Chen Kangjie returned home after staying in the provincial capital for a day. Undoubtedly, on the day he arrived home, he was surrounded by his family, asking questions for half the night. What the family was most curious about was not the fact that Chen Kangjie participated in the Olympic Games and won the championship. They had already learned the results from TV, and they gave them away when they went there beforehand. They had read a lot of various reports, so they were completely acceptable. <'s identity has just been exposed in China for two days. Even after Chen Jing tipped off the news, the time has not been long. No matter what they do, they still haven't been able to turn their heads around. How did all this happen?They were all still dumbfounded.

Chen Kangjie had thought of this excuse beforehand, no matter how credible or not, he had no choice but to do so.

"It's really a dream. It's not like you don't know that I have a dreaming habit since I was a child. I remember I told you about my three major characteristics of dreaming. Dreaming in a dream, sometimes knowing that I am dreaming in a dream, There is also the continuation of the dream, that's how it came about, I just recorded the details of the dream, who would have known so many people would like it?" Chen Kangjie spread his hands, this is the excuse he thought of.

Although this reason is far-fetched, it is not entirely fictional.The three points Chen Kangjie said, he really has this ability, he had it before he was reborn. I remember that when he was in middle school before rebirth, he used to have the same dream for half a month, and the next day continued the plot of the previous day, every morning As soon as he arrived in the classroom, his classmates would ask him where did he dream about last night?He also narrated them one by one, and in the end, it turned out to be like a costume series, with a big ending.That dream was a story somewhat similar to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", except that the villain in the dream was the heroine's father. Because of the disparity in status, the heroine's father firmly prevented the heroine from being with the hero. After living with the male protagonist in Dashan, and having a child, the heroine’s father found the place with superb martial arts and took the child away. The male protagonist came back from hunting, and his wife died after telling the story in grief. The hero finally practiced martial arts hard, killed his father-in-law, and retrieved the child. . . . . .

As for the dream in the dream and the situation where he knew he was dreaming, Chen Kangjie often encountered it. At first he told his mother what he dreamed in the dream. It's too messy, what kind of gods, ghosts, snakes, weird, ancient, modern, I don't know what era I have dreamed about, "Zhou Gong Interpretation of Dreams" can't explain it, so he didn't talk about it later, and his family also dreamed about it. Interpreting dreams for him is no longer fun.

Chen Kangjie has no way of explaining why all these phenomena happened. Film master Christopher Nolan shot a famous film called "Inception" (ion) in 10, which made some speculations to a certain extent. There are indeed many people who have this ability.And like Chen Kangjie, I believe that many people have encountered such a situation: one day they did something or met a certain person, and they felt very familiar. The same situation seemed to have happened exactly the same before. After a long time, I finally realized that I had had such a dream before, and all the scenes appeared exactly the same in the dream.

In dreams, people can sometimes predict the future. This is a very miraculous thing. Chen Kangjie himself can't explain why this miraculous thing happens, just like he can't explain why he can be reborn.Humans may be able to understand why dreams are so miraculous after many years, or they may not be able to figure out the reason throughout their entire lives.

Human beings are a part of nature, and nature produces some fantastic and mysterious phenomena every day. The direction of our mankind's progress is to always tirelessly explore these unknown and incomprehensible things.They guide human progress and self-improvement.

At the beginning, when Chen Kangjie explained the reason why he was able to write novels at such a young age, his family members did not believe it, especially Chen Mei and Chen Jing, but after Chen Kangjie explained it over and over again, their inner doubts gradually loose and broken.As the saying goes, even a lie, when told a thousand times, becomes the truth.

There are two types of liars in the world, low-level liars deceive others, and high-level liars try to deceive themselves. From this perspective, Chen Kangjie is now a low-level liar, but he is only using the methods of a high-level liar.

Chen Kangjie took care of his family, but he also had to take care of his close friends.

When he told Fan Xuexi and Deng Min on the phone that they would go back to see them by themselves, everyone asked a lot of questions on the phone, and even Fan Xuexi yelled on the phone, which made Chen Kangjie very headache.

After staying at home for one night, he went to six of them. Some things must be resolved as soon as possible.With the soles of his feet, Chen Kangjie can imagine how exaggerated expressions and depressed mood those friends will have when they see him on TV. Chen Kangjie's purpose is to resolve their depression as soon as possible, otherwise, his friend Just be incompetent.

With an assortment of gifts purchased from Atlanta, Chen Kangjie was on the road.

When they saw Chen Kangjie in a lakeside restaurant by the Peach Blossom Lake, everyone looked very strange.For this meeting, Chen Kangjie asked someone to book this restaurant.

"Boss, you are so awesome. I used to admire you very much, but now I worship you even more. You are my god!" Yang Cong seemed heartless, but he was able to defuse the awkward atmosphere. .

"Old Wen, you can't deny us old brothers and friends just because you are famous." Ma Wei and Yang Cong have the same virtue.

"How could it be? You will always be my friends. Friends don't have those barriers and distinctions. Didn't I just come back and come to see you?" Chen Kangjie greeted everyone with a smile.

Chen Kangjie was relaxed in his mouth and interacted with several old classmates in his hands, but his eyes have been paying attention to Fan Xuexi and Deng Min intentionally or unintentionally, because the two of them seem to lack enthusiasm, Chen Kangjie knows that they must be sulking.

Sure enough, after Chen Kangjie approached, Fan Xuexi took Deng Min's hand, and said in an indifferent way: "Oh, we haven't forgotten our friends yet! It's rare, rare! Who defines friends as concealment and deception? ?”.

"...That's right, it's been concealed for so long." Deng Min glanced to the side and echoed, she didn't dare to look at Chen Kangjie, worried that she wouldn't be able to say that after reading it.

The two had discussed in advance that they would form a united front against Chen Kangjie, but their united front was led by Fan Xuexi, and Deng Min only cooperated.

From the heart, Deng Min was not willing to target Chen Kangjie, but Fan Xuexi lobbied her to stand together, and she had to cooperate, otherwise Fan Xuexi would be angry with her.This is not to say that Deng Min has no complaints in her heart, but that she feels that the distance between herself and Chen Kangjie is too great. If she expresses her dissatisfaction and resentment, it will affect her relationship with Chen Kangjie even more. This is a kind of lack of self-confidence.

"Fan Xuexi, Deng Min, the boss should have his own difficulties. I don't think he is that kind of person, otherwise he wouldn't come to see us today." Chu Xiang stood beside Chen Kangjie and helped him speak.

Ever since he met Chen Kangjie, Chu Xiang had gotten closer to these people. After Chen Kangjie transferred to another school, his relationship with these friends was not only not alienated, but even closer.When he saw on TV that Chen Kangjie participated in the Olympic Games and won the championship, he was so excited that he did not fall asleep for two days. He spent almost ten hours watching the TV every day, fearing that he would miss Chen Kangjie's competition.

If it was before, Chu Xiang's parents might not allow him to watch TV for such a long time every day, and would definitely urge him to study, but not now.Knowing that Chen Kangjie was participating in the competition, not only did they not object, but they also watched it whenever they had time.Moreover, the business of their egg roll factory is pretty good now, they have hired four people, and the couple don't have so much time to keep an eye on Chu Xiang who is at home on vacation.

"Dead Camel, it's none of your business here. You are a good person now. Then who asked me to inquire about him a few days ago?" Fan Xuexi's attitude towards Chu Xiang is pretty good, but today he got into trouble. Fan Xuexi didn't give him a good face.

Two days ago, Chu Xiang thought that Fan Xuexi and the others knew more about Chen Kangjie's situation, so he asked them, and no one knew much more than him.Fan Xuexi happened to use this matter to attack Chu Xiang, in fact, he was complaining to Chen Kangjie.

Chu Xiang was bored, so he could only lower his head and stand aside. Zhang Qiang originally wanted to help, but seeing Chu Xiang's ending, he could only shut up quickly to avoid getting angry.

"Miss, are you still angry? Didn't I make an apology, hehe, don't be so stern, I'm here to accompany you." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie arched his hands and bowed.

"Apologizing for the thorn? Where is your thorn? Why didn't you see it? I think you are planning to use sugar-coated shells. Do you think this will allow us to eliminate our dissatisfaction with you?" Not into the expression.

Chen Kangjie followed Fan Xuexi's eyes and glanced back, his eyes fell on the pile of gifts he brought on the big round table just now, knowing that Fan Xuexi was teasing himself with this.

"Hehe, that's not the case. I just want to show my sincerity. You are a big girl. It's not good to be so sullen. Look, you don't look good when you pull your face." Chen Kangjie continued to say with a playful smile, this kind of attitude is the only way to deal with such a girl, besides, with so many people present, he can only use this kind of attitude.

"Sincerity? You can explain your sincerity clearly, why do you do that?" This is what Fan Xuexi really cares about.

In fact, it was also a matter of concern to everyone, so Fan Xuexi finished speaking, and everyone stared at Chen Kangjie, even Deng Min, who was afraid to look at Chen Kangjie just now, turned his head.

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