Chapter 85 Less People Bully More People

"Zhang Qiang, what's the matter? Everyone, if you have something to say, it's not good at the school gate." Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Kangjie walked out of the crowd, asked Zhang Qiang, and turned to Ni Hu and the others.

Chen Kangjie was not afraid of fighting, but felt that Zhang Qiang and the others should not suffer in front of him, not to mention that there was Deng Min whom he had known for more than 20 years. Besides, even if they wanted to fight, they could not be at the school gate. If the school found out, Zhang Qiang and the others might be punished.

Seeing Chen Kangjie coming up, Zhang Qiang and Deng Min were very surprised. It seemed that Chen Kangjie had only been in the new class for a day. Besides, the teacher said that Chen Kangjie was a good student, and students who are good at learning are usually afraid of causing trouble. Why did he take the initiative to go to the new class? Come on.

"Chen Kangjie, what are you doing here, go back quickly."

In Zhang Qiang's eyes, even though Chen Kangjie is not small, but fighting is not a matter of learning well and being big. He is worried that Chen Kangjie will not be able to play well. He is too busy to take care of Chen Kangjie at all under the current situation. Of course, he must drive Chen Kangjie away. Let's go, lest one more person suffer.

Chen Kangjie naturally understood Zhang Qiang's thoughts, and he liked him a little more. Such a person is worthy of being friends, so he patted him on the shoulder with a smile.



A pretentious boy next to Ni Hu saw Chen Kangjie approaching him so ignorantly, he was still a little pretentious, he seemed to be more displeased than Ni Hu, he came up and pointed at Chen Kangjie and yelled at him.

How could Chen Kangjie let such a little guy humiliate him? A slap in the face made him turn around in circles. Five fingerprints were clearly visible on his face, and there was a little blood on the corner of his mouth.Chen Kang has practiced martial arts for several years, and his hands are very strong. Just now, he saw that the opponent was young and did not use his full strength, otherwise he would probably lose a tooth or two. Chen Kangjie is not a person who likes to cause trouble, nor is it because of his superior status. Cool people, even if they want to play tricks, they won't treat a child. He can't bear to be insulted, especially his elders, and secondly, he wants to get rid of it once and for all, so as not to be entangled in the future.

"Let me tell you, I hate people insulting my family the most."

Chen Kangjie grabbed his collar, pointed at his forehead and said with gnash teeth, even Zhang Qiang could feel the coldness emanating from that.

Ni Hu and the others were fooled by Chen Kangjie's ear-scratching. They did it before their own side did it, but the other side did it. What's the matter? ***Too arrogant.

"Come on, fuck them," Ni Hu quickly reacted and roared.

In less than a minute, dozens of people present were dumbfounded. In less than a minute, Chen Kangjie left fingerprints on their faces. It looked scary, but in fact it was not a serious injury. Just apply an egg and it will heal.

The eight people were all slapped and took a step back, their faces were burning with pain, the eight and a half older children were a little shocked, they didn't 'touch' Chen Kangjie's side at all, everyone comforted their faces with their hands, showing no good intentions He stared at Chen Kangjie, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

Not to mention them, the onlookers were equally astonished by Chen Kangjie's speed.Which class is this from?Which child is this?So powerful!

"Don't look at me like that, I said it just now, if you have something to say, it's not good to fight at the school gate," Chen Kangjie said, pointing at them expressionlessly.

Zhang Qiang was completely confused by Chen Kangjie's actions, why did he fight so hard?On the first day, I still said that he was being bullied and stood up for him. Unexpectedly, only the next day, I got his help instead.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, the eight people who were beaten became even more depressed. Didn't you f*** say that it is not good to fight at the school gate?But up to now, you are the only one who has made a move.Most of the people who watched the fun thought so too, and some couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Who are you? What does the matter between us and Zhang Qiang have to do with you?".

Although he was beaten, Ni Hu still didn't want to lose his momentum, and asked Chen Kangjie full of resentment.

"We are in the same class. They are my classmates. I don't want to meddle in your affairs. I just don't want you to fight. Do you understand? Why do children fight? Go home early after school to do your homework, what's wrong with hanging around outside?" ah".

At this time, there was a person next to him who was amused by these words and laughed out loud. Chen Kangjie looked for his reputation. It turned out to be Wang Wu. Chen Kangjie stared at him, and Wang Wu quickly covered his mouth. He knew that his brother, the boss, was very good. Even the police were overwhelmed by him, so it's better to be careful.

Just after Chen Kangjie found Wang Wu smiling, he heard a discordant voice, "You fucker, we didn't do anything, you are the only one doing it"

"Ouch", Chen Kangjie was very angry now, and kicked the person who uttered this swear word flying three or four meters into the wall of onlookers.

"I've already said, don't swear at me, is that clear?"

That kid couldn't get up for a long time, Chen Kangjie walked over and squatted in front of him, grabbed his hair and whispered, although Chen Kangjie's voice was not loud, but it was silent now, and many people who were close to him heard it, Chen Kangjie was really angry , the voice is not loud, but it is extremely cold to the ears.

"Pa", after waiting for two seconds, there was no response, and Chen Kangjie slapped him again.

"Did you hear that?" Chen Kangjie asked again in a low voice.

"heard it",

"Pa", "The voice is too low to hear", Chen Kangjie's voice seems to have always been so tepid, but now no one would think that he is a very gentle person.

After the slap, the kid burst into tears, and looked at Chen Kangjie as if begging for mercy while touching his cheek.

"What are you looking at me for, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, I heard it...", that guy also knew not to speak up loudly, or he would be beaten, so he said "I heard it" several times.

"That's right, don't greet other people's relatives casually, go home early after school", Chen Kangjie seemed to be reasoning with his friends, he pulled him up after speaking, and patted the dust on his clothes casually: "Hurry up Go back", as if there was no fight at all.

When his companions were greeted by Chen Kangjie, Ni Hu and the others didn't move, they stood there in a daze, completely bewildered, Chen Kangjie's movements were too fast and his methods were so sophisticated, they didn't know whether to help or not.

"Huh?" The guy who was pulled up by Chen Kangjie wanted to leave after getting up, and looked at Ni Hu miserably. Chen Kangjie turned around and looked at him calmly, and just hummed, which made the kid cover his hands in fright. He ran away with his face.

"That's the way to be good, go home and do your homework." Seeing that kid running happily, Chen Kangjie even threw a word of advice through the air, and the people next to him were all amused to laugh. So capable.

"Ni Hu, I really don't know what happened between you, but it's really inappropriate for seven or eight of you to surround my four classmates. If you have anything to say, just talk it out, you Say yes?" Chen Kangjie waited for the kid to run away, then turned around and clapped his hands and said to Ni Hu.

Ni Hu stood there without saying a word, Chen Kangjie thought for a while, put Ni Hu's shoulders, smiled slowly and continued to say to him: "Today is not enough time, another day, I invite you to eat hot pot, everyone sit down Speak slowly, can you say yes? By the way, I don’t know which class you are in yet.”

It seemed that Chen Kangjie was smiling, but the meaning behind his words was beyond doubt.

"They're not from our school, they're from Second Primary School," explained Zhang Qiang, a partner next to him.

"Oh, that's okay. I'm in Class [-], Grade [-]. You can come to me. It's settled. We'll eat and talk. It's late today. I have to go back. You guys should go too." ".

Chen Kangjie still took his time and continued to talk to Ni Hu with a smile.

"Hmph! Let's see." Ni Hu saw that not only would he not be able to get a bargain today, but he would continue to humiliate himself if he stayed, so he said a scene to Chen Kangjie, turned around and left with his little brother

They wanted to leave, but Chen Kangjie didn't stop him, he just smiled, there was no way, children were like this.

"They're gone, you all go home early." After Ni Hu and the others left, Chen Kangjie turned around and patted Zhang Qiang, said something, picked up the schoolbag that was just on the ground, put it on his shoulder, and went home by himself.

"Xiaojie, you are really awesome." Before Chen Kangjie had gone far, Wang Wu caught up and gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up with a smile.

"Then what were you laughing at?" Chen Kangjie angrily gave him a supercilious look.

"That's okay, I just think you are like our former boss, very sexy and imposing," Wang Wu replied with a smile.

"Your boss? Where are you now?" Chen Kangjie asked casually as he heard Wang Wu say that he had a boss for the first time.

"I'm in jail," Wang Wu replied depressingly.

"In jail? What do you mean by saying that I look like your boss when I'm in jail?" Chen Kangjie stopped in his tracks and asked Wang Wu angrily.

"It doesn't mean that, it doesn't mean that, I mean your look just now, that's the look, ha ha, don't get me wrong."

Seeing that Chen Kangjie seemed to have misunderstood, Wang Wu quickly explained.He knew that the sisters of the Chen family loved this younger brother very much, and listened to his advice very much. If Chen Kangjie told Chen Yufen to quit him, where would he find a job with such a good salary and such a leisurely life?Besides, regardless of Chen Kangjie's young age, after the dramatic scene just now where few people bullied many people, even Wang Wu could feel Chen Kangjie's aura of coercion.

"Then tell me, what do you mean?"

"I just admire you, I admire you, you are like Dong Cunrui blowing up a bunker, ha ha."

"Dong Cunrui blew up the bunker? Did I hear correctly?".

"Huh? Did Huang Jiguang block the machine gun?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, go home for dinner, remember you didn't see anything today", Chen Kangjie told Wang Wu without interest, turned around and left on his own.

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