Because they got the news in advance, Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Jing and He Wanrong did not appear first with Chen Kangjie, but Niu Qihua, Tang Wei and Lin Zhidong accompanied them. If Chen Kangjie is a hero, then they are the heroes who shaped him The winners should appear at the foreground and be welcomed and cheered by the people.

"Bosses, why are you doing this so suddenly and grandly?" Chen Kangjie asked helplessly while shaking hands with Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo.

Chen Kangjie didn't know until they were all ready to stop, the deal was done, whether he liked it or not, he had to give face.If they had consulted him in advance, Chen Kangjie would not have agreed to such a grand welcome ceremony.

"Xiaojie, don't be upset. We didn't ask you in advance, just because we were afraid that you would disagree. You are the first athlete in our province to win the Olympic championship, and you are also one of the three very important champions. Breaking the world record for the first time, how can such an image not be publicized? This is very good for improving the self-confidence and pride of the people in our province. We want to transform your success into the strength for everyone to build their hometown. Besides, many of us All places are developing tourism, and the popularity of your great writer is also very attractive, which can greatly increase our popularity and attract many domestic and foreign tourists..." Huang Zhenhua explained earnestly, he knew Chen Kangjie better From past experience, he knew that Chen Kangjie didn't particularly like to show off, otherwise he wouldn't hide his identity like this.

"Yes, Xiaojie, you are duty-bound to make some contributions to your hometown. In addition to economic construction, we must also pay attention to cultural construction and boost confidence. You are the best candidate for all of these, so Secretary Zhenhua and I It was done after discussion," Tan Changguo said kindly.

"Hehe, I was taken advantage of by the two bosses. Well, anyway, you have already done that. Besides, one big hat after another has been buckled. If I don't cooperate, it seems that I will be the public enemy of the people of the whole province." Seems like it", Chen Kangjie really couldn't laugh or cry.

"What kind of public enemy is not public enemy? What nonsense are you talking about? You are now a national idol, a national hero, and heroes should be treated like this," Huang Zhenhua said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'm waiting for your rewards, as well as my three coaches, I believe you will not be stingy, the 800 million ones should be given out," Chen Kangjie began to ask for rewards openly.

"Let's talk about this later, there will definitely be rewards." After hearing what Chen Kangjie said, Tan Changguo and Huang Zhenhua looked at each other, and then they shook their heads, Tan Changguo said.

This is not to say that they don't have rewards, they will definitely have them, but Chen Kangjie said 800 million yuan when he opened his mouth, which is a bit big. The two bosses were a little helpless and sighed at Chen Kangjie's teasing, so they could only postpone the reward.

Both of them knew that Chen Kangjie was not short of money, and he mainly asked for material rewards for his coach.

Niu Qihua and the others didn't expect Chen Kangjie to have such a large number when he opened his mouth. Everyone was a little surprised, but they had seen the world now, and they didn't show it on their faces.When shaking hands with those leaders, they kept expressing their gratitude and what they should do. They were not like Chen Kangjie. Although he had achieved great success, he still had to remain respectful and reserved in front of these big leaders.

After greetings and greetings, according to their arrangement, Chen Kangjie also gave a 5-minute impromptu speech on the temporary podium in the airport square. Chen Kangjie's achievements and the significance of his achievements, the other is to welcome him back on behalf of the people of the whole province.

The tone of Chen Kangjie's speech was positioned as humble, "... I am grateful to the people of the whole province and the whole country for their support. I have made some small achievements. This is due to the growing strength of the country and the support of hundreds of millions of people. No, you are my source of energy. In the future, I will make persistent efforts to strive for greater honor and make greater contributions to the country. I also hope that everyone will continue to support me, encourage me, and even spur me on. My success in this Olympics is inseparable from three important contributors, they Niu Tang Wei...and coach Lin Zhidong", the three did not expect Chen Kangjie to be so loud and solemn Introducing them, after the three walked behind Chen Kangjie amid warm applause, Chen Kangjie continued: "Their earnest teaching and strict requirements are the guarantee of my success. Once again, I would like to thank them for their hard work and sweat." , Chen Kangjie turned around and bowed to the three coach gods, making the three at a loss, each of them stretched out a hand to straighten him up.

Respecting teachers is a long-standing tradition of the Chinese nation. For Chen Kangjie who is so famous, he can still have such an attitude. Whether it is the people in the audience or the Chinese people who saw this scene through the news later, they all have this in their hearts. One move adds a lot of points.

"I won't say anything else. I am very grateful to the folks for welcoming me like this. I express my deep gratitude and fear. I believe that on the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we have the confidence, wisdom, and ability to overcome all difficulties. We can do what others can do, and we can even do better. As long as we all do our jobs well and shoulder our responsibilities, I believe that we can usher in the glory of the last moment", Chen Kangjie ended his speech after bowing to the audience.

"It seems that I still miss my brother too much. I can't say these words anyway," Chen Jing, who was standing behind the crowd, said to himself after hearing Chen Kangjie's speech.

There is a welcome ceremony at the airport, and a welcome banquet at the hotel where you stay in the city. It is a welcome and cleansing. Around the banquet hall, there are several large photos of Chen Kangjie hanging with gold medals and holding flowers. It is really extremely glorious .

It's just that Chen Kangjie couldn't enjoy such a banquet at all, even if there were reporters on the scene, all the officials, big and small, came to toast and ask for a group photo.Chen Kangjie doesn't like the wine culture of vying to toast. Fortunately, there are three coaches blocking this aspect.Asked for a group photo, Chen Kangjie also refused all of them. He understood what those people thought, it was just a kind of vanity at work. Having a group photo proved that they knew a certain celebrity, and even said they were friends, so as to give himself a face. This kind of idea and practice of posting gold is very common among Chinese people, and Chen Kangjie doesn't like it.In fact, most people don't even have a deep friendship with the celebrity they flaunt.

Chen Kangjie's "arrogant" approach of rejecting people thousands of miles away will inevitably offend some people. However, Chen Kangjie knows it and doesn't care. Many things are difficult to answer. If he meets the requirements of these officials one by one, he may be troubled in the future There are a lot of things, those who can understand him can be friends, those who can't understand, or strangers, Chen Kangjie never expects everyone to like him, no one in the world can do this, not even a saint.

At the welcome banquet, Tan Changguo announced on behalf of the provincial government that Chen Kangjie would be rewarded with 300 million yuan, which was quite different from the 800 million yuan he asked for jokingly. 300 million may not sound like much, but at the moment, it is already a huge sum.

According to Chen Kangjie, the money was awarded to the three coaches, but Tan Changguo and Huang Zhenhua did not do it. If the reward was given to the coaches, they would have to spend a larger sum to reward Chen Kangjie, otherwise it would be unreasonable. They knew that Chen Kangjie was not short of money. , but the province is short of money.So what they mean is very simple, it is to reward you Chen Kangjie, as for who you like to share with, that is your business.

This is equivalent to doing a good deed in name by the province. After all, they really gave huge rewards. The secret favor went to Chen Kangjie, and he distributed the 300 million to the three coaches.The actual benefits are obtained by Niu Qihua and the others. In this way, everything is covered, and no one suffers.

In the evening, the news of Chen Kangjie's return to China was broadcast as the headline on the "Evening News" of the provincial TV station. In the 10-minute news time, this news took up a full 11 minutes, which shows that the province attaches great importance to it.

Once the news was broadcast, it was immediately relayed by other TV stations, and the province's hope was achieved.But Chen Kangjie was miserable.

The next day, the national media and foreign journalists stationed in China poured in, making the propaganda department very busy. Those reporters wanted to dig out news about Chen Kangjie from any possible channel.

For these tiger-like news reporters, Chen Kangjie naturally avoided them. He originally planned to stay at home for a few days, but the reporters were so powerful that they chased them to Liushuipan in only three or four days.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's detailed information and files are kept strictly confidential, and they have not been able to chase him home. However, it may be that a classmate or teacher who knows Chen Kangjie posted on the forum that the reporters have already chased him to the school where he goes to school.

"Look at what you've done. Now there are almost a hundred media outlets in the city. How do you deal with it?" Chen Qigang was devastated, and the propaganda director of the municipal party committee reported to him three times a day to discuss countermeasures.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Kangjie was also upset. He had dealt with those women and classmates so hard, and now he had to deal with these reporters. Dare to take to the streets at will.

"The opinion of the propaganda department is that free interviews are allowed to improve the image and popularity of our city. It is best if you can stand up...".

"That can't be done. From the perspective of the work of the propaganda department, there is nothing wrong with that. But in that case, will we have a peaceful life in the future? I don't think we can even think about it. This is only good for the city, for me, and for our family. But it's not good", Chen Kangjie immediately appeared to stop it.

"You didn't make this happen." Chen Qigang took out a cigarette in annoyance. It was originally a good thing, but he didn't expect that the good thing would turn into an upset. After he took a sip, he expressed his opinion, "We can Through the administrative order, all units and individuals are required not to speak out at will, and then find a way to get these reporters back."

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