rebirth of change

Chapter 803 Host Country Privileges

This is a decision that benefits both parties.The United States is a society that puts interests first. In general social activities, economic interests play the most central role, even in presidential elections or congressional elections.

The 1996 Olympic Games were completely undertaken by private organizations, so all the expenses had to be raised by themselves, no matter how much or how little, they would not let it go, the public relations department strived for every possible opportunity to increase income for the organizing committee, and invited Chen Kangjie Their trip to Atlanta is due to the public relations department of the Atlanta Olympic Organizing Committee.

For Chen Kangjie, this is of course beneficial. First, he can get closer to the Olympic Organizing Committee; second, he can adapt to the venue; Put it on the screen, this kind of publicity effect is very good.

The filming of Hinesville has not been completely finished, and will come back. Tom Hanks and Robin, and Wright Penn still have a lot of scenes here, but since the Olympic Village can only be stationed for filming during this time period, They can only interrupt this side and go to catch up with the show there first.


There are quite a few big stars in the crew, they are not short of money, but there are also many extras and ordinary staff, these people are not all so rich, they did not expect that tens of hundreds of people in Atlanta will live in such a high-end apartment. Because of the luxurious decoration and high price, many of them will lose a month's salary if they stay for three nights. As for the remuneration of extras, it may not be enough for one night's stay.

This is Chen Kangjie's reward for everyone. He stayed here last time and fell in love with it. The whole hotel is inlaid with glass, crystal clear, especially the 'meter (90 feet) high canopy lighting lobby and a multi-storey rotation on the top. Restaurant with spectacular city views.

Whether you take Peachtree Street or Spring Street from here, you can reach the Olympic Village and Olympic Park in a short time north.

On the same day, the manager of the public relations department of the Olympic Organizing Committee, McRae, came to the hotel to pay a visit to Jedika, because they were the ones who made the match.

Americans don't have so many politenesses when they do things. McRae only brought one assistant and one clerk, not a large group of people like in China.After they talked with Jedica for an hour, they signed a contract, 240 million US dollars, and lent the venues and facilities in the Olympic Village to the film crew for 7 days.

The price is really high, about 35 US dollars a day, which is enough to make an ordinary movie in Hong Kong.

However, it is not without benefits. Fifty tickets for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. In the Olympic Park, all crew members can leave a brick engraved with their name and date of birth. These bricks will be laid horizontally on the floor of the Olympic Park , permanently saved.The national flag of the country where the donor is located will always fly in the Olympic Park even after the Olympic Games.In addition, Georgia Institute of Technology can mobilize [-] civilian students to act as extras and sit in the stands of the stadium.These students are part of nearly [-] volunteers recruited by the Olympic Organizing Committee, and it is a small test for them.

Chen Kangjie doesn't care about money, he just thinks it's a good opportunity to experience here in advance.After the agreement was signed, McRae expressed his desire to meet Chen Kangjie, but he refused.

Unless it was Payne, the chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Chen Kangjie was not very interested in anyone else.

That night, Bob and Chen Kangjie had dinner at the multifunctional restaurant on the top floor of the Peach Tree Plaza Hotel. Bob asked Chen Kangjie about the follow-up situation.

He still hasn't received Zhao Zhibang's reply, so what's the matter, he can only choose to continue to wait for the news.

Early the next morning, the crew drove into the Olympic Village.Many places in the Olympic Village have not yet been installed, and many places are still mud. Fortunately, the greening has been done to the extent that the main stadium of Oripik has been completed. , To prepare in advance for the opening ceremony.

On this day, the film crew was divided into two groups, one group went to Georgia Institute of Technology for filming, and the other group went to the main Olympic stadium for decoration, preparing for the shooting of Forrest Gump becoming a football star two days later.

For this shoot, through Bob's connections, all the members and reserves of the local Atlanta Falcons(s), founded on June 1965, 6, were brought in to play both sides of the competition.

The Atlanta Falcons belong to the Southern Division of the National Football League (nfc for short). This team has achieved very satisfactory results so far. In 1966, it entered the Super Bowl (FC, League of Nations). If you want to win the championship here, then It is not easy.

Bob is now an upper-class person. American football is as popular in the United States as football is in Europe. The popularity is super high. Most Americans love this sport. Bob is naturally a fan, but he It's the San Francisco 49ers (sanfroloyork).

The football teams in the United States are all privately owned. The purpose of these businessmen owning a sports team is to make profits, and Bob is the one who can bring benefits to them, so he will naturally help them.

After returning to the hotel after a tiring day, Zhao Zhibang finally got news.

"Xiaojie, this matter is not easy to handle. The comrades from the sports committee told me that according to the regulations of the International Olympic Committee, all athletes participating in the competition must meet the a standard of the selected event, and at least the b standard. What kind of competition do you have?" You didn't even participate, you gave up all the preliminary rounds, and you have no results at all!" Zhao Zhibang said first when the call was connected.

"Uncle Zhao, I know all of this. If it wasn't like this, why would I seek you? Those guys from the Sports Committee are probably lazy or shirking their responsibilities. Otherwise, why can't they do what others can?", Chen Kangjie I am no stranger to domestic bureaucracy, and it will still be serious ten years later.

"They didn't say that there was no way. After I questioned them, they said that there was another opportunity, which required work on both sides." Zhao Zhibang also knew about the bureaucratic problems in the country, but he had no choice but to As things stand, that won't change in a short while.

"Hehe, it's a good thing if there is a way. What way, Uncle Zhao, tell me quickly, it's just for work, no problem." When he heard that there was a way, Chen Kangjie was happy and no longer dissatisfied with those officials.

"The International Olympic Committee also has a way to deal with special circumstances, that is, if a country does not have any athletes who meet the a and b standards required for participation, then one person can be allowed to represent the country in the competition, but this still needs to be obtained. Only the invitation of the host country will do,” Zhao Zhibang said.

"This... why does this need an invitation from the host country?".

"Because the number of places is limited, comrades from the sports committee reported that the International Olympic Committee stipulates that a country that has reached the A standard can send three athletes to participate in the competition. There are one to two hundred countries and regions in the world, and many countries have three athletes who can reach the A standard. , this squeezed out some of the places, so... it can be regarded as a certain privilege for the host country, just like the athletes of the host country can participate in all events." Zhao Zhibang also had the opportunity to understand these things because of Chen Kangjie. .

"Oh, I see. This means that I still have to do work in the United States." Chen Kangjie nodded on the phone.

"That's what I mean. We can also help you with some work here, but we can't guarantee success. After all, the Olympic Games is hosted by a private organization. By the way, where are you now?" Dealing with the government, That's a little easier to deal with. When dealing with the government and the private sector, neither side will have full confidence. Zhao Zhibang didn't say enough.

Zhao Zhibang even felt that since Chen Kangjie was so rich, it would be much easier to deal with private individuals.

"I'm in Atlanta and I just went to the Olympic Village today," Chen Kangjie replied.

"Ah? You have already gone to the Olympic Village, have you talked with them?".

"No, I'm going to film, and I haven't gotten any information from you yet. Why should I talk to them? I'll get in touch with them later."

"Xiaojie, if you come into contact with them, you have to decide who you are!" Zhao Zhibang pointed out.

Chen Kangjie's identity is very sensitive, especially his identity as a wealthy man, which must not be revealed casually, otherwise there will be international turmoil, so Zhao Zhibang warned.

"Uncle Zhao, I understand. Thank you. I will pay attention. I will say what should be said, and I will not say what should not be said. Don't worry."

"Be careful outside and protect yourself. If you need anything, remember to contact the embassy. They will help you," Zhao Zhibang said with concern.

"I see, Uncle Zhao, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie was thinking, if he said that, he would inevitably be slaughtered by the US, unless he didn't participate.As for how deep this knife can kill, Chen Kangjie doesn't know for the time being. It seems that he can only meet with Payne, and first give him a "extraordinary asking price, pay back the money on the spot" to see.

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone again and asked Bob to help him find a time to have dinner with Payne and talk about it.

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