rebirth of change

Chapter 864 1 Everything is possible

Out of politeness, Chen Kangjie should have a simple interaction with Harrison and Edwards, such as shaking hands or something, but looking at the faces of the two of them, Chen Kangjie judged that they might not be in the mood to congratulate him. Besides, at this moment Chen Kangjie's mind was full of excitement, how could he pay attention to so many etiquette details.

Don't look at Chen Kangjie's competition is easy, and there is not so much psychological burden, but he really won the championship, and he is the first male Chinese athlete to reach the highest podium in Olympic track and field. It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to really be calm The water in his chest at the moment was bubbling like a pot of boiling water.

It took such a long time of hard training and tens of millions of dollars of money. Chen Kangjie was just for this moment. Those measures also showed that Chen Kangjie actually cared about this moment. What he wanted to win was not the small price. High medals, but for the dignity and backbone of a nation. As a person who created history, Chen Kangjie wants to tell the world that what you can do, we Chinese can do as well, and we can do it very well.

I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement or a prior plan, but two important figures in the sports world presented the awards to Chen Kangjie and the others, IOC President Juan Samaranch and International Athletics Federation President Priolimo Nebbiolo. One is French and one is Italian.

After hanging the golden medal around Chen Kangjie's neck, Samaranch held his hand and had a brief conversation with him.

"Son, you are amazing, I am proud of you, and I believe your country will also be proud of you." Samaranch smiled kindly, and patted the bent Chen Kangjie's right arm with his left hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I like you very much, and at the same time, I am also proud of my motherland," Chen Kangjie said politely with a smile.

For this old man, Chen Kangjie really admires him. He is 76 years old this year. He just passed his 76th birthday two days before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. He has been in charge of the International Olympic Committee for 16 years.What moved Chen Kangjie was that before the old man left office in 01, his greatest wish was to host the Olympic Games in the capital of China. Just two days before he left office, he announced that the capital city had won the right to host the Olympic Games.

Over the years, Samaranch has always been an unstoppable banner in the international sports world, and no one can replace him.Now in his seventies, his place at the IOC remains rock-solid.Next year, that is, on March 1997, 3, Samaranch will gladly accept the request of the IOC Executive Committee to be re-elected as the IOC president for another term. The retirement age has been extended from 5 to 75. . . . . .

"Thank you. My family likes you very much. I have two grandchildren who are still your fans. If you have the opportunity, you are welcome to visit the IOC headquarters." On such an occasion, Samaranch sent a message to Chen Kangjie invite.

"Okay, I will definitely visit you when I have the chance, and I am very grateful that you can present me the award." Chen Kangjie politely accepted the invitation.

"Hehe, if you can win the gold medal again, I will give you an award." From Samaranch's kind words, it can be heard that this is not the original plan, but the old gentleman's temporary arrangement.

"Thank you for your encouragement. I will continue to work hard and strive to make more contributions to the cause of Olympic sports," Chen Kangjie said grandly at this moment.

The conversation between the two ended here. This is not a guest meeting, but an award ceremony. It is an exception that they can chat so much. There are still two athletes waiting to receive the award.

When presenting awards to Harrison and Edwards, the time spent by Samaranch was less than half of that given to Chen Kangjie, which already showed his preference for Chen Kangjie.

In fact, Samaranch represents the attitude of a large group of middle-aged and elderly people towards Chen Kangjie. They are not necessarily fans of Chen Kangjie, but they are lovers. Chen Kangjie has their expectations for their own descendants.

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, use our flesh and blood to form our new Great Wall, the Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time...", the audience stood up, and in the majestic national anthem, Chen Kangjie stood at the highest On the podium, they sang lyrics with the destiny of the nation, watching the bright five-star red flag on the flagpole rising slowly in the afterglow.

Among the tens of thousands of people at the scene, not many people could finish singing this song, including overseas Chinese, few of them could finish singing, but they were no strangers to the five-star red flag.

Through the bright red flag, Chen Kangjie saw the once golden and iron horse, saw the tragic expression of a nation calling for help, and heard the hysterical pleading of this nation.

Today, Chen Kangjie stands in the middle, and the two Americans and British on both sides are reduced to a foil. 96 years ago, their national ancestors invaded China as members of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Today, although they are not on the battlefield, Chen Kangjie takes them Step on their feet on their strengths.This is a kind of elation after being depressed, and it is the difference between superior and inferior in the arena.

The audience sitting in front of the TV could clearly see a tear fall from the corner of Chen Kangjie's eyes.Chen Kangjie seldom shed tears, and he never showed it in public, but today, tens of millions of people saw those two lines of tears.As the saying goes, men don't flick their tears lightly, but they don't reach the point of sadness.Chen Kangjie is not sad today, but too excited and imaginative. This kind of joy achieved by his own efforts makes him unable to restrain himself, not to mention that he is also burdened with strong national sentiments.

The red flag rose to the top, and the music stopped. Under the fluttering red flag, Chen Kangjie pursed his lips and raised the flowers in his hand and the gold medal around his neck to the cheering crowd.According to the organizer's arrangement, the runner-up and runner-up climbed to the highest place occupied by Chen Kangjie, embraced him in the middle, and accepted photos taken by photographers, leaving a family portrait of the winners.

After shaking hands with Harrison and Edwards and exchanging simple greetings, the awards ceremony ended. On the edge of the venue, reporters from NBC and CCTV stopped Chen Kangjie and wanted to interview him.

Out of emotion and mood at this time, Chen Kangjie did not intend to refuse, so he walked towards the CCTV reporter, but was stopped by the staff. The reason was that, according to conventions and regulations, award-winning athletes must first accept interviews with the media designated by the host country before they can win the award. It is also one of the privileges of the host country to accept other interviews.

Regardless of whether this regulation and practice is reasonable or unreasonable, since the procedure is like this, Chen Kangjie can only abide by it. However, it is his own right to answer how many questions and how to answer them.

"Mr. Chen, hello, first of all congratulations on winning your first Olympic gold medal. I am very honored to be the first reporter to have the opportunity to interview you. How are you feeling now? Are you very happy?", nbc The reporter asked, his question was a white question, and anyone would be happy if it were replaced.

"Very good, very good", Chen Kangjie's answer was very simple.

"What do you most want to say to the audience in front of the TV right now?".

"I just want to say that if you have a dream, everything is possible. And I have proved that what white people and black people can do, we Chinese can also do it." This is Chen Kangjie's only serious answer to the NBC reporter The problem.

"Can you tell me why you thought of changing from a writer to a sports player?" It is estimated that this question is what the lady reporter really cares about.

"Well, out of preference, because I like sports, so I want to give it a try," Chen Kangjie's answer was obviously perfunctory.

"Mr. Chen, you...", the reporter wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Chen Kangjie.

"Miss reporter, I'm sorry, I have to participate in the 100-meter final, so it's not convenient to answer your other questions, sorry." After speaking, Chen Kangjie turned and left, walking towards the blocked CCTV female reporter four meters away .

This female reporter waited here very early, just to be able to interview Chen Kangjie as soon as possible. She never wanted to be stopped. She thought that Chen Kangjie would leave for the competition after answering the nbc reporter's question. Unexpectedly, Chen Kangjie came In front of her, she was willing to accept her interview, and she was so happy that she almost jumped up. After all, Chen Kangjie did not accept interviews from any reporters before and did not answer any questions.

"Hello, hello, Chen Kangjie, thank you, thank you for accepting my interview, I'm so happy..." The female reporter spoke incoherently.

"Hehe, calm down, it stands to reason that I should be excited." Chen Kangjie made a simple joke.

"I'm sorry, I'm so happy," the female reporter smiled mischievously before starting her real interview, "As the first male athlete to reach the highest podium in Olympic track and field, how do you feel now? ? Is there anything you want to say to domestic audiences?".

"There is no doubt that I am very happy. It can be seen from my smile. In the past, people always said that women were discriminated against. Hehe, look at our list of athletes. There are almost twice as many female athletes as male athletes. Of course, this It's not that I'm jealous. I'm very happy for the achievements of our country's female athletes, and I'm cheering for them and proud. But as a fellow man, I think we should also work hard and take back our ideals. There are half the sky, hehe." Chen Kangjie's answer was relaxed and half-joking, and then he said, "In the West, we always think that we will not do much in basketball and track and field. For basketball and football, in the future Will it make a difference, I don't know, I'm not a basketball player or a football player, but in track and field, maybe starting today, those Westerners who hold that view may be disappointed, I never believed that we There is nothing the Chinese can't do, what they lack is timing and training."

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