The audience's obvious support for Chen Kangjie put pressure on Mosselli, and now Chen Kangjie was unmoved. Mosselli was thinking about it while running. He felt that if Chen Kangjie was physically weak, then the strategy they had set up It had to be changed, I couldn't be buried with him, it wouldn't be worthwhile to die like that.

After having this idea, Mosselli turned his head at Chen Kangjie, and then started to accelerate from 1000 meters. He had to rush up first, and if he didn’t lead, he had to get the second and third positions, so that he could sprint at key points and turn defeat into victory. .

Mosselli adjusted his pace, and Chen Kangjie acted as if he hadn't seen it. You rushed if you wanted to, but he still kept a constant speed.

The most taboo thing about middle and long-distance running is the disruption of the rhythm. Sometimes it is fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes it rushes again. This will place high demands on exhalation and heartbeat. If it cannot be met, it will be easy to exhaustion.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't keep up, Mosselli, who already occupied the No.2 position, further confirmed his thoughts. He felt that Chen Kangjie was really tired and exhausted. If this was the case, then how much he was afraid of Chen Kangjie before ridiculous.

Mosselli was still a little annoyed at his fear of Chen Kangjie before, and felt that he was a bit of a coward. Now that he was fine, since he was not physically strong enough, then this champion happened to be in his pocket, and he defended himself in the men's 1500-meter event. Supreme, this trip to Atlanta is for the championship.

After thinking this way, Mosselli planned to start sprinting, which was only 300 meters away from the finish line. The distance between No.1 Kip Collier and Chen Kangjie was reduced by ten meters, and the distance between Mosselli and Chen Kangjie was also more than eight meters , Moseley felt that as long as Kip Collier was killed, he would be as stable as Mount Tai, and the champion would not be able to escape from the palm of his hand. As the distance from the finish line got closer and closer, it was almost impossible for Chen Kangjie to overtake.

Moselli is not the only one who plans to start the sprint, Cacho and the others also plan to sprint, success or failure depends on one action, everyone wants to fight to the death, and no one who can reach the finals does not want to get a medal back, and the straight sprint is the best of.

Seeing the distance between Chen Kangjie and the front team members getting farther and farther, people were restless. Although they were more and more encouraging for Chen Kangjie with their hands and mouths, they were already a little disappointed in their hearts, feeling that Chen Kangjie's victory in this event was approaching slim.

Among all the people, Lin Zhidong is the one who is most nervous and worried. In this battle, Chen Kangjie is for himself as well as for him. If Chen Kangjie fails in this project, no one will say it, but invisibly His status will definitely be lower than that of Niu Qihua and Tang Wei.

"Brother, don't be so nervous, trust Master Jie, I think he will sprint when he enters the curve." Looking at Lin Zhidong who was restless and sweating on his forehead, Niu Qihua comforted him with his arms around his shoulders.

"It's no wonder I'm not nervous. The distance is getting farther and farther. If the gap exceeds 15 meters, it's almost impossible. The defeat is for sure. According to my knowledge, no one has ever sprinted the last 200 meters in such a competition before." Go ahead by 15 meters." Lin Zhidong clenched his fists tightly, and while speaking, Liangyan kept staring at Chen Kangjie anxiously.

"Jie Shao's sprinting ability is very strong. He is the world champion in sprinting. Besides, the gap is only eleven or two meters at most." Niu Qihua actually felt sweaty for Chen Kangjie, but he was only for Lin Zhidong who was in charge of this project. , must give him confidence with comfort.

"No, it's at least 13 meters by visual inspection." Since the people in front are starting to accelerate, the distance is changing at any time.

"Look, Master Jie is sprinting, Shao Jie is sprinting," Tang Wei, who had been silent all this time, jumped up and shouted loudly.

Yes, the distance to the finish line is only 200 meters. After Chen Kangjie entered the corner, he started to sprint in stride. He had been accumulating physical energy before, and now Chen Kangjie wanted to let go of the remaining 200 meters.

Brami and Kamoga were quickly killed by Chen Kangjie. His sprint speed was very fast, and he still used the second to overtake the first.

Now what the audience saw was not a single person running, but a group of horses. Chen Kangjie's pace was obviously bigger than before at a constant speed, and his pace was getting faster and faster like a train leaving the station.

Chen Kangjie's performance was like a shot in the arm. Everyone became excited. The audience stopped sitting. They all stood up and made a unified voice, "o", no matter what the audience said before What language, but English-speaking people accounted for the majority at the scene, so now they are all translated by this English word, cheering for Chen Kangjie with a unified caliber, hoping that he can create a miracle and turn defeat into victory.

Not only the sound of the scene roared, but there were too many people sitting or standing around the world cheering for him. He might not be able to hear these voices, but through the transmission of the scene, Chen Kangjie felt the love of thousands of people for him. enthusiasm.

The applause of the audience will bring passion to the artists performing live. On the field, the shouts of the audience will add energy to the athletes, especially the track and field.With so many people encouraging and passionate about him, Chen Kangjie's blood was boiling. He couldn't let everyone down, let alone himself. In the last game, he must win, otherwise he would be sorry for the bold words he uttered to reporters earlier.

The secretion of hormones in Chen Kangjie's body accelerated, the blood in the blood vessels flowed and boiled rapidly, and a steady stream of energy was transmitted from every cell in the body, and finally transformed into the strides of those strong legs.

After the 100-meter curve, only Kip Collier and Mosselli remained in front of Chen Kangjie.At this time, Mosselli had surpassed Kip Collier and temporarily ranked first, and the distance between Chen Kangjie and them was shortened to four meters in just one corner.

From the extremely enthusiastic emotions of the audience, Mosselli knew that most people were definitely not cheering for him. Although he could also regard it as being against himself, his reason told him that it must be Chen Kangjie who had accelerated his sprint recklessly, and had even achieved Pretty good progress.

Mosselli really wanted to look back to see where Chen Kangjie was, but that would really not allow him to do that. He could only run towards the finish line as if his butt was on fire. He couldn't stop, he must not stop, hurry up, go faster .

Kip Collier had the same idea as Moseley, except that he no longer needed to look back to see where Chen Kangjie was, because he could already see Chen Kangjie from the corner of his right eye, and they were running side by side with only 50 meters away from the finish line. .

Seeing Chen Kangjie catching up with and surpassing the opponents one by one, the enthusiasm of the audience is like the climbing stage of a roller coaster, getting higher and higher, waiting to reach the highest point, and pouring out like a flood Down.

The distance between Chen Kangjie and Mosselli is getting closer by centimeters, but it has to be said that Chen Kangjie's speed has almost reached the critical value, and, for Mosselli, who has set a world record, he is not a vegetarian anymore. The guy is also clenching his teeth and persisting.

Seeing that the end point is about to be reached, Mosselli will not give up. Even though he feels that his brain is severely hypoxic, he still persists desperately. At this time, the competition is whose endurance and perseverance are stronger.

40 meters, 35 meters, 30 meters, 25 meters, meters. . . . . .The finish line was getting closer and closer, and the distance between Chen Kangjie and Mosselli was getting closer and closer. When they were only ten meters away from the finish line, they were completely even.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie had come to his side, Mosely panicked. He really wanted to exert more strength, but he could only do nothing. Originally, his brain was hypoxic, and now he was panicked. , it seemed that there was a brief pause in the blood, that is, in such an instant, Chen Kangjie surpassed him in three steps.

In the end, Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line slightly ahead of Mosselli by two statures, and the atmosphere of the audience reached the breaking point. People cheered as if they were victorious. They were so happy when they hugged or clapped hands. Chen Kangjie's final 200-meter sprint brought them infinite stimulation and deep memories.

Lin Zhidong was so excited that he squatted on the ground and began to cry. Although he didn't participate in the competition, his physical energy consumption was also very high. A person's long-term extreme tension is enough to make people collapse.

Chen Kangjie's victory is due to the breathing method he has practiced since he was a child, which is very different from Moseli. When Moseli felt that the oxygen supply was insufficient and his brain was hypoxic, Chen Kangjie still kept breathing smoothly. The continuous flow of air into his body instantly converts it into the energy he needs.

After crossing the finish line, Mosely fell to the ground. He was so tired that every ounce of strength in his body was exhausted. Although Chen Kangjie was breathing heavily, he felt much more relaxed, and he was still smiling. Jumped up and waved his fists in the air, as if swearing that this is his home field, and at the same time telling the world that he is invincible, no matter how good records others create, he can defeat them.

The result statistics came out, Nurdin Moseli created 3 minutes' seconds 26, breaking the world record of 3 minutes'seconds he created last year, but unfortunately, the new world record no longer belongs to him, because Chen Kangjie's The result was 3 minutes' 17 seconds, 0.09 seconds faster than Mosselli. Due to his long-term lead, Kip Collier exhausted too much energy. In the final stage, he was overtaken by Spain's Cacho. The result won No.3.

At this time, Atlanta's main stadium belongs to Chen Kangjie alone. Everyone in the stadium, whether it's the audience, referees, or other players, has their eyes on him. His big reversal from defeat to victory is really unforgettable. Can't forget.

Chen Kangjie came to the coaches, took out two national flags that had been prepared, raised them high by himself, and draped them on Lin Zhidong's body.

Lin Zhidong's tears of joy and excitement have been wiped away, and he showed a bright and shy smile. The master and apprentice held the national flag and bowed to the audience to thank them. "Calling Heroes".

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