rebirth of change

Chapter 871 Follow-up Effects

At this time, the central square of the Olympic Park was in a mess, and there were many mourners everywhere. He didn't care about the safety of other bodyguards, so he had to send Chen Jing back first. Moreover, this place has become one of the world's news focuses. A large number of reporters are rushing here.

When Chen Kangjie carried Chen Jing to their parking place, John Jimmy and the others were already guarding there.

"Send us away first, and contact them later," Chen Kangjie ordered John Jimmy directly.

"Sir, are we going to the Olympic Village or...", John Jimmy had to figure out the destination first.

After Chen Kangjie put Chen Jing into the car, he sat in it, "Go to the Peach Tree Hotel, I won't be going back to the Olympic Village tonight."

Suffering such fright, Chen Kangjie still felt that he would spend more time with his sister so as not to cause her psychological pressure.

After Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at Taoshu Square, they checked briefly. Chen Jing's body was fine. Maybe Chen Kangjie threw her down with too much force, and his knee hit the ground, causing a bruise. The sky will be fine, but it was Chen Kangjie who frightened Chen Jing terribly.

In the hotel, when Chen Kangjie helped Chen Jing apply the medicine and turned around, she found a big hole in his brother's clothes, which was half a foot long.

Chen Kangjie took off his clothes and took a look. He was really scared for a while. From the analysis of the damage, it should be some fragments that were blown away. Chen Kangjie's body just fell down, so the object did not hurt him, only one piece was destroyed. Clothes, really lucky.

"I almost killed you. If that thing penetrated your body, you would probably be in the hospital by now." Chen Jing was so frightened that tears welled up in her eyes.

"Hey, it's a small matter. I'm lucky, old lady, don't think too much about it. I don't have a game tomorrow. You should rest well tonight. I'll play with you tomorrow." Chen Kangjie threw the coat aside, Although he was also afraid, he couldn't show it, lest Sixth Sister would have a psychological burden.

"Hey, it's all my fault for going to that performance, I'm too headstrong," Chen Jing blamed herself a little.

"Cut, what's the matter? If it were me, I might join in the fun. We are here to play. If you meet something interesting, there is nothing wrong with going to see it." Chen Kangjie comforted her easily, and then asked Why did they get separated, "By the way, Dong Mingshu and the others have been following you, why did you get separated?".

"I don't know, there are too many people there, walking, if I don't pay attention, I can't find them. At that time, I just wanted to go to the toilet, so I squeezed into the public toilet behind the stage and waited for me to come back. , I saw a helicopter, the lights went out, and then I saw you," Chen Jing briefly introduced the process.

"Oh, it's okay. When you go out in the future, you should stay with them as much as possible. Wherever you are going, let them accompany you." Chen Kangjie patted Chen Jing's shoulder and continued to comfort her.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others arrived at the Plaza Hotel almost a minute late. Their time was spent searching for Chen Kangjie's whereabouts on the spot. They didn't rush back until they received a message from John Jimmy that Chen Kangjie had returned to the hotel.

"Brother Qiang, are you all safe and sound?", in Chen Kangjie's room, he asked the unkempt Xiong Ziqiang with concern.

"There is no problem, only the female bodyguard protecting your sister was slightly injured and her skin was cut. She was very close to the explosion site," Xiong Ziqiang introduced. <This news was being reported live, Chen Kangjie watched it intently and did not speak first.

According to the news, two people have died so far, one was directly killed by the bombing, and the other was a Turkish reporter who died after being frightened and sent to the hospital. More than 50 people were injured, 8 of whom were seriously injured. The victims have been sent to major hospitals in the city for treatment.The Atlanta police and the FBI have started investigating the case and strive to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible.

The death toll was the same as before Chen Kangjie was reborn, both were two, and the number of injuries had been reduced by half.In fact, this is due to Chen Kangjie. It turned out that many of the injured were band staff and performance managers. After he asked John Jimmy and the others to cut off the power, those people left to find the cause of the accident and find a solution. The band performers also left off the stage, which greatly reduces the number of injuries.

After reading the news, Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and called Ouyang Zhenhua's room, told him what happened to him, and asked him to reward the injured female bodyguard, and arrange another person to take over to protect Chen. Jing.He is not the kind of vicious person. Although he made a mistake in his duties, since he was injured, he still needs to be rewarded.

When Chen Kangjie called, Ouyang Zhenhua was also watching the news, and he and Tan Meiyun joked about the poor security of this Olympic Games. Unexpectedly, Chen Kangjie almost took the risk.

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Zhenhua rushed to Chen Kangjie's room to visit him. He was relieved to see that Chen Kangjie was safe and sound.

Dong Mingshu blamed himself for his mistakes in work and almost made a big mistake. Chen Kangjie didn't criticize him, but asked Xiong Ziqiang to do the work for him. Don't have psychological pressure, learn from the lesson in the future, just be careful.

Everyone did not return to the Olympic Village that day, and all chose to stay in the hotel. Chen Kangjie was very polite and called Director Wu, which was equivalent to asking for leave.

On July (July, the news of the bombing in the Olympic Park hit the headlines of various media around the world. During the Olympic Games, such a serious case has not occurred in the central area of ​​the Olympic Games for more than ten years. The United States is the number one power in the world. This time It is the Centennial Olympics again. In many news reports, there are vague criticisms that the U.S. government has not fulfilled its responsibilities.

For example, the ITAR news agency said: "As more and more attention is paid to Olympic security today, how did terrorists bring the bomb into the Olympic Park on the sacred commemoration of the Centennial Olympic Games? How did they install it without anyone noticing?" .

The headline article of the Los Angeles Times also mentioned: "Why did the United States, which claims to have the two major intelligence agencies of the CIA and the FBI, not have the exact information in advance? Why did the police arrive at the scene and begin to evacuate the crowd? caused such serious casualties?"

It seems that Americans have watched too many spy movies. If the CIA and the FBI are omnipotent, do terrorists tell you in advance what they want to do?

Greece, which lost the competition for the right to host the Olympic Games, expressed their dissatisfaction and gloat in a tasteful mood. Greece's second largest newspaper "Free Press" and the largest private TV station Mega both said that if this The Olympic Games is held in Athens, so such a thing will never happen. Greece will definitely do its best to ensure the success of the Olympic Games, and will not treat the Centennial Olympic Games with a casual attitude. At the same time, they also pointed out that the Olympic Games The entrustment of such large-scale activities to private organizations should be the key reason for the tragedy.

In 1972, a tragedy occurred at the Munich Olympic Games. A terrorist organization called "Black September" launched an attack and kidnapped 11 Israeli athletes, and the Olympic Games were suspended for two days.Public opinion in the world was in an uproar, accusing the West German police of incompetence and criticizing the West German government for "regarding the lives of the hostages like a child's play."This terrorist incident caused great humiliation to West Germany. Since then, the issue of race safety has been raised to an unprecedented height.

Unexpectedly, 24 years after that incident, another tragedy occurred at the Olympic Games. How could this not attract criticism.

The United States (began to put out the fire early in the morning, first announced that the FBI and the Atlanta Police Department will jointly solve the case as soon as possible, and give the victims an explanation, and then President KLD made a televised speech in person, expressing his deep sorrow for the incident and expressing his condolences to the deceased Condolences, the third is that the Olympic Park will be closed for three days, so that the police can find clues, and the fourth is that 1500 military police have been recruited from the surrounding areas to strengthen the protection of the Olympic Village and competition venues, and increase the security checks on personnel. The fifth is that Perry will come forward to admit the mistakes and apologize to the casualties and their families on behalf of the Olympic Organizing Committee, and they will give some compensation accordingly. The sixth is that the governor of Georgia and the mayor of Atlanta rushed to the hospital to visit those injured personnel.

After taking several measures, the world has reduced its criticism of the United States. However, the world still hopes that the murderer will be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible. This is the greatest consolation for the dead.

As for how the U.S. arrests people and solves cases, that’s none of Chen Kangjie’s business. He (no.) did not compete, but accompanied Chen Jing to watch a day’s competition, including synchronized swimming and diving, as well as women’s javelin and women’s 400-meter hurdles. She ate two meals before she recovered from the total shock.

Although Chen Kangjie felt that this incident had nothing to do with him, what he didn't expect was that this incident would implicate him later, and he was once accused of being a suspect because he had someone destroy the power supply.

Although major news media reported the Atlanta Olympic Park bombing for the first time on July (July), this news did not completely steal the limelight from Chen Kangjie, and the news that he won the 7-meter sprint champion still occupied a considerable amount of space. Content, especially Asian media.

Whether it is domestic CCTV, "People's Daily", various provincial satellite TVs, Japan's NHK, FNN and "Asahi Shimbun", South Korea's KBS, "Chosun Ilbo", Baodao's "United Daily News", tvbs, and Singapore's Chinese newspapers "Lianhe Zaobao", the largest English-language newspaper "The Straits Times" and Asian TV, Malaysia's Malay-language newspaper "Malay Messenger", the English-language newspaper "Malay Mail", the Chinese-language newspaper "Guanghua Daily" and tv2, ntv7 and other organizations Putting the news of Chen Kangjie winning the sprint championship in the most important position, only a short commentary was made on the bombing in the Olympic Park.

Hong Kong's "Ming Pao" also used a full two pages to explain in detail the significance and motivation of Chen Kangjie's [-]-meter flying champion, and distributed many photos of Chen Kangjie at the competition site.

On the "Thailand Daily", Chen Kangjie not only became a hero of China, but also shouted the slogan that he is an "Asian hero". It said that Chen Kangjie became the Asian who jumped the farthest and ran the fastest on the track and field , coupled with the fact that he is only 17 years old, this has established his status as the number one brother in Asian sports.

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