"You just won the Best Actor Oscar, and you are a big star in Hollywood. Will there be no movies?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile.

"As an actor, choosing a director and script is very important," Tom Hanks said briefly, shaking his body.

"Hehe, if you're interested, let's have a drink together!" Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand and extended an invitation to Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks followed with a smile and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chen Kangjie, and readily accepted the request.

Just as Chen Kangjie and the others walked out of the sacred auditorium, several celebrities wanted to strike up a conversation with Chen Kangjie, and some even asked for his autograph.

For the signature, Chen Kangjie tried his best to be satisfied, but for the communication, Chen Kangjie really didn't have time now. His direction of doing things was very clear. In the case of insufficient time, Chen Kangjie only wanted to deal with Tom Hank in a targeted manner. Well, there can't be too many distractions.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would not be so rude, even if he refused, he was friendly and peaceful, because it was uncertain when he would really cooperate.

When he walked out of the sacred auditorium, many reporters surrounded him to interview him, and the fans of fans and movies did not disperse, but they were isolated to a further distance. Cheers and shouts came and went, and the atmosphere was very warm.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Long doesn't have time for an interview right now. He's very tired and needs to go back to rest. I'm sorry." Chen Kangjie has never had a dedicated assistant or manager, so it turned out to be Jon Gordon who got in the way. Go out yourself.

"Long, I just want to ask you a few questions... long..." Streisand was squeezed in the middle by her peers and yelled. Amidst the noise, Chen Kangjie didn't hear what the question she wanted to ask was at all.

"Long, why don't you dare to meet the real face? Why don't you dare to face the reporter?" A white reporter with blond hair in a beige suit shouted across Jon Gordon.

"Long, can you say a few words to the fans who like you?...", a middle-aged female reporter continued to ask, but she seemed to say something later, but Chen Kangjie couldn't hear it.

. . . . . .

Fortunately, there were security personnel to stop these reporters, otherwise, they would all have gathered in front of Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to go forward and say a few words on the scene, but what the white male reporter said made Chen Kangjie very uncomfortable, so he left the scene in a car under the protection of John Jimmy and Xiong Ziqiang.

Tom Hanks also left the reporter and left with him. Only the award-winning Curtis and the others stayed for detailed interviews.This is a good opportunity to increase his popularity and value. Not only Curtis wants to seize it, but even those industry insiders who have not won the award will not give up the opportunity to show their faces on this occasion.

"Long, why don't you want to face the reporter?" Tom Hanks, who sat facing Chen Kangjie in Chen Kangjie's car, looked out the window and asked the reporter who wanted to question Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie shook his head helplessly, and pulled off the blindfold on his head with one hand, "You think I want to, I have to do it, you have been a star for so many years, you have experience, let alone you, your son Qu Site I guess they're all gone."

"Long, you look so handsome, how do you know my son's name? Hehe, many people don't know it." Tom Hanks felt very strange.

Chen Kangjie opened the small refrigerator next to him and took out a small bottle of red wine. He said he would buy Tom Hanks a drink, so he must not break his promise.

Chen Kangjie first poured two glasses, one for Fan Wenxuan, one for Tom Hanks, and another for himself, "Because I have been paying attention to you all the time, in fact, even if you don't look for me today, I will. your".

"Is there a good script?", Tom Hanks did not drink at all, but asked key questions first. <) is adapted from the novel of the same name, how about it, have you heard of this script? ", Chen Kangjie replied directly and positively. <, this is one of my favorite scripts, I didn't expect this script to be in your hands."

"Hehe, don't say that you came to me recklessly," Chen Kangjie laughed playfully.

Fan Wenxuan sat on the side without interjecting, just smiling and tasting wine, and listening carefully to the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Tom Hanks.

"Well, I admit, Mr. Cameron told me some information, I am very interested, so I volunteered." Tom Hanks knows that the best way to deal with smart people is to confess, otherwise it will be counterproductive .

"That guy seems to be scolded, well, no matter what the old guy told you, are you interested? I always think that in Hollywood, you are the only one who is the most suitable for the role of P, otherwise I would have started shooting", Chen Kangjie never beat around the bush.

"Of course, I am very interested, quite interested, thank you, long, I can't wait for when we can start, you know, I haven't made a film in a while, I have been looking for scripts and finding Director, it's too painful." Tom Hanks was so excited that he drank most of the wine in his hand in one gulp.

"Don't you care about the salary? Hehe", Fan Wenxuan interjected for the first time.

"Oh, no, Miss Monica, the salary is really out of my consideration. Of course, I can't work for nothing. I have to support my wife and children. My second child will be born soon this year. , It's just that, I believe Long will provide me with a more reasonable salary, Long, what do you think?", Tom Hanks, although not so cunning and cunning on the screen, but he has to In reality, he is quite intelligent.

"Okay, I understand how to do it, so I wish us a happy cooperation first. By the way, maybe this movie will allow you to win your second Oscar winner." Chen Kangjie patted Tom Hanks and raised his hand to him. own wine glass.


Chen Kangjie did not answer, but smiled and glanced at Tom Hanks, and then drank the wine in his hand.

"Okay, I believe in you, then I thank you first, then when shall we talk about specific things?" From Chen Kangjie's expression, Tom Hanks saw a kind of firm confidence, which will give people With mighty force.

"Maybe I don't have time to talk to you about specific things, including the part of the contract. You can go to Miramax to find Jon Gordon or Monica in two days. They will communicate with you, because , I have to go back home as soon as possible.”

"Are you really a middle school student?" Tom Hanks narrowed his eyes, as if he had never believed it before.

Chen Kangjie held his mouth shut, shrugged his shoulders, and nodded, a very American-style gesture, answering Tom Hanks' question.

"Oh my God, it's incredible, you look... you don't look like that at all! Really... I always thought it was a rumor, or you were trying to cover up something",

"Tom, he is very precocious, hehe", Fan Wenxuan echoed.

"I'm 16 years old," Chen Kangjie put away his smile.

"Long, no matter how old you are, don't treat the media like this. It's right to keep a certain distance from those guys, otherwise they will 'buzz' in your ears endlessly, but don't really ignore them , otherwise, after a long time, the positive news about you will turn negative, this is my suggestion," Tom Hanks suggested to Chen Kangjie based on his understanding.

"I think so too. Reasonable communication and interaction is still necessary," Fan Wenxuan turned to Chen Kangjie and said seriously.

"I just wanted to say a few words, but the reporter's question made me very uncomfortable...".

"That's the reporter of "Flamento Entertainment". He always likes to report negative things. You can ignore him for that kind of person." It seems that Tom Hanks knew the white male reporter and helped explain road.

"I don't care where the reporter is, this kind of person is just disgusting shit... How about this, call that Streisand, I will give him a minute of interview time at most tomorrow", after thinking about it However, Chen Kangjie still planned to fulfill his promise.

Streisand was very annoyed at the entrance of the sacred auditorium at this time. She was very dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie. At the beginning, she didn't answer the questions and didn't talk about it. It also caused one of his shoes to be trampled. He only picked it up after the fans dispersed. For the broken leather shoe, she had to break the heel of the other shoe for balance.After the awards ceremony was over, Chen Kangjie still ignored her, why didn't Streisand feel annoyed?Now she can't wait to pinch Chen Kangjie's claws.

At this time, the editor-in-chief of the TV station called her and asked her to go back quickly and get ready to take someone to interview Long tomorrow. This news made Streisand stunned for a full five seconds, and finally dragged the cameraman away.

Chen Kangjie and the others wanted to notify Streisand directly, but they couldn't find her phone number, so they had to call HBO directly.

This news surprised the editor-in-chief who was still dissatisfied with Streisand for not getting any valuable news. This opportunity is very rare. Their hbo TV station will be the first news organization to interview Long, and the other party pointed out that it must be Streisand. Miss came for an exclusive interview. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the interview, the editor-in-chief rushed to recruit Streisand back to discuss and prepare.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie would have an exclusive interview the next morning, Tom Hanks did not go in to continue sitting at the gate of his villa. Instead, he got out of the car and got into the car followed by his driver and went home by himself.

"Are you still wearing a mask for TV interviews tomorrow?" Fan Wenxuan asked Chen Kangjie when they walked into the villa together.

"Yes, now I don't want to cause extra problems, by the way, when will you return to Hong Kong?".

"Maybe stay for two more days, there are two movies being filmed by Miramax now."

"If that's the case, help me build a crew. You just saw it. I promised Tom Hanks."


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