rebirth of change

Chapter 852 Calling a Hero

The Olympic Games is a series of grand and comprehensive sports competitions. However, with the change of time, especially the greatly enhanced communication effect, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is regarded as the most dazzling highlight. In Chen Kangjie's memory, the Olympic Games he has seen , people will hold the strongest interest in the opening ceremony.The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is often given an excellent stage for the cultural display of the host country, and it is also the most dazzling and largest performance every four years. Under normal circumstances, the financial and material resources and manpower invested will be very amazing.

For the Centennial Olympics in 1996, the United States, which relied on its strong influence to win the right to host the Olympic Games, had to show its world leadership in addition to focusing on displaying American culture again.

One thing I have to admit is that the 90s was the pinnacle of American development and the pinnacle of global influence.The reason is not only that the United States has just brought down the superpower Soviet Union, but also because the American economy is booming at this time, leading the new economic development and new technology innovation in the world.All domestic economic indicators are the best performing period after World War II, coupled with its global deployment of power, it is indeed a well-deserved world leader.

Regarding the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Chen Kangjie hadn’t watched it in its entirety before. It turned out that Chen Kangjie in history was not so interested in the Olympic Games. The scene of the flame.

Today, Chen Kangjie came to the Olympic Village early to gather with the big team. In fact, not all athletes are required to participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Some athletes who will have competitions the next day will choose to stay in the dormitory and watch TV to preserve their energy.Chen Kangjie can also choose to enjoy the show from the stands instead of attending the entrance ceremony.

But he still wants to feel the following from the perspective of an athlete. After all, the angle of sitting in the stands is different, more like an audience. Chen Kangjie wants to stand in the center of the field and experience the different mood of being the protagonist.

After everyone put on their costumes, they came to the waiting area of ​​the main stadium of the Olympic Games early. Here, the order of admission will be arranged, usually according to the alphabetical order of the English names of the countries, but there are two countries The order of the games will not change. As long as Greece is not the host country for the first Olympic Games, it will be the first to appear. Play the role of finale.

The Chinese delegation is arranged after Chile, which belongs to about one-third of the positions.After arranging the order, each delegation has to arrange the entry positions of their players. This is very random. It can be arranged in several rows and columns according to the entry environment, and it is enough to reflect a uniform order. Moreover, A delegation with a small number of participants doesn't even need to line up. Anyway, the players are in the front, and the others just follow behind.

The chess player of the Chinese delegation is a basketball player surnamed Liu, who Chen Kangjie did not know beforehand.In the previous two days, Director Wu had tested Chen Kangjie on this, to see if he wanted to be a chess player.As a kind of honor, a chess player is generally designated, because he walks at the forefront of the team, is more eye-catching, and will receive more attention.

However, Chen Kangjie knew that he was not yet qualified to be a chess player, and he didn't want to steal the limelight from others. He probably appointed that person as a chess player when he went out for an expedition. It would be very annoying to replace him temporarily.

As night fell, after the countdown and a burst of dazzling fireworks, moving music sounded, and the grand opening ceremony officially began. Chapter 1 is called "The Call of the World", which mainly reflects the reunion of the five continents and shows the history of the [-]-year Olympic Games.

Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Jing and the others were sitting in the middle of the stadium, enjoying the performance already, but Chen Kangjie and the others still had to line up and wait.According to the arrangement, they had to wait until the first minute of Chapter 1 was over before entering the arena from a gentle slope on the side.

"Young Master Jie, what mood are you in now?" Niu Qihua, who was also wearing a red suit and white trousers, patted lightly on the five people dressed as Indians standing on the high wall of the sports field who were looking up at the TV screen. Chen Kangjie asked.

Although they are in the waiting area, they can still see the scene in the arena through live broadcast through dozens of TV screens.The organizers couldn't just let them stand there foolishly.

"Hehe, what mood are you in?" Chen Kangjie looked away, chuckled, and asked back.

"Anyway, I'm very excited, very excited and nervous. When I was in school, I wouldn't believe that I would be able to come to such an occasion." Before Niu Qihua could answer, Tang Wei, who was next to him, rushed to tell himself The mood at this moment.

Chen Kangjie didn't respond, but looked at Lin Zhidong and Niu Qihua calmly.

"It goes without saying that as a sportsman, I still feel like I'm in a dream. I feel like my blood is about to boil. Look at my hands." Lin Zhidong said excitedly, and put his arms around himself His right arm, as if to show that the blood in the veins in his arm is about to burst out.

In fact, I can't see anything, I can only see that his hands are shaking a little.

"Hurry up and put down your sleeves. If you don't know, you'll think you're showing off your muscles, ha ha." Niu Qihua gave Lin Zhidong a hand, and then said: "I'm also very excited and nervous, and it's the first time I feel a strong sacred feeling A sense of mission, Master Jie, how about you? How do you feel? It should be very calm, right?"

Niu Qihua felt that Chen Kangjie, who was used to seeing big scenes, should not be quite the same as them. They entered the hall as small characters, but Chen Kangjie was originally in the hall.

"You guessed wrong, I am actually the same as you guys, hehe, my little heart is also beating violently, tonight should be a happy day," Chen Kangjie said shyly.

Chen Kangjie has seen many big scenes, but it doesn't mean that he can completely calm down.Yes, when he participated in the Oscars, when he held a press conference, when he stood on the stage and performed in front of tens of thousands of people, he was indeed not nervous, nor did he feel very excited.

But those environments are very different from today, and those are more regarded as personal behaviors and business behaviors.However, what he bears today is the behavior of the state, and he is himself on the stage, but what he represents next is a country, a nation.And there is also a very subtle psychological difference, that is, he used to gain honor by plagiarizing other people's achievements, but from today onwards, what kind of achievements he can achieve in the next period of time depends entirely on his own efforts Fighting and fighting, this is entirely my own, so the feeling will be very different.

"In fact, people who participated in the Olympics for the first time are like this. I didn't feel this way when I participated in the 94 Hiroshima Asian Games. By the way, what events are you participating in? I haven't seen you before." A tall and thin athlete next to him Hearing Chen Kangjie's chat with them, he also joined in.

"Hehe, hello, I am participating in the track and field event," Chen Kangjie said with a friendly smile.

"Ah! You're still on our track and field team. Why haven't I met you? I'm participating in the 1500-meter race." The other party stared at Chen Kangjie suspiciously.

"Oh, I also participated in the 1500m. I just joined the track and field team, so I am not familiar with my teammates," Chen Kangjie replied lightly.

"You just joined the national track and field team and you can come to the Olympics?" The other party looked incredible, "I got in because of my No.4 result in the Hiroshima Asian Games. Have you participated in any international competitions before?".

Chen Kangjie smiled and shook his head: "I have never participated in any competition."

"My name is Tao Ming. I came to Mingzhu. What's your name?" Tao Ming lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and asked.

"Chen Kangjie, from Qianzhou".

"Oh, I saw your name when the list was announced before, but I don't know it, so I don't understand it. How can you come to the Olympics without participating in any competitions? Hehe", this Tao Ming seemed to have nothing but In addition to being cheerful, people are also a little gossip.

In fact, Tao Ming can't be regarded as a gossip, this question, no matter who it is, will be interested.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to answer his question, so he can only be perfunctory, "Actually, I don't really know the reason, so I came here in a daze, ha ha."

Tao Ming originally wanted to say something, but the vice-heads and team leaders for the meeting stopped talking to everyone. As the flags of the 26 cities that had hosted the Olympic Games ran out of the venue, the entrance ceremony for the athletes began immediately. Everyone should be ready in line.

John Williams directed the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra to play the Centennial Olympic theme song "Call for Heroes" composed by himself as the background music for the first section of the previous performance. The arena heroes called out on the arena, this venue, is the starting point of heroes.

Amid the warm cheers from the audience, the Greek delegation was the first to step into the sports field. According to the scheduled order, the following delegations were lined up one by one. The first item to display.

According to the usual practice, sports officials and coaches appear behind the guide board and the national flag, followed by female athletes ranked first by women, followed by male athletes.When choosing where to stand, Chen Kangjie and his group stood at the left back of the delegation, a position where the cameras would normally not be able to cover, but Chen Kangjie didn't care.

After what seemed like a long wait, the team moved forward slowly. Just after the Chilean team entered the field, Chen Kangjie and the others thought they would be able to enter the field immediately, and everyone hurriedly arranged the following appearances.

However, when one could imagine that there must be Chinese waving the five-star red flag, the team could not move forward, and the staff asked them to wait in place.

This was originally to allow the Chinese delegation to enter the arena after the people walking in front walked a certain distance, so as not to cause crowding and confusion.But the wait in the middle was long enough, nearly 3 minutes, this was the longest wait in the athlete's entrance ceremony, just like receiving special preferential treatment, a special introduction that came out after a long wait.

With a gesture of invitation from the staff, the five-star red flag, which was only two steps away from appearing in the eyes of the world, was finally lifted into the stadium by the players. Following the guidance of the national flag fluttering in the night wind, Chen Kangjie finally made his first chess This model stepped into the history of the Olympic Games.

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