rebirth of change

Chapter 784 Become a prisoner

Chen Kangjie and the others are crossing the river.In fact, the Shan State Army can also find boats across the Nanban River to pursue them, but they are too busy at the moment, and Chengyang is busy gathering troops and cleaning up the interior.

Cheng Yang really has rich combat experience, the bullet that slid past his ear clearly told him that his life was almost in danger.So after being slapped by Tuo Peixi, Cheng Yang fell down, and as the battle started, no one could take care of him for the time being.

Just as Xiong Ziqiang dragged Tuo Peixi back, Cheng Yang rolled to the left and didn't stop until he rolled into a small ditch beside the road.At this time, Cheng Yang was in a state of distress, his clothes, face and head were all covered with dust and mud, if he didn't raise his head, no one would recognize him at all, and his face was scratched.

After Chen Kangjie and the others retreated and the Shan State Army caught up with them, they did not find the shadow of their commander. Just now their car lights were broken, the lights were black, and the scene was chaotic. They thought that Cheng Yang was kidnapped again, so they chased after him brave.

For Miscellaneous Fruit, if he didn't get rid of Cheng Yang, then his own safety would be in jeopardy. Just as he commanded the troops to charge forward, Cheng Yang struggled to crawl out from the small ditch behind him.

In any case, Cheng Yang is the highest leader of the Shan State Army, and he has a very high prestige among the soldiers. No matter what tricks Miscellaneous Fruit wants to do, he can only do it secretly.

Cheng Yang, who got up, was quickly discovered by the soldiers behind him. After being rescued, Cheng Yang immediately returned to Huo Kang City to stabilize some of the soldiers and officers who were still guarding the city. The soldiers who were chasing with the mixed fruit returned to the city.

Miscellaneous Fruit knew that Chengyang had returned to Huo Kang City by the Nanban River, so he knew that the situation was not good. He told the messenger that he had to find a way to chase those daring robbers, and he would not be able to go back until later.

In fact, why was he chasing Chen Kangjie and the others? He had to run away quickly, otherwise he would die in a terrible way.Under his bewitching, a small group of people fled to the west with him, and he wanted to stay away from the range of the Shan State Army.

. . . . . .

The current of the river where Chen Kangjie and the others crossed the river was not too fast, and the hill at the bend blocked the rushing water.Under the half-dark moonlight, the boatman went back and forth nine times before sending Chen Kangjie and the others to the opposite bank, and the two seriously injured took it twice.Zheng Jun, Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui, Yang Dazhuang, and Dong Mingshu were the last team to cross the river. They were responsible for guarding against the Shan State Army from chasing them.

They took care of the rear, but did not expect danger to emerge from the front.

After crossing the Salween River, it was already midnight in time, and when the group climbed up the hillside from the river, they were surrounded.

Yang Kun and Dou Aiping, who were the first to cross the river, actually searched the opposite bank, but their radiation range was not that far, several people were injured, and some people had to stay and take care of them. The manpower was really limited, so they just searched After looking at the opposite bank, they did not cross the mountain, so when they crossed the river, there was also a group of soldiers climbing the mountain behind the mountain.

"Raise your hands, all of you raise your hands..." The opponent was full of momentum, completely surrounded by three sides of the hill, some with flashlights in their hands, and it seemed that there were more than three hundred people.

It seems that today is really going to be unlucky here, Chen Kangjie thought to himself.

"Northern Wa people", Zheng Jun whispered in Chen Kangjie's ear, and then greeted his companions: "Everyone, don't resist, put down your guns."

At this time, resisting is useless, that is self-defeating, one's ammunition is insufficient, physical strength is exhausted, and some of them are wounded, the opponent has a large number of people, and has been prepared for a long time. Resistance at this time is tantamount to suicide.

The reason why Zheng Jun knew that these people were from the Northern Wa was because this place was at the junction of the forces of the Northern Wa and the Shan State United Army, and in terms of accent, the Northern Wa had to lengthen the sound line a little bit.

"It's not small, the fight over there is so fierce, I thought how many people there are, so there are only a few, where are you from?" A middle-aged officer wearing a military cap walked up to Chen Kangjie and the others with a cigarette in his mouth. A little cocky.

The situation between the Northern Wa and the Shan State Army was tense. When the Shan State Army transferred many troops to the front line for defense, the Northern Wa Army was not idle. spies.

"What are you going to do with us?" Zheng Jun didn't answer his question, but asked directly.

"It depends on where you are from."

"We are neither, but our side," Zheng Jun said ambiguously.

"Hmph, you're still stubborn," the officer blew out the cigarette and slapped Zheng Jun with his hand.

Zheng Jun's reaction was faster than his. Before his hand could be slapped, Zheng Jun threw his hand over and grabbed his neck.

Seeing that the officer was restrained, his soldiers pulled the bolts "chachacha", and several of them came straight to Zheng Jun.

The situation is stronger than the people, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Faced with such a situation, Zheng Jun also had to let the officer go.

The officer straightened his collar, and then kicked Zheng Jun's abdomen. This time, Zheng Jun didn't resist, but just bowed his waist, and his body took two steps back. Same.In fact, this was done intentionally by Zheng Jun, the force on the opponent's leg was almost dissipated when he bowed down.

"I don't care where you are, when you get here, you are prisoners, you have to listen to us, shit, spit! Take them all away." In a blink of an eye, Chen Kangjie and the others became prisoners.The officer seemed to have noticed that the kick he kicked was not heavy, so he spat at Zheng Jun.

In the middle of the night, it was difficult for these Northern Wa soldiers to investigate anything, and they were tired, so they planned to take Chen Kangjie and the others back and interrogate them slowly tomorrow.

Chen Kangjie and the others had more than [-] people, and several of them were wounded. Therefore, the Northern Wa soldiers did not tie them up, but confiscated their guns, and then surrounded them tightly and escorted them down the mountain. The two seriously wounded were also carried by their companions. with.

Tuo Peixi was very nervous and frightened as soon as she got out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth, she tightly grabbed Chen Kangjie's sleeve.He doesn't have that chivalrous mood now, no matter how good his skills are, it's useless under the gloomy gunpoint.And she was worried that after arriving at the destination, someone would play her wrong ideas again.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, with me here, no one can hurt you," Chen Kangjie patted Tuo Peixi's hand holding his sleeve to comfort her.

"Yeah," Tuo Peixi nodded obediently.

Since she was in middle school, Tuo Peixi has never been so well-behaved. This time, the experience caused by her temporary arrogance really impressed her deeply, and it also made her see things that she had never seen before. In peaceful times, she never I didn't dare to imagine that I would experience war.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie and the others just walked three or four kilometers down the mountain road, climbed over two mountains, and arrived at the road, where there were actually several Jiefang trucks waiting.These trucks should be the vehicles that this group of soldiers drove when they came.

Because there are few cars and many people, only some people can take the car, and some people have to walk with the truck.

As captives, Chen Kangjie and his group had to walk. Finally, after Zheng Junhe negotiated and begged, the wounded were assigned to a car, and Chen Kangjie, Tuo Peixi and others also went there as caregivers. The car no longer walks, and the others are arranged between several stuck cars. They have to run forward, with machine guns on the car watching, and soldiers who need to run just like them guarding them. They can do whatever they want no.

Most of these trucks are smuggled goods, and North Wa is close to China, so it is not difficult to get some of this kind of goods.Moreover, Jiefang brand trucks are cheap, have rough skin and thick flesh, and are very wear-resistant. For Northern Wa, which has no modern roads, it is the most suitable.A few years ago, trucks running around in the mountainous areas of China were liberation, especially for factories and mines, where Dongfeng brands were rare.

The truck drove for more than an hour and entered a small town called Moro, which is only 40 kilometers away from the border of China.

Here, Chen Kangjie and the others were detained and rested overnight without any food or water.Those who are able-bodied are fine, but the two seriously injured are a little troublesome, one has a high fever, the other is extremely weak, and the wound shows signs of infection.

All night, Chen Kangjie and the others were asking the Northern Wa soldiers for some medicines, but they didn't even pay any attention to them, they just kept watch over them.

It wasn't until dawn that someone came to find Chen Kangjie and the others, and they were accompanied by the officer from yesterday.

The man who came looked to be 50 years old, without military uniform, black leather shoes, blue pants, gray short-sleeved shirt, and a pair of sunglasses. His forehead was a little bald, similar to those veteran cadres who went out for inspections before.

Zheng Jun, as the leader, was taken out to another wooden house to meet this person, and later Chen Kangjie was also taken away.

"Are you and he the leader of this group?", as soon as Chen Kangjie entered, the old man sitting under the electric fan asked directly.

Chen Kangjie glanced at Zheng Jun first, seeing that there was nothing unusual on his face, and then answered calmly: "Yes, what advice do you have?".

"This series of misunderstandings were all created by you, right? Including the attack on the checkpoint on the outskirts of our Danse Town?" The old man didn't beat around the bush when he asked.

The old man spoke Chinese. Although it was not as fluent as the northerners spoke Mandarin, Chen Kangjie could still understand it.

"I don't know what Danse Town is not Danse Town, I just know, why do you lock us here?" Chen Kangjie really didn't know where that Danse Town was, it was Zheng Jun who did this, how could he know I know.

The old man took off his glasses and looked at Chen Kangjie, and then at Zheng Jun, "Do you think I'm so easy to bully and fool? The person who touches me will lose so much, just want to pat his ass and leave?".

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