In the entertainment industry, directing is a very happy profession.In addition to being able to easily unspoken rules for people who are interested in him because of power, he can also see a lot of colorful scenery, and these scenery are arranged by him.

"Jenny, your nightgown is wrong, change it to a pure white nightgown, Cindy, the light outside the window should be a little stronger, if it is too weak, then it will look like a room", Chen Kangjie stood in the temporary studio set up Xiaokou commanded.

Robin White Pan was wearing a red nightdress at this time, which was obviously inappropriate.It's not that Chen Kangjie wants to follow the original film [-]%, but, as a student, Jenny, there is no need, and she doesn't have such sexy appeals for the time being.

"Tom, I know that you are already the father of the child, but I'm sorry, you have to go back to the time when you were inhumane, do you understand? I hope you still have that feeling of ignorance and curiosity," said Robin. When White went to the temporary changing room next to him to change, Chen Kangjie, who only wore a pair of underpants, said to Tom Hanks.

"I understand that Forrest Gump is still a virgin even in college, which does not conform to the reality of most Americans, but it is reasonable for Forrest Gump."

"Just as long as you understand."

The United States is a very open society. From the beginning of middle school, the elders will not object to their children falling in love. This is due to the sexual liberation movement advocated by hippies as reflected in the movie. After the sexual liberation movement in the 67s, the whole American society generally accepts the fact that young people have premarital sex, and even quite a few of them actively pursue it.

After Robin White came back in a white tulle dress, the filming officially began. This section was a turning point in Jenny’s thinking and behavior, because one of his lines was "erlikejoanbaez" (I want to be famous, I want to be a Joan . a singer like Baez).

Dreams are beautiful and simple, but when a person regards stepping into the entertainment circle as his biggest dream, then the life she faces next will be extraordinary.This is determined by the nature of the entertainment industry. It is colorful, but full of interest and complexity, and it is necessary to expose itself to the public as much as possible to gain enough attention.

There are some similarities between the entertainment industry and the officialdom, that is, to increase their public awareness as much as possible. The difference is that no matter whether an official is black or white, he hopes to show the fair side only to the white side.This is not the case in the entertainment industry. If the white ones can't do it, they will show their black side. If they are black enough, they can also get the benefits they want.

No matter in foreign countries or in China, most of those who want to become famous will be blinded by the colorfulness and profusion, and lose the rationality and direction they should have.

Jenny stood and told the silly Forrest Gump about her beautiful ideals. Forrest Gump seemed to understand, but her eyes didn't seem to understand, "andi want to reach people on a personal level" (I want to reach the public by myself). Start taking off your nightdress.

"Cut", Chen Kangjie called a pause, "Tom, there are two things wrong with you".

"Director, what's wrong?" Hanks asked.

Tom Hanks and Robin White just sat on the small bed and listened to Chen Kangjie's explanation.

"She's standing in front of you like this... you'd better put on your clothes first, I..." Looking at Robin White with only a thin bra on his upper body, Chen Kangjie felt a little unnatural, that kind of oriental restraint was still remained in him.

Another reason is that her breasts are shriveled and lack aesthetic feeling, which did not attract Chen Kangjie's masculine nature.During the filming of "True Lies", Chen Kangjie did not behave like this to Curtis in sexy underwear.

"Hahaha, long is shy, long, it seems that other people can be shy, but you can't be shy", Tom Hanks laughed.

When Tom Hanks said this, the others also laughed, and Roffman and Carpenter laughed the most exaggeratedly, their waists bent.

The implication of Tom Hanks is: "Why are you so shy when you write the script yourself?"

"Laugh, what's so funny, really, I'm respecting women, understand? How decent is it for everyone to be obsessed with sex?" Chen Kangjie pretended to be a gentleman.

"Long, but I wear clothes, and it's for work." Chen Kangjie wants to respect women, but Robin White doesn't seem to need his respect.

"Well, my good intentions are not rewarded. Anyway, you should put it on quickly, otherwise it will affect my work, really."

Seeing Chen Kangjie being squeezed with an unnatural expression, Robin White smiled and put on the nightgown.

"When she is undressing, don't wander your eyes, keep staring at her, and after she turns around and goes to the bed, don't follow your eyes to turn, it seems that you are not pure, you have to avoid it Be cautious." Robin White put on his clothes, and then Chen Kangjie began to speak normally.

"I...I see", Tom Hanks was a little embarrassed.

"After you go to bed for a while, don't sit down, sit on your knees. If you sit directly, there will be a gap in your body." After telling Hanks, Chen Kangjie pointed out her small mistake to Robin White.

"ok, good".

"Props, don't you have a guitar ready?" Chen Kangjie turned around and asked.

"Director, you are prepared, here you are."

"Why don't you prepare it? Hurry up and put the guitar on the side of the small table. This is the foreshadowing for Jenny to play the guitar and sing in the bar. Hurry up, let's do it again." Chen Kangjie felt that something was missing after he stood up.

The prop master didn't answer why he didn't play it just now, the answer is superfluous, it's better to just follow the director's instructions to save trouble.

This scene happened for the second time, but when Jenny was kneeling on the bed and A-Gump turned his head, Chen Kangjie yelled "cut" again.

"A-Gump, why is your head raised so high? You should look down at this moment. You want to look but dare not look. If you look straight, it doesn't fit A-Gump's mentality at all." Chen Kangjie pointed out another small problem. When making a movie, such details are the most difficult to grasp, and they must be just right.

This scene happened for the third time, Hanks did what Chen Kangjie said, and then the camera shifted to the other side.

In this place, Chen Kangjie admired the expression in Hanks' eyes, especially the staring eyes he raised his head at the end of his speech, which made people feel very simple and cute.

After A-Gump finished speaking, the eyes of the two crossed for two seconds, and then Robin White stretched his hand backwards to untie his underwear, but an accident happened. She bit her lips together.

"Cut... Do you want to change to another underwear? You only need to untie the underwear for more than three seconds, and you have to start over again." When this oolong appeared, Chen Kangjie could only shake his head.

This is someone else's own trouble, and then it is Chen Kangjie himself.

Robin White tried twice, but he could untie the underwear smoothly, saying that there was no need to change it, and the filming continued.

Just when Tom Hanks stared at Jenny unbuttoning her underwear with wide eyes, and then A-Gump acted very unnaturally, especially when his eyes and hand movements were in place, Chen Kangjie who was sitting opposite did not look up, but It was because two meat balls popped out that made him lower his head, and accidentally spilled a cup of coffee on the table on his pants.

"Oh, ****", Chen Kangjie jumped up from the seat immediately.

He had to play, this cup of coffee was still hot, it was when he shouted "cut" last time, the drama manager gave him refreshment.And the place where the coffee poured was exactly where his crotch was, the little brother's bird's nest.

"Hahaha, long, your reaction was too intense. You are really not an ordinary person. You got wet a lot, amazing, amazing." Looking at Chen Kangjie's wet crotch, the happy Jedika couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Is this coffee good or not? I didn't react at all," Chen Kangjie defended, patting his crotch.

The theater manager covered his mouth and handed him a towel.

"Hehe, who knows, Robin, you are so charming, this is the first time we have seen Long behave like this," Cindy, who is already the mother of the child, said very freely.

"Usually only virgins would react like this, hehe, long, do you want me to introduce you to a girlfriend, maybe I'll be your girlfriend," Robin White, who was interrupted in the shooting, said half-jokingly.

Although these words were meant as a joke, it can be said without a doubt that if Chen Kangjie was the reason, this woman would definitely be what she wanted, and it would definitely be a matter of fame and fortune.

Before that, everyone got positive information about Chen Kangjie, so people generally would not make fun of him in this regard, or have other bad intentions, but Chen Kangjie made such a move, especially in Robin. The moment White exposed his upper body gave everyone room to make excuses.

"You... I'm no longer a virgin", being so provoked, Chen Kangjie inadvertently spoke the truth.

"Ah? Long, do you have a girlfriend? Haha, big news, tell me, Long, who is your girlfriend?" Everyone was more interested in Chen Kangjie's words, and Cindy asked first.

Before, they thought that the serious and traditional Long from the East might not have a girlfriend, but now that Chen Kangjie said it himself, who wouldn't be interested?

"You... are too gossip, I... I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm going to change my pants", Chen Kangjie really didn't know where to turn.

If you want to explain that you don't have a girlfriend, it means that you are lying, and you are still a virgin, which is very embarrassing.If you have to respond positively that you have a girlfriend, it will cause trouble again, and you don't know how to introduce it.

When Chen Kangjie came back from the car outside and changed into a pair of clean pants, facing all the people who were still laughing at him, the first thing he raised was to ask for secrecy.

"Everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement. I hope everyone strictly abides by it. Otherwise, I will have to take the nonsense person to court. I am very serious."

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