincent asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is the most prosperous industry. You are a computer major and have lived in the United States for a long time. You should understand it better than me."

"That stuff is very expensive. I can't do it alone. I don't have so much capital investment. If I want to grow bigger as soon as possible, I don't have strong strength. What's more, the mainland, even Hong Kong, is still lagging behind in this regard."

"Hehe, you don't have it, but someone has it," Chen Kangjie looked at Fan Wenxuan and said, typically pointing to something.

"Don't mention money soon. I don't have any money. I don't know when and what month I will pay off the money owed by that villa." When it comes to money, Fan Wenxuan is very tired. He has no cash at all, and his annual dividends are almost deducted, only a little pocket money.

"You're overspending, ha ha," Ouyang Zhenhua teased.

"What is excessive consumption? I am a house slave." Fan Wenxuan's understanding is obviously not as simple as Ouyang Zhenhua's understanding.

"Our country has joined the Internet this year, and completed the nationwide networking work in May. This is a very good opportunity. If you think it is possible, then everyone can do it together." This sentence is the key point that Chen Kangjie really wants to say , It was just laying the groundwork and trying to see if Vincent wanted to do it alone.

"You don't need to contribute capital, you can just contribute technology, physical and mental strength, and you can get 5.00% of the shares here, but your shares are only in the agreement at first, and can only be cashed out after the company is listed", Ouyang Zhen Hua added.

"How much do you plan to invest?" Vincent was very concerned about this question, the amount of investment determines the strength of his strength.

"You can invest 50 million U.S. dollars in the early stage to set up a company called sy network information technology company. If you come, you will be the CEO. Because you get the shares, the annual salary is only 200 Hong Kong dollars. If you don't want the shares, then you can get To the annual salary of 15.00 million Hong Kong dollars, increase by [-]% every year", Ouyang Zhenhua completely threw out the conditions. ~ Please go to "Scholar"

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