The sound of "Bang Dang" woke up several people in the small restaurant. The two girls turned around, just in time to see their mother standing behind stupidly, holding a basin in their hands. However, the enamel basin had fallen to the ground and was still spinning on the ground. 【 | 】

At this time, Chen Kangjie also recognized the family.

"Mom, mom, what's the matter with you?" The two girls rushed to their mother's side, and the water that the sister was supposed to bring to Chen Kangjie was randomly placed on the table.

The two lines of Wang Ying burst into tears in an instant, and they were so excited that they were at a loss, "Mu Ni, Mu Fang, did you find your benefactor? The benefactor brought him home!".

Yes, this is Mu Yuantu and Wang Ying's family, but I don't know how they came to the city from Liuzhi and opened a small restaurant.

Five years ago, Mu Ni and Mu Fang were still young, and when they went to shine shoes, their clothes and faces were dirty. Five years later, the two sisters, whose lives have improved greatly, have changed greatly. It was clean, no wonder Chen Kangjie couldn't recognize it quickly, he just thought he had seen it somewhere before.

For the two sisters, Mu Ni, the truth is similar. Chen Kangjie has changed a lot in the past five years. He has grown a lot taller, and his appearance has become much more mature. Even a small beard has emerged, and his clothes are quite different from five years ago. .

However, the memory of children is different from that of adults. Wang Ying, who poured water from the back kitchen, recognized Chen Kangjie from the first sight. One point, except that the complexion is much better, basically there is no change.

"Auntie, how are you doing recently?" Chen Kangjie stood up and asked kindly.

"Sit down, sit down, benefactor, sit down quickly, Nini, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and get that bottle of drink." He quickly came to Chen Kangjie, greeted Chen Kangjie to take a seat, and ordered Mu Ni to change the boiled water into a drink.

"Auntie, no need, no need, just drinking water is good, I remember drinking half a scoop of water at your house back then," Chen Kangjie stopped him, picked up the water on the table and drank generously.

When Chen Kangjie mentioned what happened back then, Mu Ni and Mu Fang also remembered the little boy who invited them to ride in the bumper car and gave them five yuan. He stared at Chen Kangjie intently, completely forgetting his mother's instructions.

"Xiao Nizi, what are you still doing in a daze? Go!" Seeing her daughter not moving, Wang Ying urged unhappily.

Wang Fang's roar reminded both sisters to come to their senses.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Moonie touched her trouser pocket, and was about to go out in a hurry.

"Muni, come back, I really don't need it, Auntie, if you're like this, how can I have the nerve to come to your house in the future!" Chen Kangjie is actually not thirsty, and he has already drank half a glass of boiled water, so he doesn't want their house to waste that money.

"This... how embarrassed?" Wang Ying wiped the corners of her eyes, feeling a little sorry.

"Auntie, this is fine, just chat," Chen Kangjie comforted.

"Since the benefactor doesn't want it, you come here and bow with me, thank you, he saved our family's life!", Wang Ying's eyes became moist again, and she pulled the two sisters to bow to Chen Kangjie.

"No, no, Auntie, absolutely no, this makes me ashamed, Mu Ni, Mu Fang, sit down, sit down, don't do this," Chen Kangjie stretched out his hands to block the mother and daughter.

"Benefactor, if you don't let us express it, we feel uneasy!", Wang Ying was blocked by Chen Kangjie, without bending her waist, and said with tears.

Seeing their mother crying, the two sisters also had sore noses.

"Auntie, I didn't do anything, come on, come on, sit down and talk, sit down and talk", Chen Kangjie greeted Wang Ying to sit down, and sat down himself.

The two sisters, Mu Ni and Mu Fang, did not take their seats, but stood beside their mother, pulling the corners of their clothes with both hands, looking at Chen Kangjie from time to time.

"Hey!" Wang Ying sighed, and wiped her nose and eyes with her sleeves, "Although you have only been to my house once and met briefly, my family knows that you must do the good things in the future. Said, we can also guess, there will be no one else but you. Our family has always remembered you in our hearts, and we always want to find opportunities to thank you, but we don’t even know your last name or name, and we can’t find you at all. There is no chance, God has eyes today."

Regarding this, Chen Kangjie was noncommittal, and said calmly: "Auntie, my surname is Chen, and my name is Kang Jie. Let the past go, anyway, it's not a big deal."

This was the first time the Mu family knew Chen Kangjie's name.

"Oh, Chen Kangjie, then I'll call you..." Wang Ying didn't know what to call Chen Kangjie properly.

"Auntie, you can call me Xiao Chen or Xiao Jie."

"Okay, Xiao Chen, it may not be a big deal for you, but if you send money to see a doctor, and arrange jobs for me and my family, so that their brothers and sisters can continue to go to school, this is saving our family. Otherwise, we don’t know what will happen to our family?” Perhaps remembering the hardships and poverty of those years, but also feeling the kindness of Chen Kangjie, Wang Ying burst into tears as she spoke.

"Now your family is fine, hey, by the way, isn't your family number six? Why are you here in the city and open such a restaurant?" Chen Kangjie glanced around again. Small restaurant that is kept clean.

Since doing those things, Chen Kangjie has not paid attention to the affairs of the Mu family. He thinks that the people below will definitely do well what he has explained.Therefore, he really didn't know the reason why the Mu family moved to the city. If he hadn't met him today, perhaps Chen Kangjie would never have remembered that he had helped such a family.

"This starts more than two years ago. At that time, all the projects we had done were finished, and someone wanted to arrange for us to work as workers in Master Kong Company, but we had no education and skills, so we didn't want to cause trouble for others, and we didn't want to Affect your reputation. At that time, all the debts we owed were paid off, and we still had some savings, so we planned to go back to our hometown," Wang Ying said lightly.

At this time, an ambulance drove by outside the door. Mu Ni and Mu Fang narrowed their pupils and looked out nervously, while Chen Kangjie looked calm.

"It is also possible to go back to my hometown, why didn't I go later?".

"I went back, but after I went back, the house at home was sold for my medical treatment. If I want to repair the house, I don't have enough savings, so after thinking about it, I came here to open a small shop under the introduction of a fellow villager. restaurant", Wang Ying finally finished explaining the reason.

"Then where do you live?"

"On the upper floor, I rented a two-bedroom apartment, which is barely enough for our family," Wang Ying said, pointing to the roof.

"Well, that's not bad, isn't your restaurant doing well?" Chen Kangjie asked with concern.

Chen Kangjie's question brought a smile to Wang Ying's face, "Our business here is good. Many students in No. [-] Middle School like to eat at my house. After school, Mu Ni and Mu Fang will also help in the restaurant."

"I remember that their two sisters also have a brother, why didn't they see it?".

"Oh, you mean Mu Chao. He goes to Minzu Middle School. Last year, he tried every means to get him to study in No. [-] Middle School. It would be closer and he could be taken care of. But his grades are too poor, so this school doesn't want him."

"Mu Ni, Mu Fang, what grade are you in now? Why haven't I seen you on campus before?" Chen Kangjie shifted his gaze from Wang Ying to the two sisters.

The two sisters are still worried about the ambulance at this moment, and they are a little uneasy.

"I... am in Class [-], Grade [-]," sister Mu Fang answered first.

"I'm in Class [-], Grade [-]. We usually go home right after school, and we don't go until classes are over... we have to do something for my mother," Mooni said sensible.

I have to admit that sentence, the children of the poor have long been in charge of the family.

"No wonder today is the first time we met," Chen Kangjie said, nodding.

"It's hard work for these two children. They have to help wash vegetables, wash dishes, serve dishes, and clean tables every day. But the good news is that the two sisters have good academic performance and are often praised by teachers," Wang Ying said gratified. .

"Now it's not easy to support three children in middle school. They also appreciate the hard work you have as parents. Mu Ni, Mu Fang, keep working hard. I'm in Class [-] and [-] of high school. If you have anything to do, you can contact me," Chen Kangjie said. After Wang Ying said something, she raised her head and said to the two sisters.

"We will," Mooney replied on behalf of the two sisters.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, how did you meet today? You even met at home, Mu Ni, tell me about it." Wang Ying remembered the question she had asked the first time we met.

"Mom... this... is...", Mu Ni really didn't know how to say it clearly, she looked at Chen Kangjie and then at Wang Ying, struggling in her mind.

"Auntie, I saw them take the initiative to say hello, I think they seem to have met somewhere before, ha ha, so, after chatting for a few words, I came to your house to ask for water again." Chen Kangjie took the conversation, saying a few words Adding a little joke helped Mooney out.

At this time, a middle-aged man came in from the outside with a backpack on his back, "Wang Ying, help me pick it up."

Wang Ying turned around and saw that it was her husband, Mu Yuantu, who stood up and helped her husband put the sling on the ground. Chen Kangjie saw that there were some vegetables, potatoes, pork, and vermicelli in the sling. It seemed that they had just returned from buying.

Mu Yuantu opened his clothes to let his body cool off, "Wang Ying, this is...?", and saw a handsome young man sitting at the table, with only a glass of water in front of him, no food, and when he first entered the door They seemed to be chatting, so Mu Yuantu asked curiously.

"Hey, look at my brain, old Mu, come on, come on, this is our family's great benefactor." Wang Ying grabbed Mu Yuantu's arm and pulled it in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Benefactor?" Mu Yuantu didn't recall it at all.

"Oh, it's the one I mentioned to you, the one that helped our family a few years ago, have you forgotten?" Wang Ying hurriedly reminded her husband.


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