rebirth of change

Chapter 867 Boosting National Confidence

Will Chen Kangjie really carry this prank to the end?All the referees and athletes who understand him believe it will be. Not to mention that Chen Kangjie was tricked 7 times, it is completely possible because Chen Kangjie is the youngest player on the field. No one will think that he is a celebrity. No more pranks.

However, Chen Kangjie let them down. He didn't let the audience down, but played tricks on other athletes and referees.

Before the start gun was fired, Chen Kangjie's body did not move at all. His body started off the ground at the same time as the gunshot and rushed out.

After Chen Kangjie took the lead and rushed out, the other athletes shouted that they had been fooled, especially the athletes who could understand English. At this time, they didn't even have time to lament, they had to leave quickly and hurry up to follow.

Amidst the loud agitation of the audience, the 100-meter flying competition finally did not stop, and eight of the world's top sprinters rushed towards the finish line.

Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth and strode forward, a high-speed camera was always pointed at him. The rapid flow and boiling of blood stimulated Chen Kangjie's energy. Float left and dance right, because the speed is too fast, the muscles on the face can be clearly seen falling backwards, and obvious gullies are formed on the cheeks.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Kangjie met everyone's expectations and crossed the finish line first with an overwhelming advantage.

What's more dramatic is that the second person to cross the finish line was not Donovan Bailey, nor Fredericks and Bolton, but Tenusi from Dominican Republic.

According to the results of the semi-finals, Tenusi ranked No.5. It is quite difficult to win a medal. He himself did not report too much hope for this. The early-run foul was completely unintentional. He made that mistake unconsciously because he wanted to have a good result too much. He never thought that he would not even dare to think about the bronze medal, but he was the second to pass Crossed the finish line and won the silver medal.

The realization of this result has certain coincidences and certain inevitability.Coincidentally, Tenusi is relatively "stupid". He does not understand English. Dominica is a Spanish-speaking country in the southern Caribbean. Spanish is the official language, and only a few elites can speak English.

Tenusi, as an athlete from a civilian family, did not receive any good education. After he was discovered by his coach that he had a talent for running, he planned to improve the living conditions of his family through his hard training and excellent competition results. .

If you can win a medal in a large-scale international competition that represents the country like the Olympic Games, it will add luster to the country. A country like the United States with a large number of medals and amateur athletes may not have too generous rewards, but for small countries , award-winning athletes will undoubtedly become heroes, they will be sought after, and the government will give them unexpected rewards.

Just like China, the treatment of athletes who can win prizes in the Olympics and those who can't is really different.It's not that their salaries will vary greatly, but that government bonuses and corporate rewards plus endorsements will be dozens or even hundreds of times their salary income, and some even become millionaires or multi-millionaires overnight.

Athletes dream of winning awards. In addition to the pure sacred emotion of representing the country, the secular temptation of this material is also a very important reason. Everyone is doing everything for the so-called success.

Fredericks and Donovan Bailey almost crossed the finish line third. As for who is No.3, it is invisible to the naked eye, but the accuracy reached one hundredth of a second decades ago. Timers are distinguishable.

After Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line first, he didn't care about the rankings and results of the people behind him. He didn't even look at his own results. He only knew that he was No.1, he was the champion, The champion of the flying man, the first Asian athlete to win the Olympic [-]-meter flying man.

His footsteps did not stop. There were several Chinese audiences on the side of the stand holding a national flag and waving excitedly at him. Chen Kangjie ran over and took the bright national flag. Unprepared, Chen Kangjie returned A young female audience wearing glasses hugged her neck and kissed her face.

Chen Kangjie didn't mind the "molest" he received, he could understand their agitation and excitement.

After getting rid of the spectators who enthusiastically asked for photos and autographs, Chen Kangjie raised the national flag horizontally with both hands, and continued on the runway. He seemed to be swearing sovereignty. This is my home court, Chen Kangjie.

From the moment he crossed the finish line, several cameramen kept pointing their cameras at him. He ran forward cheering, and they also followed, but they were strapped with heavy cameras. After 30 meters, they would If you can't keep up with Chen Kangjie, it's not the pace of the game.Fortunately, there is no shortage of photographers in the main stadium of the Olympic Games. For the global live broadcast, the organizers have at least dozens of photographers in this venue, so after the photographers at the back are left behind by Chen Kangjie, there will be two or three photographers at the front. Appearing from the sidelines, Chen Kangjie was always shrouded under their cameras.

Wherever Chen Kangjie passed by, the audience would stand up and applaud, cheer and congratulate him, which led to the appearance of Lang, who is usually only seen on the football field, and his head is always running around Chen Kangjie From the beginning to the end, the entire stadium was like a rising tide in the sea. The audience all stood up, and there were bursts of roaring applause rhythmically.

There was no sweat on Chen Kangjie's face, it had been dried by the wind, and his bright smile was always on.

Only by personally experiencing such an occasion can one experience that kind of joy and happiness. Chen Kangjie at this moment is completely different from his usual introversion. He himself cannot control the burning passion and passion in his chest. Proud, so halfway through, Chen Kangjie excitedly performed two impromptu front flips on the track. These two simple movements made everyone more enjoyable. Although the movements seemed simple, they were actually quite difficult.

During the run, Chen Kangjie kept holding the national flag with both hands. After performing somersaults, the national flag did not touch the ground, nor did he let go of his hands. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.These two actions later became the initial evidence that people thought he knew kung fu.

The excitement was not limited to Chen Kangjie and those audiences who liked him. Niu Qihua's fists were tightly clenched when Chen Kangjie started running out. The nervousness made his back sweat. In an instant, Niu Qihua waved his fists high and jumped up crazily, yelling, and the long-term preparation and suppression were fully released at this moment.

When his body fell to the ground, he and Tang Wei and Lin Zhidong had a heavy bear hug. The three brothers hugged and laughed and danced. Chen Kangjie's pioneering work will not only be written into history, but also the three of them. Achievements, will also take the initiative to be remembered by the world.Whether it was due to personal fate or out of feelings for the country, they all felt that the original choice was extremely wise. After the seeds planted, after untold hardships of care and cultivation, now they finally bear fruit. Can not make people happy and excited?

Director Wu and several leaders of the delegation also sat in the stands tonight. They also hope that Chen Kangjie can achieve good results, which can add a lot of color to their work.

The first few fouls in a row at the beginning made these leaders crawl like ants in their hearts and feel a little drowsy, but when the scene of Chen Kangjie crossing the finish line for the first time was frozen, the bodies of these people Like a sudden injection of morphine, everyone cheered without image.

This day is destined to be a very happy day for all the people of China. There is no one who sits in front of the TV watching this game but applauds Chen Kangjie, and no one does not applaud Chen Kangjie to celebrate.Even the people who didn't watch TV for the first time felt a sense of pride and excitement after hearing the news, and at the same time gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up.This is really rare. In the past hundred years, he is the first Chinese and the first Asian to win the championship of flying flying. This is undoubtedly a boost to the self-confidence of thousands of people.

The greatness and faith of a nation, the spiritual heritage of a nation, all come from whether the people of this nation have self-confidence and pride from the heart. Only people with this awareness can create a great nation and culture.

Over the years, due to a century of humiliation, the Chinese nation, which once created the most splendid culture and technology in the world and has been far ahead of the world several times in history, is somewhat inferior. Although no one will admit it verbally, many events and ours Many behaviors have already responded. We no longer have the kind of lofty ambition of the Han and Tang Dynasties that "those who offend the might of the Han will be punished even if they are far away", and we no longer have the confidence and self-esteem that later regarded foreigners as barbarians. Because we have suffered almost all humiliation in the past 100 years, because none of our modern achievements can be regarded as the world's No. 1.

Now, Chen Kangjie has achieved a historic breakthrough in a field where the Chinese are impossible to succeed, and has been imbued with a symbolic meaning in everyone's hearts. It seems that everyone has found a breakthrough and direction that is very proud and comforting. He began to become a kind of sustenance.

It has to be said that this is also the purpose and original intention of Chen Kangjie to participate in the Olympic Games. He chose the track and field event, hoping to bring about such an effect.If his success can bring a little boost to the confidence of the people of the country, then Chen Kangjie feels that the money is not in vain, and that the suffering is not in vain, because confidence is more precious and valuable than gold to a nation. powerful.

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