rebirth of change

Chapter 87 Hey, Coincidence

Chapter 87 Hey, what a coincidence

"Who is it? Who bullied my brother, stand up for me."

There were still ten minutes before class in the afternoon, and Chen Kangjie had only sat down in the classroom for a few minutes, and more than half of the students had filled the classroom one after another, when suddenly a loud roar came from the door.

Chen Kangjie looked up, hey, coincidentally, it was Lin Wei, the guy who was repaired by Chen Kangjie at the skating rink because he wanted to drag Geng Guiying.But Chen Kangjie didn't know that he was looking for him. It wasn't until Ni Hu flashed out from behind him that Chen Kangjie realized that he was really looking for him.

Ni Hu glanced around the classroom, and quickly locked on to Chen Kangjie who was sitting in the corner.

"Brother Lin, that's the kid, that's him," Ni Hu pointed at Chen Kangjie and said loudly to Lin Wei.

The whole class seemed to be more afraid of Lin Wei. Since he came in, everyone seemed very cautious, and they didn't dare to show their air, for fear of offending him.

Lin Wei followed Ni Hu's fingers to look at the corner, his whole body shuddered, and he was at a loss. Chen Kangjie was smiling at him with interest.

The classmates in the classroom saw Ni Hu pointing at Chen Kangjie, and almost guessed what was going on. At this time, Zhang Qiang hadn't come yet, and Deng Min, who had already arrived in the classroom, looked worried. This Lin Wei often came to the primary school to bully his classmates. , many students have been bullied, and some people's pocket money was confiscated by them. They didn't dare to resist at all, so those who resisted were retaliated against. Deng Min knew about these things, and there were several of them in class five and three. The classmates had been searched for their pocket money, and they had such power, that's why Lin Wei led people in so boldly.

But everyone gradually began to be a little confused. This Wei Ge, who is usually very fierce, is standing still today. The younger brother and Ni Hu behind him can't understand the reason.In fact, Lin Wei didn't regret it much at this time. If he knew that he was here to trouble Chen Kangjie, he wouldn't come if he was killed. He could only hope that there would be one today.

Chen Kangjie smiled and hooked his fingers to Lin Wei. Many people were sweating for Chen Kangjie's arrogance.Chen Kangjie is good at fighting, but those are also in the fifth and sixth grades, but Lin Wei and the others are about to graduate from junior high school, and some of them are still in the third grade of junior high school. There is a big difference in age, stature, and strength. It seems This Chen Kangjie was overconfident.

What surprised everyone was that Lin Wei stepped forward obediently, with a somewhat respectful attitude and a flattering smile on his face, not to mention how awkward it was.

"Are you looking for me for him? How are you going to deal with me?" Chen Kangjie stood up and put his arms around Lin Wei's shoulders, pointing at Ni Hu and asking Lin Wei like an old friend chatting.

"No, no, I misunderstood, we didn't even know it was you." Lin Wei almost broke out in a cold sweat, but he was really scared by Chen Kangjie at the skating rink that time, don't look at Chen Kangjie smiling now, drinking soda The bottle was done directly to the head, and more importantly, if he messed with Chen Kangjie, no matter who suffered in the end, he would still have to eat the whip when he got home anyway.

"Misunderstanding? Then you mean that if it is other students in our class, you will bully them? Is it because you haven't enjoyed the game last time, and you want something more exciting and ruthless?" Chen Kangjie pointed around the whole room Classmates, asked Lin Wei with a playful smile.But Lin Wei felt more and more serious as the words progressed, because Chen Kangjie's complexion had become unsightly and gloomy.

Ni Hu didn't know Chen Kangjie's details, but Lin Wei did. He Baoguo used to be the director of the Minerals Bureau, and now he is the secretary of the district committee.The reason why Lin Wei came to the top was to help his father and District Chief Ni establish a good relationship from below, so that the Mining Bureau would not be able to get along in the future and have a chance to be transferred to the local area, so Lin Dayong knew that his son and Ni Hu had a good relationship, but He was very supportive. Lin Wei helped Ni Hu fight a racket before, and he didn't receive much criticism when he went back. Instead, his pocket money was increased by two yuan.

But now it's Chen Kangjie, a great god, so it's not Lin Weineng's fault. He is no longer a kid like Ni Hu. He understands many things at the age of sixteen or seventeen. If he touches Chen Kangjie again Brow, he knew very well that he would be physically and mentally injured.

"No, no, really, a misunderstanding, indeed a misunderstanding, hehe", Lin Wei quickly broke away from the relationship with a flattering smile.

"It's fine if it's not, I don't like to cause trouble, but try not to provoke me, otherwise..." Chen Kangjie didn't say anything later, but the words were very penetrating.

"How could I mess with you? Today we are just going around with Ni Hu, hehe." Lin Wei laughed continuously, sweat dripping from his brow. Others don't know the pressure, but he knows it. The hand on his shoulder just squeezed with a little force, and he almost screamed with teeth chattering, but he was stopped by Chen Kangjie's eyes.

Why is this guy so strong? It seems that last time he was merciful, otherwise the hole in his head would be even bigger. Fortunately, he adopted patience tactics today. It may not be able to please.

"That's good. Don't bully the students in our class in the future. Please take care of them when you can." Chen Kangjie seemed to be begging him to discuss with him, but only he knew that this was an order.

"It's no problem, your friend is my friend, let me take care of you." Hearing what Chen Kangjie said, Lin Wei slapped his chest and sincerely made a promise.

Seeing that Lin Wei was so sensible, Chen Kangjie didn't want to make matters worse, so it's not bad if he can do this.

"Okay, let's go, thank you." Chen Kangjie let him go, and thanked him in a serious way.

"You're welcome, you should." Lin Wei had to turn around and be humble again.

From the beginning to the end, Ni Hu didn't understand why Wei Ge, who he called to help, rebelled?Looking at Lin Wei and Chen Kangjie like old friends, "thank you" and "you're welcome", what do you think I am?But now, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that it is impossible to retaliate today. Without Lin Wei and the others, Ni Hu would not be able to play well. Yesterday was a clear proof.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about Ni Hu, and just let him go out with Lin Wei. He knew that Lin Wei would make it clear to him, and that if he could avoid any unpleasantness with District Chief Ni, it would be good for everyone.

After those people left, the whole class looked at Chen Kangjie stupidly, completely unaware of how this trick changed. Not only did the other party want to take revenge but failed, they were even scolded. More importantly, they were amiable. Hearing Chen Kangjie's order not to bully the people in class [-] and [-], and to help those who can help, that brother Wei patted his chest to promise, those boys who have been searched for pocket money, feel the happiest now , I no longer have to worry about being robbed on the way to school.

Chen Kangjie smiled kindly at everyone, and sat down to continue writing. At this time, Zhang Qiang also came to the classroom. He saw Lin Wei and the others walking out of the teaching building on the road just now. He was worried that Chen Kangjie would be at a disadvantage, so he ran quickly Look, but there was no sound at all when he entered the classroom. Chen Kangjie was writing something by himself, which made him confused.

After class was over halfway, the other students described the process to Zhang Qiang vividly. Only then did he know that the person sitting next to him was so awesome. He thought he was awesome when he was a child.Now that I know what Pai Pai is, I admire Chen Kangjie even more.The fighting incident and the incident of breaking into the classroom were widely spread in the school. In the end, without Chen Kangjie's knowledge, he turned into a small card, and no one dared to provoke him. to die.Isn't it shameful that a 30-year-old reborn who wants to change the world actually plays the boss in the elementary school.

After leaving the teaching building, Ni Hu was dissatisfied and asked Lin Wei: "Brother Wei, what's the matter? I asked you to help me, how can you help him?"

Seeing that Ni Hu's eyes were about to burst into flames, Lin Wei felt very blocked, but who called Ni Hu might still be useful in the future, so he patiently explained Chen Kangjie's background to Ni Hu, and even tried to appease him by being shot at the skating rink. Chen Kangjie said all the things he had beaten up.

When Ni Hu heard that Chen Kangjie not only had a background, but was also so cruel and ruthless, he was also a little scared, and immediately not only dismissed the unrealistic idea of ​​revenge on Chen Kangjie, but also faintly worried that Chen Kangjie would come back to trouble him. It wasn't until he had been worried for a month and saw that Chen Kangjie didn't come to see him, did he feel relieved.

After this incident, Chen Kangjie completely returned to normal, writing books in class and returning home after school.It's just that there are a few more friends in elementary school, Zhang Qiang, Deng Min and Wen Wenming, and the whole class gets along very well with Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie is fierce to outsiders, but he is very kind to his classmates.

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