rebirth of change

Chapter 660 Problem Solving

"You are my coach now, how many events do you think I can participate in?". 【 | 】

"Based on the current situation, um, you can participate in everything except the relay. Of course, I suggest that you only participate in running and long jump."

"Well, in fact, it's not a bad thing to spread widely, everything depends on your training plan and training results!".

"Actually... To be honest, I can't train so many events by myself. You know, everyone has specialties, and there are specializations in the art industry... Ordinary coaches will only take one event,...Let's talk about it Come on... I'm just a physical education teacher at most." Niu Qifa also has self-knowledge, he seems to be arranging, but after all, this can't be messed up.

"Hmm! Coach Niu, what do you want to say?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile.

Niu Qifa can think so, Chen Kangjie is satisfied, it means that he has not made a wrong choice, if he is obviously not good, but still has to forcefully take over, it is irresponsible to the students, and Chen Kangjie will have opinions on him instead.

"That's because you have too many strengths, high jump, long jump, long-distance running, sprinting, triple jump, and even shot put, hey, each of them has great potential... and I, to be honest, I study and It's about sprinting."

"I see, you mean you want an assistant?"

"You are indeed very talented, and I don't want to delay your talent, so if you want to bring out your potential, you need other professionals to join in, but... this involves work arrangements, which is very troublesome." It seems that Niu Qihua I have an idea, but it is also difficult.

"If you have any ideas, you can just say it. Let's discuss it. If you can't handle some things, maybe I can find a way." Regarding his own affairs, Chen Kangjie had to do his best.

"We have many difficulties. It is really difficult to send you to the Olympic Games. The key is that we do not have the support of the country." Niu Qihua and Chen Kangjie walked side by side and said dejectedly.

"I know it won't be easy, but it's not impossible, let's talk," Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

Before Chen Kangjie didn't agree, Niu Qihua was disappointed. When Chen Kangjie agreed, Niu Qihua was excited, but thinking of the difficulties he was going to face, he had to be depressed.

"Well... I have two classmates, one is Tang Wei, 30 years old, and the other is Lin Zhidong, 31 years old. Tang Wei has a lot of research on long jump. When he was in college, that was his major. Middle school teaching, now I am a postgraduate student at Southwest Institute of Physical Education, and I will graduate soon. Lin Zhidong, who studied well in college, taught in the Department of Physical Education of the Provincial Normal University after graduation. His main direction is middle and long-distance running. The relationship between the two of them and me They are all very good. I originally planned to bring the two of them in, but this involves a... work problem. If you train here, it will... delay their work. If you go to other places for training. It will affect your study again...", Niu Qihua is talking about a very practical problem, everyone needs to work to eat.

"Is there any problem? Let's finish it all at once, and we'll find a way to solve it all at once." In Chen Kangjie's mind, he thought of other problems.

"The one just now is relatively easy to solve. An athlete like you must have a support team, including nutritionists, physiotherapists, doctors, technical analysis, physical support, etc. If you don't have such a complete team, you want to be in the international arena. It is very difficult to achieve good results in competitions. The most difficult thing is the last one. When you go abroad to compete, you represent the country, not an individual competition, so you need to join the national track and field team or be sent by the National Sports Commission,” Niu Qihua said two more times. a big difficulty.

If Niu Qihua can solve part of the first difficulty through personal friendship, then the latter two, to be honest, are beyond his scope of rights and influence. There are two problems in that way. The first is that it takes a long time. The second is that once Chen Kangjie goes up, it has nothing to do with Niu Qihua. Professional trainer.

"It's a little troublesome, but I thought of a way... the first question and the second question can be bundled together. Of course, you have to convince your two classmates, 30 years old and 31 years old They are still very young, it’s pretty good for young people to cooperate with young people.”

"What way, tell me quickly, tell me quickly!", hearing that Chen Kangjie had a plan, Niu Qihua immediately became impatient.

"You can find a sponsor for this, and they will provide the funds, so that you will have income, guarantee the establishment of the team, and they will provide the funds. I believe that if you have money, you can do it," Chen Kangjie said. way.

"Hey, what can I do, Xiaojie, where do you want me to find sponsors? Besides, is there any sponsor willing to invest so much money? Tens of thousands a year!" Niu Qihua was just a Teacher, I don't know the big bosses in the business world, so he thought Chen Kangjie asked him to find them.

Is this a problem for Chen Kangjie?Of course not, there are so many companies under him, just find one at random.Besides, Chen Kangjiema only sponsors tens of thousands of dollars a year?That's just embarrassing.

"I mean I'm looking, I know people in this area, so the question now is to see if you can convince your two classmates."

"No problem, absolutely no problem. I'm giving them a big gift. It's too late for them to thank me, so how could they refuse?" Niu Qihua's little heart was really ups and downs today, and it went through ups and downs over and over again.

"As for the latter item, I don't think it's a big problem. I have a relative in the Provincial Sports Commission. Then I can find a way to let him add me to the provincial team list. From the provincial team to the national team, some things can be logical." Chen Kangjie solved the three problems that Niu Qihua was most worried about and struggled with.

Chen Kangjie doesn't have any relatives in any provincial sports committee, but as long as he passes the secretary of the provincial party committee or the governor, it's no different from having relatives.

"Oh, this...hey, I'm ashamed, these should be my work, I didn't expect you to solve them in a few words, I'm really ashamed", Niu Qihua wanted to be excited at first, but suddenly thought that all of them were nothing to him Niu Qihua felt very embarrassed about the credit.

"Mr. Niu, we are now a team. As long as it is conducive to the achievement of the goal, we will unite sincerely. As for who contributed how much, then why bother, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie said comfortingly.

"That's the way it is said...but...thank you, I'm an incompetent teacher."

"Hehe, but you are a passionate teacher and a lovely teacher. I believe in you, as long as you are professionally capable." Chen Kangjie laughed and teased Niu Qihua to resolve his doubts.

"I dare not say that I am very good professionally, but I still have confidence. I have been strengthening my preparations a few years ago, and I will study harder in the future." How does this sound like a student guaranteeing a teacher?

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back."

"There is one more thing I didn't say. Where will you choose to train at that time? That requires a standard sports field." Niu Qihua didn't intend to go back to the dormitory immediately, and always wanted to figure out everything first.

"I go to school here, of course it's mainly in our city. As for the sports ground, it's in our school for now, and I'll figure out a way later," Chen Kangjie replied.

It seemed that people who came into contact with Chen Kangjie, as long as it took a while, would gradually regard him as the backbone, intentionally or unintentionally, and take his opinion as the standard.This is directly proportional to his knowledge and strength.

"Okay, I'll go to the principal tomorrow and tell him to stay without pay." Niu Qihua really went all out.

After returning home, Chen Kangjie called Ouyang Zhenhua about his thoughts.

"Mr. Jie, are you so good at talking? You just released a music album, and now you want to become an athlete? Why?" Ouyang Zhenhua thought it was unbelievable that Chen Kangjie was so good at changing.

"Actually, there is no reason. I think I have such potential and I want to make good use of it. Do you still remember the scene when we went to Barcelona to watch the Olympic Games in 92?".

"Remember, when the athletes of the Chinese team won the championship or medals, you were all excited. It should be said that we were all excited. Every time the national flag was raised and the national anthem was sung, your eyes were wet," said Ouyang Zhenhua out his memories.

"Yes, that's it. I want to experience that feeling. Besides, track and field events have always been monopolized by Europe and the United States. In the Barcelona Olympics, we have made a historic breakthrough in track and field events. We finally won the women's 10km race walk. A gold medal broke our record of 0 gold medals in Olympic track and field events. In addition, we won a silver medal in shot put, a bronze medal in race walking, and a bronze medal in 1500 meters. Brother, don’t forget, the four winners They are all heroines, but they have nothing to do with us men," Chen Kangjie explained the reason.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but track and field has always been dominated by whites and blacks in Europe and the United States. I remember that time a European reporter wrote that 'It is impossible for Asians to win championships in speed-type competitions'. What did you choose? The main thing is to run...Jie Shao, sports are different from doing business, business can rely on brains and courage, this...Athletes need basic physical strength, I know you are very strong, but you are still so young , Wait a few years?" Ouyang Zhenhua's words reflected his ambivalence.

On the one hand, Ouyang Zhenhua was ashamed of the man's inaction, and worried about the strength of Western track and field. formed habits of trust.

"Tian Xingjian, the gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with virtue, I am not a hero, nor a gentleman, but I will act when it is time to act",


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