rebirth of change

Chapter 629 Falling in love?

"Are you an artist?". 【*】

"It can be said that it is, maybe it can't be strictly counted as it," Chen Kangjie said ambiguously.

"I see you are very handsome. If you really want to be an artist, I will introduce you to a company. I know many celebrities there...".

Huo Shouxin was talking eloquently. He didn't see that Mr. Huo's life was getting worse, and Huo Huanyu was also a little embarrassed.

"Shouxin, what nonsense are you talking about, why does Xiaojie need your introduction?" Mr. Huo stomped his feet, dissatisfied with his grandson's lack of composure.

"Mr. Huo, it's okay. Brother Shouxin is also thinking of me. Hehe, brother Shouxin, thank you for your kindness. I'm just playing for tickets. Any company is fine." Chen Kangjie didn't mind Huo Shouxin This kind of son-in-law's attitude.

In Hong Kong, the authentic second-generation rich are better off, almost all the third-generation rich are like this, and the steady and dignified ones are in the minority, not to mention that Huo Shouxin, who seems to be in a suit and leather shoes, is not much older than Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, look, if you are half as skilled as Xiaojie, I'll feel more at ease." After this one-on-one comparison, Mr. Huo clearly saw that his grandson was much worse than Chen Kangjie.

This is for sure. Chen Kangjie is already in his 40s and [-]s, and he did not grow up in a wealthy family. He created everything by himself. This mentality and behavior will naturally appear much more mature and stable.

"Hmph, what's the matter? I've already learned how to do business with my father, and I didn't even think about going into the entertainment circle." Huo Shouxin was very dissatisfied with the criticism he received.

"How can you talk to grandpa like that? It's not big or small, so apologize quickly," Huo Huanyu couldn't stand it anymore, and scolded Huo Shouxin.

Huo Shouxin was pampered from top to bottom by the single biography of the three generations of the Huo family. In the long run, he developed supercilious thinking. In addition, the Huo family is a prominent family in Hong Kong, and Mr. Huo's prestige is black and white. Give face, which makes Huo Shouxin feel that he is a character.

No matter how dissatisfied Huo Shouxin was, now that his grandfather and father were glaring at him, he had no choice but to step back and muttered, "Grandpa, I'm sorry."

"Hey, maybe the more you want your son to become a dragon, the more you will get it." Mr. Huo could see that Huo Shouxin's words were not from the bottom of his heart, he sighed and said bitterly.

"Mr. Huo, Brother Shouxin is a handsome man. He will definitely not be someone in the pool in the future. Maybe you have too high demands on him," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"Who wants you to flatter? An actor, what do you know?".

Huo Shouxin was unhappy when he was scolded just now. He blamed Chen Kangjie for the reason, thinking that it was Chen Kangjie who caused it. In addition, he didn't know Chen Kangjie's identity, so he was very upset with him.

Chen Kangjie originally had good intentions, but he didn't expect that his kindness would not be reciprocated. His two eyebrows were knit together, and his heart was a little angry.

"You bastard, it's unreasonable. Xiaojie is a guest and he has good intentions. How can you be so rude? Apologize!", Mr. Huo stood up abruptly.

"I don't, hmph, everyone wants me to apologize, I'll go upstairs to read a book by myself", Huo Shouxin stared at Chen Kangjie dissatisfiedly standing up, and ran upstairs without looking back. Obviously, he used this Ways to avoid yielding to Chen Kangjie.

"Stop!" Huo Huanyu was also very angry, but unfortunately, he couldn't stop the wayward Huo Shouxin.

"Cough cough cough", Mr. Huo looked at Huo Shouxin's back and coughed angrily.

"Father, are you okay? Amei, hurry up and get the medicine for Dad." Huo Huanyu left his son there, took care of Lao Tzu first, and ordered his wife to get the medicine.

"Mr. Huo, don't be angry, there's nothing to be angry about." Seeing that Mr. Huo was out of breath, Chen Kangjie temporarily let go of his unhappiness, stood up and comforted him.

"Mr. Huo, relax," Ouyang Zhenhua at the side also comforted.

When Huanyu's wife came over with a box of small pills, Mr. Huo took a piece and took a sip of the water glass brought by Uncle Pei, before he calmed down, but his breathing was still not smooth.

"Hey, hey, Huanyu, this is the son you raised. I'm really worried about what our Huo family will look like in the future. Xiaojie, I'm sorry, don't take it to heart," Mr. Huo said panting.

Huo Huanyu didn't say anything, he was a bit spoiled by his son, but when he was young, his father was more spoiled by his grandson, so speaking of it, Mr. Huo had to bear a greater responsibility.

"Father, Shouxin is still young, and Huanyu and I will discipline and supervise him more in the future." Instead, it was the daughter-in-law Amei who said a word of comfort.

It's just that she didn't say her comforting words, and she obviously meant to favor her son.

"Mr. Huo, in fact, you don't have to think so much. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. I don't care about it." Huo Lao apologized for his grandson. What else can Chen Kangjie say, it can only be like this, just The subtleties show that Chen Kangjie still cares. He used to call Huo Shouxin "Brother Shouxin", but now he has become "he", which already shows the problem.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Hey, it seems that I don't understand it before you. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Amei, go ask the kitchen to prepare. At noon, Xiaojie and Mr. Ouyang will have lunch at our house." See Mr. Huo was also very helpless in his heart.

"No, no, Mr. Huo, thank you, I can't see it anymore, we have some private matters for a while, so I won't bother you at lunch." Now Chen Kangjie is still in the mood to have lunch at their house.

"Okay, then next time, I'm sorry, I wanted to have a good chat with you today, but I didn't want to be made like this by that evil person." Mr. Huo also felt that today is not suitable.

"Mr. Huo, it's okay, you go to have a rest first and take care of yourself." After speaking, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua planned to leave immediately.

"Huanyu, send Xiaojie and Mr. Ouyang out for me." Mr. Huo asked his son to send Chen Kangjie and the others outside Huo's mansion. He was supported by Uncle Pei and Erxi back to his room to rest.

This short meeting made Mr. Huo understand that Chen Kangjie was more important than Ouyang Zhenhua, because Chen Kangjie was chatting with him most of the time from the beginning to the end, while Ouyang Zhenhua was more of a spectator.

"Master Jie, are you unhappy?" On the way back, Ouyang Zhenhua patted Chen Kangjie who was looking at the scenery.

"Hehe, why should I be unhappy?" Chen Kangjie smiled and turned his head to look at Ouyang Zhenhua.

"It's because of that young master."

"Hehe, it's just a little boy, I won't care about him. This kind of person will suffer later, and he is self-righteous. If I care about him, then I am self-deprecating!" Chen Kangjie looked down on Huo from the bottom of his heart. Keep promises.

"That is, he is not at the same level as you at all."

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie stayed in Hong Kong for two more days before returning to the mainland. He brought a lot of gifts back. He Wanrong couldn't watch the second concert. High school was about to start, not to mention he had to go to Liuzhi once he came back.

After returning, Chen Kangjie went to the six, distributed the gifts he had brought to his friends, swam around Peach Blossom Lake with Deng Min and Fan Xuexi, and returned to the city after eating a meal of hot pot, ready to Report to the No. [-] Middle School in the city where he is going to school.

City No. 1994 Middle School is not the best middle school in the city. In [-], Shuishan Mining Bureau No. [-] Middle School was the best middle school in the city, but it was on the mountain opposite the railway station, a little far from the city, so The leaders of the city almost all arrange their children to go to the No. [-] Middle School in the urban area. There are six deputy mayors in the city, and the children of the five vice mayors are still in middle school. Chen Kangjie was no exception, this school was the arrangement Chen Qigang gave him.

Before his rebirth, Chen Kangjie was studying in the No. 1994 Middle School of the City, but the time was not in [-]. Now counting it, he just revisited his old place, but he didn't know if he could still meet those classmates from his previous life.

Generally, when children transfer to another school, they are always accompanied by an adult. Chen Qigang's status is inconvenient to accompany Chen Kangjie to register, and Chen Kangjie does not want his mother Ma Fangqin to make the trip, so he puts on a Chinese tunic suit and goes to school to register.

Not only did Chen Kangjie have to sign up alone, but he also had to accompany his sister Chen Jing to go to the third grade to sign up first.

"Sister, can't you go by yourself?"

At the gate of City No. [-] Middle School, Chen Kangjie, who was standing at the gate, asked with his arms around Chen Jing when he saw clean-clad students coming and going.

"Anyway, you have to sign up, so what if you accompany me first?"

"Then why don't you let your mother go with you? She said in the morning that she wanted to go with you, but you didn't want to. Isn't this a toss-up?" Chen Kangjie felt a little embarrassed when his brother accompanied his sister to sign up.

"You go to sign up alone, I'm your sister, should I still ask my mother to accompany me? Really, let's go quickly, don't be naughty." Chen Jing took Chen Kangjie's arm and dragged him into the school Walk.

"Stop, stop, which class are you in?" Chen Kangjie and the others had only taken two steps, and before going down the stairs leading to the school playground, they were stopped by a middle-aged man in a gray jacket next to the school gate.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Chen Kangjie pulled Chen Jing to stop and asked in doubt.

"May I ask which class you are in?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer the question, the middle-aged man was a little unhappy.

"Is this important? If you have something to say, we have to rush to sign up." Chen Kangjie asked impatiently.

"Then you are the students of our school?"

"Why are you so wordy, what's the matter with you?" Chen Jing's temper is also easily impatient.

"What's your attitude? Do you look like a student? Our school doesn't allow students to fall in love. You violated the school rules. Say, which class is it?"

"Dating? Her? Me? I think you've lost your mind." Chen Kangjie was very surprised, what the hell was going on, he pointed at Chen Jing, and then at himself.

"It's not you who else, look, you are still cuddling now, go, follow me to the Academic Affairs Office." ~

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