rebirth of change

Chapter 669 Opening to Traffic

Anycall Communications and Chen Kangjie are very helpless about this disguised suppression from the West, and it is impossible to take off their colored glasses for a while. 【 _ 】However, this move of theirs does not mean that it is not beneficial.

Chen Kangjie remembers that in order to hype themselves, many celebrities can't find positive news, but look for negative selling points, such as gossip, abortion, sibling love, illegitimate children, unspoken rules, etc. Anyway, as long as they can increase their exposure, they will use it. .

This time the superstar mobile phone is equivalent to a large-scale vicious hype, but it is not active. After all-round reports by various media, whether it is positive, negative or neutral, it has greatly increased. With the popularity of superstar mobile phone and anycall communication company, such a company that has been unknown for a long time has quickly gained the recognition of many people.

This kind of publicity has aroused the interest of consumers to a certain extent. They also want to see if this mobile phone is really as bad as the media promotes. Anyway, the small shape is deeply attracted to them. This creates certain conditions for anycall communication company to enter the overseas market in the future.

So everything has pros and cons, it depends on the angle from which to observe and use it.

Chen Kangjie really wanted to get a mobile phone with him now, he hadn't used it for many years, and he really missed it, but in the end he gave up.It's too flamboyant for a student to bring a mobile phone into the school gate. Secondly, he is with Xiong Ziqiang and the others every day. The mobile phones on their bodies are equivalent to his own. The mobile phone is still a bit contemptuous, it doesn't even have a color screen, and it's quite ugly (compared to those mobile phones a few years later).

On New Year's Day in 1995, Qianzhou Province also had a great news, that is, the first formal expressway in the province was completed and opened to traffic, and two of them were carried out together.

The expressway from Shuishan to Panjiang has a total length of 90 kilometers, two-way standard four-lane road, and a roadbed width of 24.5 meters. The final total investment is 46.8 billion yuan.The total length of 1 km from Shuishan through six water waterfalls connecting Shun'an is also a fully enclosed two-way four-lane road. The final project investment was 59.3 billion yuan, and the two roads exceeded the budget by 1.1 million yuan.

An extra [-] million is nothing to Chen Kangjie. As long as the quality is reliable, there is no problem. In the process of infrastructure construction, quality is always the first lifeline.

Chen Kangjie remembers that there were many shabby projects later, bridges that took only half a year would collapse, highways that took only one year would crack and collapse, roadbeds that had just been repaired would slide, etc. There are countless such examples, The common people are resentful and helpless about this.However, if similar things happen on these two roads, Chen Kangjie will definitely let those construction parties sit in prison.

Since the starting points of the two expressways are both at Shuishan in Liushuipan, it is of course the best solution to choose here for the opening ceremony.

All nine members of the Standing Committee of the province attended. The construction of these two roads not only contributed a lot to GDP, but more importantly, it will greatly improve the economic development environment and investment environment in the western part of the province. .In addition to the big bosses in the province and the leaders of the city who attended the opening ceremony, their secretary Long Maoshan, the mayor Qu Hanbin, the secretary-general, and the executive deputy mayor also came to attend the ceremony because there is a high-speed highway connecting Shun'an. Not to mention, the other seven urban areas also sent secretaries or mayors and district commissioners to participate. For example, Jiang Hua and Feng Weixi came from Huicheng, Ma Mingyi from the provincial capital, and 9 counties and districts in the province. At least one mayor must attend.

The reason why there is such a large lineup is that in addition to the obvious significance of the signs of these two expressways, more importantly, the province will hold a provincial transportation on-site meeting and a development meeting in Liushuipan to comprehensively plan and arrange the future [-] years. The basic plan of traffic for a year or even longer.Due to the high level of this meeting, its historical significance and very obvious practical significance, most of the district and county secretaries attended in person.

Chen Kangjie was not present, but a group of high-level executives from Hongyuan Investment Company and Yuan Peiyun from Tongda Highway Management Co., Ltd., led by Ouyang Zhenhua, participated in the very warm and grand opening ceremony.

Someone in the city originally proposed to organize hundreds of students to form a welcome team to welcome the leaders of the province and the first and second leaders from all over the province. This move is very common and not uncommon across the country.But after Chen Kangjie heard about this proposal, he scolded the deputy mayor in front of He Baoguo and Chen Qigang.

"This is a show of falsity and incompetence. Your highways are open to traffic. What does this have to do with students? It's so cold now, why should students welcome them with flowers? Who is whose public servant? What is a student? Tools? The task of students is to learn, not to cheer for you. What if they catch a cold? Why doesn’t he let his children stand in the cold wind to welcome? Adults do what adults should do Don’t just point the responsibility to minors, that’s a coward, and this kind of cadre is truly tormented!”.

Chen Kangjie's words were very heavy, even a little too heavy, but he really had a deep dislike for those officials who like to sacrifice students for face-saving projects.He can't control whether it's normal or not for this kind of situation to happen elsewhere, and he doesn't want such a thing to happen under his nose.

What Chen Kangjie said made He Baoguo and Chen Qigang look at each other, they really didn't understand why Chen Kangjie was so angry.

"It's not for nothing, it's just a suggestion," He Baoguo said awkwardly.

"Proposal? Do not have this kind of proposal. It is wrong to have this kind of thinking, let alone do it. To put it bluntly, this is abusing power, inaction, and increasing the burden on the common people. It’s a mischief. This shows that you haven’t really regarded yourself as a public servant deep in your heart. If it’s serious, it’s a wrong thinking!” Chen Kangjie is very good at hating, but what he said has to be said to be very reasonable.

"Come on, if we don't accept it, if we continue, your godfather and I will become sinners." Chen Qigang quickly stopped the conversation, he knew that if he continued, the two elders might also attract criticism .

Chen Kangjie's words led to the issuance of a document after the provincial road meeting and transportation development conference. The municipal party committee and the municipal government jointly issued the "Notice on Prohibiting Organizing Students to Participate in Various Celebrations and Reception Activities" to the whole city. , this "Notice" stipulates that all departments, districts, and towns shall not organize primary and secondary school students to participate in activities such as foundation laying, celebrations, receptions, and completion ceremonies in any name. Severe would be dismissal.

Thanks to the five-star Mengting Tourist Hotel, the city's large-scale conference reception capacity has been greatly improved.Those officials who came to attend ceremonies and meetings all lived in Mengting Tourist Hotel, which was their first big business.

On the first day, all the people went to the west exit of the city to participate in the opening ceremony of the two expressways. The two expressways were opened to traffic at the same place. This was the first time in China and perhaps in the world.

For this ceremony, the city used bulldozers to push out a large piece of flat land on the edge of Shuishuang Town, and then used a roller to flatten it. A high platform was erected, and large balloons were floated, blowing everywhere in the cold wind. Because the expressway chose this place as the starting point, the surrounding land prices rose sharply, and the surrounding villagers were very happy. They felt that their opportunity had come, so they all came to watch today's opening ceremony. Anyway, it was crowded with people, okay? lively.

This kind of formal ceremony is naturally indispensable to the leaders' speeches. The leaders, who put on windbreakers over their suits, spoke enthusiastically to the cadres and the masses present, and spoke highly of the actual social economy of the two highways. Significance and strategic significance, looking forward to more highways in the province to start construction.

After the official leader finished speaking, it was the turn of the company representative. There were two people from the company speaking on stage, Ouyang Zhenhua and Yuan Peiyun.

What Yuan Peiyun said was more specific, mainly talking about how the Tongda Highway Management Company will manage these two roads well. Thank you for the government's cooperation and support in road administration, traffic police, sanitation, etc., and strive to build these two roads into high-quality roads. and get rich.

Ouyang Zhenhua's focus is very different, with a great macroscopic nature.

"Leaders, folks, and friends, today we are here to celebrate the opening of the Shuipan Expressway and the Shuipu Expressway at the same time. I am as happy and honored as you are. As you all know, these two roads were built using the bot model , the city and the province did not spend a penny, and all the investment was independently completed by the enterprise. This will open a new model of cooperation, and it is also a new achievement of our country's reform and opening up. We cooperate with the provincial government and the city The agreement signed by the government is that there will be a 50-year toll period for the two expressways. Let me express my opinion here. Thank you very much. But this does not mean that we will really charge for 50 years. If we can recover the cost in advance, then we will remove all the toll stations and hand over the road after recovering the cost and maintaining a [-]% profit. Managed by the local government. For the future, we hope to have further cooperation opportunities with Qianzhou Province. We are willing to make our own modest contributions to the local transportation development and economic construction. Our country is now in the rapid development of economic development Among them, infrastructure will play a key role..." Ouyang Zhenhua spoke eloquently for ten minutes.

Ouyang Zhenhua's words have only one purpose, and that is to endorse this transportation development conference.No matter how great the determination and grand plan, if there is no funds, it will be empty talk.It took the province two years to make the province's transportation plan. In the past two years, the communication with Hongyuan Investment Company has been uninterrupted, and the information in the province has been continuously transmitted to Hongyuan Investment Company and Ouyang Zhen. Hua and Chen Kangjie's hands.


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