rebirth of change

Chapter 822 The Appearance of My Sister

The place they photographed was really the chairman's study, so everything is intact and very precious.

Chen Kangjie is actually walking here for the first time, and he doesn't know if the chairman has really read all those books, but historically, the chairman is a very good leader, and those books should not be just for him to pretend to be. , so Chen Kangjie judged that most of those subsets of classics and history should have been read.

In addition to a subset of classical Chinese classics and history, the bookshelves also include many works of philosophy, politics, and sociology by Mao Zedong. It is said that the "Manifesto of Mao Zedong" has been read by the chairman at least dozens of times.

During the filming in the capital, there are mainly four places to shoot, besides Ouchi, there are also ***, Quanjude and Capital University Gymnasium. These places have been contacted and coordinated by relevant departments. At this time, Cindy is leading the team in The layout of the Capital University Gymnasium.

Because the scene of the special period in the early 70s was arranged, for the sake of safety, Bayi Factory also sent two set designers to follow and assist.

The filming in Ouchi was relatively smooth, the two main actors were almost considered the backbone of the show, and it was over after four official visits, plus the waste of building equipment, the time in the morning was just enough.

Relatively speaking, although the scene of *** does not have any specific lines, it is not easy to shoot. It mainly shows the athletes of the American delegation sitting on the bus, passing through Chang'an Avenue under the guidance of the police car, passing by *** They stuck their hands and heads out of the window, pointed around, and some even raised their cameras to take pictures.

And the common people on the side of the road, when they saw this group of foreigners, they were in turn very curious, whispering something to each other, and if they listened carefully, they could hear things like "Which country are they from?", "What are you doing in the capital? "Wait for something like that.

In that special era, foreigners were very new. We were still in a closed state, and there were very few external exchanges. It was not easy to see so many foreigners with high noses, blue eyes, and yellow hair all at once. things.

In order to reduce troubles, the masses on the square were extras recommended by Bayi Factory and four unknown signed actors, and they were more disciplined.

When shooting, two cameras are switched to shoot. One camera is on a big car in front, suspended by the shooting arm, mainly responsible for the distant view, and the other car is almost parallel to the bus, shooting close-up shots. Pay attention to each A person's details.

For different angles, the convoy had to run back and forth three times on this section of the road, and a camera was set up on *** Square to take pictures of them passing by.

"In order to reflect the authenticity of history, this area will be closed and the traffic will be controlled. We want to minimize the inconvenience to local traffic and people, so I hope you take it seriously. This open public space is It is rarely closed," Chen Kangjie mobilized the American actors and crew on Chang'an Street.

At this time, there were no vehicles passing by on Chang'an Avenue, and the People's Square was empty, only the bright red star and red flag fluttered passionately in the morning wind.

The film and television scenes that reflect this period are more experienced at Bayi Factory, so they are responsible for that part. This is also a pre-arranged content. At the end of the film, they will be given the name of a cooperative filming.This may be the first time for this large domestic film company to participate in the shooting of an international blockbuster with an investment of several hundred million RMB.

Chen Kangjie is doing work for the American staff, and there are also responsible for making work arrangements for the Chinese staff. Hundreds of extras in plain Chinese tunic suits will be distributed around the square, and many of them will carry a canvas bag on their backs. There are some old-fashioned vehicles that shuttle on Chang'an Avenue in the bicycle queue.Bicycles are also old bikes from more than 20 years ago, all of which are black in color. At that time, color was an element that was criticized.

The original plan was for the motorcade to go back and forth three times, but because this segment was really original and did not appear in the original film, everything depended on Chen Kangjie's own understanding and imagination, so the motorcade made 11 round trips to complete it.He has to correct his vision and camera angle again and again.

The price paid for this is that this section of Chang'an Avenue and *** Square were closed for an extra four and a half hours.

This film was greeted by the highest level, and all departments had to cooperate. Chen Kangjie originally wanted to save time, but instead of saving time, he wasted more time.In order to express his gratitude and apology, he asked Feiyang Entertainment to donate a batch of film and television shooting equipment worth 00 million yuan to Bayi Factory and other departments. The money was deducted from Chen Kangjie's own income.

The shooting in Quanjude was not indoors, but outdoors, which reflected that A-Gump ran out to go shopping alone, and wanted to find something to eat, and he was hungry.Then I met the people at the gate of Quanjude and had a close contact.

At first, others pointed at him, which made him feel uncomfortable. In the end, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation. Although he could not understand the language, the people were very enthusiastic about him.After A-Gump gestured for a place to eat, someone introduced him to the steamed buns from a certain place, some to the dumplings from a certain restaurant, and someone to the roast duck from Quanjude.

Chen Kangjie's move is to reflect that although there are certain differences between China and the United States, China still has pure goodwill and enthusiasm for the United States. This is not just a national behavior, but a public foundation. This foundation was established a long time ago. Yes, the slogans on the wall do not interfere with the general true thoughts of people's hearts.

Although it was not filmed in Quanjude, the crew still rented out this old shop. One is to invite everyone in the crew to eat here and taste Chinese food. Many foreign dignitaries will visit or eat here when they visit. The second is to The shooting is going on normally, if the guests come in and out, it will affect the shooting progress and the picture.

At this time, many high-rise buildings have begun to appear in the capital. As long as these buildings were built after 72, they will be processed with special effects during post-production. What should be removed should be removed and what should be completed. The Construction Bureau has given the crew Provided a blueprint of the year, as long as it is not a building on the blueprint, it will be erased.

"Long, I really didn't expect that ordinary ducks are so delicious. How do you do it?" When asking Chen Kangjie, Tom Hanks was still picking up the duck meat with a fork. Put it in your mouth.

Most of these foreigners are visiting China for the first time. The first thing that surprises them is not the people here, nor the scenery and great changes here, but the eating tools here—chopsticks, which are too simple. Simple chopsticks.

With two small wooden sticks, they can freely put food other than soup into their mouths, which makes them admire. Chen Kangjie taught it several times, except for Burgess who can barely use it, others can't do it. How do you pinch the chopsticks? They can't be pinched stably, but if they can be pinched firmly, they can't hold food. When there is nothing to do, they can only be replaced with spoons and knives and forks.

Often at this time, Chen Kangjie will talk about the culture and personality tendencies represented by chopsticks and knives and forks, one represents gentleness and restraint, and the other represents force and invasion.

"You asked me how I made it, and I don't know. It's a secret recipe. If everyone knows it, it's worthless. I suggest you eat slowly. If it's not enough, I'll call you another one." That's it," Chen Kangjie said while picking up the duck meat and putting it into a small piece of dough, then putting shredded green onion on it, picking it up, and dipping it in the sauce to eat.

"You guys are amazing, this...chopsticks...are used by you to perfection", said Jedika, who was at the same table, looking at Chen Kangjie.

"If you want to eat real Chinese food, you must learn how to use it. Otherwise, you will not be able to eat a lot of things, or it will be nondescript. You will know when I invite you to eat boiled mutton tomorrow." Chen Kangjie gestured with his right hand said the chopsticks.

"According to what you said, I will practice again." Jedika put down the fork, and held the chopsticks in her hand awkwardly again.

"I've said it several times, don't use fist-like movements, look, put the chopsticks on the middle finger, and hold the index finger and thumb together." Seeing Jedika's humorous move, Chen Kangjie demonstrated again .

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely say that foreigners are so stupid that they can't learn such a simple thing.Chen Kangjie would not say that. It is a matter of habit. It is unrealistic for others to learn our thousands of years of habit. As long as others are willing to learn, he is willing to take the trouble to explain it.

After everyone finished eating, the restaurant manager took out a guest book and asked Tom Hanks and Chen Kangjie to sign it, and asked for a group photo. This is their usual way of publicity. As long as they are celebrities, they all hope to leave something behind , which will increase their value and enhance advertising influence, of course, will also become an important part of the century-old store's history.

Since he was in China, Chen Kangjie agreed to both the autograph and the group photo, but Chen Kangjie still wore sunglasses when taking the group photo.

General film shooting is not strictly in accordance with the order of the script, many shots are composited and shot according to the principle of convenience, and finally edited and arranged.

The final shot was filmed in the indoor gymnasium of Capital University, with many students of Capital University acting as spectators.

Tom Hanks doesn't actually know how to play table tennis, he just learned it before making this movie. In order to show his miraculous skills, he only needs to make the movement of hitting the ball. The ball is made of Artificially glued to a small plastic stick to help him complete, this ball can be artificially bounced back and forth according to the desired arc.

Since it was a finished shot, there was no reason for Chen Kangjie, as the director, not to be on the scene to direct the filming to finish, but this turned out to be the most embarrassing time for Chen Kangjie during the filming of the whole film, because his sister Chen Lan, who was studying at the Capital University, was actually an extra. Appeared in the stands.

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