Chapter 77 Title Song King

"Wanrong, these are the 12 songs of your album? Mr. "Big Potato" wrote it so soon?" Even though Fan Wenxuan did not study music, she is the boss of an entertainment company after all. She naturally knows the key to creating songs. It’s not easy, and there are only 12 songs at once, and two of them are in English, so I’m very excited and surprised that “Day Potato” has produced 12 singles so quickly and efficiently. Fan Wenxuan knows that “Day Potato” "The quality of the songs created is very high, whoever sings will be popular.

"Wenxuan, it may be difficult for others, but it's nothing to this 'big potato'. He is a genius, just like Li Taibai, who has a hundred poems about fighting wine." He Wanrong giggled, especially saying When it came to the word "big yam", she intentionally accentuated her tone mischievously. Anyway, she was secretly happy. Outsiders don't know how fast and simple Chen Kangjie created. Said that at her house, it was only a few minutes.

"Wanrong, do you know this talented musician?" Fan Wenxuan was a little curious. This talented musician hasn't written a song for almost two years, and he is the most mysterious creator. To this day, many media and songs' Fans are all asking who he is, but they don't get it. How can He Wanrong join Feiyang Entertainment in such a short time and get a complete album he created.

"Ah? Well, Wenxuan, I'm sorry, although I know him, but he doesn't want too many people to know, so I can't tell you now." He Wanrong didn't expect Fan Wenxuan to ask such a question, and Fan Wenxuan was very fond of her. Well, I feel very embarrassed to hide it from her, but Chen Kangjie didn't nod, she can't talk nonsense, so her voice became smaller and smaller like an apology.

"Oh? That's a pity," Fan Wenxuan felt a little disappointed.

"But he is likely to release his own album in the future, and I will bring him to our company, then you will know who it is?", thinking that Chen Kangjie may really release his own album in the future, so He Wanrong raised his voice. The voice revealed the news to Fan Wenxuan in advance, which can be regarded as comforting her peace? Her inner guilt.

"Okay, what you said, if he doesn't come to our company by then, I'll only ask you!" Fan Wenxuan threatened He Wanrong with a smile. Since I can't see this mysterious genius now, I can only hope that He Wanrong If you can really bring him in, as long as his voice is not too bad, with his genius creative ability, record sales will definitely not be a problem. Not to mention, Feiyang Entertainment will also greatly improve its status in the industry. A great singer is important, but a top songwriter is even more important.

"Sure, sure, hehe"

"Then do you know 'Wanyue' who is the composer? Can you also bring him to our company?" Fan Wenxuan is aggressive, and when he meets outstanding musicians, he wants to bring them back to his company.

"Recognizing is knowing, but...but you can tell from the writing, with 'Day Potato', the lyrics and music are not a problem." He Wanrong felt a little guilty, because 'Wanyue' is himself.So she stammered all the time, and she always felt that she didn't deserve her name.

"Since we know each other, let's try to bring it here as much as possible. I also know that it will be difficult. Hehe, the company will not treat you badly by then. Besides, won't your records be of better quality by then."

After Fan Wenxuan said so, He Wanrong could only obediently agree, anyway, let's go through this test first, let's see what happens next.

After receiving 500 million US dollars from Hongyuan International, Feiyang Entertainment built an advanced recording studio by themselves. Before, they rented other people's recording studios.Fan Wenxuan handed the music book to the recording engineer Xiao He. Xiao He saw that all the 12 songs in his hand were the works of 'Day Potato' and 'Graceful'. He was very excited and hummed himself first.

Xiao He is actually not young. He is in his 30s, but everyone used to call him that. After a long time, everyone took this as his stage name. Xiao He was dug from Polygram after Feiyang Entertainment got financing. He has participated in the record recording of many first-line singers there before, and he is very experienced.

"Wow, that's great. It really deserves to be 'Big Potato'. Mr. Fan, you are about to develop. Do you know that these eight songs can be used as the title songs of different albums? These two English songs are also very good. Although the next two songs are slightly inferior, they are already excellent for other people, too extravagant, simply too extravagant, it is equivalent to putting ten title songs on one record A new record, such a gorgeous combination, I really don't know if the fans will go crazy."

Xiao He didn't care about the presence of the boss, and spent more than an hour carefully reading the sheet music with peace of mind, and hummed it again by himself. The 12 songs cover a variety of genres, and the outline of the whole album is almost the same. I am a little dissatisfied with the boss for putting these songs together. This is a waste, a complete reckless waste, otherwise He Wanrong would have produced 10 albums.

Fan Wenxuan didn't expect her sound engineer to be so excited. She also knows luxury. Although the Rolling Stones had many songs of "Big Potato" in the past, they were all distributed to different singers to make the title song, and each song used " The album written by Big Potato as the title song has been sold well, and many newcomers have become popular.Therefore, "Day Potato" is also nicknamed "The King of the Main Song" in the industry.

However, Fan Wenxuan is not only not worried about Xiao He's "song fans" going crazy, but also looking forward to it. The more crazy the song fans are, the better.

He Wanrong saw Xiao He's surprised expression in her eyes, and she was also very moved by Chen Kangjie's first record written for him with all her strength. She knew very well that Chen Kangjie's strength was weird, and sometimes she wondered how Chen Kangjie could write There are so many love songs in different styles, does Xiaojia know how to fall in love?

Entering the recording studio the next day, after He Wanrong got ready, under the gestures of the sound engineer and the soundtrack, she began to sing "The world is long, passers-by are in a hurry, the 'tide' rises and 'tide' falls, love and resentment, life and death grow old, How many people can see through it, the world of mortals is rolling..." After singing, Fan Wenxuan outside and other staff members thought the song was very good, very good, but Xiao He asked to do it again, he felt that He Wanrong's singing was not bad. Can't express the mood of this song.

He Wanrong considers herself a newcomer, although she said she has Ouyang Zhenhua's care, but she should listen to the sound engineer's advice and try to sing this song well, otherwise Chen Kangjie will be the first to feel sorry.

After looking at the songbook and thinking for a while, Xiao He told He Wanrong that when she sang, she would make her voice thicker and fuller, so that it would be more perfect.In fact, what Xiao He said was to make He Wanrong approach Ye Qianwen in singing.

He Wanrong listened carefully to Xiao He's explanation. He knew that Xiao He not only had many years of recording experience, but was also a very rigorous sound engineer. He had cooperated with many top-notch singers and his music appreciation ability was quite high. That's why Feiyang Entertainment had a high salary. Dig over.

He Wanrong entered the recording studio again, and this time her voice was thicker and thicker, which basically met Xiao He's requirements, so the first song was passed without thinking twice. Of course, this is also He Wanrong's confidence in Chen Kangjie's songs Related, the song is composed by myself, so I am very familiar with the song, so I will naturally grasp it well compared to others.

He Wanrong rested for a while, drank some water to moisten her throat, and walked into the recording studio again, and soon finished recording Faye Wong's "A Woman Easily Injured". Play and express, so this song was recorded in one 'sex'.

Today is the first time for He Wanrong to record a song professionally. In order to protect her voice, it is not advisable to sing too much. The rest will be recorded the next day. This is also to ensure the quality of the record.

Songs can really purify and calm people's mind. After Chen Kangjie wrote and sang the songs for He Wanrong, he felt a lot more comfortable, especially the two songs "Walking in Style" and "Dedication of Love", which made him realize A lot, his rebirth, speaking of it, is just another walk in style, after all, life will end, I only hope that I can use my ability to dedicate love to my relatives, friends, and more people, God can Giving myself such a chance again, I don't know if it is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes.

After calming down, Chen Kangjie started to write again. The time was getting closer and closer, and he had to finish the remaining two "Harry Potter" within 89 years. Master Kong was almost on the right track, and he seldom went there. .

At this time, Chen Kangjie not only regained his student appearance, but also continued to enjoy the innocence of this age.Apart from writing, Chen Kangjie can't neglect his friends too much, and he himself needs to relax properly.

On the last weekend in June, Chen Kangjie went to swim in the large pool of the coal washing plant at the invitation of Ma Wei, Chen Qiancheng, Mazi and Zhu Baola.

The water quality of the large pool of the coal washing plant is relatively good, and it is also the source of drinking water for the coal washing plant. It is built on a mountain, but because it is relatively high, more than three floors, there are only some cement ladders with a height of one meter per level, so people who go there are more No, only naughty guys like them would go swimming there.

It's not that Mazi really has pockmarks on his face, it's his surname Ma, someone gave him this nickname, gradually everyone got used to calling him by that, but no one called him by his real name.Chen Kangjie's rebirth, Zhu Scarla's "principal plan" also failed to come true, before rebirth, Chen Kangjie was in fifth grade, but he was still in second grade, but now his "grandmother" often "forces" him to go to Chen Kangjie I came here to study, so although my grades were still not very good, I was barely dragged to the parallel line of the fifth grade.

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